to take a walk是什么意思_to take a walk短语搭配_to take a walk权威例句

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to take a walk

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  • 散步:指在户外休闲地区或公园等地步行放松身心。

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1. It is such nice weather that I'd like to take a walk.


2. I need to take a walk.


3. It's raining fire outside and you want to take a walk?


4. Perhaps you'd like to take a walk around the grounds.

或许你喜欢围着这里散散步。《provided by jukuu》

5. I was accustomed to take a walk before breakfast.


6. Do you want to take a walk?


7. After dinner, I like to take a walk.


8. So we changed our plan to take a walk in neighborhood.


9. To take a walk every day is good for you.

每天散步对你有好处。《provided by jukuu》

10. Robert likes to take a walk in the park after work.


11. If you are overwhelmed with work, you can still find time to take a walk.


12. I said I'd prefer to take a walk and see the town.


13. My grandfather and I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood.


14. That I needed to take a walk, clear my head, think about it.


15. Would you like to take a walk?


16. Take care of his hair. I'm going to take a walk.

照顾你的头发吧,我到外面走一走。《provided by jukuu》

17. The old man likes to take a walk in the twilight.


18. I'd love to take a walk?


19. When the sun comes down, it is so nice to take a walk and breathe.


20. Isn't it wonderful to take a walk here?


21. Hung-chien of course said that he would like to take a walk with him.

鸿渐当然说,愿意陪他走走。《provided by jukuu》

22. Mum:It's very relaxing to take a walk in this quiet place.


23. A: Would you like to take a walk?


24. He used to take a walk along the river after supper.

他过去常常晚饭后在这条河边散步。《provided by jukuu》

25. We like to take a walk.


26. A: Would you like to take a walk?


27. It is his use to take a walk every morning.

他有每天散步的习惯。《provided by jukuu》

28. Don' t worry! I prefer to take a walk there.


29. "I'm going to take a walk," I said softly.


30. Since it is such a glorious day, let's go to the beach to take a walk.


31. It will do you good to take a walk in the park every morning.


32. After breakfast they decided to take a walk.


33. He likes to take a walk in his free hours.


34. I decide to take a walk outside.


35. He made it a habit to take a walk after lunch.


36. They would like to take a walk around the centre of the park.


37. I decide to take a walk outside.


38. It is such nice weather that I'd like to take a walk.

天气是如此只好,以至于我想去散散步。《provided by jukuu》

39. It's healthy to take a walk after supper.


40. My grandpa used to take a walk in this park.


41. I would like to take a walk rather than watch TV this weekend.


42. I love to take a walk with my puppy !


43. I always like to take a walk after lunch.

我总是喜欢午饭后散步一会儿。《provided by jukuu》

44. One night, he decided to take a walk in one of the poorest quarters of Jerusalem.


45. You maybe want to take a walk, stretch your legs?

你愿意出去走走,聊聊吗?《provided by jukuu》

46. He wanted, instead, to take a walk so we could talk.


47. Dodge: You want to take a walk?


48. He used to take a walk near the forest in the evening.


49. He likes to take a walk by himself.

他喜欢独自一人散步。《provided by jukuu》

50. He prefers to take a walk rather than see a film.


51. The weather is so nice that I'd like to take a walk.


52. Give yourself 10-20 minutes or longer to take a walk.

步行10 - 20分钟或更长。

53. I used to take a walk in the early morning.


54. One day, Allison wanted to take a walk* Outside.

有天她想出去走走。《provided by jukuu》

55. From my point of view, you are not strong enough to take a walk.

我觉得你的身体还很虚弱,不适合出去散步。《provided by jukuu》


1. When I take my dog for a walk, I have to take the dog poo back home with me.

BBC: Blaenau Gwent issues 1,099 dog mess fines in one year

2. You're asked to take a long walk in the park with your parents. And you're just saying,

你还得陪父母到公园里散步。你这时会感慨道,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I like课堂

3. The square is also home to the Rath Museum (a fine arts gallery), and near to Bastions Park, where you can take a walk between competition recitals, indulge in a hot chocolate, or even play a game of lifesize chess.

BBC: Musical destinations: Geneva, Switzerland

4. So it eliminates that need to physically walk over and take a look inside.

FORBES: Multi-Imaging Stem Cells In Real Time

5. Another good thing to do when you're really stuck is walk away. Take a break. Come back and look at it with fresh eyes of your own.

当你卡住的时候另外一件有益的事,就是走开休息一会儿,再回来看代码的时候你的眼睛就清醒多了。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

6. I try to like distance myself, go take a walk around the dorm, talk to other people,

我试着让自己远离写作,绕着宿舍散散步,找其他人聊聊天,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于学校生活

7. In the future, surgeons may be able to take an MRI of, say, a liver and duplicate the picture on computers to take a virtual walk through the organ to plan for surgery.

CNN: Internet 2: A virtual liver tour?

8. There was a traffic jam because a buffalo decided to take a walk on the road.

NPR: Yellowstone Preview: The Dynamics Of Fire

9. His family allows him to take a walk now and then, provided he stays within a limited area.

NEWYORKER: Midnight in Dostoevsky

10. Connections often mean landing in one concourse, then having to take a train or a long walk to another concourse.

BBC: Direct, nonstop, connecting?

11. So I wanted to take a few excerpts from the course's syllabus since it's not an interesting document to walk through line by line, but something you should read at some point very is not so much where you end up relative to your classmates 2 but where you end up in week 12 relative to yourself in week 0.

我想从教学大纲中,挑几段来讲一下,逐字的阅读虽然没趣,但是你也应该在某些点注意一下,你跟你同学相比最终如何,而是当第12周的时候相比第0周2,你的收获如何。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

12. Yes, there're lots of good restaurants, lots of... I like to walk, so I never take a cab.

是的,这儿有很多好的饭店,很多很多……我喜欢散步,从来不打车。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在中央公园溜达

13. Then on Friday evening, he had to take shelter in a store's walk-in cooler during Friday evening's rush-hour in Oklahoma City as deadly weather approached.

NPR: Cleanup Goes On As Storms Move Toward East Coast

14. Tragically, the one nation that might have played an instrumental role in leading the alliance in the required direction both diplomatically and on the ground in Yugoslavia -- the United States -- chose to take a walk.


15. Instead of riding the touristy tram to the famous mountain-top statue of Christ the Reedemer, you can take a walk to the base through the jungle, past refreshing small waterfalls on the way.

BBC: Trekking in Rio de Janeiro

16. It would take a week to walk the 16, 000 wild acres of arroyos, plains and cottonwoods.

NPR: Saving Ranchland from Suburban Sprawl

17. Another tactic: Build time for mind wandering into daily routines, breaking away from tasks requiring concentration to take a walk or run, look out a window or do some relaxing, routine physical task.

WSJ: Tactics to Spark Creativity

18. For an unforgettable experience, take a night walk to the arched cave and waterfall at Natural Bridge under the western ramparts of the Springbrook plateau, which is alight with fairy-like blue-green lights given off by the millions of bioluminescent glow worms that line the cave roof and the steep earth banks along the rainforest path.

BBC: Exploring Queenslands rainforest hinterland

19. Grabbing morning joes and afternoon pick-ups are essential parts of the day for millions of people worldwide, providing an excuse to step outside, take a short walk and rejuvenate.

FORBES: 3 Reasons Why Starbucks Still Shines, Despite Market Shortcomings

20. But very frequent travellers may not have that option - the constant transition from place to place leaves little time to take a walk, prepare and eat a healthy meal at home or stick with a training regimen at the gym.

BBC: Overweight frequent flyers

21. And I said, you know, I just desperately want to take a walk through Central Park again, and just remember what that feels like.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

22. My girlfriend and I decided to take a walk.

FORBES: Slogging and Blogging Through Hurricane Sandy

23. Or maybe the cow unwisely decided to take a walk.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Lost in Uttar Pradesh'

24. but I like to, every now and then, I take a walk over there, just cut through Central Park

我喜欢时不时地穿过中央公园,到河滨公园散步,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我的爱好是读书

25. "I tell patients to go out and take a walk when that happens, " says Dr. Harris.

WSJ: Unraveling the Riddle of Too Much Sleep

26. Checkers was a gift, as we all know, but in the case of Brownie Mr. Nixon found the dog wandering around the property of his New Jersey home one night, when he went out to take a walk, and then there it was, trotting in the front door.

NEWYORKER: Starlight

27. Some take only a few minutes to walk.

VOA : special.2009.01.07

28. The report advised anyone who sits on their computer for extended periods of time to take breaks for a brief walk every 20 minutes.

FORBES: Four hours on your computer doubles risk of heart disease

29. This simply means it makes more sense to walk away and take a hit on the credit grade than to pay for something that is not worth the value anymore.

FORBES: American Dream Of Homeownership Fading. Rejoice.

30. Instead, the family must park and take a five-minute uphill walk to the front door, which is accessed by a drawbridge.

WSJ: Castle, Sweet Castle

31. "I'm afraid I need to take a walk before dessert, " announces my then-boyfriend, pushing back his chair and standing.

WSJ: Stuffed, Stuffed Goose | Mega Meal

32. But, in terms of what a car is primarily for getting one from point A to point B quicker than it would take one to walk, run, bus or train there the Prius hybrid does a perfectly fine job, with less pain at the pump, more reliability, and more efficient use of space.

FORBES: Free Education Is A Meme Whose Time Has Come

33. It is a great place to take children for a walk and an ice-cream or go for a run.

BBC: A Danube-led tour of Budapest

34. He said on one occasion Miss Miron-Buchacra had told him to take their newborn baby Eleanor for a walk but had phoned him minutes later in hysterics.

BBC: Carmen Gabriela Miron-Buchacra

35. Canadian Virginia Bennett, who lives in one of the residential apartments facing the River Thames, was getting ready to take her dog Abby for a walk when the morning calm was shattered by "the noise of metal crashing".

BBC: London helicopter crash: 'Flaming debris' over Vauxhall

36. The school failed to ensure that the students take any precautions against ticks and allowed them to walk through a densely wooded area known to be a risk area for tick-borne encephalitis and other tick- and insect-transmitted illnesses, her attorneys said.

WSJ: Conn. student disabled on school trip wins $41.7M







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