resolve problem翻译_resolve problem短语搭配_resolve problem权威例句

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resolve problem

网络 解决问题;问题解决

英 [rɪˈzɒlv ˈprɒbləm]play 美 [rɪˈzɑːlv ˈprɑːbləm]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. resolve a problem 解决问题

2. To resolve the problem 想办法解决问题

3. React to resolve the problem 对解决问题作出反应

4. Resolve Your Problem 解决您问题

5. resolve the problem 解决该问题

6. hard-to-resolve problem 老大难

7. Improve and resolve the problem 改善和解决相关问题


1. This section describes example scenario 3 that generates a dependency problem, and it describes how to resolve the problem.


2. If your attempt to install the software results in an error message, you will have to resolve the problem manually.


3. Along with the development of the Numerical Control technology, requirement on processing accuracy of Numerically Controlled Machine Tool is becomes higher and higher. To control error margin is an important to resolve problem of accuracy.


4. To resolve this problem, increase the SHMMAX parameter to a more reasonable size, like 2GB.

要解决这个问题,可以将 SHMMAX 参数增加到一个更合理的大小,例如 2GB。

5. Two data forwarding algorithms are introduced in this paper to resolve this problem.


6. Any idea on how to resolve this problem?


7. Frame can easily resolve this problem.


8. Workflow technology is appearing in order to resolve the problem.


9. This model resolve the problem of compatibility to original systems;


10. A new approach to resolve energy problem has been provided through hydrogen generation by biological process.


11. It is new and urgently resolve problem for the desertification ground resource exploitation and use in agriculture continuance development.


12. To resolve this problem, configure the kernel parameters appropriately.


13. So index search technique is presented to resolve this problem.


14. It's up to him to resolve this problem.


15. This model can efficiently resolve the problem of access control in the distributed cooperation environment.


16. The best way is desalination to resolve the problem of water scarcity.


17. Financial component approach is used to resolve this problem.


18. Promulgating water information by multi-communication technique, can resolve problem of reliability and real time of data transmission, which is brought by single communication technique.


19. This thesis tries to analysis of the system and find out the basic way of thinking to resolve problem.


20. Pierre Curie joined her in the work that she had undertaken to resolve this problem, and that led to the discovery of the new elements, polonium and radium.


21. But, as we saw on Sunday, it is a minimum and does not fully resolve the problem.


22. A group needs to be added to resolve this problem.


23. This often provides the insight required to resolve your problem.


24. I feel that perhaps in one or two hours I can't really resolve a problem.


25. To Resolve Problem of SMES' Raising Money by Establishing Community Bank


26. Now, an earlier autumn has come to resolve my problem. Why not go with it?


27. To resolve this problem, our country issued fair value method in the new principle.


28. Introducing the BOT investment to resolve the problem of financing shortage;


29. Just because you understand the problem doesn't mean you can resolve the problem the way you want to.


30. In this article, I explore how to resolve the problem of frequent interruptions while downloading DRM content.


31. The Program to Resolve the Problem of He-Ne Laser Direction Drift


32. I don't feel the need to resolve that problem about the infinite regrets.


33. The image retrieval can resolve this problem.


34. Job shop scheduling is one of the effective measures to resolve the problem.


35. Mating arithmetic of parts is to resolve the problem of automatic assembly.


36. To resolve problem of automatic control system for electroplated production, a control system using PLC of Japan Mitsubishi FX2 series has been developed.


37. This should resolve the problem.


38. To resolve this problem, reduce the size of main buffer pools.


39. How can I resolve the problem?


40. In this case, just re-issuing the restart database command on the failed partitions will resolve the problem.


41. Synchronization event object is used to resolve problem of accessing card among multiple threads.


42. For the federated objects this advisor recommends the actions that can resolve the problem with unhealthy servers and nicknames.


43. It's up to him to resolve this problem.


44. In the second period curriculum reform of Shanghai, the Science course emphasizes science investigation and attaches importance to students' problem consciousness to find and resolve problem.


45. Good resolve problem competency.


46. How to resolve this problem?


47. Supervisory Information System was proposed in order to resolve the problem of the dispatch system in power plant.


48. We must find a way to resolve the problem of environmental pollution before it's too late.


49. The design of Design of Learning Activity are consisted of putting forward problem context, anglicizing problem, resolving problem and submit , evaluation of scheme to resolve problem.


50. The symptom catalog maps matching log records with additional information including recommendations and actions to resolve the problem.


51. If good enough, a knowledge representation can not only organize knowledge of a terrain very correctly and efficiently, but also help student organize the structure of the knowledge, enhance the ability to resolve problem.


52. Promulgating water information by multi-communication technique, can resolve problem of reliability and real time of data transmission, which is brought by single communication technique.


53. In order to resolve this problem, the surface of HA usually is modified.


54. A method to resolve this problem is presented.


55. You employ the encryption provided by TLS, the successor to SSL, to resolve this problem.


56. This will resolve the compile problem.


57. A type of roller structure straightener can resolve the problem well.


58. Chitin deacetylase could produce chitosan instead of concentrated alkaline method at present. This method can resolve problem such as environment pollution and produce high quality chitosan.



1. Some argue that the way to resolve this problem is for the public-service side to take over the whole operation.


2. Cogan (Brad Pitt) is a hero of sorts, who is hired to resolve a problem.

NEWYORKER: Killing Them Softly

3. Ilex, the urban regeneration company, said it has technicians on site this week to resolve the problem.

BBC: Derry public art piece Mute Meadow left in the dark

4. When we fix this, we'll have a real chance to resolve the problem.

WSJ: What Should the U.S. Do With Nuclear Waste?

5. He pointedly didn't say he had confidence in Mr Poots although he did say he was sure he was "very focussed" in trying to resolve the problem.

BBC: Edwin Poots under pressure over care homes closures

6. In the short term, though, Mr Sanader will have to resolve the problem of Ante Gotovina, a Croatian general indicted by the war-crimes tribunal in The Hague.

ECONOMIST: The return of the nationalists

7. He has said that talks must start "to resolve the problem we have at hand: the presence of terrorists in Venezuelan territory".

BBC: Colombia accuses Venezuela of harbouring rebel groups

8. They cannot resolve the problem on their own, but we need them.

BBC: EU team meets Israeli leaders

9. The council said it was taking "immediate steps" to make improvements and it was investing in more social workers to help resolve the problem.

BBC: Sandwell Council House

10. Martha Mullen, a private citizen of Richmond, is credited with having co-ordinated efforts behind the scenes to resolve the problem of where to bury Tsarnaev.

BBC: Tamerlan Tsarnaev's secret Virginia burial upsets locals

11. Conservative MSP David McLetchie said one way to resolve the problem would be for the Liberal Democrats to drop their referendum on AV.

BBC: AV Referendum and Holyrood election clash debate

12. The Department of Health has said it will set out more details about its plans to resolve the problem later this year.

BBC: Hospitals 'struggling with NHS mortgage repayments'

13. In the US, while quotas are not being considered to resolve this problem, some institutional investors are pushing for a market-based solution through engagement and shareholder proposals seeking greater gender and ethnic diversity on boards.

FORBES: Women On Boards: Moving From 'Why' To 'How'

14. Creating new standards of performance, based on how long it takes staffers to resolve a problem over the phone, Kunze in 2001 extended the California and U.K. help desks to 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

FORBES: Magazine Article

15. The club said it was working with police to resolve the problem.

BBC: Nottingham's Rock City 'targeted' by criminal gangs

16. The government has promised to resolve the problem by mid-February.

ECONOMIST: Lagging political reform may delay EU membership

17. Mr Tsang has promised to resolve the problem during his present term of office, which ends in 2012.

ECONOMIST: Democracy deferred

18. Instead, we see every day that politics tells us we must begin from the premise that the others are to blame, and that all is lost until we resolve that problem.

FORBES: More People Are Buying Hybrid Cars. So Why Won't They Stick With Them?

19. This still didn't resolve the problem, the companies say.

FORBES: Magazine Article

20. If he wanted to resolve the problem, he would have contact the Show in the first place and things would be much easier then.

FORBES: China Job Hunter TV Show Takes Mean Spiritedness To New Level

21. All sides have now agreed to a formula to resolve the problem, to bring justice to Kirkuk, and to correct the crimes against Kurds committed by Saddam Hussein's regime.

WSJ: Kurdistan Is a Model for Iraq

22. There are multiple ways to resolve this problem.

WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Compromise on Behalf of the American People | The White House

23. Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service said it monitored regular offenders and provided advice to try to resolve the problem.

BBC: False 999 calls cost fire crews millions

24. The high court, however, ordered the Ministry of Youth and Sports to form a committee that includes people from both sides to resolve the problem.

BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Ghana rivals told to end feud

25. The applicant must challenge any offensive views without insulting the complainant, and still resolve the problem.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Ethnic recruits get helping hand

26. Try to resolve the problem one-on-one if you can.

WSJ: How to Handle a Bad Co-Worker

27. Problem arises as these users expect to talk to Google directly and not partners who may be in best position (access wise, technically and geographically) to resolve problem.

FORBES: Forrester Analyst Warns Google's Customer Service Woes Could Affect Its Valuation

28. And, while not reaching for the pepper spray yourself, create a culture in your business where nobody reaches for the pepper spray to resolve a problem unless it is absolutely necessary.

FORBES: PR and Pepper Spray: What the 99% Can Teach Companies

29. But will throwing more money at the government really resolve the problem?

FORBES: Toying With China

30. And it requires Democrats and Republicans to meet half way to resolve the problem.

WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Congress Must Act Now to Stop the Sequester





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