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英 [ˈdaɪəri]play美 [ˈdaɪəri]play

  • n. 日记;<英>日程簿;专栏

复数 diaries

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diary /ˈdaɪərɪ/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A diary is a book which has a separate space for each day of the year. You use a diary to write down things you plan to do, or to record what happens in your life day by day. 日记

    I had earlier read the entry from Harold Nicholson's diary for July 10, 1940.




  • n.

    diarist 日记作者;记日记者



diary chronicle journal log record 【导航词义:记录】

diary n. 日记,日志

〔辨析〕 指对每天所发生的事情或工作日程的记录。

例1: He has the good habit of keeping a diary.


例2: The ship captain kept a diary of the trip's events.


chronicle n. 编年史,年代记

〔辨析〕 指对一系列事件按发生先后顺序所作的记录,尤指对历史事件的记录。

例1: This is the chronicle of his life during World War II.


例2: The chronicle breaks down into six parts.


journal n. 日志

〔辨析〕 指对每天所发生的事情的记录,可与 diary 换用。

例1: He began to keep a journal/diary when he was 10 years old.


例2: Sara confided in her journal/diary.


log n. (事件的)正式记录

〔辨析〕 尤指航海日志、飞行日志或航行记录。

例1: The captain kept writing logs.


例2: The pilot described the engine failure in his log.


record n. 记录

〔辨析〕 指记录在纸张、胶片等上或存储在计算机中的与某事物相关的信息,以备将来查阅。

例1: Keep a record of the things that you've bought.


例2: Only the manager has access to sales records.



1. Bridget Jones's Diary BJ单身日记 ; 布里吉特 ; 单身日记 ; BJ独身日记

2. MY BEAUTY DIARY 我的美丽日记 ; 日记 ; 我的漂亮日记 ; 我的美丽

3. Air Diary 飞行日志

4. personal diary 个人日记;私人日记

5. Exchange diary 交换日记

6. The Rum Diary 莱姆酒日记 ; 朗姆酒日记 ; 莱姆酒日志

7. Diary Day 日记情人节 ; 情人节 ; 日志恋人节 ; 英文为

8. Future Diary 未来日记

9. keep one's diary 记日记

10. keep a diary 习惯地记日记

11. A Madman's Diary 狂人日记


1. There was no immediate prospect of the diaries getting into print.


2. I had earlier read the entry from Harold Nicholson's diary for July 10, 1940.


3. I have a pocket diary.


4. Her diary recorded the tyrannies of the invaders.


5. I've been keeping a diary from the beginning of my high school.


6. Fortunately, I also found its audio file online and addedonto the bottom of this web diary.

幸运的是, 我也找到了在线的音频文件,放到了这篇日志的底部.《期刊摘选》

7. He scribbled an appointment for 10.30 in his desk diary.


8. My diary is the repository of all my hopes and plans.


9. The English diary although the place will be changed.


10. She kept a diary until shortly before her death


11. When Amand return to Paris, her Marguerite in a diary given to her.

当阿芒重回到巴黎时, 她把玛格丽特的一本日记交给了她.《期刊摘选》

12. I want to keep a diary.


13. As I scribbled in my diary the light went out.


14. Ooh, this is a Dear Diary moment.

噢, 真是个可以载入日记的时刻.《期刊摘选》

15. For checking School Circular , Student Photo and Class Diary, please go to Parents'Channel.

本校家长可进入家长频道内下载通告, 浏览校园生活照及查看课室日志.《期刊摘选》

16. When he was writing in his diary, his eye fell on the picture of Huang Jiguang.

他在写日记时, 看到了黄继光那张照片.《期刊摘选》

17. Do you keep a diary?

你记日记 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

18. Last year, her diary was always full of negative reports.


19. The diary originally Liang Houpu writing , and writing after the chief editor of Kaohsiung.

该日记原由梁厚甫执笔, 后由总编辑高雄续写.《期刊摘选》

20. The diaries are a mixture of confession and observation


21. He the diary away in the drawer.


22. The Hungarian director has completed her powerful Diary trilogy, set against the background of events in her country.


23. I'll look in my diary and see what you had last time.


24. Start a diary. Write down what you want. Writing can help you express your feelings.

开始记日记. 写下你想写的东西, 写作能帮你表达自己的感情.《期刊摘选》

25. This diary does not provide Japanese support even slightly. Asks respectfully forgiveness.

本日志恕不提供日文支持. 敬请谅解.《期刊摘选》

26. In his diary of 1944 he proclaims unswerving loyalty to the monarchy.


27. His diary was not published during his lifetime.


28. One day he chanced upon Emma's diary and began reading it.


29. I rather sneakily looked in her diary when she was out.


30. Until then, keep your own diaries under lock and key.

在那以前, 记住,把你自己的日记锁好.《期刊摘选》

31. She suddenly found her diary lying on the ground.


32. His diary of the summer records a growing interest in public affairs.


33. Diary, Address Book, Note Book, Photo Album, Diaries and Calendars.

采购产品日记, 住址书, 说明书, 相簿, 日记和日历.《期刊摘选》

34. Her diary is full of praises.


35. Her diary was a record of her inner conflict.


36. He used his diary to put a fine gloss on the horrors the regime perpetrated.


37. a watch, a diary and sundry other items


38. Eleanor began to keep a diary.


39. Friday at 11? I'll put it in my diary.


40. Tell her I've got a window in my diary later on this week.


41. The best way to master English composition is to keep a diary in English.


42. Mr Wilson's diary is booked up for months ahead


43. She entered all the events of the day in her diary.


44. Melinda: Do you write in your diary everyday?

梅林达: 你每天都写日记 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

45. Is reading a child's diary always a gross invasion of privacy?


46. She has her diary where nobody can find it.


47. I'll make a note of our next meeting in my diary.


48. Students do homework and keep a diary on paper.


49. He covered his tracks, burnt letters and diaries


50. Turn over the diary of happy feeling.


51. Don't throw away the diary, it may be of use.

别把这本日记扔了, 它可能会有用.《期刊摘选》

52. The diaries are a mixture of confession, work in progress and observation.


53. Jack entered the events of the day into his diary.


54. Only revealed the masculine reproductive organ Baidu manager not to delete my diary. Good?

只是露了个男性生殖器.百度管理员别删我日志. 好 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

55. She kept a diary until shortly before her death.


56. A Good. Can we check dates? I'll just get my diary.

A好. 我们能查看一下日期 吗 ?我就把我的日志拿来.《期刊摘选》

57. The events were faithfully recorded in her diary.


58. According to my diary, I've got two meetings on monday.

根据我在记事簿上的记录,周一我要开两个会。《provided by jukuu》

59. There is no entry in his diary for that day.


60. She found it hard to keep a diary in English.


61. The diaries above show the writer's 7 days in Thailand.


62. We sneaked a look at her diary.


63. She keeps a diary every day.


64. a desk diary


65. It was later discovered that the diaries were a fraud.


66. Violet's diary entry for 20 April 1917 records Brigit admitting to the affair


67. The diary comes complete with a gold ballpoint pen.


68. Find a quiet place and take out your reflection diary.


69. His excuse for forgetting her birthday was that he had lost his diary.


70. Mr Wilson's diary is booked up for months ahead.


71. Let me just get my diary.


72. Others keep a diary.


73. I usually put it in my diary when I see the wild flowers coming out.


74. She kept a diary for over twenty years.


75. The notebook on that table was my grandfather's diary during the war.


76. Gifts Articles, Diaries and Calendars, Crystal, Antique Imitation Crafts, Brassware , Epns and Metal Handicrafts.

采购产品礼品, 日记簿,日历, 水晶, 古董仿制工艺品, 铜器以及金属工艺品.《期刊摘选》

77. "He has had his tonsils out and has been ill, too," she noted in her diary.


78. She had a small, mean mouth that curled disapprovingly each time her husband wrote something in his diary.


79. There was an interesting postscript to these events when her private diaries were published.


80. He flipped the pages of the diary and began reading the last entry.


81. In the QQ space entire type migration diary, the message center place the position?

QQ空间里整样移动日志 、 留言板的摆放位置?《期刊摘选》

82. She mounted the photograph on the back of her diary book.


83. His diary is much cry and little wool.


84. If you can't remember your number, write it in code in a diary.


85. Eleanor began to keep a diary


86. Historians annotate, check and interpret the diary selections.


87. This is an emotion exchange diary.


88. My space at the same time news, diary, abundant guest and this spacesynchronized release.

我的空间,消息 、 日志 、 博客与本空间同时同步发行.《期刊摘选》

89. In keeping a diary in English, we inevitably run up agai ta lot of difficulties.

在用英语记日记的过程中, 我们不可避免地要遇到许多困难.《期刊摘选》

90. A diary on an actual device might be a good alternative.


91. Has anyone ever wept in your diary?


92. He has had his tonsils out and has been ill, too, she noted in her diary.


93. The focus of this dev diary will be party on technology and partly on officers.


94. The following diaries are from a Chinese student who is studying in Coventry University, Britain.


95. I put aside half an hour every day to write my diary.


96. I'd better notethe date of the meeting in my diary, or I'll forget it.

我最好把开会日期记在我的日志上, 否则我可能会把它给忘了.《期刊摘选》

97. From the diary, Amand know her noble soul.

从日记中, 阿芒才知道了她的高尚心灵.《期刊摘选》

98. Violet's diary entry for 20 April 1917 records Brigit admitting to the affair.


99. How to increase the FLASH small game inside the QQ space diary?


100. Violet's diary entry for April 20, 1917 records Brigit admitting to the affair.


101. The diary comes complete with a gold-coloured ballpoint pen.


102. Do you keep a diary (= write one regularly) ?


103. The rawness of his diary made it unpublishable.


104. Before we met, you showed me your diary.


105. See this diary, I also remembered his life, it is a high sweet, bitter aftertaste endless.

看到这日志, 我也想起了自己的高三生活, 那是有苦有甜的 、 回味无穷的.《期刊摘选》

106. The slimline diary fits easily into a handbag.


107. Ever since I saw the diary excerpts I've been cast down.


108. He prefaced the diaries with a short account of how they were discovered.



1. Vikki is keeping a web diary of her operation and hospital stay for BBC News Online.

BBC: NEWS | Health | Web diary: Breast removal

2. The two emergent forms are partisan video satire and fake "secret diary" blogs.

FORBES: Does 2008 Race Go Through YouTube?

3. His series,called "Diary of a Wimpy Kid,"

VOA : special.2009.10.12

4. So but the diary is a way to get more sophisticated information on individuals for dietary counseling purposes and the like, but it's pretty labor intensive and then it requires either a computer to analyze the diet or some human being who is trained in this to sit down and make sense of the data.

日记这个办法,可获得更加精确的个体信息,用以进行饮食咨询等,但这更像是劳动密集型工作,然后还需要一台电脑,来分析食物数据,有些人学的就是,坐在电脑前弄明白这些数据关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. This is why a dream diary or writing up-- writing your dreams as soon as you wake up turns out to be useful.

所以梦境日记-,要在醒来后马上写,这很有帮助。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Look back through your diary breaking down tasks depending on whether events were planned or impromptu.

CNN: Management Masterclass

7. Treat your appointment with sleep as being as important as any other in your diary.

FORBES: How Doing Nothing Makes You Money.

8. But it looks less ugly and less dangerous than the Afghanistan found in WikiLeaks' War Diary.

ECONOMIST: Afghanistan

9. The diet diary--the food frequency is a different kind of questionnaire.

饮食日记,食用频率,是另一种问卷调查方式关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. "White House Diary" has received both criticism and praise.

VOA : special.2010.10.15

11. He wrote an amazing diary. He was a loner.

他写的日记令人惊讶不已,他不合群美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Marwah's work is an intimate piece and the title, Mood Diary, reflects that well.

BBC: Picturing mental health

13. As I scribbled in my diary the light went out.


14. The best way to do this is by reading Anne Frank's diary, she says.

BBC: Justin Bieber on Anne Frank: Five interpretations

15. He had a diary conflict.


16. A diary is another method.

日记是另一个办法关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. Liverpool chose not to give evidence but in court excerpts of his diary were read out.

BBC: Joss Stone murder plot thwarted by members of public

18. If you want to remember your dream by the way keep your dreams--keep a dream diary, very useful, but everybody dreams three to four times a night.

如果你想记得自己梦见什么,那就写一本梦境日记,这是非常有用的,每个人平均一晚作三四次梦。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. But a Palace spokeswoman confirmed the Queen's diary for this week would remain suspended.

BBC: Queen leaves hospital after stomach bug

20. The names, prisoner numbers and causes of death are listed by the dozens in his diary.

CNN: WW II vet held in Nazi slave camp breaks silence: 'Let it be known'

21. Gerd Heidemann, a Stern employee who patronised Mr Kujau's shop, was intensely interested in the diary.

ECONOMIST: Konrad Kujau

22. His enormous contribution to 17th century scientific research and London architecture is clearly revealed in his Diary.

UNESCO: 2014 UK Memory of the World Register

23. What on earth makes someone like Casey Anthony release a video diary on the web?

FORBES: Sometimes People Should Censor Themselves Online - Yes Casey Anthony, I'm Talking to You

24. Historians annotate, check, and interpret the diary selections.


25. Piper last worked with Prebble on the ITV series Secret Diary of a Call Girl.

BBC: The Effect: Critics smitten by new Lucy Prebble play

26. Boswell's heirs destroyed a passage in his diary where he describes a fling he had with Rosseau's mistress.

NPR: Family Pauses over Woman's Posthumous Request

27. Those executives who can't afford one should try keeping a diary, or a dog.

ECONOMIST: Top executives are looking for a shoulder to cry on

28. I've got a window in my diary later this week.


29. The Diary shows us a man striving to be open and honest with himself.

UNESCO: 2014 UK Memory of the World Register

30. Mr Clark said the diary was a charming mix of the monumental and mundane.

BBC: Wartime diary helps to tell Colossus story

31. Tony Blair's office will be wise to stick to the desk diary with its obvious advantages.


32. The new diary was then handed to his solicitors for use in the court case.

BBC: Lord Archer pleads not guilty

33. The Diary contains daily entries for his work as the chief City Surveyor for the rebuilding of the City.

UNESCO: 2014 UK Memory of the World Register

34. Dudley describes their rescue in his diary with staggering euphemism.

达德利日记里描述的得救情形,委婉得让人震惊。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. Pavani said students made notes together and selected the best bits for the team diary.

BBC: A Question of Sport at Whitley Abbey School in Coventry

36. He'll be giving us the low-down on what's happening behind the scenes in his diary.

BBC: Last Updated: Thursday June 08 2006 17:30 GMT

37. You're essentially doing a diary; you're keeping track of what you're eating.

你们基本上就是写日记,记下所有自己吃的东西关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. The diary-like stories are written and read mostly by young women in their teens and 20's.

CNN: Cell phone stories writing new chapter in print publishing

39. The diary was written by Post Office engineer Tommy Flowers who designed the codebreaking machine.

BBC: Wartime diary helps to tell Colossus story

40. In the final diary entry, he was still railing against the provincialism of literary Poland.

NEWYORKER: Imp of the Perverse

41. Go back through the last few months of your Outlook calendar, Lotus Notes, or handwritten diary.

FORBES: Capture an Hour When You Turn Back the Clock

42. She had a small, mean mouth that curled disapprovingly each time her husband wrote something in his diary.


43. They are born reciters, great memory retainers, diary keepers, letter exchangers and letter savers, history tracers and debaters, and outstaying all the rest they are just great talkers."

他们天生善背,记忆超群,爱写日记,乐于书信,尤喜收藏信件,爱追溯历史,天生的辩论家,总之他们就是很健谈"美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. At the camp, Zogaj had kept a diary that contained the names of prisoners.

NEWYORKER: Bring Up the Bodies

45. It looks and smells like a cross between a brewery and a diary barn.

NPR: Canadian Dreams of Ethanol Distilled from Grass

46. Also, I don't think that there is any remorse, like in Dudley's diary, "We're eating our breakfast," it seems as though he's just sort of like, you know, the whole idea of not valuing someone else's life.

而且,我不认为达德利有丝毫悔意,既然他可以写出“我们正在吃早餐“这样的日记“,说明他似乎根本,没有把别人的生命当回事儿。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. As a consequence, the diary measures have their own sets of flaws that we'll talk about in a minute.

这样的结果是,日记方式有自己的缺陷,我们马上就会谈到关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Weak from scurvy and rheumatism, Sneden scratched away in his shorthand diary, obsessively documenting everything he witnessed.

FORBES: War Story



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