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英 [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃ(ə)n]play美 [ˌkɑːmpəˈtɪʃ(ə)n]play

  • n. 竞争;比赛,竞赛;竞争者,对手

复数 competitions

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competition /ˌkɒmpɪˈtɪʃən/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Competition is a situation in which two or more people or groups are trying to get something which not everyone can have. (为获取难得之物而进行的) 竞争

    There's been some fierce competition for the title.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 Competition is an activity involving two or more companies, in which each company tries to get people to buy its own goods in preference to the other companies' goods. (商业上的) 竞争

    The deal would have reduced competition in the commuter-aircraft market.



    The farmers have been seeking higher prices as better protection from foreign competition.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 The competition is the goods or services that a rival organization is selling. 竞争产品; 竞争服务

    The American aerospace industry has been challenged by some stiff competition.


  • 4.
    单数型名词 The competition is the person or people you are competing with. 竞争对手

    I have to change my approach, the competition is too good now.


  • 5.
    有变体名词 A competition is an event in which many people take part in order to find out who is best at a particular activity. 竞赛

    ...a surfing competition.






match competition contest game 【导航词义:比赛,竞赛】

match n. [尤英] 比赛

〔辨析〕 通常指体育比赛,一般在两人或两队之间进行。

例1: There is a tennis match tomorrow.


例2: How many matches are there this season?


competition n. 比赛,竞赛

〔辨析〕 指体育比赛或知识、技巧等方面的比赛。

例1: The swimming competition has started.


例2: He was the winner of that photography competition.


contest n. 比赛,竞赛

〔辨析〕 尤指某种技能活动或体育运动的比赛。

例1: The spelling contest will take place at our school next week.


例2: Are you going to attend the talent contest?


game n. 比赛

〔辨析〕 泛指有一定规则的比赛,如游戏、体育运动等。

例1: She prefers to see games on TV with her family.


例2: What's the result of the Spain's World Cup game against France?



1. cut-throat competition 恶性竞争;割喉式竞争;剧烈竞争

2. Cournot competition 古诺竞争 ; 诺竞争 ; 库诺特竞争 ; 量竞争

3. domestic competition n. 国内竞争

4. Competition law 竞争法 ; 反托拉斯法 ; 高等学校法学通用教材 ; 现代竞争法理论与实践

5. advantage in competition 竞争优势

6. price competition 价格竞争

7. sports competition 运动竞赛

8. intense competition 激烈的竞争

9. perfect competition 完全(自由)竞争

10. competition advantage 竞争优势

11. fierce competition 激烈的竞争

12. monopolistic competition 垄断性竞争

13. keen competition 剧烈竞争

14. design competition 设计大赛

15. Imperfect competition 经 不完全竞争 ; 不完全 ; 不完美竞争

16. intraspecific competition 生物 种内竞争 ; 种内克争

17. capacity of competition 竞争能力

18. excessive competition 过度竞争

19. in competition with 与…竞争

20. competition rules 比赛规则

21. market competition 市场竞争

22. Tax competition 税收 税收竞争

23. competition policy 竞争政策,竞争策略

24. unfair competition 不公平竞争

25. fair competition 公平竞争




competition between something …之间的竞争

competition for something 为…的竞争(者)(或竞赛)

competition in something …上的竞争(者)(或竞赛)


unfair competition 不公平竞争

stiff competition 激烈的角逐;强劲的竞争对手


1. Can she take the heat of this level of competition?


2. We won the contract in the face of stiff competition.


3. Competition in the financial marketplace has eroded profits.


4. The company faces stiff competition from its rivals.


5. He beat all competition in the elections.


6. E training and competition, athletes psychological quality is vital to win or lose the competition.

在现代体育训练与比赛中, 运动员的心理素质对于比赛的输赢至关重要.《期刊摘选》

7. She's worn to a frazzle with her silly speech competition.


8. The opening up of China's markets to international competition should be accompanied by deep reforms.


9. There will be a chess competition next week.


10. At no time shall the information be used in competition to the disclosing party.


11. The Math Video Challenge is a competition, but a collaborative one.

数学视频挑战赛是一个比赛,但是是合作赛。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

12. The first success inspired us greatly later in the competition.


13. Competition law as presently interpreted deals with financial disadvantage to consumers and this is not obvious when the users of these services don't pay for them.

正如目前所解释的那样,竞争法处理的是客户在经济上的不利因素,而当享受这些服务的用户不支付费用,使这种情况就不明显了《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

14. Most businesses face plenty of competition.


15. Winning the competition was a wonderful boost for her morale.


16. Efficient competition can and to be introduced to the power equipment market.


17. Tigers in the park hunt, with no competition, millions of pounds of deer, buffalo, and hog.

在这里,老虎没有竞争者, 它们可以猎杀数以百万计的鹿 、 水牛和野猪.《期刊摘选》

18. Entry to this competition is by invitation only.


19. All the English teams were eliminated in the early stages of the competition.


20. Like track and field competition, to the mountain top, Liu Xiang is also not to run.

就好像田径比赛一样, 到山路上面去, 就是刘翔也跑不起来.《期刊摘选》

21. Both are turning to private equity to help their firms deal with Chinese competition.


22. Under pressure of competition, Phi Delia made great innovation in its strategy of operation and competition.

在竞争的压力下, 长沙费德乐科技有限公司对公司的经营战略、竞争策略等方面进行重大变革.《期刊摘选》

23. ...a surfing competition...


24. We'll decide on our team as and when we qualify for the competition.


25. We have always found comedy competitions a big bore.


26. The idea is that competition between rival operators would lead to better service at airports.

他们认为运营商对手之间的竞争可以提高机场的服务水平。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

27. This story stems from a champion real experience, his life greatest competition is for just fights!

飓风本故事源于一个冠军的真实经历, 他一生最伟大的比赛是为正义而战!《期刊摘选》

28. If you don't believe me , let's have a competition and see.


29. He was astonished to learn he'd won the competition.


30. The style of the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team in a competition is indomitable, bold and vigorous.

中国女排比赛时,作风顽强, 大胆泼辣.《现代汉英综合大词典》

31. Foil, epee and sabre are the three weapons used in fencing competitions.

在击剑比赛中使用花剑 、 重剑和佩剑三种剑.《期刊摘选》

32. He dishonored his team by cheating during the competition.


33. The deal would have reduced competition in the commuter-aircraft market...


34. The American aerospace industry has been challenged by some stiff competition.


35. Will our team qualify for the second round of the competition?

我们队有资格进入第二轮比赛 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

36. Robot soccer competition in the offensive program, with the distance test, the speed control.

机器人足球比赛中的进攻性计划, 随着距离的测试中, 速度控制.《期刊摘选》

37. We are in competition with four other companies for the contract.


38. Account Executives maintain complete knowledge of stations, markets, programming , assigned advertising agencies and their competition.

客户经理维护电视台 、 市场和节目的知识, 分配广告公司和他们的竞争者.《期刊摘选》

39. Jim bowed himself out of the competition when he learned who his opponent was.


40. International competition is a spur to modernization.


41. There's been some fierce competition for the title.


42. British industry was sheltered from foreign competition by protective tariffs.


43. There is now intense competition between schools to attract students.


44. International marketing offers a way to counteract aggressive competition from foreign competitors at home.


45. My teacher pushed me into entering the competition.


46. If competition is the best way to achieve it, then, fine.


47. MR. CRAWFORD: The Brazilian Pavilion is planning a competition for young artists.


48. What is the Competition Commission going to investigate?.

竞争委员会准备调查什么?。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

49. Some competitions were very ruthless and many athletes were wounded, deformed or died during competitions.

有的比赛极其残酷,许多竞技者致伤 、 致残、致死.《期刊摘选》

50. Competition law appears to be the only way to address these imbalances of power.

竞争法似乎是解决这些权利不平衡问题的唯一途径。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

51. We'll be able to assess the competition at the conference.


52. The farmers have been seeking higher prices as better protection from foreign competition...


53. We were in competition with a team from before another the interview.


54. There were three eliminations in the first round of the competition.


55. The 224 students who make it to the national competition get

an all-expenses-paid trip.最终晋级全国比赛的224个学生可以完全公费参赛。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

56. There's been some fierce competition for the title...


57. She expresses oneself present main attack marathon, but will not give up attending the location competition.

她表示自己目前主攻马拉松, 不过也不会放弃参加场地比赛.《期刊摘选》

58. Our competition adopts the form of giving out scores on the spot to show justice.


59. By repeatedly undercutting his price, his competitions soon had him on the ropes.

竞争者们一再削价与他抢生意, 很快就逼得他走投无路了.《期刊摘选》

60. Competition is getting hotter day by day.


61. Competition for jobs is acute.


62. Therefore, in order to deal with international tax competition.

因此, 要对待国际税收的竞争.《期刊摘选》

63. Competition winners will be notified by post.


64. a music/photo, etc. competition


65. Watch out when your competition fires at you.


66. They spotted a niche in the market, with no serious competition.


67. ( 3 ) The Competition Commission is now to investigate whether the British Airports Authority needs to sell off some of its assets.

竞争委员会现在准备调查英国机场管理公司是否需要卖出一些资产。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

68. The council has organised a series of events and competitions for school children in the area...


69. Create internal competition, dig the capacity of each port area adequately.

创造内部竞争, 充分挖掘各港区的潜力.《期刊摘选》

70. The final legislation might throw a public plan into the competition, but thanks to the fierce opposition of the insurance industry and Republican critics, it might not save much money.

最终的立法可能会在竞争中加入一项公共保险计划,但由于保险行业和共和党批评家、强烈反对,这项计划可能也节省不了多少费用。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

71. The team put on a good show in the competition.


72. Regular communication program on market, customer and competition activities to help business planning and decision marking.

和行业, 客户,竞争者之间保持日常的沟通,以帮助支持做出正确的业务计划和业务方面的决定.《期刊摘选》

73. Malvolio becomes, in default of competition, the play's moral centre.


74. The aim of the competition is to match the quote to the person who said it.


75. Competition from abroad became fiercer in the 1990s.


76. Competition with coworkers, for some.

对一些人来说,是和同事的竞争。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

77. Our competition has attracted a huge entry.


78. It's hard luck on those who were beaten in the first round of the competition.


79. 1 000 children entered the competition.

1 000名孩子报名参加了比赛。《牛津词典》

80. to enter/win/lose a competition

参加 / 赢得 / 输掉比赛《牛津词典》

81. To succeed in business, one must outsmart the competition.

(要想在生意中成功, 你必须智胜竞争者. )《期刊摘选》

82. She pronounced him the winner of the competition.


83. The competition is open to young people under the age of 18.


84. Competition from abroad became fiercer in the 1990s.


85. Now that the sports competitions are over, Lady de Vere will present the prizes.

二现在运动比赛已经结束, 德维尔夫人将颁奖.《期刊摘选》

86. Yeah, but the problem is the competition to get into that college is very stiff.

儿子:是啊, 但问题是进这个大学的竞争很激烈.《期刊摘选》

87. For them, the right kind of gamification might be turning their sales pitches into a competition with other team members, complete with a digital leaderboard showing who is winning at all times.

对他们来说,正确的游戏化方式可能是把他们的推销变成与其他队员的比赛,并用电子积分榜来显示谁一直独占鳌头。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

88. Capitalism stresses innovation, competition and individualism.


89. Despite trade competition and outsourcing, American manufacturing still needs to replace tens of thousands of retiring boomers every years.

尽管存在贸易竞争与外包业务,但美国制造业每年仍需要淘汰数以万计步入退休年龄的婴儿潮一代。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

90. He was on a real high after winning the competition.


91. Some people, Werbach says, are motivated by competition.

Werbach 说,有些人会被竞争所激励。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

92. A rowing competition is called a regatta.


93. He was disqualified from the competition for using drugs.


94. Competition is getting hotter day by day.


95. She was asked to judge the essay competition.


96. Compere: There are a few companies of competition with you on present market.

主持人: 现在的市场上跟你们有竞争的一些公司.《期刊摘选》

97. What is your competition offering?


98. They are always bleating about "unfair" foreign competition.


99. I got my lucky break when I won a 'Young Journalist of the Year' competition.


100. Colour TV has been more aggressively promoted as more manufacturers have joined the competition.


101. If you can't figure out a way beat your competition, then you should join the competition.

如果找不到方法打败竞争者, 就应该加入他们.《期刊摘选》

102. There is keen competition between the two motorcar firms.


103. Her performance didn't rate very high in the competition.


104. Students join a team through their schools, which provide a volunteer coach and pay a nominal fee to send students to regional and state competitions.

学生们通过自己的学校加入参赛队伍,学校会提供志愿教练并支付一些象征性的费用来送学生参加地区比赛和州比赛。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

105. There is huge competition among automakers to gain the attention of the public.


106. There is keen competition for places at the college.


107. The winners of the competition will be announced next month.


108. Competition for jobs is acute.


109. The judges remarked on the high standard of entries for the competition.


110. I have to change my approach, the competition is too good now.


111. Winning the competition was the opening she needed for her career.


112. The flood cut the townspeople off from the rest of the world.


113. We won the contract in the face of stiff competition .


114. Enter our competition and you could walk away with $10,000.


115. She won first prize in the competition.


116. They had a competition to see who could throw the furthest.


117. Why don't you enter the competition? I think you stand a good chance of winning a prize.

你为什么不参加比赛? 我认为你大有获奖的希望.《简明英汉词典》

118. He takes part in a swimming competition.


119. Details of the competition are available at all participating stores.


120. He was asked to judge a literary competition.


121. It was in these studios that young painters found the support and stimulating competition of peers.


122. She faces stiff competition in the Best Actress category.


123. The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing 8 different countries.


124. The athlete pulled a tendon in the competition.


125. How can we differentiate our product from our competition?

我们该如何将咱们的商品与竞争者的系列相区分开来 呢 ?《期刊摘选》


1. We don't have to worry about links of time for the competition when you were doing a passive animation.

我们不需要担心,在此过程中的时间关联,像在被动型动画里所担心的那样。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. The famous Finnish American building designer, Eero Saarinen,designed the Gateway Arch during a national competition in the late nineteen forties.

VOA : special.2009.03.04

3. Eighteen people in total from all over the world are involved in the competition for six "dream jobs".

BBC: Nairn woman Jo Muskus in Australia's 'best job' finals

4. So the amount of output produced by the industry was somewhere between the case that would be under monopoly and under perfect competition.

亦即是行业产量,在某种程度上是介于,在垄断和完全竞争两种情况之间博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. But once the financial crisis hit, things changed a little bit, and so there is more competition.

但一旦金融危机爆发了,情况稍微有所改变,因此竞争就会更激烈了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 哥伦比亚的氛围

6. Since the competition, he said "maybe 80 to 85 percent" agree with his daughter's effort.


7. The team played magnificently throughout the competition.


8. The philanthropy card is used only to trump the competition, not as a chief selling point.

FORBES: The Profit Givers

9. Neiman Marcus is actually down the block, so there is a lot of competition between the stores.

内曼•马库斯百货公司就在隔壁,所以商店间竞争很是激烈。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在布鲁明戴尔百货

10. Goldman, and to an extent JPMorgan, are winning basically because they have less competition.

FORBES: Shiny Returns, Shaky Foundations

11. Wildlife photographers Craig Potton, Kim Westerskov, and Norman Heke from Te Papa judged the competition.

UNESCO: Te Kura A Rito O Newton students win UN Photo Awards

12. It began as part of the effort for the United States to hold the nineteen ninety-four World Cup competition.

VOA : special.2010.06.02

13. The result will also have strengthened chairman Barry Hearn's view that the competition format is sacrosanct.

BBC: Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger worried by fixture list

14. It was a gruelling three-round competition.


15. And,minutes after awarding the prize, Netflix announced a second one million dollar competition to improve the system even more.

VOA : special.2009.09.25

16. Competition,again, is rearing its head.

竞争,又一次出现了古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. Competition from ICE drove Nymex into the arms of the Merc earlier this year.

FORBES: The $25 Billion Gorilla

18. And I know there's a lot to talk about this competition, but let's just get into listening mode here and talk about how we can figure out what the correct electron configuration is for this ion.

我知道刚才关于这次比赛大家有很多话要聊,但是请大家先转换到听讲的模式,来看看如何才能弄清楚,这个离子正确的电子排布。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

19. Like the World Cup of the ice-sculpting world, the competition attracts artists from across the globe.

BBC: The origins of ice sculpting

20. In wealthier countries, where entrepreneurs face more competition and markets are more sophisticated, the gap widens.

CNN: Where are all the women entrepreneurs?

21. And he says skateboarding is giving young people some healthy competition in the inner cities of the United States.

VOA : special.2009.09.11

22. In other words, there should be no competition for food.

可以这样说,不应该有食物竞争。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Hobbes' individuality or individualism is closely connected to this conception of a human being or human well-being as success in the competition for the goods of life.

霍布斯的个性或者个人主义,是与人类或人类福祉的概念紧密相连的,就像在为好生活的奋斗当中,获得了胜利。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Brazilian businesses are wary of foreign competition and seek out the government for protection, he said.

WSJ: World Cup 2014, Brazil, Maracan? Stadium: Brazil's Rush to Get Ready for the World Cup

25. In the last show before the break, the group competed against two other high school glee clubs, and won the competition.

VOA : special.2010.01.08

26. The task now for Scotland is to win their remaining friendly matches before the competition starts.

BBC: Confidence is key for Scotland

27. Italy were knocked out of the competition by Argentina.


28. But Lord Hall will also look to the BBC's future amid rapid technological change and growing competition.

BBC: director general Tony Hall 'confident' about future

29. Clearly and specifically convey how your business makes money and what its advantages are over the competition.

FORBES: May The Best Business Plan Win

30. The film, for which Bergen was the executive producer, was in the Sundance Film 2013 competition.

CNN: About

31. And when these groups were set in competition against each other, the Eagles versus the Rattlers, the within-group intensity grew.

当这两队小男孩,要与另一队互相竞争时,老鹰对响尾蛇,这种群内感情开始变强烈。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. The event Web site describes every Olympic building and competition area and the environmental decisions that were made about its design.

VOA : special.2010.02.10

33. This week it named the winners of a million dollar competition to improve its system for suggesting movies to its members.

VOA : special.2009.09.25

34. He saw outsider artwork as being free from the worries of competition and social acceptance that define the official art world.

VOA : special.2010.04.14

35. This is the straightforward, perfectly understandable competition to be first.

这是一种直接的,值得理解的,想得第一的竞争。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. an Elvis Presley lookalike competition


37. So the group started a competition called the National Geographic Bee to test students' knowledge about places around the world.

VOA : special.2009.05.29

38. Not just a little bit better, but significantly better than your competition, because you are a latecomer.


39. The Race to the Top competition will look for states and local school systems with effective reforms in four areas.

VOA : special.2009.07.30

40. In 2009, the "best job" competition was won by Ben Southall, from Petersfield, in Hampshire.

BBC: Nairn woman Jo Muskus in Australia's 'best job' finals

41. Also, the company trades at 1.1 times book value, a discount to such competition as A.G.

FORBES: Age of Aquarius

42. So the nature of the world, post-cold war world is increasingly one about competition for markets, govern of one nation's markets.

因此冷战之后,市场的竞争,成为世界的主题,一国市场的管理,如果事实如此。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

43. If ITT wins, Corning will be faced with instant competition from a knowledgeable well-financed tough competitor.

FORBES: The Trials Of Amory Houghton Jr.

44. At the same time, be sure to preserve the core skills that separate your company from the competition.

FORBES: How To Slim The Ranks

45. But executives of the two derivatives markets said Tuesday that global competition made their merger compelling.

FORBES: The $25 Billion Gorilla

46. Competition would then do what it has done elsewhere: generate productivity, innovation and better prices.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

47. Sun loungers had a lot less competition for a seaside spot in Hammamet this summer.

BBC: Tunisias vanguard hotels

48. Mister Berry says at least one hundred ten community colleges across the nation took part in the poetry competition.

VOA : special.2010.04.05

49. The competition will be judged by wildlife photographers Craig Potton, Kim Westerskov, and Norman Heke.


50. Plus, the airline faces new competition on its coveted Pacific routes, as China has opened its gates.

FORBES: Can Glenn Tilton Fly This Thing?

51. "We have no competition, " declares Trump, who doesn't deign to mention Schulze by name.

FORBES: Who's King of Chicago?

52. The UK has entered the competition every year since 1959 and has won on five occasions.

BBC: Bonnie Tyler chosen as Eurovision UK entry

53. The competition was first held in two thousand two and has taken place every two years since two thousand five.

VOA : special.2009.10.27

54. The idea that Cablevision is resisting its competition is nonsense, attorney Peter Bee tells residents.

FORBES: Verizon's Big TV Bet Goes Small-Town

55. There's an extraordinary literature, the close concurrent, the close competition for that, the richest literature would be the Spanish Civil War with Orwell, and Borkenau and Brennan.

还有一类好的文学作品,能和一战类一拼高下的,争夺最丰富文学奖,应该就是西班牙内战,有奥威尔,博克南和布伦南1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. General Motors, as you know, is an auto producer in the United States and it hasn't been doing well, as you may have heard -as is the general auto industry in this country; it's suffering under competition from abroad.

通用汽车公司,众所周知,是美国的汽车制造商,它现在效益不好,也许你们听说过,整个国内汽车行业的情况都不好,它承受着来自海外品牌的竞争金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. But over here, there's a bit of a competition to see who can eat the strongest curry, I think quite often, so.

但是在这边,有一种竞赛是比谁能吃最辣的咖喱,我想这经常发生。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 吃烤牛肉

58. The competition was extremely tough this year with a record 350 candidates applying for the five fellowships.

UNESCO: 2015 For Women In Science Fellows Announced

59. Following this theory, the American Airlines-US Airways merger will bring about less competition, less choice and higher prices.

BBC: The skys the limit for American Airlines

60. Somewhere on the line there will be competition in terms of...sort of, you know exports, Right now are the exports of different... -Yeah, they're different.

有些领域二者是有竞争的,例如出口,现在中印的出口结构,并不相同,-嗯。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

61. The commission is regulating competition.


62. Women should be aware that a wet T-shirt competition is an unofficial part of the day.

BBC: Spain's La Tomatina festival

63. The American Le Mans Series became the first racing event to use the protocols in its Green Challenge competition.

VOA : special.2009.11.03

64. States are competing to share in almost three and a half billion dollars as part of a school reform competition.

VOA : special.2010.07.22

65. Remember, Google is an organization that thrives on both competition and the feedback loop.

FORBES: Google+: Other Targets







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