
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈmɒd(ə)l]play美 [ˈmɑːd(ə)l]play

  • n. 模型;模式;(机器等的)型号;模范,典型;模特儿;样本,范例;(小说中人物或地点的)原型;(著名设计师设计的)款式
  • v. (为艺术家)当模特儿;模特儿展示(服装);(用黏土、木头等)做……的模型,塑造;(用计算机)做出(情景、事件)的模型;使仿效,使模仿
  • adj. 模范的,榜样的;模型的
  • 【名】 (Model)(英、德、俄)莫德尔 (人名)

复数 models 第三人称单数 models 现在分词 modelling或modeling 过去式 modelled或modeled 过去分词 modelled或modeled

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


model /ˈmɒdəl/ CET4 TEM4 [ modelling modelled models ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A model of an object is a physical representation that shows what it looks like or how it works. The model is often smaller than the object it represents. 模型
    例: architect's model of a wooden house.



    I made a model out of paper and glue.


  • 2.
    形容词 Model is also an adjective. 模型的

    ...a model railway.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A model is a system that is being used and that people might want to copy in order to achieve similar results. 模式

    ...the Chinese model of economic reform.


  • 4.
    可数名词 A model of a system or process is a theoretical description that can help you understand how the system or process works, or how it might work. 理论模式

    Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.


  • 5.
    及物动词 If someone such as a scientist models a system or process, they make an accurate theoretical description of it in order to understand or explain how it works. 建立…的理论模式

    I have moved from trying to model and understand the distribution and evolution of water vapour.


  • 6.
    可数名词 If you say that someone or something is a model of a particular quality, you are showing approval of them because they have that quality to a large degree. 典范表赞许

    A model of good manners, he has conquered any inward fury.


  • 7.
    形容词 You use model to express approval of someone when you think that they perform their role or duties extremely well. 模范的表赞许

    As a girl she had been a model student.


  • 8.
    及物动词 If one thing is modelled on another, the first thing is made so that it is like the second thing in some way. 使仿造

    The quota system was modelled on those operated in America and continental Europe.


  • 9.
    及物动词 If you model yourself on someone, you copy the way that they do things, because you admire them and want to be like them. 以…为榜样

    You have been modelling yourself on others all your life.


  • 10.
    可数名词 A particular model of a machine is a particular version of it. 型号

    To keep the cost down, opt for a basic model.


  • 11.
    可数名词 An artist's model is a person who stays still in a particular position so that the artist can make a picture or sculpture of them. (艺术家据以绘画或雕塑的) 模特儿

    ...the model for his portrait of Mary Magdalene, the Marchesa Attavanti.


  • 12.
    不及物动词 If someone models for an artist, they stay still in a particular position so that the artist can make a picture or sculpture of them. 当模特儿

    Tullio has been modelling for Sandra for eleven years.


  • 13.
    可数名词 A fashion model is a person whose job is to display clothes by wearing them. (时装) 模特儿

    ...Paris's top fashion model.


  • 14.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If someone models clothes, they display them by wearing them. 当模特儿展示 (服装); 当时装模特儿

    She began modelling in Paris at age 15.


  • 15.
    不可数名词 当模特儿

    She was being offered a modelling contract.


  • 16.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If you model shapes or figures, you make them out of a substance such as clay or wood. (用黏土或木头等) 塑造; 做模型

    There she began to model in clay.


  • 17.
    →see also   role model



  • adj.

    modeling 制造模型的

  • n.

    modeling [自] 建模,造型;立体感

    modelling 模化;立体感;模特儿职业(等于modeling)

    modeler 塑造者;制造模型者(model的名词形式)

    modeller 塑像者;分析员

  • v.

    modelling 模仿(model的ing形式);做模型



1. data model 数据模型

2. evaluation model 评价模型

3. development model 发展模式;开发模型

4. theoretical model 理论模型

5. utility model 实用新型(约十个国家法律承认的一种保护发明名称,期限五年)

6. Linear Model 数 线性模型 ; 线性模式 ; 线形模型 ; 线型模式

7. box model 盒模型 ; 盒子模型 ; 盒子模式 ; 框模型

8. business model 商业模式;经营模式;业务模式

9. dynamic model 动态模型;动力模型

10. teaching model 教学模式

11. Waterfall Model 计 瀑布模型 ; 瀑布模式 ; 高山流水模子 ; 瀑布式模型

12. mechanical model 力学模型;机械式模型

13. model theory 数 模型理论 ; 模型原理 ; 模式理论

14. prediction model 预测模型;推算模型

15. optimization model 最优模型;最佳模型

16. model test 模型试验

17. Bohr model 玻尔模型 ; 波耳模型 ; 原子模型 ; 波尔模型

18. system model 系统模型;系统模式

19. physical model 物理模型;实体模型

20. finite element model 有限元模式,有限元模型;有限单元体模式;有限要素模型

21. numerical model n. 数值模式,数值模型

22. simulation model 仿真模型;模拟模型

23. mathematical model 数学模型

24. new model 新模型;新型号

25. OSI model OSI模型 ; 开放系统互连模式 ; 联模型 ; 关闭体例互连形式

26. mathematic model 数学模型




build a model 建造模型

make a model 制作模型

base something on a model 将…建立在模型的基础上

follow a model 仿照模型

serve as a model 充当模型


business model 商业模式


basic model 基本型

current model 当前型

latest model 最新型

new model 新型

standard model 标准型


1. He proposed a model of stress reaction in the body.


2. I will bring John to the stage. He is a good model.

我要把约翰写进剧本, 他是一个很好的典型.《期刊摘选》

3. Here come another three models, and they are all in minority costumes.

这里再来三种模式, 它们都在少数民族服饰.《期刊摘选》

4. As models, we're only slabs of meat for studios of.

身为模特儿, 我们可说是钻板上的肉,任制片商摆布.《期刊摘选》

5. In the algorithm if mode space is continual. model set converges gradually to the given range.


6. It is modelled on the older Afghan Taliban movement.


7. As part of this celebration Harbin students produced a 1:100 scale model of a prospective carrier.


8. As a girl she had been a model pupil...


9. Does the play agree with her?

本剧同意她的看法 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

10. Several pretty models ankled through the hall.


11. There is a snob value in driving the latest model.


12. The basic model is priced well within the reach of most people.


13. The house was modelled on a French chateau.


14. The appraising models can show the herbage good or not quantitatively in Haibei alpine meadow area.


15. So you want to be a top model.


16. She is tall and in a good shape, and is an excellent fashion model.

她个子高身材好, 是个不错的服装模特儿.《期刊摘选》

17. This model combines a telephone and fax machine.


18. Success , incompleteness and resucceed, this is just as the model of science development.

科学就是沿着发现 、 残缺、再发现的模式发展延续的.《期刊摘选》

19. a working model (= one in which the parts move) of a fire engine


20. It is necessary for cohering public feeling and inspiring fighting will to cultivate and publicize models.


21. Britain is mentioned as a model not to follow.


22. They can imitate models and choose the best style suitable for them.


23. Super colour LCD , various test monitor models, simply operate, directly and clear.

超大彩色液晶屏显示, 多种试验监控模式, 操控方便, 直观清晰.《期刊摘选》

24. The share system is a new way and model that integrated with funds, techniques and l.

在河北省采用股份制,集资金 、 技术、劳动力为一体开发治理荒山,发展山区经济是种新的方法和模式.《期刊摘选》

25. a mathematical model for determining the safe level of pesticides in food


26. A typical multivariable nonlinear system ~ CSTR model is simulated by applying multivariable DMC with Simulink.


27. She signed to be a model.


28. As part of this celebration Harbin students produced a 1:100 scale model of a prospective aircraft carrier.


29. Our new model is already on the stocks and will be available in the spring.


30. Reticulated shells are typical models of space structures, which have their intrinsic mechanical properties.

网壳结构是一种典型的空间结构体系, 有其固有的力学特性.《期刊摘选》

31. It is a parliamentary democracy, patterned generally after the Western European model.


32. Building model trains is his consuming passion.


33. Fuzzy theory allows us to model imprecise or vague data.


34. The nation's constitution provided a model that other countries followed.


35. She began modelling in Paris aged 15.


36. He began his professional life as an accountant, the very model of respectability and conservatism.


37. The new model will be in production by the end of the year.


38. She was posturing a model.


39. The cultivation of learning ability is mainly completed through teaching in class and learning developmental model.


40. Edward was a model of good temper and his equanimity imperturbable.


41. It was built after a European model.


42. They will tend to model their behaviour on the teacher's behaviour.


43. To keep the cost down, opt for a basic model...


44. DEH is the model form of modern steam turbine control system.

数字电液控制系统DEH( DigitalElectro -HydraulicControlSystem)是现代汽轮机控制系统的典型形式.《期刊摘选》

45. This particular model comes with a wide range of options.


46. This impact will not only be through the publications in Science itself, but hopefully through a larger group of publishing places that may want to model their approach after Science.

这不仅会影响《科学》杂志自己发表的出版物,也有希望影响更多想模仿《科学》杂志这种做法的出版单位。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

47. There are special characteristics of products and model of manufacture in Large scale facility manufacturers.


48. The artist recorded interviews on a variety of topics and modelled an appropriate animal for each voice.


49. As a model, Monroe always aspired to an acting career.

当模特儿时, 梦露渴望演员生涯.《辞典例句》

50. The initialization method of LDPC decoding algorithm in some typical wireless channel model is given . 4.


51. Deputy channel mode compared to using sales model will help reduce circulation, reduce cost of sales.

相比渠道代理模式,采用直销模式有利于减少产品流通环节, 降低销售成本.《期刊摘选》

52. This model is available at selected stores only.


53. She has class all right ─ she looks like a model.


54. Driving dynamics and comfort on a par with production models.


55. He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit.


56. This paper analyzes several known MIX strategies in MANET by probabilistic model check.


57. Fashion in all languages designs to make , shape , model , adapt , embellish, and adorn.

服装通过不同的设计语言塑造 、 润色和装饰着人类的生活.《期刊摘选》

58. There's absolutely nothing wrong in modelling yourself on an older woman...


59. We priced various models before buying this one.


60. His marriage and family life is a model of propriety.


61. Model of DPN rats were made with alloxan.


62. Tullio has been modelling for Sandra for eleven years.


63. They will be unveiling their new models at the Motor Show.


64. What business model will work best for our company?

对咱们公司来说最为效率的行商模式是什么样的 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

65. The two systems are, at bottom, conceptual models.


66. He tried to form his style on good models.


67. This model represents the best compromise between price and quality.


68. Residuals : Generally, the difference between a measured value and the value predicted from a model.

偏差: 通常指测量值和某典型的预报值之间的差值.《期刊摘选》

69. The new design will eventually replace all existing models.


70. The models in the large scale simulator are built by the multilevel, multikind , multiway methods.

对于大型仿真器中模型的实现往往也要求多层次 、 多样化 、 多途径.《期刊摘选》

71. The country's parliament is modelled on the British system.


72. This particular model is one of our biggest sellers.


73. The new light cover increases this model's portability.


74. It was a model of clarity.


75. The choice of good parameter of water pollution model is a nodus in hydraulics.


76. Models getting residuals is nearly unheard of in this industry.


77. Conclusion It's practical to utilize human mandible as the model to measure retentive force of clasps.


78. The use of fuzzy theory also allows us to model vague knowledge.


79. A second cause is the firm's business model.


80. It gives a thorough study on three kinds of load curve forecasting models in this thesis.


81. We model the heads of famous people in clay.


82. The design of the building is modelled on classical Greek forms.


83. Could I interest you in this model, Sir?


84. The new model will be launched in July.


85. Teachers provide a model for children to imitate.


86. Based on Lagrange equations, a dynamic model is derived for typical underactuated mechanical gantry crane system.

针对龙门吊车这一典型的欠驱动机械系统, 采用拉格朗日方程的方法建立了其动力学模型.《期刊摘选》

87. It may be anything from collecting stamps to making model planes.


88. The latest models will be on display at the motor show.


89. Several models for calculating the initial points of subcooled boiling were introduced.


90. It'shows that this model compound can transfer substituted one carbon unit to these reactants.


91. In order to improve the design efficiency of capillary tubes, capillary tube models are developed.


92. The model also will validate how users perform their main tasks within the application.


93. A porous media model is introduced for a description of foam silicone rubber.


94. Industry has mechanical hand, robotics applications, which are modelled on the move.

工业上有机械手 、 机器人的应用, 那都是模仿人的动作.《期刊摘选》

95. To avoid that, companies should try to produce business models that will prevent duplication by others.

为避免这种情况, 公司应试图生成能阻止别人模仿的生意模型.《期刊摘选》

96. This paper analyzes and extends the bottleneck model to rail transit congestion.


97. The conservative manifesto is a model of vagueness.


98. It studies these populations, in the past, present and future, using quantitative data and mathematical models as tools of analysis.

人口学以定量数据和数学模型作为分析工具,研究这些群体的过去、现在和未来。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

99. In one year she turned from a problem child into a model student.


100. Should model a good agricultural progress for this government external environment, advance element to commercialize.

为此政府应该塑造一个良好的农业发展外部环境, 推进要素市场化.《期刊摘选》

101. She surrendered her dream of becoming a model.


102. The new model is to be rolled out in July.


103. The series is modelled on Wife Swap , a big hit last year.


104. The child's same-sex parent acts as a role model.


105. The old model worker's rich experience is not to be discounted.


106. It is based on the classical cooperative game model.


107. The segregation model of endosperm characteristics was illustrated under the assumption of no dosage effect.


108. The time domain model of vehicle road is the key component of road database.


109. Each linguistic theory assumes a model of stylistic analysis, as it were.


110. architect's model of a wooden house.


111. Russia be an among those the victim of the typical model.


112. Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution...


113. The boys are making model aircraft.


114. These objects are generally used to model conceptual relationships rather than spatial ones.


115. That is because the mess has revealed a far deeper problem: their business model is kaput.

正是因为这场混乱揭示了一个更加深远的问题: 他们的商业模式过时了.《期刊摘选》

116. The designer put a steamship model on the desk and asked the assistants to approach.


117. The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models.


118. A model of good manners, he has conquered any inward fury...


119. The program can model a typical home page for you.


120. She is a beautiful girl with the grace and poise of a natural model.


121. Lot is never here reproduction, where pricing model can not arbitrarily copied.

这里的地段是永远无法复制的, 这里的定价模式也不能随意模仿.《期刊摘选》

122. We listened in to that model worker.


123. The teacher held up excellent models of composition for her class to imitate.


124. The latest model has over 100 new features.


125. As the model of Korean car, how does Beijing Hyundai make progress?

作为韩系车的典型代表, 北京现代是如何取得如此的进步的?《期刊摘选》

126. Being a model invests her with a certain glamour.


127. a male model


128. The new model goes on sale next month.


129. The best models receive star treatment.


130. She models for a living.


131. ...a working scale model of the whole Bay Area...


132. Hospital staff say he is a model patient.


133. The building of the luxury hotel was built after a Chinese model.


134. This particular model has a further refinement.


135. a model aeroplane


136. The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex.


137. Republican Egypt became a model for other Arab dictatorships and forced wrenching changes at home.


138. The regional economies grow; Regional economies development model; Sustainable development; Master plan; Scientific development concept.

区域经济增长; 区域经济发展模式; 可持续发展; 统筹规划; 科学发展观.《期刊摘选》

139. The program will be modeled after a popular BBC series called 'The Archers'...


140. YIKAIQISHENG , hope is with your handhand advance side by side , and models jointly more brilliant tomorrow!

一开奇胜, 愿与您携手并进, 共同塑造更加辉煌的明天!《期刊摘选》

141. She is a good model for painters.


142. We believe that this is a general model of managerial activity...


143. Finally, the model is applied to describe a typical cooperation activity in practice.

最后, 用协同活动模型分析了一个典型的协同工作的实例.《期刊摘选》

144. Sometimes she carved wood and sometimes stone; sometimes she modelled clay...


145. This paper proposes an intelligent Cerebella Model Articulation Controller ( CMAC ) with the sliding mode control.


146. After what US document did the Assembly model this declaration?

那么议会的这份声明是模仿美国的那个文件 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

147. In general, an abstraction is a model or ideal.

一般来说, 所谓的抽象就是模式或典型.《期刊摘选》

148. Expanding the advance river economy in is the industrial group appearance of a kind of model.


149. I made a model out of paper and glue.


150. Finally, the genetic algorithms model is verified by its application on engineering project.

最后, 通过工程实例验证了该模型具有一定的理论和应用价值.《期刊摘选》

151. Many young girls dream of being a fashion model.

许多年轻女孩梦想成为时装模特儿.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

152. Then model can be used to calculate the infrared spectra of ionic crystals as well.


153. ...Paris's top photographic fashion model.


154. In addition to the classic Silicon Valley model, Monitor identifiesthree other successful entrepreneurial ecologies.

除了典型的硅谷方式, 观察家们发现了三种其他的成功创业的生态模式.《期刊摘选》

155. ...the mathematics needed to model a nonlinear system like an atmosphere.


156. The illustrates mathematical model and its natures, demonstrates the graph theory methods for mathematical model.

阐述了数学模型及其本质,以典型实例论述了数学模型的图论方法, 并介绍用图研究的一些领域.《期刊摘选》

157. Did you try to model your game after any of those guys?

你有没有试着去模仿上面的哪个球员 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

158. There she began to model in clay.


159. The pretty model looks very provocative in a transparent miniskirt.


160. Alex : How does asperger's affect your creative process as an artist and a model.


161. Visual model is to model HVS using mathematics method.

视觉模型是用数学方法对人类视觉系统(HVS) 进行建模.《期刊摘选》

162. a fashion model


163. There she began to model in clay...


164. Heibei saves county is a model that gives priority to body with agriculture a area county.


165. European Monetary Union is the typical model of the financial development from inside to outside.


166. This model has a mono soundtrack.


167. The model of the building was made of card.


168. The nation's constitution provided a model that other countries follow.


169. Simple directions for assembling the model are printed on the box.


170. Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.


171. Germany's economic press is peppered with articles asserting that the country needs a new business model

德国经济媒体充斥着大量文章,断言: “ 这个国家需要一种新的经济模式 ”《期刊摘选》

172. Macroeconomists also had a blindspot: their standard models assumed that capital markets work perfectly.

宏观经济学家还有一个盲点: 他们的标准经济模式是基于“资本市场运作顺畅”这样一个假设的.《期刊摘选》

173. He wants companies to follow the European model of social responsibility.


174. The boy bent his attention on making a model plane.


175. Such township governments are really models.


176. Progressive develop in proper sequence is the Basic Law stipulates that Hong Kong's constitutional development model.


177. As a girl she had been a model student.


178. The artist posed the model carefully.


179. Olivia has always been a model of healthy living.


180. As a model of such a successful image Yao Mulan received great fondness by the readers.


181. Presents a laminar flamelet model for turbulent diffusion combustion in diesel engines.


182. The artist could not pay for a regular model.


183. Modelling yourself on someone you admire is not the same as aping all they say or do.


184. He was described by his seniors as a model officer.


185. The hierarchical model was developed because hierarchical relationships are commonly found in business applications.


186. Panel block assembly line is a typical mixed model manual assembly line.


187. There are 4 models on the catwalk now.


188. Such propellers as we have recently designed for small ships are actually modelled on fish tails.


189. Implantable advertising model should be a new term in the near future it!


190. The model number is 1870/285.


191. The MIB and its information model of broadband PLC network management aredesigned.

设计了宽带电力线通信网络管理的信息库(BPMIB) 、构建了MIB的信息模型.《期刊摘选》

192. A review of some mechanical models of knee are shown in this paper.


193. This is the standard representation of the Johari Window model, showing each quadrant the same size.

如图所示乔哈瑞窗格模型的典型形态, 各象限面积相同.《期刊摘选》

194. People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves to copy after.


195. Acidic fibroblast growth factor: evaluation of topical formulations in a diabetic mouse wound healing model.

酸性的纤维原细胞生长因素: 在治愈的一个糖尿病的老鼠创伤中的热门的简洁陈述的评估模特儿.《期刊摘选》

196. I made a full-size cardboard model.


197. Internationlly, the relationship marketing RM is a kind of highly effective marketing model.


198. This model was two years in the making.


199. They organized their navy on an English model.


200. These three models have both goodness and shortcoming.


201. On the other hand, such public space of model as the city square, pedestrian street, etc.

另一方面, 城市广场 、 步行街等典型公共空间备受城市建设关注,而与市民大众日常生活更加紧密相连的街道步行空间却罕有问津.《期刊摘选》

202. Demand for the new model is outrunning supply.


203. The model goes to the gym for a workout five times a week.


204. They have been working on the perfection of the new model.


205. I got to drive the latest model.


206. Are models to blame for eating 1 disorders?


207. No one doubts the ability of a model to imitate an original thing.


208. I saw him making his model plane.


209. Norwegian climate shows diversification, the maritime climate from the model the continental climate till the model.

挪威气候呈多样化, 从典型的海洋性气候直到典型的大陆性气候.《期刊摘选》

210. I is a tradition, conservative, typical model of east female, gentleness docile, beauty generous.

我是一个传统, 保守, 典型的东方女性, 温柔善良, 美丽大方.《期刊摘选》

211. Controlling efficiency is the essence of shape technology, meanwhile is the basis of AFC system model.

板形调控功效是板形控制技术的核心所在, 也是板形自动控制系统模型设计的主要依据.《期刊摘选》

212. A forward model is often used in seismic data interpretation.


213. Then refactor the code, renaming classes, methods, and modules to conform to the new model.

然后按照新的模型重新进行编码, 并对类 、 方法和模块进行重命名.《期刊摘选》

214. She was one of Rossetti's favorite models.


215. That particular model is not currently in stock.


216. The model posed in the nude for the painter.


217. The first problem is to master the investment model and amount of insurance fund.


218. The quota system was modelled on those operated in America and continental Europe...


219. The calculates a watch to understand this model effectiveness that uses method of Monte Carlo imitate.


220. She has class all right—she looks like a model.


221. The company has signed up three top models for the fashion show.


222. And also in hockey, Poisson has been found to be the most accurate modelling method.

并且并且在曲棍球, 泊松被发现最准确的塑造的方法.《期刊摘选》

223. Don't hold me up as a model.


224. Lily is a fashion model.


225. This model embodies many new features.


226. I wasn't here to model clothes...


227. Helen is a former fashion model steamy affair with David, brother of her weaithy husband Ben.


228. Typical behavioral finance models include BSV, DHS, HS and BHS.

行为金融模型中较为典型的有BSV模型 、 DHS模型 、 HS模型和BHS模型.《期刊摘选》

229. A company should find ways to innovate not just in products but also in functions, business models and processes.

一家公司应该寻找的不仅是产品的创新方法,还应在职能、商业模式和流程上进行创新。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

230. Li water county is the is a foundation with agriculture area of a model.


231. EVA bonus system and yearly system are two important models in modern company incentive mechanism.


232. The efficiency and feasibility of model and algorithm are confirmed by using some cases.



1. Meanwhile, a high-performance model that's definitely headed to Lexus showrooms is the 2008 IS-F sports sedan.

FORBES: Magazine Article

2. In the current model, students have a fixed amount of time to learn new concepts.

FORBES: How to Bring Quality Online Education to a Global Student Population

3. The president of the American Bankers Association says the legislation "changes the entire business model of credit cards."

VOA : special.2009.05.22

4. Sell the believer a product, and then immediately start thinking about how to sell him a faster model.

FORBES: Churn my camera

5. The lesson Cohen learned was to change strategies and not be straight-jacketed by your original business model.

FORBES: True Blue Gents Of Finance

6. He was also the model for Tarzan, the hero of Disney's summer movie of that name.

FORBES: Later, Skater

7. We already talked about the Hittite vassal treaties as a model for the Israelite covenant, when we were talking about Exodus.

我们已经将希提的纳贡条约作为以色列立约,的范本进行过研究,在我们讲解出埃及记的时候。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. But if the plan succeeds, it could serve as a model for America's biggest carmaker,General Motors.

VOA : special.2009.05.01

9. We didn't have a feasible business model, let's put it this way, because when we started, the business model is to provide the backend search technology to the portal companies in China.


10. Orpheus in a lot of ways seemed like the perfect model of a poet because he had the power to do something with his poetry.

从很多方面来看俄耳甫斯像是个完美的诗人,因为他的诗有实际的作用。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. In this model, the power and value is in the scripted program, not the people.

FORBES: How We Can Rebuild The American Job Factory

12. Their question is part of a model used by experimental economists to explain social and individual behavior.

VOA : special.2009.03.03

13. a balsa model of an aeroplane


14. So the moral here, again, is whenever you're doing an implementation of a simulation, you do need to have some underlying theory about the model.

所以这里的寓意还是,不管你在做什么东西的仿真程序,你需要有一个,模型的底层程序。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

15. And this traditional business model has not worked very well on the Internet, especially not in a bad economy.

VOA : special.2009.04.20

16. That permits people to cite it as a model with a straight face eight decades after it was enacted?

让人们引以为典范,以严肃的态度认为,即使这个新政已是八十年前的事情了?经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

17. Notably, the right-most image contains measurements which can be applied to the rest of scale model as well.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

18. So you sort of have a zero-base budgeting model of, "If we were a start-up, what would we do? How would we organize to deliver value to the customers?"

所以得有一个零基础预算模式,如果我们从头开始,我们该做什么,我们如何组织以带给客户价值“戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

19. Credit its relentless price-slashing and its build-to-order business model, which keeps inventories low.

FORBES: Magazine Article

20. At the heart of this model is a reimagined educational experience grounded in mastery-based, personalized learning.

FORBES: How to Bring Quality Online Education to a Global Student Population

21. They want to go back to 2000 or even the nineties to model customer behavior.

FORBES: Managing Financial Data Growth with 30-40X Compression

22. The A2B Hybrid 24 model expects you to pedal, increasing in speed the harder you work.

BBC: Rent an electric bike in London

23. "Yay Exercise!" "If you want your child to have healthy habits, practice healthy habits too because you're your child's best role model."

VOA : special.2009.11.27

24. China has now completed four successful flights of its Shenzhou capsule, based on Russia's Soyuz model.

BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | China space mission 'on track'

25. Hollister used the results of the scan to generate a computer model of the splint.

CNN: 3-D printer helps save dying baby

26. You've got the model solutions, and there will be a test in recitation on Tuesday the 14th based upon that homework.

你们也有参考答案,在周二的背诵课上会有个测试,就是14号,基于你们的家庭作业。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

27. There is no one-size-fits-all model of political life but good regimes may come in a variety of forms.

政治生活并没有大小通吃的模式,但好的政体,可能以各种形式存在。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. "I must call Mister Behrman up to be my model for my drawing of an old miner.

VOA : special.2009.08.01

29. Whether this is a reasonable model for the travel industry remains to be seen.

BBC: How safe is your passport?

30. And out of that came the recognition that Thompson's plum pudding model is not sustainable in the light of this evidence.

从中我们得出,汤姆生的枣糕布丁原子模型,是不合理的。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

31. Jane has turned into a model mother.


32. The American political system, for all its faults, is the model for much of the world.

CNN: Mission: Peace -- Analysis

33. In fact, our Articles of Confederation might be an even better model, given how heterogeneous Europe is.

FORBES: Fact And Comment

34. With this new model, we don't know where those parameters are going to fall yet.

NPR: Credit-Reporting Agencies Create New Scoring Format

35. Tesla Motors, Inc. has a direct-to-customer sales model as opposed to a dealer sales model.

FORBES: North Carolina's Threat To Tesla Likely Unconstitutional

36. That will lead us into the capital asset pricing model, which is the cornerstone of a lot of thinking in finance.

然后引出资本资产定价模型,这个模型是很多金融思想的基础。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. Ephesians was written by a different disciple of Paul, and he was using as his model for a Pauline letter the actual letters of Paul, or at least some of them that he possessed and knew of.

以弗所书则由保罗的另一信徒执笔,他伪造保罗的书信,模板是保罗的书信,或者他所持有的一些保罗的书信。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. So my barber model is actually a pretty good description of the broadband market.

FORBES: The Weird Economics of Utility Networks

39. The NFL, with its national model that spreads money around the league equally, has less incentive to change.

FORBES: The NBA Spreads Its Digital Wings

40. A model fort is the only structure in the park built in the exact place as the first building.

VOA : special.2009.08.17

41. The scientists used a computer model to predict how just three grams less salt a day would affect heart disease in the United States.

VOA : special.2010.03.03

42. "They had a very large scale model of Chucky from Child's Play looking at me, " he said.

BBC: Pleasurewood Hills' Hobs Pit ride given 12A BBFC rating

43. Arbitron, likewise, is still figuring out how to fold streaming audio into its model.

FORBES: Nielsen Buys Arbitron, Radio Ratings Service, In $1.3 Billion Deal

44. Auto enthusiasts are salivating over these 2008 model year cars, many of which have a waiting list.

FORBES: Most Anticipated 2008 Luxury Cars

45. an off-the-shelf model


46. The other two finalists are Jaimy Gordon, author of "Lord of Misrule" and Eric Puchner for "Model Home."

VOA : special.2011.03.18

47. We saw that the Bohr model was able to correlate the observations of Angstrom, which had been formulated by Balmer.

知道了波尔模型,可以和阿姆斯特朗的观察相吻合,这观察后来被巴尔末推导出来相证实。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

48. Ivanka, a former model, is the spotlight-loving Ms. Outside, and her brother is the detail-obsessed Mr. Inside.

FORBES: The Real Apprentices

49. While most clients seem to welcome a team-based model, some prefer a more personal relationship.

FORBES: Should You Merge Your Firm Or Stay Solo?

50. Scholars have proposed three possible models to explain the formation of Israel. The first is an immigration model.

学者们提出了三种可能的模型,来解释以色列的形成,第一种是移民模式。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. Yes, I did some part-time jobs such as English tutor, salesman, and model.


52. Then company works with government (controversially) to build second vehicle, the Model S sedan.

FORBES: Tesla: On Rocket Launches, Electric Cars and Expectations

53. As you may have noticed, the Monitors are physically very similar to the Major model that preceded them.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

54. Now the difference between the two models, the health model and the disease model is more than just semantic.

两种模型,健康模型和疾病模型的差异,不仅仅是语义上的。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

55. This model has a mono soundtrack.


56. This weekend,Project Green Search will announce its selection of a new model for the environmental "Green Revolution."

VOA : special.2009.11.06

57. Miss Model once said that Diane soon started "not listening to me but suddenly listening to herself."

VOA : special.2009.08.09

58. This new business model will be the most important trait of America's manufacturing renaissance.

WHITEHOUSE: Energy and Environment Latest News | The White House

59. They travelled to a model shop and all the other sites, until they were finally ready to focus on particular ones.

还有模型商店和许多别的地方,直到他们终于准备好,集中讨论一个问题。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

60. This pay-for-performance model for local advertising is what small businesses have been attracted to.

FORBES: Daily Deals Growing Up With First Conference

61. But the reality that we know from our quantum mechanical model, is that we can't know exactly what the radius is, all we can say is what the probability is of the radius being at certain different points.

我们不可能准确的知道,半径是多少,我们只能说,它在不同半径处,的概率是多少,这是,量子力学。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

62. A new study used a computer model to predict how just three grams less a day would affect heart disease in the United States.

VOA : special.2010.01.27

63. Last December, the Australia-based company Invetech reported that it had delivered the world's first production model 3-D bio-printer for Organovo.

VOA : special.2010.10.19

64. Yesterday we got the height and width, today it's the full wireframe model with scale measurements.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

65. It was not until Henry Ford's gas-powered Model T that the internal combustion engine and the car became inseparable.

VOA : special.2010.11.17



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