wedge in是什么意思_wedge in短语搭配_wedge in权威例句

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wedge in

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  • 挤进:用力将物体或自己挤入狭小的空间或位置。

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. interference pattern in air wedge 劈尖干涉

2. to wedge sth in sth 将某物楔入某物

3. seats arranged in a wedge 排列成楔形座位

4. local q-convex wedge in a 局部q

5. wedge-in attack 夹塞 ; 夹塞进攻 ; 勾手大力发球

6. salt wedge in estuary 盐水楔

7. wedge-in viatingternviaing currentk 夹塞

8. wedge oneself in 挤入

9. Hidden wedge cut out-in 镂空填充设计隐形坡跟


1. The mechanical and physical properties can meet the requirements of the turbogenerator rotor slot wedge in harsh terms.


2. When the concave upper nut is tightened, the effect produced is exactly the same as that produced by a hammer driving in a wedge.


3. The strains in euro-zone bond markets this year show that there are other ways for markets to drive a wedge between the strong and the weak.


4. That window keeps rattling; I must fix a wedge in it to make it stay put.


5. When I saw in the plunder a beautiful robe from Babylonia, two hundred shekels of silver and a wedge of gold weighing fifty shekels, I coveted them and took them.


6. In this paper, generation and development of impacting wave in π/ 2 angle wedge in case of shear pulse with constant velocity have been investigated by means of the methods of self-similarity and complex function in elastodynamics.


7. In the end, this just drives a wedge between you and your partner.


8. Kingfishers wedge themselves into water with a streamlined beak that gradually increases in diameter from tip to head, letting water flow past.


9. Quantitative Analysis of Effects of External Zone and Friction on Groove Wedge in Cold-Rolling


10. The CAD System of Extrusion Die for Slot Wedge in Motor


11. Based on the analysis of the process of cross wedge rolling during wedge in, the geometry model of rolling area is established.


12. Made of telescoping aluminum tubes that expand and wedge in place.


13. He stressed that Turkey will not allow anyone to drive a wedge in its relations with China.


14. Let F be a wedge in a real Banach Space X and DX be a bounded open set. Suppose that A:_F → CK ( F) be u.


15. Study on the Activity of Saltwater Wedge in the Minjiang Estuary


16. In this paper, designed and adopted an alien wedge in view of inadequate in the practical application, this structure could be get the satisfaction results through the actual use.


17. Application of wedge in stamping dies


18. A small curve in the sliding part of the convex top of the lower nut acts as the wedge.


19. I have been very clingy and needy in my past relationships which drove a wedge in between my partner and I. I felt the need to be with him at all times and wanted him to feel the same way.


20. One guy even tried to put a box in between to wedge it open.


21. The tax “wedge” (the gap between what an employer pays and the employee receives) is as much as three times bigger in France than in Ireland.


22. The article briefed The category and feafures of magnetic slot wedge, as well as the principle and practical effect of magnetic slot wedge in the energy-saring of generator.


23. But keeping secrets from a loved one can put an emotional wedge in the relationship and change the way we communicate.


24. Overhaul of Generator Stator Wedge in Pumped Storage Power Station


25. A wedge in city: designing the radio& TV architecture


26. This is perhaps a trivial example, but analysis of the type I have just described can be the thin end of the wedge in penetrating a cryptosystem.


27. Advances on fluid of accretionary wedge in the orogene of subduction-accretion


28. Truth is, it's irritating customers and may create a wedge in the relationship between a hotel brand and its most loyal guests.


29. For improveing die design efficiency and quality like slot wedge in micro motor, reducing the labor input, it needs to develop the CAD of die for slot wedge.


30. In the theropods that were closely related to living birds, a particular wristbone was wedge-shaped, allowing them to bend their hands.


31. Numerical Investigation of Variable Viscosity and Thermal Stratification Effects on MHD Mixed Convective Heat and Mass Transfer Past a Porous Wedge in the Presence of Chemical Reaction


32. You might look back 10 years from now and say it was the opening wedge in a transformation.


33. This is perhaps a trivial example, but analysis of the type I have just described can be the thin end of the wedge in penetrating a cryptosystem.


34. The analysis on heat treatment management and properties of slot wedge in the generator rotor


35. The characteristics and instruction of part like slot wedge in micro motor are analyzed at first, and the principle about the CAD of cold extrusion die for slot wedge is discussed.


36. Pre-support through hammering wedge in cave mouth digging


37. That window keeps rattling; I must fix a wedge in it to make It'stay put.

那窗户老是发出格格的响声, 我必须敲进一块楔子把它装牢.《互联网》

38. You look forward to coming home, When you arrive home, you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter.


39. Based on the characteristics of the adjustment to the width of discharge opening with wedge in a compound swing jaw crusher, a relevant mathematical model is set up.


40. You arrive home, you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter.


41. When you arrive home, you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter.


42. Calculation and Analysis of the Adjusted Width of Discharge Opening with Wedge in a Compound Swing Jaw Crusher


43. In addition, the characteristic frequency of a loose wedge in the electromotor is calculated according to the physical model.


44. The tax wedge in Hungary dropped 5.5 percentage points, from 54.5% in 2007 to 49.0% in 2014.


45. Beckham raises his sand wedge above his head in frustration and then marches back to his bag on the golf buggy.


46. Experimental study on limit-section shrinkage of one wedge in cross wedge rolling;


47. In addition to making Belfast look like a war zone, at least on television, the dissidents drove a wedge between politicians and police.


48. A wedge in the war on poverty.

引起对贫困宣战的一项起因。《provided by jukuu》

49. The third group of volcanic rocks ( VTG-III) consists of highly depleted MORB-type lavas, and is believed to have been generated by partial melting of the depleted mantle wedge in an inter-arc basin.


50. He hammered the wedge into the crack in the stone.


51. Appliance of Shoving and Wedge in Kaolin Clay Flow Sand Seam


52. Wedge-shaped structure which is isolated from massive diamictite may be filled with the decay of an ice wedge in periglacial environment.


53. The friction coefficient of some material in the high temperature and the normal temperature was tested using this testing machine, and the reliability test of the wedge in 7 ° 40' was carried on.


54. Howover, they are coupled for a general anisotropic elastic wedge in general.


55. When you arrive home, you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter.


56. Hydrous fluid ( melt) enriched in Ca continually reacted with mantle wedge in low pressure and temperature conditions and changed the residual orthopyroxene into amphibole with low Al2O3 to lead to the enrichment of Fe3+ and depletion of Al in spinel.


57. This paper introduces mainly a digital detecting system of looseness of stator wedge in a generator based on virtual instruments.


58. The first true writing we know of is Sumerian cuneiform- consisting mainly of wedge-shaped impressions on clay tablets - whichwas used more than 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia.

楔形文字是世界上已知最古老的文字。 这是一种刻在陶片上的文字,它的使用者是5000多年以前生活在美索不达米亚平原上的人们。

59. Scientists first saw these somewhat wedge-shaped, transient clouds of tiny particles known as "spokes" in images from NASA's Voyager spacecraft.


60. The blues is believed to have originated in the Mississippi Delta, a wedge-shaped region in northern Mississippi between the Mississippi and Yazoo rivers.


61. Finite Element Analysis of Clip Wedge in Multi-rope Friction Hoist



1. Some old company veteran will remember where that switch was buried, or will yank out the offending chip and wedge a copper penny in its place.

FORBES: Malone's musings

2. He three-putted from about 15 feet for bogey on third, made bogey with a wedge in his hand on the par-5 fifth hole and stumbled to a 76.

NPR: Leonard In 3-Way Tie For The Lead At Innisbrook

3. The stock bested its summer highs in the second half of January after climbing into bull market territory at the beginning of the month, and has since begun to edge higher in a wedge-shaped, trading range.

FORBES: Market Loves CAT, Maybe Deere

4. By using support for Israel as a wedge issue in the upcoming elections Republicans will do more than simply constrain Obama's ability to harm the Jewish state.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Republicans, Democrats & Israel

5. While there may be a difference between Australia's payroll taxes and how the term is applied in a European context, Australia's taxes are relevant in calculating the total tax wedge on wages in this country.


6. First Solar, Inc. (FSLR) broke out on big volume in August, and then consolidated in a beautiful, coiling wedge-type pattern that was broken on not enough volume in October.

FORBES: Six Sizzling Charts For Six Hot Stocks

7. As it fell short of the fringe, he took a backhand swipe with his sand wedge in disgust.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Mobile Phones Frustrate Razor Sharp Tiger Woods

8. Yeah, so like a giant wedge, that's why the cart seems to move in front of you, so we're talking about musical volume here.

对,就像个巨大的楔子,这就是牛车在你面前动起来的原因,所以,我们要谈的是音乐的音量聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. Residents near Damrosch Park, a 2.4-acre wedge in the shadow of Lincoln Center, say they want their park back.

WSJ: Fashion Week in Damrosch Park? Not Again, Advocates Say

10. It was the first ejection of the season for Wedge and 33rd in his career.

WSJ: Noesi makes emergency start as M's beat Yanks 3-2

11. In my opinion, it all stems from the continuing adversarial environments these groups help set up as part of their role in divisive wedge-issue politics and in promoting animus against gays and lesbians for their own selfish gains.

FORBES: Connect

12. Hopefully it will put enough of a wedge in that door to keep it from shutting completely.

FORBES: The Times, They Are a-Taxin'

13. In making Jerusalem, rather than welfare payments the wedge issue in their negotiations with Livni, Shas's leaders demonstrated their recognition of the fact that defending Israeli sovereignty over the capital city is more important to their voters than increasing welfare.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: All roads lead to Jerusalem

14. The stock popped out of a wedge in late October, pulled back in an orderly fashion, and then had a key day two weeks ago, breaking out on 230 million shares.

FORBES: Facebook, Green Mountain And Four More Bullish Charts

15. The vote capped days of polarizing debate, as the Senate searched unsuccessfully for common ground on one of the most persistent wedge issues in American public life.

CNN: Senate OKs Late-Term Abortion Ban

16. "I think it's going to be a big wedge issue in this election, " said rifle association spokesman Bill Powers.

CNN: U.S. gun lobby ads to blast Democrats at convention

17. Sitting on a hard foam wedge on chairs during the school day reduced back pain in teens by 58% compared with those not using the wedge, says a report in the journal Physiotherapy.

WSJ: Back Pain: Not Just for Adults

18. Pain was significantly worse in the evening than in the morning in both groups, though the evening increase was significantly smaller in wedge users.

WSJ: Back Pain: Not Just for Adults

19. Trade barriers, transport costs and differences in taxes drive a wedge between prices in different countries.

ECONOMIST: How much burger do you get for your euro, yuan or Swiss franc?

20. Technically, the wedge pattern in the market is close to resolution.

FORBES: Stocks Cool Off But Bull Still Breathing

21. Hovnanian EnterprisesHovnanian Enterprises (HOV), while lagging some of our other picks of the last few weeks, has broken solidly out of a wedge pattern in the last couple days.

FORBES: Five Stocks For Riding This Market Rally

22. Get your wedge in and work from there.

FORBES: What Congress Can Learn From The Shepherdess Of Elk River Valley

23. It then formed a big wedge, broke down in April, went flat in the May-July period, and then had an ugly 3-day decline out of the base pattern in August.

FORBES: Five Stocks For Riding This Market Rally

24. Wear with wedge espadrilles in a bright color, for example.

WSJ: Ask Teri: What to Wear on a Cruise

25. The Future Hall of Famer has also invested in a new social video game company, Wedge Buster, which has developed over 100 games in beta and plans on targeting sports fans.

FORBES: Connect

26. Of the students, 51 used a wedge for three weeks in all classes except the science lab, which had stools.

WSJ: Back Pain: Not Just for Adults

27. They obviously see an opportunity to not only drive a wedge in the support of some Democrats for the President, but also trying to rally their base.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

28. Ms Landrieu also found an effective wedge-issue in the last week of the campaign.

ECONOMIST: A sugar-coated win for Mary Landrieu

29. could jump into the tablet PC market to compete with the Apple iPad in time for the holiday shopping season, Wedge Partners analyst Brian Blair asserts in a research note this morning.

FORBES: Amazon: Analyst Says Evidence Mounts That Tablet Is Coming

30. The most loquacious shoe in the show is Prada's patent-leather "Flame" wedge of last spring, in STP red.

WSJ: High-Concept Enchantments: Review of Shoe Obsession at the Museum at FIT

31. Fried Ipswich belly clams are succulent, crab cakes are the wet Maryland style, the wedge salad is drenched in dressing.

NEWYORKER: Brooklyn Crab

32. "This will wedge itself in so tightly and completely block the airway that within minutes, because of lack of oxygen, a child will die."

VOA : standard.2010.02.23



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