
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [skɔː(r)]play美 [skɔːr]play

  • n. (游戏或比赛中的)得分,比分;(测验的)评分,分数;<非正式>实情,真相(the score);<非正式>毒品到手;<非正式>犯罪所得;<正式>二十,约二十个(复数 score);<正式>很多,大量(scores);(一首乐曲的)总谱;(电影或戏剧的)配乐;刻痕,划痕;宿怨;<史>(尤指酒馆中有对应顾客名字刻痕的)往来账户
  • v. (在运动、比赛或考试中)得(分);评分,打分数;(在游戏或比赛中)记分;(棒球)使(队友)得分;<非正式>(使)成功,赢得;<英,非正式> (尤指在辩论等活动中机灵地)驳倒,挫败(score off);<非正式>购买,弄到(毒品);<美,非正式>得到(某事物);<非正式>(通常指与新认识的人)发生性关系;为……写总谱,为……配乐;(在表面上)刻痕,画线;画掉,删去(score sth. out/through);检测(实验细胞、菌落等),并记录有某种特征的数量
  • 【名】 (Score)(英)斯科尔(人名)

复数 scores或score 第三人称单数 scores 现在分词 scoring 过去式 scored 过去分词 scored

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


score /skɔː/ CET4 TEM4 [ scoring scored scores ]

  • 1.
    及物动词/不及物动词 In a sport or game, if a player scores a goal or a point, they gain a goal or point. (比赛中) 得分; 进球

    Patten scored his second touchdown of the game.



    He scored late in the third quarter to cut the gap to 10 points.


  • 2.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If you score a particular number or amount, for example, as a mark in a test, you achieve that number or amount. (测试) 得分

    Kelly had scored an average of 147 on three separate IQ tests.



    Congress scores low in public opinion polls.


  • 3.
    可数名词 Someone's score in a game or test is a number, for example, a number of points or runs, which shows what they have achieved or what level they have reached. 得分; 分数

    The U.S. Open golf tournament was won by Ben Hogan, with a score of 287.



    He won this year's title with a score of 9.687.


  • 4.
    可数名词 The score in a game is the result of it or the current situation, as indicated by the number of goals, runs, or points obtained by the two teams or players. 比分

    4-1 was the final score.



    They beat the Giants by a score of 7 to 3.


  • 5.
    及物动词 If you score a success, a victory, or a hit, you are successful in what you are doing. 赢得

    His abiding passion was ocean racing, at which he scored many successes.


  • 6.
    可数名词 The score of a movie, play, or similar production is the music which is written or used for it. (电影、戏剧等演出的) 配乐

    The dance is accompanied by an original score by Henry Torgue.


  • 7.
    可数名词 The score of a piece of music is the written version of it. 乐谱

    He recognizes enough notation to be able to follow a score.


  • 8.
    数量词 If you refer to scores of things or people, you are emphasizing that there are very many of them. 大量

    Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary.


  • 9.
    数词 A score is twenty or approximately twenty. 二十; 二十左右

    A score of countries may be either producing or planning to obtain chemical weapons.


  • 10.
    及物动词 If you score a surface with something sharp, you cut a line or number of lines in it. 划线于; 刻痕于

    Lightly score the surface of the steaks with a sharp cook's knife.


  • 11.
    习语 If you keep score of the number of things that are happening in a certain situation, you count them and record them. 记数

    You can keep score of your baby's movements before birth by recording them on a kick chart.


  • 12.
    习语 If you know the score, you know what the real facts of a situation are and how they affect you, even though you may not like them. 了解实情

    I don't feel sorry for Carl. He knew the score, he knew what he had to do and couldn't do it.


  • 13.
    习语 You can use on that score or on this score to refer to something that has just been mentioned, especially an area of difficulty or concern. 在那/这一点上

    I became pregnant easily. At least I've had no problems on that score.


  • 14.
    习语 If you settle a score or settle an old score with someone, you take revenge on them for something they have done in the past. 报复

    The groups had historic scores to settle with each other.




  • adj.

    scoring 得分的

    scoreless 没得分的

  • n.

    scoring 得分;刻痕;总谱

    scorer (竞赛等的)记分员;记录员;得分者;刻划痕迹的人

    scorekeeper 得分者;记分员

  • v.

    scoring 得分(score的ing形式);刻痕;记下


  • n.分数;二十;配乐;[木]刻痕

    marks   /   twenty

  • vt.获得;评价;划线,刻划;把…记下

    acquire   /   earn   /   buy   /   find   /   value

  • vi.得分;记分;[木]刻痕

    bull point


score grade mark point result tally 【导航词义:分数,成绩】

score n. 得分,分数

〔辨析〕 指运动、比赛、考试、科学测验等的得分。

例1: The score was five-nil with two minutes left in the game.


例2: His score on the reading test was very disappointing.


例3: The boy had an IQ score of 126.


grade n. [美] 成绩,分数

〔辨析〕 指学习或考试成绩,通常用字母而非数字表示。

例1: The teacher was surprised that he got a grade A in English.


例2: She worked hard and got good grades.


mark n. [尤英] 分数,成绩

〔辨析〕 尤指老师给学生的分数、成绩。

例1: My mark in chemistry is B.


例2: Her marks have been a bit higher this term.


例3: He got full marks on the final examination.


例4: The pass mark was 60%.


point n. 得分,分数

〔辨析〕 主要指运动、比赛中的得分,有时也指考试的分数。

例1: He is two points behind the leader.


例2: You lose a point if you can't complete the puzzle on time.


例3: He got 95 points in the English test.


result n. (比赛的)比分;[英] (考试的)成绩

〔辨析〕 指比赛的最终结果,或某一门考试的得分。

例1: Do you know your exam results?


例2: The football results will be announced at midnight.


tally n. 得分,积分

〔辨析〕 指比赛等活动中到某一时间段的得分或积分。

例1: She made a record tally at today's game.


例2: England's tally at the moment is 9 points, against Scotland's 7.



1. tie the score 打成平局

2. Fico Score 费寇分数 ; 信用分数 ; 信用评分

3. full score 满分

4. passing score 合格分数

5. film score 电影配乐 ; 配乐网站 ; 电影音乐 ; 电影原声

6. play to the score 随机应变

7. keep score 保留得分;在比赛中记分

8. to score a goal 射门得分 ; 进球得分 ; 破门 ; 射门得分成

9. test score 成绩;校验得分;测验分数

10. on the score of 由于;因为

11. score sheet 记录纸;记分表

12. factor score 因素得分;因素分数

13. final score 最后得分;最后比分

14. Total score 总成绩 ; 总分 ; 总分数 ; 总评分

15. level the score 把比分拉平;打平

16. music score 乐谱;最佳配乐

17. score a basket 投篮得分 ; 投中得分

18. score a goal 踢进一球;得一分

19. on that score 在那点上

20. standard score 标准分数 ; 标准分 ; 标准得分 ; 标准分散

21. score line 路面线纹;划线

22. keep the score v. 记分

23. in score adv. [音]用总谱

24. raw score 原始分数 ; 原始分 ; 初步评分 ; 即做对题目数

25. score card 记分卡

26. score for 为(某队)进球/得分;为…得分;把…改写成器乐曲

27. total score 总分数

28. The Score 大买卖 ; 鬼计神偷 ; 极盗爆破 ; 白兰度一起演的


1. They also had lower scores in tests for hostile thoughts and acceptance of violence as normal.


2. Did you score last night?


3. Fixed erroneous score display in city screen for games with over 20 number of players.


4. They beat the Giants by a score of 7 to 3...

他们以 7 比 3 的比分击败了巨人队。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

5. Girls usually score highly in language exams.


6. A team advances the ball by dribbling and passing, and attempts to score.

球队的进攻是靠运球和传球, 并且试图得分.《期刊摘选》

7. He bet$ 2 000 on the final score of the game.


8. Our team scored three touchdowns in the first half!


9. Neurologic function score of hind limb was observed after operation.


10. Mean GCS score was compared between the two groups.


11. Vocational University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, the number of admission scores line?

扬州职业大学江苏省录取分数线是 多少 ?《期刊摘选》

12. Consumption of processed and red meats, sodium, and sweetened beverages led to lower scores.

消费处理过的和红肉 、 钠 、 和甜饮料导致较低的得分.《期刊摘选》

13. Andy Roland bulldozed through to score.


14. Schools under pressure to raise test scores.


15. The U.S. Open golf tournament was won by Ben Hogan, with a score of 287...

本·霍根以 287 杆的成绩赢得了美国高尔夫公开赛。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

16. Score the card first with a knife.


17. The audition was attended by a score of young hopefuls.


18. So the electronic scoring system is adopted to record it.


19. test scores


20. In CT criteria, a linear correlation was only found between PSI and Ranson score.


21. Women keeping score like men do; women give freely and assume men will do the same.

女人的记分法与男人不同, 她尽情给与,以为男人也会和她一样.《期刊摘选》

22. Davies levelled the score at 2 all.


23. Tempers began to fray as the two teams failed to score.


24. The cantata has a difficult vocal score.


25. I'll keep (the) score .


26. Each correct answer will score two points.


27. But the study also found, on average, little or no on test scores in reading comprehension.

但是研究也发现, 按平均来说, 很少或没有影响考试分数在阅读理解上.《期刊摘选》

28. Who will score for us?


29. RESULTS: The serum albumin level were markedly correlated with occurring, scoring and healing of decubitus.

结果: 截瘫后血白蛋白水平与压疮发生的机会, 压疮的评分,压疮的愈合间都存在明显的相关性.《期刊摘选》

30. What's the score now?


31. Who is going to keep the score?


32. The politicians might be forced to touch on the real issues rather than scoring points off each other.


33. Strauss spent much of 1941 scoring his last opera, Capriccio...

施特劳斯用了 1941 年的大部分时间为自己的最后一部歌剧《随想曲》编写总谱。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

34. Units of scoring are points, games , sets and matches.

记分单位是分局, 盘, 场.《期刊摘选》

35. Reform of the examination methods and structure of the integrated test score.


36. The score calls for a contralto.


37. Lightning strikes caused scores of fires across the state.


38. Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary.


39. He started scoring like a mad man.


40. Lampard got in on the scoring act after 30 minutes.


41. the score of Verdi's ‘Requiem ’


42. The scores were chalked up on the scoreboard.


43. A score of 70 or above will get you an 'A'.


44. Rules that govern gymnastics scoring are made by FIG.


45. Build more lines in consecutive moves to get the combo bonus for a higher score.


46. Will you score for this match, Ralph?

拉尔夫,你来给这场比赛记分好 吗 ?《辞典例句》

47. Fraser scored again in the second half.


48. Welford cut through the defence to score the winning goal.


49. The tests are scored by psychologists.


50. Parents, teachers, even the kids themselves, scored the youngsters on measures like “acting before thinking” and “persistence in reaching goals”.

父母、老师甚至是孩子们自己, 给他们“做事不先考虑”及“达成目标的毅力”等方面进行了评分。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

51. ...the composer of classic film scores such as West Side Story.


52. Morocco scored four goals without reply to win the game.


53. It was the first goal he had scored since his transfer from Chelsea.


54. The companies brought out new products by the score.


55. 4-1 was the final score.


56. He recognizes enough notation to be able to follow a score.


57. At the end of the game total up everyone's score to see who has won.


58. The scores given by the pedestrians were considered as the variables for the analysis.


59. Helen: Sure, but remember that I will be keeping score!

海伦: 没问题, 可是记住我要记分的!《期刊摘选》

60. Against which country did Ian Wright score his first international goal?...


61. No country scored below the U.S.?

没有国家比美国得分更低吗?《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

62. Score each criterion on a scale of 1 to 5.


63. In recent months, the rebels have scored some significant victories...


64. I became pregnant easily. At least I've had no problems on that score...


65. Lightly score the surface of the steaks with a knife.


66. The score was four all.


67. The army continued to score successes in the south.


68. Chalk up my score as I go on.


69. Figo came infield from the left to score.


70. Commentary: Can risk score models help in reducing serious outcome events in patients with stable angina?

评论: 危险评分模型是否有助于减少稳定性心绞痛患者的严重事件?《期刊摘选》

71. We'll let you know the score as it happens.


72. He has mastered enough of the complexities of arrangement to write and score a piece for a chamber music ensemble.


73. SCAI was significantly associated with sural sensory conduction velocity and Neuropathy Composite and Symptom Scores.


74. A book is more like the score of a piece of music than it a painting.


75. The groups had historic scores to settle with each other.


76. And 29%, the “invisible risk”group, scored high on three in particular: They spent five hours a day or more on electronic devices.

而 29% 的学生,也就是“具有无形风险的”群体,在其中三种危险行为上得分尤其高,分别是:他们每天花五小时或更多时间使用电子设备。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

77. He bet $2 000 on the final score of the game.

他下2 000元赌比赛的最后比分。《牛津词典》

78. Methods 13 cases of total knee arthroplasty for osteoarthritis were reviewed using the HSS score system.


79. England scored 282 in their first innings...

英格兰队第一局就获得了 282 分。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

80. I scored few. Amy scored fewer . Tom scored the fewest.

我得的分数很少, 艾米得的分数更少,汤姆得的分数最少.《期刊摘选》

81. If you want to major this, your score must below the average line.

你要学这个, 你的分数要低于平均线.《期刊摘选》

82. It is rare that the opponents can score when I am defending the goal.


83. Results After training, the average score increased 15 points, the rate of which is 20 %.

结果:经过培训, 学员平均得分提高了15分, 提高率20%.《期刊摘选》

84. You don't have to worry on that score.


85. Are the score cards , stopwatches point penalty cards ready?

记分表、秒表、罚分表都准备好了 吗 ?到哪儿去邻?《期刊摘选》

86. He scored well in the placement test and was put in the most advanced class.


87. Relationship between changes of arterial carbon monoxide levels and APACHE score in patients with septic shock.


88. a scoring system


89. Taylor scored with a low shot into the corner of the net.


90. The primary outcome measurement was the ankle osteoarthritis score.


91. Your child may score average or above average in some areas but below average in others.


92. Of course, I will try to score the knockout.

当然, 我尽量用击倒的方式得分.《期刊摘选》

93. Other people argue that the examination score is still an important criterion in making a decision.


94. CONCLUSION: The Scottish foot ulcer risk score predicts ulcer development and ulcer healing.

结论: 苏格兰足部溃疡风险评分预测溃疡发展和溃疡愈合.《期刊摘选》

95. Efficacy was also measured using a responder score.


96. I'll text you the final score.


97. You should provide a means for the user to terminate input prior to entering 10 scores.


98. Congress as an institution scores low in public opinion polls.


99. When Davis scored for the third time the crowd erupted.


100. However, he also has a problem that radio general surgery, his scoring ability is rather poor.

不过他也有一个问题,就是射术一般, 自己的得分能力比较差.《期刊摘选》

101. B : The stadia are equipped with electronic timing and scoring system and HD screens.


102. The game was exciting , as was instanced by the score.


103. That score is going to take some beating.


104. It's my best ever score.


105. His abiding passion was ocean racing, at which he scored many successes...


106. Strauss spent much of 1941 scoring his last opera, Capriccio.


107. The stadium is equipped with an electronic timing and scoring system.


108. The game was closer than the score suggests.


109. Kelly had scored an average of 147 on three separate IQ tests...

凯利在 3 项不同的智商测试中平均得分 147。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

110. Understanding is the fundamental purpose of interpretation of intelligence test score.


111. The mean score on attitude scale is 84.42, which shows a neutral trend.

民主法治态度量表的平均得分为84.42分, 整体而言显示出中立倾向.《期刊摘选》

112. They scored higher on social interaction.

们在社会交往中的得分更高。《16年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

113. Lawrence Patihis at the University of Southern Mississippi recently studied around 20 people with HSAM and found that they scored particularly highly on two measures:fantasy proneness ( 倾向) and absorption.

最近,南密西西比大学的Lawrence Patihis研究了近20 位HSAM 者,发现这些人在幻想倾向和专注力这两方面的得分尤其高。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

114. The ASCOT scores were quite nearly the outcomes of the patients.


115. an orchestral score


116. Its top is a pink [ points ] button, players can always check the score of their own.

其上方有一个粉色的 [ 记分 ] 键, 玩家随时可以查看自己的得分情况.《期刊摘选》

117. To surpass ( an opponent ) in skill or technique or in scoring points.

比赛技巧胜于,击败在技艺、技能或在得分上超过 ( 对手 )《期刊摘选》

118. How are we supposed to score from all the way back here ?

我们怎么能期待回防一直得分 啊 ?《电影对白》

119. Will you score for us, please ?

请您给我们记分好 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

120. We finished the first round with a score of two hits and six misses.


121. Each time we scored we were pegged back minutes later.


122. They beat the Giants by a score of 7 to 3.


123. Who's going to score?


124. After the exam, they get an answer sheet and to evaluate their scores.

在考试后, 他们会得到一张调查表然后开始估计他们的分数.《期刊摘选》

125. Scores gleaned from the HUB had kept Caldwell in Chernobyl Chicken and pizza for eighteen months.


126. Her score stayed with that of her sister in the exam last month.


127. Sir, do you need tees, ball marker, score card and pencil?

先生, 你需要球座, 球标, 记分卡和笔 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

128. Since you've got a high score, you are likely to be enrolled in the college.

既然你的分数很高, 你很有可能被学校录取.《期刊摘选》

129. To record ( the score ) in various games.

记分在各种比赛中记录 ( 分数 )《期刊摘选》

130. Will the chosen profession and admission scores of lines are different.


131. In contrast , leaflets thickness, subvalvular apparaus and annulus were scored lower using 3 DV ( P 0.01 ).

它对瓣叶厚度 、 瓣环和瓣下结构的评分低于TEE和APE ( P0.01 ).《期刊摘选》

132. What does your score mean?


133. Our scores are now even.


134. He scored two goals and had another two near misses.


135. 4-1 was the final score...

最终比分是 4 比 1。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

136. We won the game with a score of 5 to zero.


137. Results Glasgow Coma Score was significantly higher in the treatment group than in the control group ( P < 0.05 ).

结果针刺组格拉斯哥昏迷评分明显高于对照组 ( P<0.05 ).《期刊摘选》

138. The German team scored a combined total of 652 points.


139. Robin Smith made 167, the highest score by an England batsman in this form of cricket...

罗宾·史密斯得到 167 分,创下了英格兰击球手在这类板球比赛中的最高得分纪录。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

140. These scores have been committed to my safekeeping.


141. How do the judges score a bout?


142. He scored his first goal of the season on Saturday.


143. His spectacular strike in the second half made the score 2 – 0.


144. I don't feel sorry for Carl. He knew the score, he knew what he had to do and couldn't do it.


145. Great musical score, a great story driven action adventure, and a gameplay designed for mobile phones.

伟大的音乐评分, 一个伟大的故事驱动的动作冒险, 以及游戏设计的手机.《期刊摘选》

146. Who is going to score?


147. You can keep score of your baby's movements before birth by recording them on a kick chart.


148. The home team didn't score.


149. Excuse me , I want a scoring enquiry form.


150. The Prime Minister was trying to score a political point over his rivals...


151. I'll keep score.


152. She scored 98% in the French test.


153. Dr Simonsohn found if the score of the previous candidate in a daily series of interviewees was 0.75 points or more higher than that of the one before that, then the score for the next applicant would drop by an average of 0.075 points.

西蒙逊博士发现,如果同一天内,在一系列被面试者中,其中一位的分数比前一位高出0.75分或更多,那么下一位申请者的分数就会平均减少0.075分。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

154. The score at half-time was two all.


155. to score a goal/try/touchdown/victory


156. You get an A grade for scores of 75 and over.


157. A score of countries may be producing or planning to obtain chemical weapons...


158. The way women score points is not only a preference but a true command.


159. Our team scored the most goals on aggregate.


160. Add up your score and seen how many points you get.


161. The final score was 4–3.


162. Will you score for us when we play?

我们打球时你给我们记分好 吗 ?《辞典例句》

163. I play singles tomorrow night against Sybille Bammer so check it out on live scoring.


164. Objective To investigate the correlation between CT image score and clinical Scale ( GCS ) about craniocerebral injury.

目的探讨颅脑损伤的CT图像计分与临床 GCS 评分的相关性.《期刊摘选》

165. When the user submits her answers, the test is scored and test feedback is automatically generated.

当用户提交完答案后, 系统会为你评分而且测试部分的反馈也会自动产生.《期刊摘选》

166. I'll keep (the) score.


167. The young French midfielder has yet to score.


168. A score of countries may be producing or planning to obtain chemical weapons.


169. The way women score points is not just a preference but a true need.


170. Doubt in my mind: This is really based on examination scores of admission?

我心中疑惑: 这高考真的凭分数录取?《期刊摘选》

171. His spectacular strike in the second half made the score 2–0.


172. The company already has around four score titles commissioned and planned for publication...


173. Remember, he's a Martian and doesn't keep score the way you do.

谨记, 他是火星人,记分法和你不同.《期刊摘选》

174. Skaters score extra points for technical complexity.


175. The unemployed report lower scores, even allowing for their lower incomes.

失业率报告降低了分数, 甚至考虑到他们减少的收入.《期刊摘选》

176. The full-time score was 1-1.


177. Several cabs and a score of cars were parked outside.


178. They're the only group that will support you if you score zero or you score 40.


179. I won't suffer like you because I never take the scores very seriously.


180. The score is tied.


181. Our job here is not to score debating points.


182. The scores were then used in conjunction with an applicant’s score on the Graduate Management Admission Test, or GMAT, a standardised exam which is marked out of 800 points, to make a decision on whether to accept him or her.

这些分数随后和GMAT(管理学研究生入学考试,以800分为满分进行打分的标准化考试)的分数一起,被用来共同决定是否录取该申请者。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

183. This mystery can be understood when we realize how men and women keep score differently.


184. The degree of anemia was negativly associated with average neonatal birth weight and Apgar score ( P < 0.01 ).

贫血的严重程度与新生儿平均出生体重、新生儿Ap-gar评分 1min及 5min评分 呈负相关 ( P<0.01 ).《期刊摘选》

185. What's the score?


186. Who is going to score for both sides?


187. People who score 7.0 or better will be eligible for additional points under the Points Test.


188. The Apgar score ≤7 and neonate death were studied as perinatal outcome.


189. The dance is accompanied by an original score by Henry Torgue.


190. Both groups had baseline POD Severity Index scores of 5.2.


191. Me and my mate went to score a kilo of amphetamine down in London.


192. Ivan scores a feeble one.


193. The film is ravishing to look at and boasts a sensuous musical score.


194. No goals were scored in the first half.


195. Actually, they were given several chances by the United, only they didn't succeed in scoring.

实际上他们从联队那儿得到过几次射门机会, 只是没能得分.《期刊摘选》

196. Researchers in the Netherlands report that children who get more exercise, whether at school or on their own, 26 tend to have higher GPAs and better scores on standardized tests.

荷兰的研究人员报告称:不管是在学校还是自己运动,运动更多的孩子,(26) 往往平均绩点更高,在标准化考试中的得分也更高。《16年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

197. If someone you know has cancer, don't let worry on this score stop you from visiting them.


198. At major competition, six judges have different duties according to gymnastics scoring rules.

在大型比赛中, 六名裁判根据体操评分规则有不同的任务.《期刊摘选》

199. The goal was scored midway through the first half.


200. He was fated not to score.


201. The competitor returned his score card to the teeatoto the Committee.


202. a high/low score

高 / 低分《牛津词典》


1. Klout aims to score you based on your online influence, measured primarily by Twitter activity.

FORBES: Topsy Takes On Google In Timely Searches

2. If you can't score a spot at Bresca, try Fore St, which is arguably just as good.

BBC: Art appreciation and more in Portland, Maine

3. and hit the ball and continue riding and score goals.

击球,继续骑马,进球。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 知道马球吗?

4. But the decision went to the Television Match Official and he decided the score was good.

BBC: Clermont Auvergne 37-27 Wasps

5. So--just sorry, keep score, right now we've got 3 basic theories of personal identity on the table.

不好意思,我们继续,现在我们面前有3个,关于人格同一性的理论。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Ben Olsen looks back on his score in that championship as his most memorable.

VOA : special.2010.06.02

7. Here is Christopher Cruise reading the Gettysburg Address: Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation,conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

VOA : special.2011.02.07

8. Researcher Christianne Corbett says more boys than girls score very high on math tests in most countries.

VOA : special.2010.04.01

9. On that score he is ahead of New York Times Co. publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr.

FORBES: Magazine Article

10. because of that score, they're excellent and extremely capable.

因为分数,但他们很杰出,很有能力。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 不平等的入学基准

11. The 24-year-old can also score, too, with five league goals and nine overall this season.

BBC: World Cup scouting: left midfield

12. We parlay our preferences into spending habits and seek to score as producers by earning profits.

FORBES: Why The Recession Recovery Remains Anemic

13. She had the highest score of all people competing for the job.

VOA : special.2010.03.14

14. The older you are, the more--the higher you tend to score, maybe obviously, not--the longer you've been in the country the higher you tend to score.

通常年纪越大,圈的人就会越多,这是很明显的,你在这个国家时间越长,圈的人就越多。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. The poems can be no longer than three minutes and are rated from zero to ten, ten being the best score possible.

VOA : special.2009.04.27

16. So in a moment you're going to go ahead and hit the spacebar and then as things fall from the screen when they line up with the left arrow, hit the left arrow with a different arrow, hit that arrow and see how good a score you can get.

一会儿你走到前面,敲一下空格键,当屏幕上面的东西从左边往下掉的时候,你就敲一下键盘上的左键,是哪个方向,敲对应的方向键就可以了,我们来看看你能得多少分。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

17. Her score was two hundred ninety-five.

VOA : special.2009.03.29

18. Life of Pi also picked up Oscars for cinematography, original score and visual effects.

BBC: Oscars 2013: Daniel Day-Lewis makes Hollywood history

19. Now I will just try to finish and score points for the team in the manufacturers' championship.

BBC: Gonholm spits out the dust after his crash

20. The score is brashly brassy.


21. She said winning was more than the score on the board.

VOA : special.2009.03.29

22. On the other hand, as you shoot to the middle, since you're kicking the ball hard, you're slightly more likely to score.

另一方面,如果你射向中路,因为你踢球的力道较大,你反而更容易进球博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. His footballing skills were useful again just after the break as he controlled a kick-through to score.

BBC: England Saxons 18-3 Scotland A

24. Team A would score and then immediately retreat to its own end of the court.

NEWYORKER: How David Beats Goliath

25. They developed a score based on the results from these various studies on how carefully the subjects in these studies adhered to the Mediterranean Diet.

该研究将这些不同研究中的受测者,按其对地中海式饮食的遵循程度予以评分关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Earlier in the day, Spain took third place in the Confederations Cup, overcoming South Africa by a score of 3-2.

VOA : standard.2009.06.29

27. But in one Birmingham postcode not one outlet received below a "generally satisfactory" score.

BBC: Food hygiene a 'postcode lottery', Which? report finds

28. Meanwhile, the SBA has 1, 100 offices nationally to go along with 389 SCORE centers.

FORBES: Magazine Article

29. It is easier to retreat and compose yourself after every score than swarm about, arms flailing.

NEWYORKER: How David Beats Goliath

30. We're looking for trends. Obviously, if your aggregate score is 75, you're passed.But, 0 I'm looking at what's going on in the vicinity of 50 because I don't think my point scheme is that accurate.

很明显我们在寻找发展动态,如果你的总分是75分,你就通过了,但是,我在寻找50分左右的同学的发展动态0,因为我不认为我的分值安排是正确的。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

31. What's the score?


32. What grade would you give yourself on that score?

你在这方面给自己打多少分呢?国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

33. Also working against the former pop tart: an abnormally low appeal score of 3.

FORBES: Magazine Article

34. they will say "Okay. You know, we won't count your score for that exam,

教授们会说,“没有关系,我们就不算你这次考试的成绩了,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 临时抱佛脚?也做过

35. "When the forces of the TFG attack al-Shabab and score victories, we don't care from which geographical positions they start the attack,".

VOA : standard.2009.08.20

36. With, when you get a touchdown which is what it's called, when you score, it's six points

如果你“触地”得分,这就是所谓的达阵得分,那就是六分,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 美式足球

37. She began volunteering at the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), a free business counseling and advice service.

FORBES: Retirement With A Purpose

38. Even though Europe has the highest promotion score, talking about your own giving is somewhat controversial.

FORBES: What Do 77% of Philanthropists Have in Common?

39. Suppose there is an epiphany at 11:54 and you get a perfect score on that question 25% and it is worth 25% of the paper.

假设在11:54的时候灵感来了4,你在那个问题上有一个完美的分数,占试卷的。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

40. She was the first female golfer to score lower than three hundred in a seventy-two hole tournament.

VOA : special.2009.03.29

41. So, we should take the Greeks very seriously on that score.

因此,必须认真对待这一古希腊的核心思想古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. Not if tiny dissident factions can seize the stage to score political points directed to a larger audience.

FORBES: Steering Clear Of The Executive Compensation Bog

43. This portion of your score is based on how well you keep up with your bills.

FORBES: Anatomy Of A Credit Score

44. The score was three nil.


45. He began to read: (Music) "Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent,a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

VOA : special.2009.11.12

46. The game was halted Friday night because of rain after eight innings with the score 5-all.

WSJ: Mets lose to Braves when suspended game resumes

47. fantastic! I got an overall score of eight.


48. It's used continuously as a movie score, television, radio commercials.

它经常出现在电影原声,电视节目,电台广告中聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Yet the score actually improved by two-tenths of a point.

VOA : special.2009.11.28

50. I guess you got a higher score, as you are a Brown student. How did you prepare for the test?

能被布朗大学录取,我猜你的分数一定很高。你是如何准备考试的呢?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 被学问的自由所迷住

51. Thank you." "Up" was named Best Animated Picture, and it also received an Oscar for its original score.

VOA : standard.2010.03.08

52. Researchers examined data from previous studies to develop a genetic risk score for heavy smokers.

FORBES: Genetic Factors Linked to Smoking Addiction in Teens

53. And the prime minister was caught out this week in trying to score a political point.

BBC: Martha Kearney's week

54. Her score was perfectly respectable.


55. With past due accounts come the inevitable debt collection agencies and the credit score destruction.

FORBES: Geraldine Ferraro And The High Cost Of Cancer Drugs

56. The Wales Office score of 53 per cent is two per cent below the average.

BBC: Wales Office: you don't have to be sad to work here..

57. But Australia's response was to shrug their shoulders and score one of the tries of the tournament.

BBC: England 16-46 Australia

58. So depending on... what professor's score in these different ratings,

所以就看……教授在这些不同方面的评分,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 课程评价网站

59. That 72nd-minute score was quickly followed by a second netted by former Falkirk player Dermott McCaffrey.

BBC: Dungannon Swifts 2-0 Glentoran

60. But I think that Romney does need to score a win here fairly soon.

NPR: Political Directors Weigh What's Next

61. The industry average score this year is 109, up slightly from 108 last year.

FORBES: Highest-Quality Cars Of 2010

62. The lowest score wins. The discs are smaller,heavier, and sharper edged than the familiar Frisbee flying toy.

VOA : standard.2010.08.03

63. Its overall score is 52, which is 7.7 points less than the world average.

FORBES: Shaking The Nations

64. The improvement was the equivalent, they say, to a 16 percentile point increase in GRE score.

FORBES: The 'New' Benefits Of Mindfulness: Improved Memory, Focus, And GRE Scores

65. Coglan followed with a bloop double to score Ozuna for an early 3-0 lead.

WSJ: Ozuna's 4 RBIs propels Miami to sweep of Mets





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