
学考宝 作者:佚名



adj. 非特殊的

英 [ˈnəʊn ˈspeʃl]play 美 [ˈnoʊn ˈspeʃl]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. non-special school bus 非专用校车

2. non special 非特殊的

3. If non-special emergency 如非情况特别紧急

4. non-special esterase 泛素

5. non special wide qrs 非特异性QRS波增宽

6. non-special granuloma 非特异性肉芽肿

7. non-special group 数 非特殊群

8. non-special immunity 非特异性免疫

9. non-special immune 非特异性免疫


1. Since hydrogen is non corrosive, special materials of construction are not usually required.


2. The main result is as following: For G ∈ F v 2, G ∈ S if every non-special value of G is not closed or every closed value of G is maximal below subgroup.


3. The special blend of non-ionic surfactants is designed to lower the surface tension of the final rinsing water, preventing droplet formation, sheeting off water and reducing drying time.


4. The mirror-reflection IR spectrum technique has a lot of advantages including non-special prepared samples, simple instrument, low cost and easy operation, and it isn't limited by the surface nature and transparency of the samples.


5. The results showed that the bilingual dictionary from this method improved the precise and recall of the CLIR for the query on the special domain and had no effect on the non-special domain query.


6. Vertebrate forms powerful special immunity on the basis of non-special immunity;


7. Study on relationship among air pollution and illness-induced Absence 、 Pulmonary ventilation function 、 non-special immunity of pupils


8. And the bubble line. Sometimes, instead of having a nice separation between the bubble and the dew line, there's a special point which for some reason those two curves meet. Non-ideality.


9. The scientists observed the redstarts in their non-breeding territories for five years during the dry season. They paid special attention to the annual variation in dry season rainfall.


10. We don't question the non-sequiturs or complain about the imperfect special effects or the shallow characters.


11. Conclusion The red cell immune function reduction and serum RCIA restrain factor increase of human in Kashin-Beck disease area induced by low Se is general response and non-special.


12. Either expand to an IfExpr to special-case the non-numbers or use number() to force explicit conversions and obtain NaN as under 1.0.

或者扩展 IfExpr 引入非数字的特殊情况,或者像 1.0 那样使用 number() 强制显式转换得到 NaN。

13. Sports teaching is a technical teaching and the non-intelligence factor has an important position, emphasize the motivation study have a special significance.


14. Public transportation roads refer to roads which are offered to non-special people and social motor vehicles or social motor vehicles only.


15. This paper studied the effects of lacto-bioactive peptides on the liver cells reproduction in vitro, the growth and non-special immune function of whole male in vivo through two feeding experiments.


16. Subject concepts are a special kind of concept: ones that are concrete, subject-related and non-abstract.


17. It has certain danger to specially study a non-special concept education systemic ethics, but it is interest to do so.


18. Another prevention method was through elaborate locking rings which made meters non-removable, except with special keys.


19. Furthermore, in most microfluidic chips, antibodies are linked directly in the microchannels, which may cause denaturalization of antibodies, non-special adsorption and reduction of analytic sensitivity.


20. This h_Vars special formula produces not only the non-system fields (ones that don’t begin with a “$”) present in the document, but also those specified by NotesVar and NotesField definitions.

h_Vars 特殊公式不仅生成在文档中显示的非系统字段(不以 “$” 开头的字段),而且生成由 NotesVar 和 NotesField 定义指定的字段。

21. Effects of Air Pollution on Pulmonary Ventilation Function and Non-special Immunity Among Pupils


22. The non-special esterase ( NSE) and the peroxidase ( POD) were studied in the embryo and early larva of scallop Patinopecten yessoensis by histochemical localization method.


23. You'll want to be sure to always return null if no match occurs, so that entity resolution will occur normally in non-special cases.

当不匹配时,您会希望始终确保返回 null ,这样实体解析在非特殊情况下都可以正常进行。

24. The mapping from special file to kernel driver is made possible by the major number, not the actual device name, which is irrelevant to a non-devfs system.

让特殊文件到内核驱动程序的映射成为可能的是主设备号,而不是真实的设备名称(它和非 devfs 系统无关)。

25. Unfortunately, this is fairly non-intuitive and also involves a few special cases.


26. There are balloon denaturalization of hepatocytes and invading inflammation cells in non-special inflam-mation stage under microscopy.


27. The search uses a special target pattern (namely: \%column_numv.*\S) to locate the closest preceding line that has a non-whitespace character (\S) at or after (.*) the cursor column (\%column_numv).

搜索使用了一个特殊的目标模式(即 \%column_numv.*\S)来查找最近的一个行,这个行在游标所处的这一列(\%column_numv)或后一列(.*)应当具有一个非空字符(\S)。

28. The glyph element in MathML 1 and 2 was intended to access special symbols from non-standard fonts that do not correspond to Unicode code points.

MathML 1和2中的glyph元素旨在访问来自不对应于Unicode代码点的非标准字体的特殊符号。

29. The thymus hormone that the thymus excretes can contradict tumor, virus and bacteria, it can also improve the body's cell immunity, non-special immunity and combating infection ability through promoting cell's function and quantity.


30. Objective:To explore the effect of air pollution on pupil's illness-induced absence, pulmonary ventilation function, non-special immunity and relationship.


31. You'll want to be sure to always return null if no match occurs, so that entity resolution will occur normally in non-special cases.


32. A Study on Evaluating Reliability of Equipment by using Non-special Reliability test Information


33. As a non-special stimulator, radiation can damage the organs and systems of body, and the immune and hematogenic systems are the two most radiation-sensitive systems.


34. Therefore, high-grade non-special type invasive carcinoma may display imaging features as similar as the benign breast cancer.


35. Third, establishes the special bad assets recovery department to concentrate the cleaning up handling non-performing loan.


36. [ Conclusion] Untypical clinical symptoms and sign, non-special laboratory examinations lead to misdiagnosis.


37. For the non-forking daemons, however (and this includes most in-house daemon software), cfengine needs special help.


38. Special peak and non-special peak were differentiated according to the characters in peak shape, peak acreage and interferential peak from other fluorescence.


39. While this might seem to go against the laws of thermodynamics, Coffee Joulies contain a 'special non-toxic material' sealed within the beans' stainless steel shells.


40. Objective To study the effects of air pollution on non-special immunity function of pupils.


41. Effects of Air Pollution on Non-special Immunity Function of Pupils


42. The more upgraded the NYHA grading, the more severe the non-special inflammatory lesion and ventricular structure remodeling.


43. The more upgraded the NYHA grading, the more severe the non-special inflammatory lesion and ventricular structure remodeling.


44. Non-letter cells are a special case: for them, the words of all their neighbors are returned.

非字母细胞是一种特殊情况: 对它们来说,所有与它们相邻的单词都会被返回。

45. Another prevention method was through elaborate locking rings which made meters non - removable, except with special keys.


46. Thinking of Non-special Basic Teaching of Computer in the Independence College


47. The main research conclusion received through the experiment is as follows: Under the contrast of three total DNA extracting methods, one easy, simple and non-special device chemical method of crude DNA extraction was found.


48. The difference between the special towns and the non-special ones can be clearly reflected by the amount of capital and trade and the number of...


49. Methods We used the symptom checklist 90 ( scl-90) and internal-external mental control scale ( I-E), and investigated pilots in a major airlines of China and some non-special trade ground people, measured their mental control tendency and mental health status.


50. Research of grain heeling volumetric moment calculation for full compartments of non-special grain vessels


51. How non-stick-like wand to her, of course, I will write a special report.


52. Methods 1 332 pupils, who lived in industrial area, clean area, business area and traffic area, were chosen. Pulmonary functional test and non-special immunity were measured and questionnaires were conducted.


53. Infant touch refers to care non-special part of skin of infant with light and softly touch by medical personnel or parents.


54. Enhancing immunocompetence is the significant bioactivity of polysaccharides which can enhance special and non-special immunological function of organism.


55. The author found that the Chinese non-English major students frequently employ the strategies which only require students' low effort and or non-special training such as rote-rehearsal strategy.


56. Dionysus's spirit, representing non rationalism, has special artistic effects on artistic innovation, which cannot be replaced by rationalism.


57. The special Property Broker actions are never triggered in the non-IBM environment.

在非 IBM 环境中始终不触发具体的 Property Broker 操作。

58. The clinical manifestations were of non-special. MRI is the major diagnostic modality.


59. Different from traditional administrative action, the administrative public interest action is to protect the country and public interests from the infringement of the illegal activities or the improper act of the administrative subject through the prosecution behavior of non-special relative people.



1. Paulo Renato Souza, the education minister, is against them, arguing that the recent rapid expansion in school places, and his scheme to give poor non-whites special access to student loans, will help to correct inequalities.

ECONOMIST: Affirmative action in Brazil

2. "While great importance is attached continuously to wartime actions, it is also necessary to pay special attention to non-wartime actions, " he said.


3. The festival has no parallel in southern Europe, but it's Christmas's non-identical twin: it holds a special place in the national psyche with its own customs, memories and social pressure.

BBC: Here comes the sun in Sweden

4. FIIs must use special non-resident rupee bank accounts, in order to move money in and out of India.

FORBES: The ABCs Of Investing In India

5. T. gauntlet and might have been granted special dispensation to use some special tool or have certain non-standard access?

FORBES: C.I.O. or C.I.No?

6. Special attention needs to be paid to ensuring non-discrimination, and the equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by disabled persons, including their active participation in all aspects of society.

UNESCO: Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action

7. The General Conference will decide on the proposed programme and budget for the 2012-2013 biennium, which gives priority to sustainable development, culture of peace and non-violence, with a special emphasis on gender equality, Africa, Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) and the most vulnerable segments of society.


8. Throughout its history, the Board has closely guarded its special status and tradition of non-partisan independence by making every effort to ensure the strict confidentiality of its deliberations and communications, and the unimpeachable objectivity of its advice.


9. They include special blends of both menthol and non-menthol cigarettes to try to keep the brand growing and to lure smokers away from its competitors.

NPR: Marlboro Maker Altria 1Q Profit Up About 16 Pct

10. There was an all day program on their plans to develop open source programming tools and general standards to make use of the high speed, low latency and other special characteristics of current and future generations of non-volatile solid state storage.

FORBES: Seagate, Virident and the Role of NVM Programming

11. The answer is that the trust fund is populated with special non-marketable securities whose value is not subject to the vicissitudes of the market.

FORBES: A Modest Proposal to Avoid Debt Limit Disaster

12. But many of the most competitive products face special duties or non-tariff barriers.

ECONOMIST: The road from Santiago | The

13. Instead, he proposes a special drugs court which would give non-violent offenders non-custodial sentences and counselling.

ECONOMIST: The Caribbeans tarnished jewel

14. The draft programme and budget being considered by the General Conference gives priority to sustainable development, the development of a culture of peace and non-violence with a special emphasis on gender equality, Africa, youth, Education for All (EFA), Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) and the most vulnerable segments of society.

UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

15. There are some exceptions: much effort has recently gone into examining non-rational or nearly rational behaviour in special contexts, often with interesting results.

ECONOMIST: The benevolence of self-interest | The

16. Again, this non-boomer generation was hosed in the worst way for the benefit of special interest.

FORBES: Merck Reveals Side Effects From Niacin Study

17. There may be something out there it badly needs: oil and gas for its expanding economy, or food for its growing population, at non-extortionate prices (and sometimes, maybe, at a special discount).


18. The UN Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses provides that special attention be given to "the requirements of vital human needs".


19. We eliminated all non-celebrity and collage covers as well as special issues with exceptionally large rate bases.

FORBES: Fab Tab Cover Stars

20. Should this compensation financial, non-financial recognition, or counted as special award criteria for long-term development?

FORBES: Personal Brands Raise New Talent Development Questions For HR

21. Other defensive measures, such as converting non-voting shares into common stock, and paying a special dividend, also look reassuringly shareholder-friendly.

ECONOMIST: Italian telecoms

22. During this session, expected to be presided over by Ms Katalin Bogyay (Hungary), the General Conference will decide on the proposed programme and budget for the 2012-2013 biennium, which gives priority to sustainable development, culture of peace and non-violence, with a special emphasis on gender equality, Africa, youth, Education for All (EFA), Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) and the most vulnerable segments of society.


23. Excluding special items, the company reported a non-GAAP loss of 19 cents a share, worse than the profit of 16 cents a share that the Street had expected.

FORBES: Suntech Q2 Revs Beat Ests; But Posts Non-GAAP Loss

24. If you own or have signature power over an offshore bank account, you are required to file a special, annual, non-IRS Treasury form by June 30, giving details of the account.

WSJ: Tax Report: The Case for Filing Late

25. Special needs trusts are non-countable assets and will allow your relative to qualify for benefits and programs if their financial situation changes in the future. (The victims of Bernie Madoff faced a rapidly changing financial future.) Also, these trust funds are most likely not subject to seizure or claims by creditors, so if your disabled relative is sued the funds would remain protected.

FORBES: Financial Planning for Special Needs Relatives

26. Flintoff and Neil Fairbrother (23) added 96 for the fourth wicket, followed by a useful 42 from Australian all-rounder Joe Scuderi, who has been granted a special English Cricket Board (ECB) registration as a non-overseas player because he holds an Italian passport.

BBC: Lancs slump against Derbyshire

27. That means that trust beneficiaries can take distributions from special non-exempt GST trusts with no tax bite (chalk one up for the trust babies).

FORBES: What A Tax Deal: Family Loans, GRATs, Trust Payouts, Gifts To Grandkids

28. "It may be a special, mobile, non-strategic anti-missile force, " Ivashov told a news conference.

CNN: UK signals support for missile plan

29. Every employee received a special edition copy of the book The 7 Non-Negotiables of Winning, which declares this commitment on the very first page.

FORBES: Why Leaders Should Share Ownership of Their Companies

30. "Most of the special forces in the state are being used for non-operational duties like guarding state politicians, " he said.

NPR: Suspected Rebels Kill 24; India Officials Outraged





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