deduct from是什么意思_deduct from短语搭配_deduct from权威例句

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deduct from

网络 扣除;减去;扣分

英 [dɪˈdʌkt frəm]play 美 [dɪˈdʌkt frəm]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. Deduct purge materials from inventory 帐面减少注塑清机料

2. deduct rent from wages 从工资中扣除房租

3. deduct sth from sth 从…中扣除

4. deduct from the price 从价格中扣除

5. deduct from revenues 冲减收入

6. deduct from the pay 从工资中扣除

7. to deduct from revenues 冲减收入

8. deduct from the salary 劳经 扣薪


1. Economic remainders were the whole remainders which deduct from cost consumptions in the economic action's achievements.


2. And captain, deduct the damages from my pay.

上尉,扣我的工资补偿损失。《provided by jukuu》

3. America, for example, should no longer allow homeowners to deduct mortgage interest payments from their taxable income.


4. Enterprise with foreign investment have the right to deduct from the tax payable the foreign income tax already paid abroad in respect of income derived from sources outside China when filing consolidated income tax return.

外商投资企业来源于中国境外的所得已在境外缴纳的所得税税款,在汇总纳税时有从应纳税额中扣除的权利。《provided by jukuu》

5. Self-employed people would be able to deduct all the costs of their health-care premiums from their taxable incomes.


6. Yes, they separate all the checks according to drawee bank, add the total each bank owes and deduct that from the balance maintained at the clearing house.


7. According to this reason, IF you deduct from this argument, computers doesn't seem that fearful anymore.


8. To deduct or subtract from a cost or price.

减少从费用或价格中扣除或减去。《provided by jukuu》

9. We will share the percentage equal, in any expenses we did will be deduct from the money before sharing.


10. For convenience sake we will deduct these charges from the commission.


11. Well you can deduct it from the$ 40 that you're going to give me, now!


12. A quarter percent interest charges will is deduct from the proceeds after conversion.


13. Xiao said her students had come up with the system, which would deduct fines from the deposits for falling grades or "wrong answers."


14. In cases the offender denies responsibility, the organs making the ruling shall notify his work unit to deduct the reparations from his salary or retain his property to be converted into payment.


15. What he does is to find out what allowances I can claim, what expenses I can deduct from my income and finally, he calculates the tax I have to pay.


16. When a company has preferred stock outstanding, we first deduct from net income the amount of current year preferred stock dividends.


17. If you work in a company, you usually don't have to go to the tax bureau because your company will deduct it from your salary.


18. We request you to deduct our commission from the invoice.


19. Pay your savings just like you would a utility bill, add it to your savings and deduct it from your checking.


20. OV will also deduct from the refund any commissions or bonuses paid out previously for these products.


21. When the listed company calculates the relevant indicators, it shall deduct from its total share capital the quantity of shares that have been bought back.

上市公司在计算相关指标时,应当从总股本中扣减已回购的股份数量。《provided by jukuu》

22. This provider will consume some token and deduct logon data consumable by an Authentication provider from it.


23. What he does is to find out what allowances I can claim, what expenses I can deduct from my income and finally, he calculates the tax I have to pay.


24. Please don't deduct the commission from the payment for goods directly.


25. Accounting should reflect the true costs of doing business, and labor acquired through ESO grants is a real economic cost that firms should deduct from earnings as an expense.


26. Don't deduct the commission from the value of the consignment.


27. According to this reason, if you deduct from this argument, computers doesn't seem that fearful anymore.

按照这个道理来推论计算机就没有那么可怕了。《provided by jukuu》

28. In America, Ireland and Spain, homeowners can deduct mortgage-interest payments from taxable income.


29. So do lesser matters, such as whether commuters can deduct transport costs from taxes or whether bars can let smokers light up.


30. We made a mistake in your bill and overcharged you 120 dollars. So we had to write up an allowance slip and deduct 120 dollars from your bill.


31. Each buyer is associated with a particular bank that can provide information about the account status, as well as deduct the required funds from that account.


32. Discount:$ 20 may is deduct from this invoice if pay on or before march 10 and not otherwise.


33. It is well known that rocks bear compressive stress rather than tensile stress in most cases. As a consequence, the deformation parameters and the constitutive models of rocks deduct from only compressive tests in the practical rock engineering.


34. Where the holder of the intellectual property right fails to make such payment, the customs may deduct it from the security he provided to the customs or require the guarantor to perform the relevant duty of guarantee.

知识产权权利人未支付有关费用的,海关可以从其向海关提供的担保金中予以扣除,或者要求担保人履行有关担保责任。《provided by jukuu》

35. For GDP per worker, deduct employment growth of 1.1%, from data for France, Germany and Spain, three of the top four economies in the club.


36. Good, we can deduct from your tuition fee instead.

那正好,以后的工资在学费里面扣。《provided by jukuu》

37. His initial thoughts were to abandon the fight there and then, but instead he ordered the judges to deduct two points from Tyson's score and resumed hostilities.


38. In compensating for loss of or damage to the insured property, the insurer shall deduct from the amount of compensation the salvage value of such property and the amount recovered by the insured from third parties.

保险方在赔偿保险财产的损失时,应当将损余物资的价值和投保方从第三者取得的赔偿,在保险赔偿金额中扣除。《provided by jukuu》

39. In prison, all expenses are paid by taxpayers with no work required At work, you get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners.


40. There is actually a chain of certificates, as you can deduct from the output underneath "certificate chain".

根据“certificate chain”下面的输出可以推断出,实际上有一个证书链。

41. Earlier this month, the government changed some of the rules about how mortgage defaulters' debt is calculated, and how much banks can deduct from debtors paychecks.


42. Do not deduct to commission from the value of the consignment.

不要从货物的价值中扣除佣金。《provided by jukuu》

43. If the raw materials are in urgent need and they need the rework of the company, charge the supplier by certain amount (deduct from payment for goods).


44. I am only a sales assistant for the shop, and the shop owner will deduct 50 yuan from my salary when I do not get an excellent comment from customers.


45. AT WORK... You get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners.


46. If the raw materials are in urgent need and they need the rework of the company, charge the supplier by certain amount ( deduct from payment for goods).


47. Party A has the right to deduct from the lease security deposit paid by Party B.where the lease security is insufficient to offset, Party A has the right to consider the expense and cost not offset as the right of credit to recover them from Party B.

甲方有权从乙方所支付的租赁保证金中作相应扣除,如若租赁保证金不足以抵扣的,则甲方有权把该等开支及费用未获抵扣部分视作债权,向乙方追讨。《provided by jukuu》

48. There is actually a chain of certificates, as you can deduct from the output underneath "certificate chain".

根据“certificate chain”下面的输出可以推断出,实际上有一个证书链。

49. When a company has preferred stock outstanding, we first deduct from net income the amount of current year preferred stock dividends.


50. We deduct each other from income tax.


51. To withhold OR deduct a part from ( one's salary OR wages).


52. When I send you an account sales, I will deduct the insurance premium from the respective accounts.

在寄送销售帐单时, 羙我将从有关帐户中扣除保险费。

53. As recently as 15 years ago, business people in some European countries were able to deduct bribes from their tax bills.


54. OV will also deduct from the refund any commissions or bonuses paid out previously for these products.



1. The cards will deduct the purchase from a customer's checking account, but skirt the interchange-fee network.

WSJ: Merchants Shred Costs of Payments by Plastic

2. If the Commission finds that the money was mismanaged in this case, Mr Van Lierop said, it will ask the Italian authorities to deduct the amount from the next claim they make under the Campania funding programme.

BBC: Elton John gig in Italy probed by EU over funding

3. An ice cream company may only be 30-40% though as they need to buy freezer space in the grocery store, which is a deduct from gross profit.

FORBES: Valuation Do's And Don'ts For Early Stage Consumer

4. In addition, Hawaii is one of a handful of states that has allowed residents to deduct from their state taxable income the state income and sales taxes they pay.

FORBES: Hawaii Adopts Obama Style Tax Hike On Rich

5. As long as you have earned income, you can contribute to a traditional IRA. The only catch is that you may be limited to how much you can deduct from your taxes.

FORBES: Sipping The Alphabet Soup Of Retirement Savings

6. Owner-occupiers typically pay no tax on capital gains and can deduct mortgage interest from their income-tax bills.

ECONOMIST: Labour mobility

7. Let's try it you may deduct the money from my royalties.

NPR: Part One

8. Under the current tax code, employers deduct health care costs from their taxes, and employees don't pay taxes on the value of those premiums.

FORBES: Will Small Biz Be Healthier Under Bush's Proposal?

9. To state this was the first income tax is not only absurd but ludicrous, unless the author contends that employers who deduct from their employees pay items required as a term of employment such as meals, uniforms etc. is somehow a form of income tax levied by the government to compensate the employer for such expenses.

FORBES: Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798

10. Companies should be allowed to deduct dividend payments from their taxable income just like interest payments are deductible, and there should be one flat tax rate for interest and dividend income.

FORBES: Tax Code Rewards Debt, Penalizes Dividends

11. Borrowers can deduct the interest payment from their federal taxes if they itemize their deductions.

FORBES: Parents' Tough Choices For Repaying Student Loans

12. Unlike an HSA, you have to declare how much you would like your employer to deduct from your gross pay in order to fund your FSA each calendar year.

FORBES: Comparing Health Savings And Flexible Spending Accounts

13. Note that the company pays less in interest than it would pay in dividends (current yield of 2.8%) so by borrowing at 2% it essentially lessens the cash impact of paying the dividend along with being able to deduct the interest from its income, further lowering its cost.

FORBES: Apple Willing To Pay More Taxes To Get An Efficient System

14. Few claimants, for example, know about attachment orders which require employers to deduct damages from a defendant's earnings and pay it into court.

ECONOMIST: Small claims

15. Next year you'll be able to deduct from your self-employment earnings 100% of the health insurance premiums you pay, up from a 70% deduction this year and 30% in 1996.

FORBES: Self-Employment

16. Should George Osborne as chancellor revisit an idea he floated in opposition of placing limits on how much businesses can borrow, if they want to be able to deduct interest payments from tax (what's known in the trade as tighter restrictions on thinly capitalising businesses)?

BBC: The financial lessons of Southern Cross

17. If your business is incorporated, you can deduct the salary deferral from W-2 earnings and the employer contribution as a business expense.

WSJ: Conquering Retirement; Savings Plans for the Self-Employed

18. Small businesses are eligible right now for huge tax breaks about a third of what small businesses pay for their employees to provide them health care, now they can deduct from their taxes.

WHITEHOUSE: Shared Responsibility and Shared Prosperity Town Hall

19. With a Roth IRA, you cannot deduct your contribution from your current taxes, but after that, your investments grow tax free.

FORBES: Sipping The Alphabet Soup Of Retirement Savings

20. Banks persuaded the government to open a route around pro-debtor rules that discouraged lending: they now deduct monthly payments directly from borrowers' paycheques.

ECONOMIST: Schumpeter: The Brazilian model | The

21. They could privatize government assets on the cheap, for example, with confidence they could recover the money later by nailing U.S. buyers with a one-time tax those companies could deduct from their U.S. tax bill.

FORBES: Tax Case Asks Whether IRS Flip-Flopped On Key Position

22. It was able to deduct from its federal taxes many of the early clean-up costs.

ECONOMIST: The Exxon Valdez

23. He said it paves the way for residents who were forced to help pay for damages at other New York co-ops the right to deduct those expenses from their federal tax returns.

FORBES: Co-op Owner Wins Casualty Loss Appeal

24. You can generally deduct your contributions from your net business income, which is the amount you report on Schedule C.

WSJ: Conquering Retirement; Savings Plans for the Self-Employed

25. You will be able to deduct these from your U.S. tax bill, yet make sure the credit for foreign tax paid won't open you up to the dreaded alternative minimum tax.

FORBES: The Global Test

26. Section 1366 also allows A to deduct losses from S Corporation 1 to the extent of his basis in any debt of the corporation.

FORBES: The Top Ten Tax Cases Of 2012, #5: S Corporation Shareholders Get A Mulligan For Sloppy Tax Planning

27. I'll submit plans to Congress to phase out within several years Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's federal housing role, reform and make transparent the Federal Reserve, and allow families whose mortgages are "underwater" to deduct losses from the sale of their home in order to get a fresh start in difficult economic times.

WSJ: Rick Santorum: My Economic Freedom Agenda

28. Traditionally, one argument in favor of holding a mortgage has been that borrowers can deduct the interest payments from their taxable income.

WSJ: Upside: Pay Off That Mortgage Now!

29. Both plans allow you to contribute a portion of your self-employed income and deduct that income from your taxes.

FORBES: Smart Ways For Gen Y To Save In A Changing Job Market

30. It allows taxpayers in states with no income tax to deduct sales taxes from their federal tax bill (something that Ronald Reagan's 1986 Tax Reform Act got rid of).

ECONOMIST: America's tax policy hits a new low



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