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英 [ˈpɒlətɪks]play美 [ˈpɑːlətɪks]play

  • n. 政治,政治活动(事务);政治事业;政治学;(某团体、组织等内的)争权活动,权术;政治信仰,政治观点;(尤指跟社会权力和地位有关的领域、理论或活动的)主张,观(念);政治思想体系,政治局势

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politics /ˈpɒlɪtɪks/

  • 1.
    复数型名词 Politics are the actions or activities concerned with achieving and using power in a country or society. The verb that follows politics may be either singular or plural. 政治

    Many people think Nixon transformed American politics.



    He quickly involved himself in local politics.


  • 2.
    复数型名词 Your politics are your beliefs about how a country ought to be governed. 政治观点

    My politics are well to the left of centre.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 Politics is the study of the ways in which countries are governed. 政治学

    He began studying politics and medieval history.


  • 4.
    复数型名词 Politics can be used to talk about the ways that power is shared in an organization and the ways it is affected by personal relationships between people who work together. The verb that follows politics may be either singular or plural. 权术

    You need to understand how office politics influence the working environment.






1. new politics 新政治(由麦高文、麦卡锡等美国总统候选人提出的强调选民参与的政治)

2. trickery in politics 权术

3. International Politics 学专业研究生排名 ; 国际学 ; 国际关系 ; 国际政研学

4. identity politics 认同政治,身份政治

5. international politics 国际政治

6. organizational politics 组织策略

7. Politics & Law Economics 政法经济学

8. Politics & Government 旅游环境

9. The Altruist in Politics 政坛上的利他主义者

10. world politics 世界政治;国际政治;世界政治季刊

11. reenter politics 再度从政

12. party politics 党派政治

13. power politics 强权政治

14. politics and law committee 政法委

15. Office Politics 办公室争斗 ; 办公室体制 ; 办公室的关系 ; 爆笑打地鼠

16. play politics 弄权;搞阴谋诡计


1. His radical views place him outside the mainstream of American politics.


2. I didn't concern myself with politics.


3. He is the human face of party politics.


4. He showed a lively interest in politics.


5. The book attempts a definition of his role in world politics.


6. My line of work is entirely unrelated to politics.


7. Many people consider politics irrelevant to their lives.


8. He doesn't need to rely on personal politics. It'sets the tone.

他不必依靠个人权术, 他的了解已确定了基调.《英汉非文学 - 科学史》

9. Her politics are somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan.


10. How to treat rhinitis of chronic fleshy sex? Its symptom how? Can be you infected?

如何治疗慢性肥厚性鼻炎? 其症状如何? 会传染 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

11. His politics are extreme.


12. You need to understand how office politics influence the working environment.


13. The mass media tends to personalize politics.


14. I had no real interest in politics.


15. After forty years in politics I think it's time for me to call it a day.


16. They never agree about politics.


17. sexual politics (= concerning relationships of power between the sexes)


18. And ultimately, it is likely to reshape our politics, our culture, and the character of our society for years.

而最终,这种情况将有可能重塑多年来我们已形成的政治、文化及社会特征。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

19. The conversation drifted onto politics.


20. I've become very disillusioned with politics.


21. Things loosened up, in politics and the economy.


22. Since then democracy has increased and the military's influence in politics has decreased until this week.


23. In our interviews, many students viewed politics with suspicion and distaste.

在我们的采访中,许多学生对政治充满怀疑和厌恶。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

24. The President should stand above party politics.


25. Handling the politics of relative decline is never easy.


26. I would have liked a life in politics.


27. This issue has shaken the foundations of French politics.


28. Politics and sports don't mix.


29. One can't separate politics from economics.


30. She drew a sharp distinction between domestic and international politics.


31. At that moment the politics of the world was exciting.


32. You're an ambitious man. You're not in politics for your health — that I know.

你野心勃勃, 想在政治上混出名堂来——这一点我是知道的.《简明英汉词典》

33. Politics doesn't interest me.


34. In politics Britain has preferred evolution to revolution.


35. Why did you desert teaching for politics?


36. He studied politics and economics at Yale.


37. He quickly involved himself in local politics.


38. We want to get away from the politics of outdated dogmatism and class confrontation.


39. That would make rulings more likely to be seen as separate from politics and, as a result, convincing as law.

这样的裁决才更可能被看作是与政治分离的,因而如法律一样令人信服。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

40. The freeway has the highway of particularly serious politics and economic meaning one kind more.


41. Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so closely tied.

正是因为法律和政治关系密切相关,所以我们制定法律体系时,才会有意地把它们分开。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

42. The key question in British politics was how long the prime minister could survive...


43. I became a teacher because I preferred books and people to politics.


44. She is one of the most influential figures in local politics.


45. What are your politics?

你的政见 如何 ?《现代汉英综合大词典》

46. His politics were based on loyal partisanship.


47. In politics you expect to get smeared by your opponents.


48. The electorate had grown disenchanted with politics.


49. He began studying politics and medieval history.


50. My politics have not been colored by my parents or the people I hang around with.


51. He is completely uninterested in politics.


52. My politics are well to the left of centre.


53. If the newspapers find out, he's finished in politics.


54. When he retired, he tried to distance himself from politics.


55. Politics infuses all aspects of our lives.


56. Some investors are concerned about Mr. da Silva's politics and his earlier criticism of lending organizations.


57. They're trying to figure out the politics of this whole situation.


58. The novel is a stinging satire on American politics.


59. Don't mention politics or we'll be here until kingdom come.


60. Because when storms strike Main Street , we don't play politics with emergency aid.

由于风暴袭击了中产阶级, 我们不会在紧急援助上玩弄权术.《期刊摘选》

61. Politics doesn't interest me.


62. This and other similar cases raise the question of whether there is still a line between the court and politics.

上述情况和其他类似事件引发了一个问题:司法和政治之间是否还存在界限。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

63. This programme looks at the lighter side of politics.


64. Another, discussing national politics, said, “I feel like one person can’t do that much, and I get the impression most people don’t think a group of people can do that much.”

另一个学生在谈论国家政治时说:“我觉得一个人不能做那么多,而且在我印象中大部分人觉得一群人也不能做那么多。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

65. He's the president's go-to guy on Asian politics.


66. I am not really interested in politics.


67. Many people think Nixon transformed American politics.


68. I don't want to get involved in office politics.


69. When public opinion is particularly polarized, as it was following the end of the Franco regime, monarchs can rise above “mere” politics and “embody” a spirit of national unity.

当公众舆论尤为两极分化,它,就像佛朗哥政权末期君主们能够得以超越“纯粹的”政治一样,“体现”出民族团结的精神。 《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

70. Strict rules and politics governed who could and could not share information about these beings.


71. They are both heavily involved in politics.


72. Schmidt continued to expound his views on economics and politics.


73. Trends that urbanization is growing and with that comes increased congestion and more competition for parking.


74. Remember that for many commodities, politics are more important than economics.

记住,对许多商品来说, 政治比经济更重要.《期刊摘选》

75. He finds politics a dirty game, and only enters them reluctantly because he knows that at the very least he and his friends are better than the present gang.

他发现政治是一种肮脏的把戏, 所以只是出于不得已才参与政治,这是因为他知道,最起码他和自己的朋友们比这帮人要强得多.《用法词典》

76. party politics


77. Alan doesn't care two hoots about politics.


78. Only half her time is occupied with politics.


79. They believed that art should be divorced from politics.


80. A politics of the future has to engage with new ideas.


81. Your ideas about politics are all wet.


82. Japanese politics are sui generis.


83. He quickly involved himself in local politics...


84. a degree in Politics


85. He's thinking of going into politics (= trying to become a Member of Parliament, Congress, etc.)


86. a major figure in British politics


87. Politics fascinated Franklin's father.


88. Her lifestyle was out of kilter with her politics.


89. This chapter briefly surveys the current state of European politics.


90. local politics


91. ...young politics graduates.


92. The Right in British politics is represented by the Conservative Party.


93. He brushed away my views on politics.


94. She plays an active part in local politics.


95. He tends to overstate his case when talking politics.


96. The framers of the Constitution envisioned law  as having authority apart from politics.

宪法制定者设想法律拥有独脱离政治的权威。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

97. the internal politics of the legal profession


98. Many people think that party politics should not enter into local government.


99. He divides his energies between politics and business.


100. It is this apparent transcendence of politics that explains monarchs’ continuing popularity as heads of state.

正是这种明显的政治超越性,解释了君主作为国家首脑将继续受到欢迎的原因。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

101. Politics is the only thing which separates us.



1. So politics being what it is, I suspect he will claim success if he can get 440p.

BBC: RBS can be privatised within a year, says the bank's chairman - BBC News

2. Smerconish became a radio and television commentator after experiences he had at an early age in Republican politics.

CNN: CNN Profiles - Michael Smerconish - Host

3. Faith is no civil contract, but a personal matter not to be profaned by politics.

FORBES: Separation Of Church And State Limits Neither Churches Nor States

4. He said he would support reforms to let ability -- not politics -- decide who would get government jobs.

VOA : special.2010.05.06

5. It's a hard game to explain, and even harder when it's tangled up with politics.

NPR: The Volatile Mix of Politics and Golf

6. In these private talks, Brown said it was too late to settle the slave question through politics or any other peaceful way.

VOA : special.2009.06.18

7. Mr Putin has accused the NGOs of meddling in politics on behalf of foreign powers.

BBC: Angela Merkel tells Vladimir Putin - Russia needs NGOs

8. The bottom line: is anyone actually throwing the race card or is this just politics as usual?

NPR: Injecting Race into Politics

9. It was Balkan-style crony capitalism, creating far too cosy a relationship between politics and big business.

BBC: Slovenia struggles to avoid EU bailout

10. "I will not waste time with those who have made the calculation that it's better politics to kill this plan than to improve it.

VOA : special.2009.09.12

11. In Oman,women have made gains in areas of higher education, the work force and politics.

VOA : special.2009.03.07

12. But, I give a lot of credit to the European politics of the late 17th and 18th century.

但是,我觉得很大程度上得益于欧洲政治,在17世纪末和18世纪,起的作用。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

13. As president, it was not long before he got into trouble in the battles of politics and government.

VOA : special.2010.02.18

14. Mr Bayley also said there was something "troubling" about the style of the politics involved in the project.

BBC: Battle of the Dome continues

15. Last year the government began offering grants to disabled people with aspirations to enter politics.

BBC: Why aren't more disabled people becoming politicians?

16. The third, is that 7 weeks (and counting) remains a long time in U.S. politics.

FORBES: Oil Hits $100 A Barrel: Time For The Strategic Reserve?

17. It really was just, even as a physical object, all bound up with the politics of its moment.

这样看来,她的想法在当时的确与时俱进。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. President Garfield had been assassinated by a man who believed he should have gotten a government job because of his politics.

VOA : special.2010.04.29

19. "This competition will not be based on politics or ideology or the preferences of a particular interest group.

VOA : special.2009.07.30

20. And on Friday, this was how we started with every session, with every world leader, whether in business, whether in non-for-profit, whether in politics.

而在星期五,每一次聚会都是这样开始的,对每一个世界级领袖,无论是商界的,非盈利机构的,还是政界的。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

21. Another paper will be a thematic paper on some aspect of conflict among early Christians, such as Judaism and the Law,or women,or politics.

另一篇论文是专题论文,有关早期基督教矛盾的,比如犹太教与摩西五经,或妇女,政治。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. So in politics, this is about candidates crowding close together towards the center, to try and get as many voters who are close to them.

在政治学中,这是关于候选人集中趋向中间立场,从而拉拢更多立场相近的选民的理论博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Goglia didn't hedge in stating his opinion that the FAA let politics interfere with passenger safety.

CNN: Families of ValuJet victims attend NTSB hearings

24. I am not a tribalist in politics.


25. Alas, this diversity strategy, combined with old-fashioned pay-to-play politics, has enveloped the state in scandal.

FORBES: Come and Get It

26. For some Australians, the monarchy's continuing involvement in politics is a stain on their national pride.

WSJ: Australia Lawmakers Seek Split From U.K. Monarchy

27. He had discovered politics and was rapidly becoming absorbed by it.


28. It's what has been discussed in great detail in a terrific book by a researcher at NYU named Marian Nestle called, Food Politics.

纽约大学的一名学者写了一本很棒的书,对相关内容作了详尽的描述,即玛丽亚·内斯特所著的《食品政治学》关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. This is a key moment in the evolution of revolutionary politics in Russia as we shall see a little later on.

这是俄国革命变革的关键时刻,我们之后会谈到这些欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. From the standpoint of politics for instance, if you want loyal people in a political campaign, do not pay them.

比如,从政治学的观点来看,如果你想在竞选中让手下对自己忠心,那就别给他们报酬。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Elected judges in the United States got a warning this week about money, politics and the law.

VOA : special.2009.06.12

32. His decisive victory over Republican Senator John McCain brought down the last racial barrier in American politics.

VOA : special.2009.01.03

33. The truth is that the politics of resentment and confusion are currently trumping logic and economics.

FORBES: Greece: We Need to Stop Confusing Default with Exit

34. South Korea may be ethnically homogeneous, but turf politics has historically divided the electorate along geographical lines.

ECONOMIST: Regionalism could be on its way out

35. The tenor of Republican politics changed significantly with the rise of the conservative movement.

CNN: After Trump, will GOP accept higher taxes?

36. and it got me really interested in politics and the change that we can make in that way.

这让我对政治有了兴趣,并希望能够通过一定方法进行改变。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 要学习环境法

37. All week Democrats hammered Mrs Palin for her lack of experience of national or international politics.

ECONOMIST: The Republican convention

38. Experts say it will be hard to find a nominee with as much experience in both health issues and politics.

VOA : special.2009.02.06

39. They typically--they like to talk about the politics of it and this thing, that it's dead on arrival or it'ssomeone said it's an amateurish proposal.

他们不约而同地大书特书这个改革的政治色彩,或者说些这个计划死定了之类的话,有的人还说这是个欠考虑的改革计划。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. The result of discord among civilian leaders has been a partial remilitarization of politics and policy.


41. Aristotle, in his Politics of course, tells us the most on this subject and often he is our source of information.

亚里士多德,在他的《政治学》中,告诉我们很多有关这个主题的知识,他经常也是我们信息的来源古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. I know not what the younger dreams-- Some vague Utopia--and she seems, When withered old and skeleton-gaunt, An image of such politics.

我不知年幼者梦想什么-,某种模糊的乌托邦--她仿佛,当枯萎衰老瘦骨嶙峋的时候,这类政治的一个鬼影。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. I don't think I want to be in politics, probably more at a small scale level.

我想我不会参政,我喜欢小范围内的活动。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 为了更美好的世界

44. He became a lawyer. He moved to another northeastern state -- Massachusetts -- where he became active in Republican Party politics.

VOA : special.2010.12.23

45. She either - depending on your politics - "tamed the unions" or "made war on the unions".

BBC: Class calculator: A US view of the class system

46. The voters are bored with politics, alienated, and disengaged.


47. Mr Cameron's interview with Total Politics magazine raised questions about the longevity of the coalition.

BBC: Coalition will go the distance, say Cameron and Clegg

48. He had ousted a group called the Tweed Ring, which controlled New York City politics for years.

VOA : special.2010.03.04

49. The centrality Aristotle ascribes to politics forces us to consider another question ? namely what is the purpose of this study?

亚里士多德加到政治中的,中心论点迫使我们考虑另一个问题,即这门研究的目的为何?政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. Yeah, I think I'll make that clear line, meaning the... like again, Israeli politics doesn't really, in that case doesn't really break down religiously.

是,我来说清楚,我的意思是。,以色列的政治也不会,因为宗教原因而崩溃。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

51. Labour shadow public health minister, Diane Abbott, said ministers should not be "playing politics with people's lives".

BBC: Abortion limit reduction favoured by Jeremy Hunt

52. Nor could government and its flawed inhabitants usurp divine authority by harnessing politics to the church.

FORBES: Separation Of Church And State Limits Neither Churches Nor States

53. He proposed a new civil service system that would let ability -- not politics -- decide who got government jobs.

VOA : special.2010.04.29

54. Indian politics rewards consensus-building centrists, not polarizing leaders who repel and attract voters in equal measure.

WSJ: Sadanand Dhume: Don't Bet on India to Elect the Thatcherite

55. Any discussions of politics disaster.


56. And the wheelchair user has been asked whether he would be interested in entering politics.

BBC: Why aren't more disabled people becoming politicians?

57. Young voters believed Obama represented a new politics that transcended race and embraced their interconnected world.

FORBES: Magazine Article

58. which is a political club for... people who are interested in politics and stuff on campus.

它是一个关于政治的俱乐部……会员都是校园内热衷政治的人士。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 写作课程比较难

59. Ms. SHIELA KRUMHOLZ (Director, Center for Responsive Politics): It's hard not to be dazzled by these dollars.

NPR: Sen. Obama Breaks Fundraising Record

60. "We have to choose the countries we want to target, " he told the BBC's Daily Politics.

BBC: UK Politics

61. Professor Bill Benoit at University of Missouri at Columbia is a long-time observer of presidential politics.

NPR: GOP Presidential Fundraising Struggles

62. But some people might say that the biggest sport of all in Chicago - and Illinois - is politics.

VOA : special.2009.01.12

63. Considering politics in the hiring process is a violation of department policy and federal law.

NPR: Report: Justice Dept. Considered Politics in Hiring

64. Her politics were radical.


65. They are making friends, discussing the weather and politics, getting (virtually) married, even making real money.

FORBES: Reshaping Reality







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