英 美
词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句
1. interest-rate twoness 利率二重性
2. limen twoness 两点阈
3. twoness of the abetter 共犯二重性
4. management twoness 管理二重性
5. limen of twoness 两点阈
6. Infernal Twoness 地狱的二元论
7. the twoness of productive labor 生产劳动二重性
8. dualism and twoness of behaviors 行为二元性和二重性
9. twoness of officers and public 官民二重性
1. The author holds that scientific labor bears the character of twoness, and people must pay attention to study the concrete form and special rule of scientific labor of modern times.
2. Don't say a syllable about the Infernal Twoness.
3. The characteristics of economic legal relations are duality structure and twoness.
4. How to deal with their twoness, and how to build up a harmonious relationship between black men and women are noticeable questions if African-Americans will achieve a better life and realize their dream.
5. In fact, the answer lies in the twoness of productive labor: creative and exhausting.
其实, 破谜的关键在于生产劳动二重性.《互联网》
6. On Twoness of Communication of Aesthetic Tasting between Spread and Oppression
7. Labor has twoness, namely specific work and abstract work.
8. While sparking logos, the Renaissance humanist has a strong belief in religion, thus there be a twoness on their religious idea.
9. Put in something about the Supernal Oneness . Don't say a syllable about the Infernal Twoness.
10. Put in something about the Supernal Oneness . Don't say a syllable about the Infernal Twoness.
11. Twoness and Modern Transform of Filial Piety Tao
12. A Tentative Study on the Twoness of Science and Technology and the Scientists' Ethical Responsibility to Society
13. These new roles show the twoness of the peasants' identities and occupations.
14. Don't say a syllable about the infernal twoness.
千万别谈地狱的二元论。《provided by jukuu》
15. Put in something about the supernal oneness. don't say a syllable about the infernal twoness.
16. This has happy and sad, sad happy twoness, it differs from the general comedy also differs from pure tragedy.
17. With the rapid development of contemporary science and technology, the twoness of sci tech achievements has aroused people's popular attention.
18. These new roles show the twoness of the peasants'identities and occupations.
19. View on system theory, the school is an organizational system with "twoness" structure which includes administration personnel, teachers and students.
20. The answer lies in the twoness of productive labor.
21. The twoness of area main body is having main effect to the development of economic area.
22. This part spreads from the category of capital, the connotation and extension of national capital, combines the theory of twoness of capital, analyses the twoness of national capital.