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英 [ˈhəʊli]play美 [ˈhoʊli]play

  • adj. 神圣的;圣洁的;<非正式>(表示惊讶、恐慌等)天啊,上帝啊;<非正式>用于强调
  • n. 神圣的东西,圣所
  • 【名】 (Holy)(英、德、匈)霍利(人名)

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holy /ˈhəʊlɪ/ CET4 TEM4 [ holier holiest ]

  • 1.
    形容词 If you describe something as holy, you mean that it is considered to be special because it is connected with God or a particular religion. 有关上帝的; 神圣的

    To them, as to all Poles, this is a holy place.




  • n.

    holiness 神圣;圣座(大写,对教宗等的尊称)


sacred divine holy 【导航词义:神圣的】

sacred adj. 神圣的

〔辨析〕 指与上帝、神或宗教有关,因而是神圣而不容亵渎的,也可表示被普遍视为神圣及深受尊重的。

例1: A church is a sacred building.


例2: In India the cow is considered sacred.


例3: What is sacred to you?


divine adj. 神的,神圣的

〔辨析〕 指来源于神或上帝的,或与神或上帝有关的,强调非人世间所有的。

例1: divine power/peac


例2: They were not human any more, but two spirits united by a divine fire.


例3: These people believed that the civil war was a divine punishment.


holy adj. 神圣的

〔辨析〕 指与上帝或某一宗教有关的,可与 sacred 换用。

例1: This is a holy/sacred place to them.


例2: They believe in the miraculous power of holy/sacred relics.



1. holy day 宗教节日

2. holy week 圣周(复活节前的一周)

3. holy one n. 神;上帝

4. holy ghost n. [宗]圣灵

5. holy war 圣战;网络上因基本观点不同产生的激烈争论

6. holy communion [宗]圣餐

7. holy spirit [宗]圣灵(等于Holy Ghost)

8. holy see [宗]圣座;罗马教廷;宗座

9. holy father 基督教圣父(指上帝);天主教徒对罗马教皇的尊称

10. Holy Weapon 武侠七公主 ; 武侠七公主之天剑绝刀 ; 神圣武器

11. holy man 圣人,神职人员

12. holy family 圣家庭(指圣婴耶稣、圣母玛利亚、圣约瑟等)

13. holy lance 命运之矛 ; 圣矛 ; 圣枪

14. holy water 圣水 ; 天赐圣水 ; 天赐神水

15. holy grail 圣杯;圣盘

16. Holy Week 受难周 ; 大主日

17. Holy See 圣座 ; 罗马教廷 ; 梵蒂冈教廷

18. holy bible n. 圣经

19. Holy Alliance 神圣同盟

20. holy cow [俚]不会吧!;哎呀!;我的天啊(等于holy cats)

21. Holy Grail 圣杯 ; 必杀技 ; 姑苏穹窿山兵圣杯

22. holy place n. 圣所;圣殿

23. Holy Saturday 圣周六 ; 神圣周六 ; 圣星期六

24. holy roman empire n. 神圣罗马帝国

25. holy land n. (基督教)圣地(指巴勒斯坦)

26. holy mountain 魂山,圣山

27. holy scripture 圣经

28. holy trinity 三位一体(基督教圣父,圣子,圣灵三位一体)


1. The New Jerusalem will be open only to righteous and holy people.


2. It is association with death and sexuality that renders one impure and disqualifies one from entering the holy sanctuary.


3. The last paragraph contains an anachronism. The Holy Office no longer existed at that time.


4. He's covering his head in a traditional religious fashion, so in order to enter this holy place.


5. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.

天主圣母,请为我们祈求, 使我们堪受基督的恩许.《期刊摘选》

6. The priest sprinkled the baby with holy water.


7. The holiest of their chapels are topped with gilded roofs


8. Be holy, because I the Lord your God, am holy.

你们要圣洁, 因为我耶和华你们的神是圣洁的.《期刊摘选》

9. the holy city of Mecca


10. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.


11. The six-hour day, the 180-day school year is regarded as something holy.


12. A holy person is required to read the Holy bible.


13. As a student, I love traveling with my parents, from big cities, to seaside hot spots, to holy mountains, to national parks, to historical sites and to small villages far away.


14. They believe in the miraculous power of holy/ sacred relics.


15. The discovery is being hailed as the Holy Grail of astronomy.


16. This is the most ancient, and holiest of the Shinto rituals


17. He a holy God; he a jealous God. will not forgive your rebellion and your sins.

因为他是圣洁的神, 是忌邪的神, 必不赦免你们的过犯罪恶.《期刊摘选》

18. At the festival, candles are blessed and sprinkled with holy water.


19. It is claimed that another 1,000 young men from this country have signed up for the holy war against the West.


20. He is a holy buddhist.


21. Is it really the Holy Spirit moving me, or is it some evil force?


22. He is a holy Buddhist.


23. We are surrounded by holy water; all water, our chemical mother, is holy.

我们被圣水包围了, 到处都是水, 我们那化学母亲, 是圣洁的.《期刊摘选》

24. Saving the'World's Most Holy River'

挽救 “ 世界上最神圣的河流 ”《期刊摘选》

25. 'Holy Mother of God!' Marco crossed himself.


26. Christian holy week overlaps with the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover


27. Inaccurate representation of the holy is the greatest sacrilege against the holy.


28. To the children, their father's study was the holy of holies.

在这些孩子的眼里, 父亲的书房是最神圣的地方.《辞典例句》

29. the Holy Bible/Scriptures


30. Devout Hindus are reluctant to believe as holy as the Ganges is'polluted.

虔诚的印度教徒不认为圣洁的恒河 “ 受到了污染”.《期刊摘选》

31. Isn a divorce the best solution a holy wedlock a not so holy deadlock?

当神圣的婚姻变成不太神圣的僵局,离婚难到不是最好的解决办法 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

32. The Holy Family Church was closed and the parish now celebrates mass in this simple side chapel.


33. He took holy orders in 1935.


34. They're now not criminals and terrorists, they are now holy againstset of warriors.

他们现在既不是恐怖主义者也不是罪犯, 而是神圣的战士.《期刊摘选》

35. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.


36. St Paul speaks of the body as the 'temple of the Holy Spirit'.


37. Respectful language if you please! Thiis a Holy Name!

请说礼貌用语! 这是一个神圣的名字!《期刊摘选》

38. He had defiled the sacred name of the Holy Prophet.


39. The poem sings the praises of holy love.


40. I'm very excited to be with you this beautiful Sabbath morning here in this holy chapel.


41. The priest organizes holy processions to coincide with the arrival of the steamer.


42. Mimi, war, astonishment torpor, slavery, will daily wipe out those holy principles of thine.

滑稽戏 、 战争 、 惊奇、呆钝 、 奴役将每日驱逐你那些神圣的原则.《期刊摘选》

43. The last paragraph contains an anachronism. The Holy Office no longer existed at that time.


44. This is the most ancient, and holiest ritual of the Christian.

这是一个最古老的, 最神圣的基督教的宗教仪式.《期刊摘选》

45. White flower is used by people be likened to holy love.


46. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.


47. Parts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting, tying cotton threads soaked in holy water around the bride's and groom's wrists.


48. a holy war (= one fought to defend the beliefs of a particular religion)


49. He lived a holy life.


50. All are invited to be holy.


51. She firmly to the pursuit of a bright, the holy and beautiful life . SR.

她坚定不移地去追求一种光明的, 圣洁的,美好的生活.《期刊摘选》

52. Holy cow! What was that?


53. This is a holy/ sacred place to them.


54. Was it there as in a holy church?


55. Every year they put a play on at Saint Holy Cross Church


56. God blessed the seventh day, and made it holy.


57. In his dream, he saw that his sheepfold was destroyed, the shepherd disappeared, and his holy grail fell off the peg.


58. In Judaism, the holiest day of the year is Yom Kippur , the day of atonement.

在犹太节期中, 一年里最神圣的日子是赎罪日( YomKippur ).《期刊摘选》

59. For everything that lives is holy, life delights in life.

一切存在的是事物都是神圣的, 生命以生命为乐.《期刊摘选》

60. These goods can express section of chastest holiest love existence.


61. To them, as to all Poles, this is a holy place.


62. NIV For you are a people holy to the Lord your God.


63. In Taoism and Buddhism the color is a holy color.


64. To them, as to all Christians, this is a holy place.


65. Holy Mother of God! Marco crossed himself.


66. Surely the holy Dakinis will be most pleased by such efforts and dedication to Dharma.


67. We bless your holy name, O Lord.


68. It's like the most holy place forJews to go and pray in Israel.


69. At the festival, candles are blessed and sprinkled with holy water


70. Romans 7:12: So then , the law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous and good.

罗马书 7:12: 这样看来, 律法是圣洁的, 诫命也是圣洁 、 公义、良善的.《期刊摘选》

71. Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.

12这样看来,律法是圣洁的, 诫命也是圣洁, 公义, 良善的.《期刊摘选》

72. ...Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.


73. He reads the Holy Bible every night.


74. You appear in my life, season, blooming into and holy lotus flower.

你出现在我生命的季节里, 盛开成一朵清新圣洁的莲花.《期刊摘选》

75. It has to be a holy bullet, one blessed by a priest.


76. holy ground


77. Hundreds of activists marked the holy day by marching for peace and disarmament.


78. The Indians think of him as a holy man, a combination of doctor and priest.


79. To desecrate a holy spring is considered profanity.


80. Splendid and holy causes are served by men who are themselves splendid and holy.


81. Suddenly she appeared touching, a pure and holy statue.

她这会儿显得真动人, 简直像尊圣洁的雕像.《期刊摘选》

82. If I trust in God, the name of God is holy, even on a coin.


83. The holy trinity of Davos used to be top politics, big business and high finance.

该论坛最圣洁的三类人,曾经是政界领袖 、 大企业家和金融高管.《期刊摘选》

84. Hear my plea, oh servant of holy Osiris.

请听听我的恳求吧, 神圣的欧西里斯的仆人.《期刊摘选》

85. Southern Cross is a holy light.


86. The discovery is being hailed as The Holy Grail of astronomy.


87. Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?

耶和华阿, 谁能寄居你的帐幕. 能能住在你的圣山.《期刊摘选》

88. Here, in this holy place, here if anywhere, surely we shall find Him!


89. It means "holy evening", and it comes every October 31, the evening before All Saints' Day.


90. Worship the Lord in holy attire; Tremble before Him, all the earth .

诗96:9当以圣洁的妆饰、的或作为〕拜 耶和华.地要在他面前 战抖 .《期刊摘选》

91. A holy person is required to read the Holy Bible.


92. Holy cow! What was that?


93. But in order to keep the Sabbath holy, men must themselves be holy.

可是人要守安息日为圣, 自己必须是圣洁的.《期刊摘选》

94. Something produces intensity , a holy feeling, as oranges produce orange, as grass green, as birds heat.

这种东西能产生一股强大的力量, 一种神圣的感情, 就象桔树能产生桔子, 青草产生绿色, 小鸟产生性欲.《辞典例句》

95. Holy words & pure & goodly deeds ascend unto the heaven of celestial glory.

圣洁的言辞 和 正直的行为,会使你升上神圣荣耀之天堂.《期刊摘选》

96. All are holy in the memory and experience of my people.


97. It was a holy place for a religious person to head for.


98. I don't understand a modern day account of the Holy Trinity.


99. Islam's holiest shrine


100. Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow.


101. People have always regard higher education as holy since a long time.


102. The invading army desecrated this holy place when they camped here.


103. Who made a whole hole in the holy holiday.


104. The word 'holiday' is a corruption of 'holy day'.

单词holiday是holy day的变体。《牛津词典》

105. So then, the Law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.

罗7:12这样看来 、 法是圣洁的 、 命也是圣洁、义、善的.《期刊摘选》

106. Who a all hole in the holy holiday?


107. A hallowed or holy place.


108. Please put off your shoes before entering this holy building.


109. It is the holy of holies.


110. You shouldn't take what he says as Holy Writ.


111. A crusade left Europe in an attempt to reconquer the Holy City.


112. She was a holy woman, innocent and chaste.

她是一个圣洁的女人, 天真而忠贞.《期刊摘选》

113. I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.

我愿男人无忿怒, 无争论,(争论或作疑惑),举起圣洁的手,随处祷告.《期刊摘选》

114. His mother's prostrate body the fiery Columbanus in holy zeal bestrode.


115. For are a people holy to the LORD your God.


116. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.


117. The holy strain arose singly on the breathing silence of the wilderness.


118. She was still a holy and pure young girl.


119. Historically, in order to acquire the holy value base, moral tends toward to belief consciously.

从历史的维度来看, 道德为获得神圣的价值根基往往自觉地趋向于信仰.《期刊摘选》

120. Dan Foreman : You're pregnant? Holy crap! Does it feel like a boy?

你怀孕了 吗 ?真是胡说八道阿! 哪感觉上像一个男孩 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

121. At the very center was a hill and on top of the hill the majestic and stunning Temple of Poseidon, which was visible from everywhere in the holy emerald city.


122. Soul, from the circumstances in which it is placed, mistakes its own character, until the truth is revealed to it by some holy teacher, and then it knows itself to be Brahme.


123. Now palter no more; for look you, holy sir, an' thou produce him not—Where is the boy?


124. Mecca is the holiest city, to which Muslims try to go on pilgrimage.

麦加是最神圣的城市, 穆斯林们都力图去那里朝圣.《辞典例句》

125. a holy life/man

圣洁的生活 / 人《牛津词典》

126. When I am burned out infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirt.


127. He had defiled the sacred name of the Holy Prophet.


128. For this too His Holiness offers heartfelt thanks to the Most Holy Virgin.


129. The Holy Family Church was closed and the parish now celebrates mass in this simple side chapel


130. It means that one cannot enter the holy sanctuary, God's realm, when impure through contact with death or sexuality.



1. They might have lots and lots of holy writings, but they don't have a particular, bounded body of writings that they call scripture.

他们可能有很多神圣的述著,但他们没有一部特定的,书写成卷的圣典。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. Months after the FIA was created, for example, Vatican officials rewrote the Holy See's financial laws.

WSJ: Vatican Signs Anti-Money-Laundering Deal With U.S.

3. Others threw their arms open wide, and the Holy Ghost touched them soul by soul.

NPR: Excerpt: 'The Prince of Frogtown'

4. A crusade left Europe in an attempt to reconquer the Holy City.


5. The ban was imposed after last week's bombing of a Shiite holy site north of the capital.

NPR: Sectarian Killings Divide Integrated Baghdad Suburb

6. Well, there is a Lakota holy man--there was a Sioux Lakota holy man named Black Elk.

NPR: Walker's 'The Color Purple' Opens on Broadway

7. These holy places and the nearby Neolithic sites are an incomparable testimony to prehistoric times.

UNESCO: World Heritage

8. For so long, leaders were able to draw their power from a mythological or holy source.

FORBES: The End of Leadership--at Least As We Know It!

9. All of them face east toward the Muslim holy city of Mecca.

VOA : special.2010.04.14

10. He's covering his head in a traditional religious fashion, so in order to enter this holy place he covers his head.

他以一种传统的宗教方式包裹他的头,为了进入那个神圣的地方而包裹头。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. There are also non-Christian holy days around this time of year.

VOA : special.2011.04.22

12. As the cloud rises, Mister Oppenheimer remembers words from the Hindu holy book, the Baghavad Gita.

VOA : special.2009.06.14

13. The second half of verse 5 and 6 gives the reward: God is conferring on the Israelites this elevated status ; of royalty, of priesthood; "You'll be to me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation."

诗5余下的部分和诗6,说明了遵守的奖赏:,上帝将会使犹太人的地位提升,忠诚的,祭司的国家;,“你们要归我作祭司的国度,为圣洁的国家“旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. In Jewish teaching, this holy day is the anniversary of the creation of the world.

CNN: Transcript: Bush praises charity efforts

15. The holy canon of endurance swimming says this sort of thing makes you a target.

WSJ: Menu

16. The typewriter is holy! the poem is holy the voice is holy the hearers are holy the ecstasy is holy!

打字机神圣,诗歌神圣,嗓音神圣,听者神圣入迷神圣!1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. At Virginia, the holy month of Ramadan fell during training camp with the football team.

WSJ: Jets' Aboushi a rare Palestinian-American in NFL

18. After the week-long, at times draining, services of Holy Week, Rome is still up for a celebration.

BBC: Easter in Rome

19. So on the seventh day, God rested from his labors And for this reason he blessed the seventh day and declared it "holy."

在第七天,上帝从劳作中歇息,为此他赐福于第七天,称它为“神圣的“旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. Their observance protects the holy object from profanation, from being profaned, reverting from holy status back to common status.

它们按照惯例保护着神圣的东西不受亵渎,不受玷污,不让它们重新回归世俗。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. It was released last month. Here Ayiesha Woods performs "O Holy Night."

VOA : special.2009.12.25

22. The Uzbeks consider the mausoleum a holy place and pray here before heading off on Hadj.

ECONOMIST: Letter from Samarkand

23. Always curious, Alexander invited the holy man to travel with him and explain his beliefs.

FORBES: Warren Buffett and Cardinal Lamberto: The Two Best Kept Secrets to Success

24. The holy grail is a Day Zero attack, preventing something which has never been seen before.

FORBES: Intel Is Alive And Well: An Interview With CEO Paul Otellini

25. But the introduction, "You shall be holy for I the Lord your God am holy"--being holy in imitation of God is emphasized repeatedly as the purpose of the laws in the Holiness Code especially.

你们要圣洁,因为我耶和华你们的神是圣洁的“,这一引言就是教导人们要效仿上帝保持圣洁,作为法律的目的它被反复强调,特别是在圣洁法典里。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. But they remind us that no Holy War can ever be a just war.

CNN: Obama: 'Peace requires responsibility'

27. It simply means that one cannot enter the holy sanctuary, God's realm, when impure through contact with death or sexuality.

这就意味着如果和死亡或者性有关,人就不能进入圣所,上帝的领域。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. In those days, religious workers cared for sick travelers at shelters near holy places.

VOA : special.2010.05.04

29. They even used cacao seeds as a form of money to pay taxes or give as holy offerings to the gods.

VOA : special.2010.02.17

30. I think that the same chapter that I quoted to you of the holy Koran talks about human beings being Abus and Khalifah of God on earth.

我向你引述的,《可兰经》的同一章谈到了人类,是上帝在地球上的阿布和哈里发。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

31. At first, the adoptions moved quickly, but 12 were still at Holy Family for Christmas.

CNN: Most have homes, but some Haitian orphans still in shelters

32. God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost


33. Women were gathered around a motion-activated faucet that dispensed water from the holy spring.

NEWYORKER: The Sanctuary

34. Purity, which is the absence of impurity, is a prerequisite for access to the holy or for holy status.

纯洁,不纯的反义词,是接近神圣或达到神圣状态的先决条件。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. Things can't become holy and can't come into contact with the holy or the sacred if they are not first pure.

事物不可能变得神圣或是与神圣有联系,如果它们连纯洁都算不上。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. Swans were holy to Apollo, the god of poetry and song.

VOA : special.2010.04.11

37. if an impure object comes in contact with a holy object, ; then the holy object is immediately defiled; it's immediately rendered impure.

如果一个不纯洁的事物与一个纯洁的事物有联系,那么这个纯洁的东西就会马上被玷污;,马上变成不纯洁的。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. It is association with death and sexuality that renders one impure and disqualifies one from entering the holy sanctuary.

不洁的事物和死亡与生殖是有联系的,它们被取消了,进入圣所的资格。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. Holy jeezus, are we talking about a baseball bat or a science fair display?

FORBES: Little League Extends Ban on Most Composite Bats

40. The backmost square-shaped chamber of that inner shrine was the inner sanctum or the holy of holies.

神殿最后面的正方形的空间,是内圣所或者说,最神圣的地方。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. The Vatican provides details on how to visit these and other holy burial sites.

BBC: Exploring the history of catacombs

42. Gospels, created by monks on Northumberland's Holy Island in AD700, are currently in the British Library.

BBC: Countdown begins to Lindisfarne Gospels Durham arrival

43. To enter the realm of the holy, in which there is neither death nor procreation, requires a separation from death and procreation.

为了进入神圣的界域,那里没有死亡或生殖,你需要和死亡一击生殖隔离开。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. He had defiled the sacred name of the Holy Prophet.


45. They also show stories from the Christian holy book, the Bible.

VOA : special.2010.02.03

46. "I thought 'holy man, those things will make their way down here, ' " he said.

WSJ: In Alberta, Citizens Smell a Rat After Long-Banned Rodents Appear

47. But a fly has landed in the holy water: King's strategy may be losing steam.

FORBES: Magazine Article

48. the rites of holy matrimony


49. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.


50. But the Holy Grail for marketers always has been, and always will be, cause-and-effect.

FORBES: The Potentially Huge Market In 'Future-Tense Analytics'

51. An ancient city called Philadelphia was also noted in Christianity's holy book, the Bible.

VOA : special.2010.04.04

52. Taxing more services "remains the holy grail of state and local taxation, " says Dominic M.

FORBES: Who says massages aren't essential?

53. "This is the Holy Grail of Holy Grails, " said Vincent Zurzolo, co-owner of the Web site.

CNN: Rare comic of Superman debut fetches $1.5 million

54. He was speaking to guests at an iftar dinner at the White House celebrating the holy month of Ramadan.

VOA : special.2010.08.21

55. The Iraqi leader called on Tuesday for a jihad, or holy war, against the invaders.

ECONOMIST: Punching through to Baghdad

56. But locals say Abu Shukri (63 Al-Wad Road, 972-02-627-1538) has the best hummus in the Holy City.

BBC: Hunting for hummus in Israel

57. Guests filled Auckland's Holy Trinity Anglican Cathedral and an overflow area next door for a service.

CNN: Final farewell for Edmund Hillary

58. And you may not eat animal flesh that has the lifeblood in it because the blood is the life and that belongs to God, that's holy, right?

也不能生吃带着血的动物生肉,因为血液是活的,它属于上帝,它是神圣的,不是吗?旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. Abraham Lincoln then placed his hand on the Christian holy book,the Bible.

VOA : special.2009.07.30

60. The Israeli environmental organization Zalul has appealed to the pope and other world leaders to help save what it calls the "world's most holy river."

VOA : special.2009.05.18

61. Toledo was a holy city for both the Roman Catholics and the Muslim Moors of Spain.

VOA : special.2010.02.14

62. Such a case has become a kind of grisly Holy Grail among opponents of capital punishment.

NEWYORKER: Trial by Fire

63. Lera approached one, an image of the Holy Mother, silent pain in her flat painted eyes.

NEWYORKER: The Repatriates

64. She also edited a book about people considered holy by the Roman Catholic Church.

VOA : special.2010.08.08

65. They have focused like a laser beam on the holy grail of compensation carried interest.

FORBES: Battle For Fund Managers Underway Between Connecticut And New York









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