more typical翻译_more typical短语搭配_more typical权威例句

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more typical

adj. 典型的;有代表性的;特有的;不出所料;一贯的;平常的


英 [mɔː(r) ˈtɪpɪkl]play 美 [mɔːr ˈtɪpɪkl]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. His firm last week traded in more than 50 different markets, while a more typical weekly number is 25 to 30.

他的公司上周在50多个市场进行了交易,而通常情况下每周进行交易的市场为25 - 30个。

2. A more typical solution is to display the username, hostname, directory, and the dollar or hash sign, depending on the UID of the current user.


3. The idea of the imagery modeling would make ancient color a more typical and ideal modeling means.


4. Director uses a slightly more typical approach.


5. The more typical approaches that combine with the general line of education and mobilization play a good role in achieving good results.


6. So the thesis takes Suzhou city as a case study which is more typical and convincing.


7. It also summarizes the representative view of each stage, and comments on the more typical research achievements.


8. From the point of industrial distribution, manufacturing cluster phenomenon performances more typical.


9. The above rule is probably more typical of the types of rules you might be writing.


10. This is more typical of mammals than of reptiles.


11. On a more typical recovery rate (around 40 cents on the dollar), the markets were pricing in a 69% default rate.


12. You should edit any generated samples to make them more typical and meaningful.


13. There are confirmed reports saying that it has chosen with the more typical soft top.


14. "It's a beautiful design, but it [has] a very aggressive riding position more typical to a racing bike," says Stoddard.


15. But, in the more typical case, there will have been parallel changes.


16. The poster design is concerned, compared to other design professional is more typical.


17. The distinctive artistic image, the more typical, works of art the more vitality;


18. This is a more typical acute gastritis with a diffusely hyperemic gastric mucosa.


19. There appear several more typical objects' properties in academic world in recent years.


20. With the rapid development of technology, modern design gradually replaces the traditional design methods, and digital design technology is more typical of modern design.


21. A case study of a more typical organization would have been more useful to a broader group of readers.


22. Another group of mice were fed a control diet more typical of the American diet.


23. Both. But the green one is more typical.


24. I think that this incident is more typical, why it is more typical?


25. Let's address the more typical scenario in which users submit data from separate pages.


26. They compared ash that was ejected in the early, explosive phase of the eruption with ash from a later, more typical eruption of the volcano.


27. to the more typical masculine component of hormones.


28. Let's take a look at a more typical event, such as click (see Listing 7).


29. The arrangements were more typical of a president's funeral than a senator's.


30. But even the more typical pets have had unusual time at the White House.


31. Crocodile trademark disputes in recent years the more typical of trademark disputes.


32. A case study of a more typical organization would have been more useful to a broader group of readers.


33. More typical inaccuracies in other media are from out - of - date material.


34. In reflecting cultural differences of languages, idioms are more typical than other language elements.


35. Let's address the more typical scenario in which users submit data from separate pages.


36. One of the principles of the grammar book is that there should be more typical examples.


37. The trick is to use another style sheet, generate_html.xsl, in Listing 10 to turn start.xsl into a more typical style sheet.

诀窍是使用清单10中的另一个样式表generate_html . xsl将start . xsl转换成更典型的样式表。

38. Last week was more typical.


39. The more typical visit of Mars is seven weeks, not the nearly eight months that Mars will do now.


40. In that case, you have a more typical XML file, as in Listing 2.


41. Because her upper body is of much more typical dimensions, she is 196 centimetres (6 ft 5 in) tall.


42. In the more typical case, there will have been parallel changes.


43. A more typical use of the session interface is to route message clones to other destinations.


44. PetroChina's average run rates are 80 per cent, down from more typical levels of 90 per cent.


45. That rare triumph must be contrasted with the more typical experience of United Airlines.


46. The more typical synchronous IO connector is enabled by default.


47. It makes lots of colleges or single users spend less money but do more typical and higher quality experiments.


48. The second, and more typical, example is the use of a persistence framework.


49. Characterized by short duration and quick attenuation, One-off impaction ground motion is more typical than others.


50. You focus on the simple pleasures of the Continent, enjoying the craftsmanship and care that goes into Europe's smaller, more typical treats.


51. You should edit any generated samples to make them more typical and meaningful.


52. Some usages are appropriate only in spoken English, while others are more typical of formal writing.


53. It's more typical rude behavior toward visiting foreigners.

这是对待外国人典型的无礼表现。《provided by jukuu》

54. Let's take a look at a more typical event, such as click ( see Listing 7).


55. You could now re-open the deployment descriptor using the more typical deployment descriptor editor.


56. Such tracking systems are more typical on long-haul flights.


57. In order to analyze agricultural listed companies management situation deeply, the thesis chooses to analyze the more typical of success and failure cases.


58. The more typical synchronous IO connector is enabled by default.


59. Once we get the beta program going we hope to get input from residents on Mono performance with more typical SL scripts.


60. Or a more typical agricultural county.


61. But, in the more typical case, there will have been parallel changes.


62. The above rule is probably more typical of the types of rules you might be writing.



1. It is becoming more typical for companies to check the credit of job candidates.

FORBES: Career Management In 5 Minutes A Day

2. Adjust the reserve to a more typical level--and thereby move the tangible book down by a like amount--and Citi doesn't look so cheap.

FORBES: Magazine Article

3. One result is a fertility rate, 1.5 births per woman, more typical of rich countries than of what Cuba still is, the third world.

ECONOMIST: Brother Fidel and the women of Cuba

4. The much more typical path is that they come up with an idea.

FORBES: How The Most Successful People Think Differently To Solve Their Biggest Challenges

5. And that's right, that's exactly what reflects the typical American eating pattern, since more then half of meals now are eaten outside the home.

不错,这恰恰反映了,美国人典型的饮食模式,即超过半数的就餐都是在外面吃的关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. LTCM, you might say, is more typical of banks than of hedge funds.

ECONOMIST: A new approach to financial risk

7. While Koshik was capable of producing these more typical elephant noises, he needed the help of his trunk to morph these into something far more human.

BBC: Elephant mimics Korean with help of his trunk

8. And Indiana reverted to its more typical style, holding a 49-30 rebounding advantage and outscoring Miami 50-32 in the paint.

NPR: Pacers Get Even With Miami After 99-92 Victory

9. Out are leather straps and linen shirts, more typical of their designer goods.

WSJ: Designer Gear for Obama Raising a Ruckus

10. More typical was an almost eighty-year-old woman at the end of her life, with irreversible congestive heart failure, who was in the I.


11. It comes with only about 2.5 gigabytes of usable storage, compared with a more typical 16 gigabytes on other phones, though you can expand the storage by buying a larger memory card.

WSJ: Personal Technology: A $19 Unlimited Phone Plan

12. In more typical use than mine while testing, it would likely go four to five days.

WSJ: Watch Keeps Alerts From a Phone at Arm's Length

13. It prevents the more typical westerly winds coming in from the Atlantic Ocean and the associated rain bearing weather fronts.

BBC: Heatwave sees warmest UK April for more than 100 years

14. However, the more typical and efficient way is to buy commodity ETFs that track the underlying commodity.

FORBES: Does Gold Belong in My Portfolio?

15. The large annual gain is well above historic norms more typical of healthy markets of roughly 3 percent, and are largely unsustainable and not expected to continue.

FORBES: 30 Largest Metros See Home Value Gains In Feb.

16. More typical today: small groups engaging in quiet lobbying.

FORBES: Magazine Article

17. Players get to start as one of 10 different races -- from Argonians (lizard men) and Khajiit (cat men) to the more typical humans, elves or orcs.


18. Van Gogh translated Gauguin's sober sketch into the muted colours he saw as more typical of Gauguin.

ECONOMIST: Van Gogh and Gauguin

19. The left's candidate, ex-mayor of a town once known as Italy's Stalingrad, could scarcely be more typical of the ex-communisti Mr Berlusconi uses as bogeymen to scare the middle classes.

ECONOMIST: Silvio Berlusconi is cornered by his coalition allies

20. More typical of mainstream opinion in the Conservative party is the Fresh Start Group with more than 100 backbenchers among supporters which recently has launched a major consultation on Britain's relationship with the E.

WSJ: Cameron Main Threat to Britain In Europe

21. Right before comes a more typical Oberst opus, "Danny Callahan, " a reflection on love and solitude that ends with the death of a child.

NPR: Conor Oberst: When Love Turns Sour

22. Moreover, this was more typical across the whole economy.

ECONOMIST: At the heart of capitalism's troubles lies executive pay

23. If Arroyo can win back the confidence of businesspeople and global investors that Estrada has squandered, the peso might well return to a more typical level of 40 to the dollar.

FORBES: There will be no midnight cabinets

24. This year has been more typical, with steady growth.

FORBES: President Obama Selects Sally Jewell, CEO Of REI, For Secretary Of The Interior

25. In this study, the research team developed a new statistical way of analyzing the genetic code of people who had reached age 100 as compared with people who had a more typical lifespan.

VOA : standard.2010.07.14

26. New York never got another chance to tie the score or take the lead again despite making a far more typical 13 of 30 from 3-point range.

WSJ: Anthony blocked in 4th as Knicks knocked out

27. O'Shannessy gave an example of a more typical Nadal match: the 2010 French final against Robin Soderling, the only man to beat Nadal in Paris (that was in 2009).

WSJ: Rafael Nadal, the Underrated Tactician, Stalks Novak Djokovic

28. This is likely one reason why banks pursuing major expansions in New York City are asking for additional electricity service that is more typical an industrial facility than a commercial building.

FORBES: Combined Heat and Computing: The Big Green Story for 2012?

29. Fasotec says it is still rare for surgeons to request 3-D replicas of internal organs more typical are basic 3-D copies of bones.

WSJ: Next to Use 3-D Printing: Your Surgeon

30. What is more typical, I think, is that he thinks, I would like to take and have found a colony on the southeastern coast of Sicily. Why?

比较常见的是,我觉得,他会说,我想要在西西里的东南海岸,建立一个殖民地,为什么呢古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Five icons populate the base of the screen, including the app drawer, while the homescreen itself has a more typical four-icon-wide berth.

ENGADGET: Samsung Galaxy S III preview: hands-on with the next Android superphone (video)

32. Since then, Mr. Dupnik has been quick to share his views on a variety of matters in a fashion more typical of a career politician a than a career lawman.

WSJ: Arizona Elicits Sheriff's Criticism

33. He is also much bigger than your typical snowboarder, standing 1.91 meters tall and weighing more than 100 kilograms.

VOA : standard.2010.02.26

34. One of the ironies of Kirtsaeng is that it involves shipping copyrighted works across an ocean in paper form, an approach more typical of the last century than the present one.

FORBES: Can Copyrighted Works Purchased Abroad Be Resold In the United States?





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