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英 [ˌfɪziˈɒlədʒɪst]play美 [ˌfɪziˈɑːlədʒɪst]play

  • n. 生理学家,生理学者

复数 physiologists

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句




1. The physiologist 生理学家

2. Exercise Physiologist A 运动生理学家

3. molecular physiologist 分子生理学家

4. Exercise Physiologist 运动生理学家

5. User Studies Exercise Physiologist 研究运动生理学家

6. diving physiologist 潜水生理学家

7. Anatomist or Physiologist 解剖学家或生理学家 ; 解剖或生理学家 ; 生理学家 ; 解剖学家及生理学家

8. clinical physiologist 临床生理学家

9. human physiologist 人类生理学家


1. Best: american-born Canadian physiologist noted for his work on the discovery and application of insulin.


2. This metaphysical concern affected all disciplines: physiologists discovered that what binds cells to form an organ performing specific, sophisticated functions is a nucleic acid now called DNA.


3. There is a cartoon which actually illustrates a classic experiment by some physiologists who for some reason had a dog's brain opened up and started shocking different parts of the brain.


4. Memory is the basic characteristic of human and the important subject researched by the physiologist, psychologist and AI scientist.


5. In modern society, physiologists, psychologists and sociologists have conducted much research on puberty girls from different perspectives and have achieved very good results.


6. Russian physiologist who observed conditioned salivary responses in dogs ( 1849-1936). ( 1849-1936 )


7. Physiologists have made various experiments to determine which articles of food are soonest digested by the stomach.

生理学家曾做过各种试验以确定何种食物最易被胃消化。《provided by jukuu》

8. " Everyone underestimates downhills, generally because they don't present much of a challenge to negotiate," says coach and exercise physiologist Jack Daniels, Ph.D.

“所有的人都低估了下坡跑,主要是因为它们暗藏杀机,”教练和运动生理学家,Jack Daniels博士说。

9. Freud, a French physiologist, concentrating all his life on treating his patients and writing books, had great influence on the western literature of the 20th century.


10. The physiologist Otto Loewi was working on me mechanism of nerve action, in particular on the chemicals produced bynerve endings.


11. If exercise physiologist Jack Daniels, Ph. D., worked for an automotive company, he'd be the guy building a car that gives you great performance and great gas mileage at the same time.

如果在汽车制造厂工作,运动生理学家,Jack Daniels博士就是那个使车子跑得又快又省油的人。

12. Guy Meadows, a sleep physiologist at the Sleep School in London, agreed there was a problem that needed tackling.

伦敦睡眠学校(Sleep School)的睡眠生理学家盖伊·梅多斯(Guy Meadows)也同意,我们需要解决这个问题。

13. According to Gerald Shulman, a cellular and molecular physiologist at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Conn., exercising may prevent and even reverse type 2 diabetes.

按照康涅狄格州新黑汶耶鲁大学医学院细胞和分子生理学家格纳德·舒尔曼(Gerald Shulman)的说法,锻炼可以预防、甚至是医治二型糖尿病。

14. The company also offers an exercise physiologist to help employees suffering from stress.


15. Physiologists have shown that minuscule doses of poison may actually make organisms ( including humans) healthier, a phenomenon called hormesis.


16. "Most runners start speed sessions with an inadequate warmup, " says Sean Coster, a coach and exercise physiologist for the Nike Bowerman Athletic Club in Beaverton, Oregon.

“很多跑步者在加速阶段都不能做好热身准备,”来自俄勒冈州比弗顿耐克体育俱乐部的教练和锻炼心理学家Sean Coster说。

17. Physiologists so far have shown that six of them are affected by eating certain foods.


18. You most likely are not a biochemist or a physiologist and neither am I. But I have studied the subjects a bit.


19. If you're already practicing yoga, you don't need exercise scientists and physiologists to convince you of the benefits of stretching.


20. Gary Hunter, an exercise physiologist at U.A.B., oversaw the study, which was published this month in the journal Medicine& Science in Sports& Exercise.

这项研究由亚拉巴马大学伯明翰分校的运动生理学家加里•亨特(Gary Hunter)主持,本月发表在《体育医学与科学》(Medicine&Science in Sports&Exercise)上。

21. Russian physiologist who observed conditioned salivary responses in dogs ( 1849 - 1936 ).

( 1849-1936 ) 苏联生理学家,在狗身上观察到唾液条件反射,曾获1904年诺贝尔生理学 - 医学奖.《互联网》

22. The physiologist recently studied indicated that evening exercises beneficially.


23. When you don't feel like exercising, remind yourself of how good you'll feel during or after exercise, says Sydney-based exercise physiologist Bill Sukala.


24. Best: american-born canadian physiologist noted for his work on the discovery and application of insulin.


25. Yet consistency is the most essential piece of every training program. It's the one thing-perhaps the only one-that every coach, physiologist, and medical expert agrees on.


26. If I could really do it right, I'd now open the door and bring in our guest physiologist, who would then provide the facts that I'm — what I'm about to go is "blah, blah, blah."


27. "Eels aren't very fast, but they can swim forever," says Guido van den Thillart, an animal physiologist at Leiden University in the Netherlands who is measuring the speed of this captive fish.


28. Rather, just as the physiologist accepts the human body as it is, so do I accept people as they are.


29. Noble Laureate and physiologist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi once described discovery as "seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought".


30. A biologist specializing in physiology. World Association of Veterinary Physiologists, Pharmacologists and Biochemists


31. Immunoassays are the tests physiologists have traditionally used in such studies.


32. But we have the physiologist come in and he'd actually tell us these things.


33. But we have the physiologist come in and he'd actually tell us these things. I don't know them.


34. Lewis Ziska is a plant physiologist at the Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture.

Lewis Ziska是美国农业部农业研究局的植物生理学家。

35. German physiologist and psychologist who studied sensory response and is considered a founder of experimental psychology.


36. Yield improvement remains the main target for physiologists and breeders.


37. Though plant physiologist thought that nitrate-N and ammonium-N had similar value, many research showed nitrate was more important for dryland plant.


38. That breakfast pastry or a fast food lunch can sap your energy,' says Samantha Heller, an exercise physiologist and a senior clinical nutritionist at New York University.

纽约大学(New York University)的运动生理学家、高级临床营养学家萨曼莎・赫勒(Samantha Heller)表示:“早餐吃糕点或者午餐吃快餐会消耗你的精力。”

39. It is an important mission for nutritional physiologists to study the metabolism, control and application of VE.


40. She found him at a laboratory in Shrewsbury , Massachusetts . He and brilliant reproductive physiologist, Gregory Pincus.

她终于在马萨诸塞州的一座实验室里找了他,一位才华横溢的繁殖生理学家, 格雷戈里·平卡斯。

41. As I say, it's the sort of thing that somebody from the medical school or a biologist or a physiologist or something could describe for us.


42. Physiologist Roger Seymour of the University of Adelaide in Australia has long been a proponent of the second low and slow theory.

澳大利亚阿德莱德大学(University of Adelaide)的生理学家罗杰·西摩一直是第二个低慢理论的支持者。

43. Decades ago, physiologists discovered that during metabolism, oxygen ( O2) can split into single oxygen atoms, known as free radicals.


44. The old physiologist, Burdach, to whom we are indebted for a careful and discriminating description of the phenomena of dreams, expressed this conviction in a frequently quoted passage (p.


45. As a physiologist he believed in the artificial placation of malignant agencies chiefly operative during somnolence.


46. Not at all, says physiologist Johan Andersson at Lund University in Sweden, who studies the effects of breath-holding in divers.

在瑞典Lund大学研究潜水者屏息效应的生理学家Johan Andersson可不这样认为。

47. In 1850 German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz attached wires to a frog's leg muscle so that when the muscle contracted it broke a circuit.

在1850年,德国生理学家Hermann von Helmholtz把电线连在一只青蛙的腿肌上,这样肌肉收缩时就断掉了电路。

48. Psychological differences appear to affect people's self-assessments, said Stephen Lord, an applied physiologist who was a member of the research team.

生理上的差异似乎影响到人们的自我评价,Stephen Lord说,他是一名应用生理学家,是此研究团队里的成员。

49. Contemporary physiologists had only the faintest ideas about neural stimuli and responses.


50. No matter in what high esteem you are held. always have the courage to say to yourself:'I am always ignorant. " —Ivan Pavlov, Russian physiologist".

不管你有多高的威望,永远要有勇气对自己说:“我总是无知的。” —伊凡·巴甫洛夫,俄国生理学家。

51. I think a physiologist ought to know what to spray on his fruit trees.


52. Physiologists are interested in the workings of the human body.


53. You most likely are not a biochemist or a physiologist and neither am I.But I have studied the subjects a bit.


54. Quite unexpectedly, vertebrate physiologists and microbial biochemists had found a common ground.


55. Claude Bernard was a famous French physiologist and philosopher in the 19th century. His experimental researches almost involved all fields of physiology.



1. This is accomplished by using a wireless device (Fitbit) and a Withings scale (to measure your weight, track sleep, and activity) along with motivation from a registered dietician, an exercise physiologist, and behavioral coaching sessions via Skype.

FORBES: Why Sitting Increases Your Risk of Dying Sooner

2. I don't know the facts. If I could really do it right, I'd now open the door and bring in our guest physiologist, who would then provide the facts that I'm--what I'm about to go is "Blah, blah, blah."

我不懂这些,如果真要讲这些,可以打开门请一个客座生理学家进来,他会讲一些理论,对于我来说...会觉得很厌烦死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. Not as dangerous as you may think, says someone who should know: University of Wisconsin-Green Bay sports physiologist James Marker.

FORBES: The NFL's Coldest Games

4. This is a term first coined by Cosma Shalizi, professor of statistics at Carnegie Mellon, and named after the great 19th century French physiologist Claude Bernard.

FORBES: Evolution and Embodied Physiology

5. University of Wisconsin physiologist Hannah Carey has 100 squirrels hibernating in two dark walk-in refrigerators in her lab.

FORBES: Magazine Article

6. In the late 1800s English physiologist John Langley discovered the muscular nicotinic receptor when he tied a frog muscle to a round drum, put nicotine on the muscle and saw it contract.

FORBES: The Nicotine Cure

7. He explains that the data is shared with a unique personal weight loss team which includes a registered dietician, behavioral coach, along with an exercise physiologist.

FORBES: Can Technology Help To Promote Healthy Weight Loss?

8. Jessica Matthews, a personal trainer and exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise in San Diego, Calif.

WSJ: Business Partners Double Up for Exercise

9. Denis Noble, a physiologist at Oxford University, began using these equations to model heart cells almost 30 years ago.

ECONOMIST: Model behaviour

10. Implanting sensors under the skin, notes Howard Erikson, an animal physiologist at Kansas State University, has to be done in a way that doesn't compromise the safety of the meat.


11. As I say, it's the sort of thing that somebody from the medical school or a biologist or a physiologist or something could describe for us.

就像我说的,这就是一些,医学院的人,生物学家或生理学家,向我们描述的死亡死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Among the more promising is Cyberonics' vagus-nerve stimulation approach, pioneered by Jacob Zabara, its scientific founder who's a retired Temple University physiologist.

FORBES: Rewiring the brain

13. Take the case of Jody Miller, an exercise physiologist who wanted to have a baby.

WHITEHOUSE: Eliminating Obstacles to the Care Women Need

14. It was in the fall of 1956 that a young physiologist, Dr. Jack Johnson at the University of Minnesota, said you know, to Dr. Lillehei and the rest of them, 'I've been pacing frog hearts for five years with an electrical stimulator.

CNN: Pacemaker pioneer now lives with device

15. Exercise physiologist Raymond Verheijen, who is working with the Russia national team during Euro 2012, believes as many as 80% of injuries are preventable.

CNN: Navigating injury: Can GPS help reduce player burnout?

16. Felicia Stoler, an exercise physiologist in Holmdel, N.

WSJ: Before Outer Space, He Conquers Continents

17. Mr Bowden had worked as a cardiac physiologist before changing his career several years ago to become an international sales and marketing executive at a bioscience company.

BBC: Shaun Bowden

18. But we have the physiologist come in and he'd actually tell us these things.

如果我们请来生理学家,他会告诉我们一些知识死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Invented by an evil sports physiologist named Skip Latella, it promises to boost my balance, strength and flexibility in simple but onerous 15-minute sessions, three or four times a week.

WSJ: The Punishment of Winter Workouts | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport

20. In 1995, Tom Hughes came across an insightful paper Jens Holst , a physiologist at the University of Copenhagen, had written about the connection between DPP-4 and GLP-1.

FORBES: Novartis Results Heat Up Diabetes Drug Race



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