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  • n. 污迹;病情的检查;诊断检查

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work up [ working worked works ]

  • 1.
    动词词组 If you work yourself up, you make yourself feel very upset or angry about something. 使烦恼; 使发怒

    She worked herself up into a bit of a state.


  • 2.
    →see also   worked up
  • 3.
    动词词组 If you work up the enthusiasm or courage to do something, you succeed in making yourself feel it. 激发

    Your creative talents can also be put to good use, if you can work up the energy.


  • 4.
    动词词组 If you work up a sweat or an appetite, you make yourself sweaty or hungry by doing exercise or hard work. 通过锻炼或高强度工作而产生

    Even if you are not prepared to work up a sweat three times a week, any activity is better than none.



  • n.污迹;病情的检查;诊断检查



1. work up an appetite 促进食欲 ; 引起食欲

2. fine work-up 粉末再加工

3. work up arouse 激发

4. work up into 把…制作成

5. period work-up 起动周期

6. work up 激发 ; 逐渐上升 ; 引起 ; 制订出

7. work up a sweat 忙得满头大汗

8. work up to 逐渐达到 ; 渐渐达到


1. This protocol has the features of use of eco-friendly cyanide source, high yield, and simple work-up procedure.


2. I have a lot of work to catch up on.


3. Your creative talents can also be put to good use, if you can work up the energy.


4. Your creative talents can also be put to good use, if you can work up the energy.


5. One in five even speculate we will have to work up to the age of 75.


6. According to the results of the noninvasive work-up, 16 patients were referred for open skull operation, 10 patients for X-knife and 4 patients for stereotactic operation.


7. This method provides several advantages such as simple work-up procedure, shorter reaction time, milder conditions and environ-mental friendliness.


8. The thunderstorm began to work up.


9. This is a skill that can be learned, it just needs a little "detective" work up-front!


10. He brings his ideas back to his studio to work up into water colors and then oils, with which he just started to experiment.


11. She went for a long walk to work up an appetite.


12. This eco-friendly strategy efficiently avoids using of extremely toxic phosgene, and has features of mild condition, short reaction period, and simple work-up procedure.


13. Even if it's not a heart attack, you'll still get the right cardiology work-up.


14. Even if it's not a heart attack, you'll still get the right cardiology work-up.


15. This protocol has advantages of short reaction time, no corrosion, no environmental pollution and simple work-up procedure. 3.


16. His work simply isn't up to scratch.


17. While all the advantages of the original route were kept down, some of the shortcomings of the original method, such as using expensive organic boron reagent and troublesome work-up, have been overcome.


18. The advantages of this method are high yield and simple work-up.


19. You can't chalk his bad work up to lack of trying.


20. Once there, we are introduced to her fellow campers, Sally stands by them, holding my hand, horror in her eyes, trying to work up the courage to join a game of soccer.


21. I'd dropped a hint about having an exhibition of his work up here.


22. Working conditions in factories at the time were appalling—children aged five or six would work up to 15 hours a day.


23. Your work isn't really up to the mark.


24. Compared to the reported methods, the main advantage of the present procedure is simple work-up procedure, shorter reaction time and higher yield.


25. The doctor's going to give you a full work-up, then we'll start the inoculations.


26. This synthetic strategy compared with traditional method has advantages of high yield, elevating reaction rate and simple work-up procedure.


27. They work up to 13 hours a day, live in cold, dirty, overcrowded dormitories and eat poor food.


28. The editing examples that follow start with the simplest and most common constructs and work up to the more complex.


29. I guess I just work up in a funk this morning.


30. Can you work up anger and regret and dismay over that?


31. Thus, more careful work-up will be needed to assure the reasonableness of corporate guarantee in light of the complexity of the procedure.


32. But when Tom did finally work up the nerve to call Sara, her roommate told him she was in Santa Fe for the weekend.


33. I think you can work up the story well.


34. This protocol has advantages of short reaction time, high yield, simple work-up procedure, no environmental pollution. 5.


35. It took the company quite some years to work up a market for its products.


36. During the work-up of PM, you find that he has worsening constipation and watery stools.


37. However, she was not willing to undergo any work-up, and her medical team noted several inconsistencies in her story.


38. The ammonia compressor is core equipment in the ammonia purification system. Its operation situation directly decides if the system is safely operated in longer work-up period.


39. There is even a pinewood sauna, though you can work up just as much sweat by standing outside.


40. She didn't give up work when she had the baby.


41. He tried to work up the enthusiasm of the crowd.


42. Even if you are not prepared to work up a sweat three times a week, any activity is better than none.


43. I can't work up any enthusiasm for his idea.


44. IBX is a new dehydrogenating reagent with such advantages as mild reaction condition, high selectivity, convenient work-up and recyclable.


45. Interventional Management of Acute Deep Venous Thrombosis Caused by Iliac Vein Compression Syndrome Further work-up showed portal hypertension with esophageal varices.


46. His work isn't up to much.


47. You can really work up a sweat doing housework.


48. Why do you leave all the hard work up to your mother?


49. Look, we're gonna have to do an entire work-up on you.

听好,我们现在要对你进行彻底的检查。《provided by jukuu》

50. Its advantages are easy work-up, mild reaction condition, high yield and environmental compatibility.


51. You didn't work up an appetite abusing my friend?


52. If I break you in, I'll be doing plenty of your work at first. Suppose you begin at thirty, an 'work up to the forty.


53. I'd dropped a hint about having an exhibition of his work up here.


54. To help ease bodily tension, as you're waiting on a line or in traffic, do a muscle tightening and loosening; start at your toes and work up the different muscle groups.


55. Conclusion VDP and R can be used in monitoring access function, but there is some limitation in detecting access dysfunction. Further work-up showed portal hypertension with esophageal varices.


56. They will work up the data into an article.


57. Don't work yourself up into a state about it. It isn't worth it.


58. They will work up all these stones in building the bridge.


59. The reaction was carried out at room temperature with a simple work-up procedure.


60. This medicine will work up an appetite.


61. The effects of solvents, alkaline, molar ratio of the reactants, temperature and work-up methods on the reaction were investigated.


62. This synthetic strategy compared with traditional solution protocol has advantages of no organic solvent pollution, elevating reaction rate, high yield and simple work-up procedure.


63. In the last step, we developed two methods of deprotection employing zinc dust and catalytic hydrogenolysis respectively to give the final product, and improved the work-up as well.


64. It suggests that the patients should undergo 18F-FDG PET after failing to identify the primary focus with the conventional diagnostic work-up.

建议在CT/MR未能找到原发灶时,应进行18F-FDG PET显像。

65. They asked me to work up some sample drawings and bring them down.


66. However, these methods have the limitations such as involving toxic reagents, large amounts of catalysts, tedious work-up procedures and low yields.


67. The doctor's going to give you a full work-up.

医生会给你全面准备的。《provided by jukuu》

68. Problems were piling up at work.


69. A complete work-up is necessary to evaluate the cause of the dysphagia in these patients, and either pneumatic dilatation or a second operation can often correct the problem.


70. The subject came up at work.


71. This method provides several advantages such as neutral conditions, high yields and simple work-up procedure.


72. The speaker was determined to work up the feelings of his audience.



1. Thanks to the technology boom, the opportunities to work for a start-up, or start one yourself, have multiplied.

ECONOMIST: A survey of the young: The disaffected | The

2. He says the agencies are supplying water, distributing farming supplies, setting up cooperatives and implementing food-for-work projects.

VOA : standard.2009.10.24

3. There is so much interest in the book that Professor Ruffin says his new class is already at work on a follow-up book that will include creative writing by inmates and various kinds of art work as well.

VOA : standard.2009.10.21

4. That means low-level work experience at whatever price which is often the critical first rung up the work-force ladder.

FORBES: The Awful Minimum Wage

5. Andrews is burying himself in work--like patching up the knee of Sacramento Kings star Chris Webber.

FORBES: Magazine Article

6. In 2008, following the pilot, Wishard Health Services, affiliated with Indiana University, opened the Healthy Aging Brain Center, where patients can receive a full diagnostic work-up, including neurological exams and brain scans.

WSJ: New Push For Early Testing, Treatment For Dementia

7. But the Dragons kept battling and good build-up work let Evans in to secure a first win at the Liberty Stadium.

BBC: Magners League: Ospreys 16-21 Dragons

8. He could have warned them about how Marvell is a tough place to work, with its up-all-night work habits and short-fuse product development.

FORBES: Magazine Article

9. In conversation with Kanika, becoming a bridge between grass-root social work and social policy makers came-up as the next natural progression for SOJO.

FORBES: From a Master's Thesis to a Social Startup and a UNESCO Endorsement - Audacious Startups Part III

10. But instead of dropping price improvement or addressing customer problems, Lutnick slapped BrokerTec with a suit, claiming it had violated eSpeed's patents on such bond-trading conventions as the "work-up" (a practice that gave a trader, buying or selling at a given price, the right to execute all trading at that price until he's done) and "trading time" (the grace period a trader has to act under a work-up).

FORBES: Briefing Book: Howard Lutnick

11. Resourceful traffickers, madams and pimps responded by pushing low-end sex work underground and infiltrating more up-market hotels, casinos and bars.

ECONOMIST: Ethnic discrimination fuels a vile trade

12. Mr. HORMATS: The follow-up work is going to have to be handled by the Obama administration.

NPR: Can The Global Crisis Wait For A New President?

13. What's the point of all of this study, all of this work, ?" all of this self-denial if I could just wind up" ? - this is a good question -- if I could just wind up dead tomorrow?

要是我就要死了,这所有的学习,努力,自我克制还都有什么意义“,-这是个好问题--要是我明天就死了呢?弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Venture for America is a two-year fellowship program for recent college graduates to work in a start-up or early stage company in a low-cost city.

WHITEHOUSE: Venture for America C Building Businesses

15. Cockermouth town centre has been cordoned off by police as surveyors, structural engineers, utility workers and Environment Agency staff continue their clean-up work.

BBC: Cumbria flood areas face school and road closures

16. Two-thirds of all the people on benefits are in work, so perhaps ministers might consider resisting the temptation conjure-up their favoured imagery of hard-working people setting-out early in the morning while their neighbours on out-of-work benefits are still snugly tucked-up behind their closed blinds.

BBC: Can superfast Midlands speed-up economic growth?

17. Rootless but well-paid mercenaries could do the dirty work backed up by state-owned high-tech wizardry in the air.

ECONOMIST: Crisis in Kosovo

18. Cambridgeshire villagers are to take legal action against a company over a smell caused by clean-up work at a former chemical factory site.

BBC: Hauxton families sue company over odour

19. Back-office work makes up the bulk of the business, but remote services range beyond that.

ECONOMIST: Indian business: Spice up your services | The

20. The work is made up of a nearly life-size metal statue of Buddha.

VOA : special.2011.05.18

21. Another case challenges a creative work-around lawyers dreamed up after Congress passed the Class Action Fairness Act in 2005.

FORBES: Class-Action Lawyers Face Triple Threat At Supreme Court

22. With the extra money, project manager and artist Renae De Liz previously told me that she plans to help publish and highlight the work of up-and-coming writers and artists.

FORBES: Update: Independent Comic Book By Women Raises Over $100,000 In Funding

23. Messersmith will tour this fall for The Silver City, and is already at work on a follow-up collection of songs.

NPR: Jeremy Messersmith: 'Franklin Avenue'

24. America's true unemployment rate may, in fact,be higher than the number provided by the Labor Department, which does not include people who searched for work in vain and have given up, or those who settled for part-time work.

VOA : standard.2009.07.02

25. What you'll often see is a group of undocumented immigrants doing scut work - doing sweeping up, carrying heavy stuff, setting up the machinery, working alongside either native-born or documented immigrants who are doing the higher-paid skilled work - carpenters, electricians, plumbers, that sort of thing.

NPR: Immigrants Tend To Complement, Not Replace American Jobs

26. For the last 20 years, Garofalo, who made millions for her work in stand-up and in such films as Reality Bites, The Cable Guy and 200 Cigarettes, over the past twenty years, has likely been filing her taxes as single.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

27. (Sound) According to state-run Press TV, a three-member committee has been set up to work out the details.

VOA : standard.2009.11.16

28. As its director, Jodi Goldstein, explained to me in a July 30 interview, HIL brings together students from across Harvard to work on start-up projects rent-free while tapping a network of experts.

FORBES: Vaxess Goes To Harvard

29. High-tech workers in America, who forgo big salaries to work at a start-up, gain precious experience as well as options.

ECONOMIST: The tiger and the tech

30. Two years ago, I spit into a plastic vial and sent it off to 23andMe for a genetic work-up.

FORBES: Whoops. How DNA Site 23andMe Outed Parents Who Gave Their Baby Up For Adoption.

31. It is hoped that this, along with "general clean-up work", will help revitalise the neighbourhood.

BBC: Stockton house sells for ?14,000 at auction

32. It's not meant to be more than five, ten minutes of work, but the point of the question, -15, 20 minutes of work, but the point of the question is to motivate people to keep up with the material and do the readings.

几分钟就能完成,这个作业的目的,要十几到二十分钟完成吧,这个作业的目的在于激励大家,跟上课程的进度并去阅读材料心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. This requires a lot more work up-front, work that is just fine by me.

ENGADGET: Tesla vs. The Times: What one review means for the future of auto news

34. Basically, supply-side policies work best when there is pent-up private sector demand.

FORBES: Conservatism, Up From Debt Crisis

35. Soon after Oblison burst through a stretched Wildcats defence after good build-up work by Michael Platt and Ainscough.

BBC: Bradford 40-18 Wakefield

36. At the Seattle law firm Perkins Coie, he focused his work on start-up technology companies, working on issues such as licensing and technology.

NPR: For Blind Lawmaker, Biography Reflects In Policy

37. It is also more efficient for the doctor who already knows the patient to order the fever work-up, talk to the family, or assess progress and the potential need for a change in the treatment.

WSJ: Should Medical Residents Be Required to Work Shorter Shifts?



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