privacy protection翻译_privacy protection短语搭配_privacy protection权威例句

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privacy protection

网络 隐私保护;隐私权保护;保密;隐私保护功能

英 [ˈprɪvəsi prəˈtekʃn]play 美 [ˈpraɪvəsi prəˈtekʃn]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Drivers Privacy Protection Act 驾驶员隐私保护法

2. awareness of privacy protection 隐私保护意识

3. Privacy Protection Act 隐私保护法 ; 维护法 ; 就涉及了隐私保护法案 ; 隐私保护法案

4. Location Privacy Protection Act 位置隐私保护法案

5. Video Privacy Protection Act 视频隐私保护法案 ; 视频文件隐私掩护法案 ; 视频隐私保案 ; 视讯隐私保护

6. PDroid Privacy Protection 汉化版

7. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act 儿童在线隐私保护法 ; 儿童网路隐私保护法 ; 儿童网络隐私权保护法 ; 儿童网络隐私保护法案

8. provide better privacy protection 更有效保障私隐


1. The goal of privacy protection has three levels, namely, the direct goal, the fundamental goal and long-term goal.


2. There is also the thorny question of how Facebook could comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act in America.


3. Privacy protection, prevent all other softwares to access your recorded clips.


4. And privacy protection features will be put in place.


5. At the same time, privacy protection for new challenges presented.


6. A New Scheme for Privacy Protection in the E-Commerce of Digital Goods


7. We proposed a method to protect personal privacy protection in knowledge protection effectively.


8. Network users in the privacy protection challenged under the network environment.


9. When appropriate, home testing can broaden into a comprehensive service that includes laboratory analysis, professional counseling and privacy protection.


10. For friends of privacy protection, though, an abyss opens.


11. An example of privacy protection data integration in anti money laundering is introduced.


12. A Research into the Right of Privacy Protection of Poor Family Students in Higher Education


13. It also offers privacy protection to consumers by requiring a PIN to complete transactions.


14. Effective data privacy protection is very important to internet industry.


15. He said he believed the judge's order violated the U.S. Video Privacy Protection Act.

他还表示,他坚信法官的命令违反了美国影像隐私保护法案(the U.S. Video Privacy Protection Act)。

16. The right of privacy includes the right of privacy secrecy, the right of privacy disposition and the right of privacy protection.


17. This is a major part of privacy protection in investigation.


18. But at the same time, also on the personal privacy protection has put forward higher requirements.


19. Users privacy protection should become an important part of library information service.


20. The Civil Law hasn't state directly the privacy protection and it only states personal integrity protection generally.


21. Privacy Protection Study for Service Actors Based on Agent Technology


22. The present stage does not establish a perfect network privacy protection system.


23. The only real way to ensure fool-proof privacy protection is not placing data online in the first place.


24. The Europe and the United States in different financial privacy protection systems differ significantly from each other.


25. The Security of The Search Engine and The Privacy Protection


26. The law should enhance both information sharing and privacy protection, while at the same time strike a dynamic balance, through clearly setting up the sc.


27. Research on Privacy Protection Technology for Pervasive Computing Based on Policy


28. We take measures to select product or service providers that are responsible and afford privacy protection to their customers.


29. Lady Sawers put no privacy protection on her Facebook account, allowing any of the site's users in the open-access London network to see the entries.


30. The meeting underlined the need to strengthen information security and privacy protection.


31. Research on Internet Privacy Protection in Digital Reference Service


32. Research in Location Privacy Protection Mechanism for Mobile Communication Environment


33. The present stage does not establish a perfect network privacy protection system.


34. Chapter five: Perfect the internet privacy protection of our country.


35. Chapter three: Internet privacy protection status and comments of our country.


36. How to Balance the Need for Privacy Protection and Information Disclosure?


37. Research on Security of UHF Mobile RFID Systems Based on Privacy Protection


38. Research and Implementation for Target Tracking and Privacy Protection Based on Video Stream


39. On hospital medical records management and patient's privacy protection


40. These are important things for the consumer, for privacy protection.


41. Method of Association Rule Privacy Protection Based on Temporal Constraint


42. The Construction of the Privacy Protection Mechanism in Virtual Reference Service


43. Yet existing mobile devices cannot provide sufficient support in privacy protection.


44. A method of privacy protection based on trust is given.


45. In practice, there is no real difference between the protection of the right of personal information and privacy protection, only different name used.


46. The third part: personal credit investigation system and the balance between the right to privacy protection.


47. The way we look at privacy protection will need to be overhauled.


48. Lawful job search sites offer levels of privacy protection.


49. The Children's Online Privacy Protection act, or Coppa, was enacted over a decade ago, long before the advent of social media and smartphones.


50. Third, investigation of the strategy of the privacy protection.


51. Security Analysis and Improvement of Proxy Signature Scheme with Privacy Protection


52. We will meet the customer demand for privacy protection.


53. Comparative Study of European and American Financial Privacy Protection Regulations;


54. Encryption methods are also implemented to ensure data security and privacy protection.


55. Data security technology, data security protocols and P2P technology are the effective measures for Online Privacy protection.

网络信息安全技术、信息安全协议、P 2 P技术成为网络隐私安全保护的有效手段。

56. NCR will also support and participate in consumer education efforts about the importance of fair information practices and privacy protection.


57. This standard does not include participant identifier associated with the use of personal information security and privacy protection.


58. Privacy Protection in the Relative Position Determination for Two Spatial Geometric Objects


59. Research on Privacy Protection of Database Based on Inference Control



1. It noted a few "encouraging" provisions like privacy protection for licensed pistol owners and addressing "glaring shortcomings" in New York's mental health system.

WSJ: NY counties urging gun law repeal

2. Microsoft has a strong track record of implementing some of the best privacy protection measures in the industry.

FORBES: Kinect Can Record Demographic Data for Advertisers

3. The FTC has imposed steep fines on companies that have violated the current law, the 1998 Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.

MSN: Software industry braces for new phone apps rules

4. But in the U.S., the Video Privacy Protection Act is ambiguous about whether someone can give permission to share his or her videos that have been viewed, according to Netflix.

FORBES: Why Facebook Integration Is Coming To Netflix, But Not In The U.S.

5. Now the Court will be tackling the question of whether corporations have the right of private citizens when it comes to privacy protection for individuals under the Freedom of Information Act.

FORBES: Supreme Court To Weigh In on Whether Corporations Are Entitled To FOIA Privacy

6. The agreement with the platforms is designed to ensure that mobile apps comply with the California Online Privacy Protection Act.

ENGADGET: New privacy policy standards agreed to by world's major app store owners

7. Yet we still give this less legal privacy protection than a sealed envelope with a stamp on it.

FORBES: Homeland Security Approves Their Right To Search and Seize Your Electronics Without Suspicion

8. But Griffith says his intention wasn't to encourage better privacy protection on Wikipedia.

FORBES: Magazine Article

9. The Kerry brothers are apparently tag-teaming on privacy protection policy-making.

FORBES: Commerce Department: Recent Wave Of Cyberattacks Sounds An Urgent Wake-up Call

10. The Spanish judge's decision to keep the evidence from anti-doping officials, on grounds of privacy protection, doesn't help those seeking to police rampant sporting fraud.

WSJ: A Setback for Anti-Doping CopsReed Albergotti

11. The TSA has defended the scanners, promoting their built-in privacy protection measures including blurring of faces and making it impossible for the machines to store or send the images.

FORBES: An EPIC discovery: Full body scanner images not as private as TSA claimed

12. The irony, Kirkpatrick noted, is that Facebook was the first Internet company that offered privacy protection, by letting users control who saw their information.

FORBES: Facebook Insiders Ponder Its Future

13. The easy-to-use app makes payments quickly, securely and conveniently with the assurance that it's secured by bank-grade encryption, passcode protection, strong privacy protection, zero fraud liability and real-time fraud monitoring.

ENGADGET: US Bank kicks off 'Go Mobile' payment trials with NFC-equipped iPhone case

14. R. 2471, a bill to amend yet another piece of privacy legislation, the Video Privacy Protection Act.

FORBES: Why Netflix Getting What It Wants From Congress Means Your Email Will Get Warrant Protection

15. As many have discovered, being boring is the best privacy protection there is.

FORBES: Gizmodo's 'Summer Of Zuck' Was As Disappointing As Facebook's Stock Performance

16. The technology solutions available through G2G Cloud Solutions support reduced operating costs, increased reliability, security, and privacy protection for government data.

WHITEHOUSE: Driving Innovation and Change in Government Technology

17. Most insiders believe that privacy protection is ultimately going to fall into the arms of the FTC.

FORBES: Could Europe's Tough Privacy Protection Proposals Influence Washington, D.C.?

18. Netflix decided that the Video Privacy Protection Act stands in the way of its letting user share with the world every blockbuster, romcom, tear-jerker and T.

FORBES: Court Case Spells Trouble for Frictionless Sharing of Videos on Facebook

19. Privacy protection is nothing new, but technological advances create many new challenges for protecting that privacy.

FORBES: Just assume your data have been breached

20. Would privacy protection be helped if all these databases (like Pipl, Spokeo, and others) had to register with the FTC?

FORBES: Could Europe's Tough Privacy Protection Proposals Influence Washington, D.C.?

21. Because is supported only by member subscriptions, its only focus is in providing a world class service focused on privacy protection.

FORBES: Facebook Keeps A History Of Everyone Who Has Ever Poked You, Along With A Lot Of Other Data

22. This will most likely entail better privacy protection for individuals and more internal controls.

ECONOMIST: A new surveillance law causes a rumpus in Sweden

23. The COPPA Rule was mandated when Congress passed the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998.

ENGADGET: FTC introduces changes to Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, parental permission now required to collect information

24. The two experts highlighted how challenges to privacy protection have multiplied through the advent of new types and amounts of information being collected.


25. Europe, though, tends to be more interventionist about privacy protection as Google well knows.

FORBES: Plastic Surgeon's Legal Quest To Facelift Google Search Results

26. Coming out of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the legislation included heightened privacy protection for your email, requiring the government to get a warrant to peek at it.

FORBES: Netflix Is Now Free To Spam Your Facebook Wall

27. This particular draft of the bill incorporates amendments suggested by Senator Chuck Grassley who has expressed concern that too much privacy protection for our email could negatively impact safety tasks.

FORBES: Report Claiming Senator Leahy Is About To Make Email Privacy Even Worse Is Flawed

28. The theft of personal information is a criminal act under Israel's Privacy Protection law.

CNN: Hackers attack two Israeli websites

29. He argued the case before the European Court of Human Rights on Tuesday, arguing that celebs deserve better privacy protection against British tabloids.

FORBES: Max Mosley Fights for Right to Be Told About Nazi-Orgy News Stories in Advance

30. As privacy protection, he cuts e-mail addresses from Alexa's listings, so even a subpoena couldn't elicit which individual went where.

FORBES: Window Shopping













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18.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(  )(3分)A.自从我国第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红一号”成功发射,...







