
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [bɪɡ]play美 [bɪɡ]play

  • adj. (尺寸、数量、规模或年龄)大的;重大的,严重的;有影响力的;糟糕的;有雄心的;受欢迎的;热衷于……的;程度深的,效果好的;大方的,大度的;生僻的,晦涩的;大写的
  • adv. 大大,给人印象深地;夸口地;大量地
  • v. 招摇
  • 【名】 (Big)(土)比格(人名)

复数 bigs 第三人称单数 bigs 现在分词 bigging 过去式 bigged或bug 过去分词 bigged或bug 比较级 bigger 最高级 biggest

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


big /bɪɡ/ CET4 TEM4 [ bigger biggest ]

  • 1.
    形容词 A big person or thing is large in physical size. (体积、体态) 大的

    Australia's a big country.



    Her husband was a big man.


  • 2.
    形容词 Something that is big consists of many people or things. (数量) 多的

    The crowd included a big contingent from Cleveland.


  • 3.
    形容词 If you describe something such as a problem, increase, or change as a big one, you mean it is great in degree, extent, or importance. 重大的; 严重的

    Her problem was just too big for her to tackle on her own.


  • 4.
    形容词 A big organization employs many people and has many customers. (规模) 大的
    例: of the biggest companies in Italy.


  • 5.
    形容词 If you say that someone is big in a particular organization, activity, or place, you mean that they have a lot of influence or authority in it. 有影响力的

    Their father was very big in the army.


  • 6.
    形容词 If you call someone a big bully or a big coward, you are emphasizing your disapproval of them. (用以强调厌恶等语气) 大的

    His personality changed. He turned into a big bully.


  • 7.
    形容词 Children often refer to their older brother or sister as their big brother or sister. 年龄较大的

    She always introduces me as her big sister.


  • 8.
    形容词 Big words are long or rare words which have meanings that are difficult to understand. 艰深难懂的 (词)

    They use a lot of big words.


  • 9.
    习语 If you make it big, you become successful or famous. 获得巨大成功

    Capone was an underdog hero, a poor boy who made it big.


  • 10.
    习语 If you think big, you make plans on a large scale, often using a lot of time, effort, or money. 着眼大局

    Maybe we're not thinking big enough.




  • adj.

    bigger 更大的(big的比较级)

  • n.

    bigness 大;重大;伟大



big bulky great large 【导航词义:大的】

big adj. 大的

〔辨析〕 普通用词,主要形容面积、体积、范围之大,可与 large 换用,但更为通俗;形容人的时候,既可指身材高大,又可以表示职位、等级和辈分很高。

例1: The box is too big/large to carry.


例2: That police officer is a big man.


例3: Several big men in the entertainment industry came into the studio.


bulky adj. 庞大的;大块头的

〔辨析〕 形容某物体积大而笨重,难以携带或存放;也可指人又高又胖的。

例1: You'd better not take that bulky piece of luggage.


例2: He is a bulky man.


great adj. 大的,巨大的

〔辨析〕 表示体积、尺寸、程度等大于一般的,相当于 very big。

例1: There are great white poplars along the road.


例2: They could be in great danger.


large adj. 大的,巨大的;大量的

〔辨析〕 普通用词,主要用于形容面积、体积、数量、重量;指人时表示身材高大的。

例1: We rarely see large trees in that country.


例2: It'll add up to a large amount.


例3: He's a very large child.



1. talk big v. 吹牛

2. big bang n. 宇宙大爆炸;创世大爆炸

3. take something big ◎勇敢地对待某事;感情冲动地对待某事

4. big d 大D城

5. Big Business 大生意 ; 四个千金两个妈 ; 大企业 ; 大公司

6. big eyes 大眼睛

7. big mouth 多嘴者

8. Big Brother 老大哥 ; 大哥大 ; 大师兄 ; 带头大哥

9. big problem 大问题

10. big deal n. 大人物;了不起的事

11. Big Fish 大鱼 ; 大智若鱼 ; 大鱼老爸 ; 美国大鱼

12. Big Mac Index 巨无霸指数 ; 大麦克指数 ; 巨无霸汉堡包指数 ; 汉堡指数

13. make big [美国俚语]飞黄腾达;成功

14. big city 大城市

15. big tree 大树;巨杉

16. big family 大家庭

17. Big Data 大数据 ; 海量资料 ; 海量数据

18. Big Ben 大本钟 ; 大笨钟 ; 大鹏钟 ; 大钟

19. big business 大企业;财团

20. big fish 大鱼;重要人物

21. BIG APPLE 大苹果 ; 纽约 ; 大苹果城

22. Big Sur 大瑟尔 ; 大苏尔 ; 大索尔 ; 加州大索尔

23. big brother 哥哥;老大哥

24. big house n. 监狱

25. big with ◎怀着…的,怀(孕)的

26. big screen (电影院的)大银幕

27. in a big way 大规模地,彻底地

28. how big 多大


1. I've got quite a big room so I'm not too badly off.


2. This is hard to achieve when, as is now the case in many big firms, a large proportion of staff are temporary contractors.

但是这很难实现,因为大多数员工是临时合同工,如今的许多大公司就是如此。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

3. This shirt isn't big enough.


4. Australia's a big country...


5. He was riding a big bay.


6. Yes, big points are always important, especially in a final like this.

是的, 关键分总是很重要的, 特别是在这样一个决赛中.《期刊摘选》

7. Most little shops have been absorbed into big business.


8. He was smoking a big cigar.


9. "You'll miss The Brady Bunch."—"Big deal."

“你会错过《布雷迪家庭》的。” — “没什么大不了的。”《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

10. Do you really think we can take on the big boys?


11. Let's plan a big night next week.


12. The immediate flashpoint was Wednesday's big rally.


13. His other big weakness was ties with tycoons who dominate Romania's big business and media.


14. a big man/house/increase


15. German law requires half of the supervisory board members at big firms to be workers'representatives.


16. Proximity seems to be a bigger factor than tax rates, says the PPIC.


17. Indeed, it arguably one of the biggest problems bedevilling the developed world today.

实际上, 这可以说是如今困扰发达国家最重要的问题之一.《期刊摘选》

18. He entered into negotiations with that big company.


19. Mr. Li used to be the purchasing manager of a big American corporation.


20. He's a big shot in Chilean politics.


21. Most of their economic policies serve the interests of big business.


22. This big company in actuality is only a small shop.

这家 “ 大公司 ” 实际上只是一个小店.《简明英汉词典》

23. Exchange is largely controlled by big banks.


24. When he arrived at the space station, there was a big smile on his face.

当他到达空间站, 在他脸上露出成功地(注:非正式用语,意为:成功地)微笑.《期刊摘选》

25. His CV will list several work experience stints at various big companies.


26. A big renewal programme also under way.


27. a big decision


28. One of the biggest lessons I've learned in life is this: “Be happy with what you have”

我从生活中学到的最大的一课就是“为所拥有的感到快乐”。《17年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

29. The crowd included a big contingent from Ipswich.


30. He is representative of a big firm.


31. John hit the bull's eye when he said the big question was one of simple honest.


32. One big deal made the young tycoon.


33. Succession plan – making sure employees can be groomed to take on bigger roles.


34. This could be the start of something big.


35. China's big fiscal package may be starting to work.


36. CEOs of big companies paidamounts of money because they solve problems that nobody else can solve.


37. RUNNING a big company is a big job with a pay packet to match.


38. my big brother


39. Remember confidence and perception plays a big role in macroeconomic management.


40. The bottleneck problems of RSA efficiency are big number finding and exponential modular computation.


41. There is a big underground railway system in London.


42. Big French company look for smoke alarm supllier with full test reports available.


43. China Characteristic Socialism Theory is a big theory system of Marxism in contemporary China.


44. There could soon be a big increase in unemployment.


45. This was a big step up in his career.


46. The big growth area of recent years has been in health clubs.


47. You're a big girl now.


48. Its big selling point is that nobody else will have it: “You won’t see this kitchen anywhere else in the world.”

它最大的卖点是其他人不会拥有同样的商品:“你不会在世界上其他任何地方再看到这样的厨房。”《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

49. Fanshaw is a big shot in merchant banking.


50. In a way it was one of our biggest mistakes.


51. He's quite a big oke.


52. This is your big chance. Go no out there and break a leg!

这是你的一个重要的机会. 上场去吧,争取大获成功!《期刊摘选》

53. It would be more economical to buy the bigger size.


54. Almost everyone who was interviewed for this special report said that the biggest problem at the moment is not a lack of demand but a lack of good work to sell.

几乎所有接受过这个特别报道采访的人都说,目前最大的问题不是没有需求, 而是缺乏可以出售的好作品。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

55. Belgium, with its big banks and huge public debt, has benefited from being an insider too.


56. The boss is coming this afternoon to show some big fish around the factory.


57. Commerce big shot assistant having automation move people?

商业大亨有自动招人的助手 么 ?《期刊摘选》

58. It's the world's biggest computer company.


59. The Red Cross is a big international organization.


60. This is too big ─ have you got a small one?


61. They have treated with three big firms in London.


62. The system already was mixed in distant river , big harbor oil field applies Dalimu successfully.

系统已在辽河 、 大港和塔里木油田成功地应用.《期刊摘选》

63. Mr. Smith inherited a big company from his grandfather and ran very well now.


64. Health and fitness have become big business.


65. Whether it ’ s a sports team or a presidential campaign, everybody relishes having the big momentum, because it makes them harder to stop or change direction.

无论是一个运动团队或是一场总统竞选活动,其中的每个人都希望具有很大的动量,这让他们很难停下或改变方向。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

66. (informal)He had this great big grin on his face.


67. We changed the car for a bigger one.


68. McClellan commanded the biggest army in the Union, the Army of the Potomac.

麦克莱伦统率着联盟最庞大的军队 —— 波多马克军团.《期刊摘选》

69. In the circle of Rock GOU is a big group.


70. She loved the big old house.


71. You say that many big companies act unscrupulously, but can you give me one example?

你说许多大公司不按规则运行, 你能举个例子 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

72. A very important place, as adverting is one of the biggest industries in America.

一个十分重要的地方, 因为广告是美国最大的产业之一.《期刊摘选》

73. The fortunes of the biggest companies might then stir the whole economy, Mr Gabaix conjectures.

Gabaix先生推测到, 最大公司的命运随之会搅动整个经济运行.《期刊摘选》

74. The big firms are competing fiercely on price.


75. We need to think big.


76. Perhaps a new phrase is needed, one that can bring everyone one big step closer to realizing Du Bois ’ s original, idealistic hope: “ It ’ s not the name — it ’ s the Thing that counts. ”

或许需要一个新的词语,一个可以带领大家实现 Du Bois 的原创理想主义愿景:“名字并不重要,重要的是这件事。”《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

77. Rest, and in a month this Hollywood big shot will give you what you want.

好好休息, 从现在起一个月内好莱坞大亨会让你愿望成真.《期刊摘选》

78. There has been a big input of resources into the project from industry.


79. This particular model is one of our biggest sellers.


80. They're full of big ideas.


81. I'm sure all the big names will come to the club.


82. This time they've messed up big time!


83. That's one helluva big house you've got.


84. Some manage to break through and go on to become big businesses.


85. Mobile phone champion Nokia, one of Europe ’ s biggest technology success stories, was no 26 exception, losing its market share in just a few years.

作为欧洲最大的科技公司成功案例之一 — 手机巨头诺基亚也不 (26) 例外,仅在几年之间就失去了其市场份额。《15年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

86. A famous soccer coach has just won the biggest game of his life.


87. To honor an order of big size like yours, it's beyond our financial capability.

执行象你们这样一个庞大的订货, 超过了我们的财务能力.《辞典例句》

88. Bigger government, more man daysmandates, more control, less freedom, a.

更庞大的政府机构, 更多的指令, 更多的控制, 更少的自由.《期刊摘选》

89. Her husband was a big man.


90. What does the man say is a big challenge to him?.

男士说他最大的挑战是什么?。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

91. What were last year's big triumphs and failures?

去年公司重要的胜利和不足是 什么 ?《期刊摘选》

92. 'Big' and 'large' are synonyms.


93. Tourism is a big industry in this country.


94. of the biggest companies in Italy.


95. Maybe we're not thinking big enough.


96. There was a great big pile of books on the table.


97. In that moment of clarity Leah made an important leap, conquering her inner resistance to change and making a firm commitment to take bigger steps.

这片刻的清醒使Leah 进行了一次重要的飞跃,她克服了内心中对改变的抗拒,下定决心要迈出更大的一步。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

98. Orange is the big colour this year.


99. Standing in a big group of guys.


100. She finally arrived on the big stage after years of acting in small plays.


101. “ Using existing civil society structures or networks is a more effective way of creating change...and obviously trade unions are one of the biggest civil society networks in the UK, ” he says.

他说:“利用现有的民间社会结构或网络能够更加有效地带来变化……并且工会显然是英国最大的民间社会网络之一。”《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

102. Robert Craven a sales training expert, says there is one big reason they fail.


103. ...a big letter J.


104. You need to think big.


105. I think boxing will take off in a big way here.


106. They use a lot of big words.


107. She works for one of the Big Six.


108. You are making a big mistake.


109. It's a good chance to cooperate with such a big company.


110. B : I work for a big Australian company.


111. It was an era when big corporations in developed countries accounted for most R & D spending.

在那个时代,大多数的 研发 费用出自发达国家的大公司.《期刊摘选》

112. Within weeks the world's two biggest auction houses, Sotheby's and Christie's, had to pay out nearly $200m in guarantees to clients who had placed works for sale with them.   

短短几周内,世界上两个最大的拍卖行——苏富比和佳士得,不得不支付将近两亿美元的担保金给那些把作品交与他们出售的客户。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

113. If I don't win it's no big deal.


114. Scientists believe they are onto something big.


115. So keep it simple: “Hi”, “Hey” or “Hello”—do the best you can to gather all of the enthusiasm and energy you can, put on a big smile and say “Hi”.

因此要让第一句话简短“嗨”,“嘿”或者“你好”——尽你所能汇集所有的热情和能量,露出大大的微笑,然后说“嗨”《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

116. At the big ramshackle Baffles Hotel Rule dropped their bags.


117. In their heyday, the big firms dominated their markets.


118. a big eater/drinker/spender

饭量大的 / 有酒量的 / 花钱手大的人《牛津词典》

119. Railway construction which takes much time and funds is a big system project.


120. Changing schools made a big difference to my life.


121. Analysts say the biggest problem is high unemployment, which weakens demand and makes banks reluctant to lend.

分析人士说,最大的问题是高失业率,这导致需求下降,也使银行不愿意贷款。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

122. JULES I think her biggest deal was she starred in a pilot.


123. The shift to online shopping has had a big impact on traditional shopping malls.

人们开始转向网上购物,这种情况对传统的购物中心产生了巨大的影响。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

124. It is very important to reach an agreement with this big company.


125. You've had a bear by the tail ever since you agreed to finish that big project.


126. (informal)Do you really think we can take on the big boys (= compete with the most powerful people) ?


127. Generating big questions about Gaia and the atmosphere may be Bio 2's most important contribution to science.


128. Tonight is the biggest match of his career.


129. Some, indeed, think alternative energy will be the basis of a boom bigger than information technology.


130. She gave him a big sloppy kiss.


131. Repulse Bay was one big picture opportunity because it's full of these huge, colorful statues bay.

浅水湾就像是一幅巨大的画,海岸边随处都是那些庞大的 、 多彩的雕塑.《期刊摘选》

132. Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market.


133. The Africans had engineered continent's first turn at thethe world organization the big the U.


134. Some see street art as protesting the culture of big business and corporations.


135. They're in training for the big game.


136. School fees can make a big hole in your savings.


137. Great leaders recognize the weak signals or slight signs that point to big changes to come.

伟大的领导者能察觉到指向即将来临的大变革的微弱信号或微妙迹象。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

138. Consciousness of research minority tradition is right western big development has principal port and effect.


139. California's big technology sector also get hit hard slowing overseas growth and the troubled financial sector.


140. Parents attachimportance to carrying on the family name, so marriage is a big issue.

家长对传递家族姓氏非常重视, 所以婚姻是很重要的问题.《期刊摘选》

141. Big meals during the day cause drowsiness.


142. Think of the high salary offered by big companies and opportunities advancing after several years'service.


143. This is a big issue; we need more time to think about it.


144. The new delivery service has taken off in a big way.


145. I took Friday to the other side of the island and showed him my big canoe.


146. As you know, our company is one of the big names and has a long tradition.

2正如你们所知道, 我们公司是一个大公司并且具有很长的历史.《期刊摘选》

147. Her husband was a big man...


148. The fish I caught was yay big.


149. The band's very big in Japan.


150. He's got a plum job with a big company.


151. But almost all have ignored the big, profitable opportunity in their own backyard: the wholesale food and drink trade , which appears to be just the kind of market retailers need.

但是,几乎所有的食品零售商都忽视了自家后院的一个庞大的盈利机会,即食品和饮料的批发贸易。而这似乎正是零售商们需要的市场。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

152. And there's a big one with the trans fats.


153. This house isn't big enough for us.


154. The biggest increases tended to be in brands that were popular with young smokers.

而尼古丁含量提高最大的往往是那些深受年轻烟民喜爱的牌子。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

155. We're not just looking at making it big in the UK, we want to be big internationally.


156. This man is now a big cheese in this industry.


157. The news came as a big blow.


158. One reason is that more countries are big oil producers now, so the nations suffering from the price drop account for a larger share of the global economy.

一个原因是,现在有更多国家成为石油生产大国,所以受价格下跌影响的国家占了全球经济更大的比重。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

159. Welcome to a very big club, Bro.


160. Yet such arrangements, too, are deeply troubling for many big firms.


161. I'm going home but I've also got a big fitness training programs.


162. Sequenced overhead photos from satellite cameras gave the big view.


163. Running a car is a big expense.


164. However, organisations need to learn something bigger than how to manage teams better: they need to be in the habit of asking themselves whether teams are the best tools for the job.

但是,比起如何更好地管理团队,组织机构需要学习一些更重要的事:他们需要不断追问自己,团队合作是否是完成这项工作的最佳途径。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

165. She took the stage for her big moment .


166. Closer inspection reveals important differences among the biggest national markets. especially in their customer segments and wholesale structures, as well as the competitive dynamics of individual food and drink categories.

通过仔细的观察,我们不难发现,国内最大的市场之间存在着巨大差异,尤其是在客户群、批发结构和个別食品饮料类商品的竞争态势方面。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

167. In Japan, reserve accumulation did not play a big role in the bubble.


168. He's hoping to make it big on TV.


169. Perhaps the biggest decision in the Pacific war was island hopping.


170. [D] All in all, this clearly seems to be a market in which big retailers could profitably apply their gigantic scale. existing infrastructure, and proven skill in the management of product ranges, logistics, and marketing intelligence.

[D] 总之,这显然是大型零售商可以获利的一个市场:他们将利用自已庞大的规模、现有的基础设施及在产品种类、物流、市场情报方面等成熟的管理技能来获得商业利润。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

171. Ever since he became manager of that big company he has been coining money.


172. Schumpeter derived from this analysis a lasting bias in favor of big business.


173. A murder was big news.


174. ...the big backlog of applications.


175. Their father was very big in the army...


176. The new process should be particularly advantageous to big companies.


177. American forces have begun a big landing.


178. Goodness, what a big balloon!


179. They complain that big firms in rich countries are exploiting their vulnerability.


180. It has not gotten anywhere close to that, and one big reason is sticker shock: 

现实却与之相差甚远,最大的原因就是其价格之高太过惊人:《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

181. The big company merged various small businesses.


182. Do you make a big deal out of unimportant issues?

你在不重要的事情上面花费很多精力 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

183. People always complain that the big banks and big companies are unfriendly and unhelpful.


184. Their house is neither big nor small.


185. By far the biggest type of momentum that comes into play when it comes to changing our energy systems is economic momentum.

目前,我们谈到能开始改变能源系统的最大的动量是经济动量。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

186. The biggest challenge here is irrigation, which consumes 70% of the world’s fresh water

最大的问题是灌溉,灌溉消耗了世界上 70% 的淡水。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

187. They were earning big money.


188. Imitation is a big part of life.


189. Imagine if you oke Chinese, English and anish! Three of the biggest languages in the world.

想想如果你能说汉语 、 英语和西班牙语,那该多好啊! 它们是世界上最重要的语言之中的三种语言.《期刊摘选》

190. You'd better not act a big shot among your old friends.


191. Big business is his most important constituency.


192. They also indicate the potential the education market is very big.


193. We should aim for a bigger share of the market.


194. The bigger problem is not the plane crash, but the millions of preventable deaths.

显然,更重要的问题不是这次空难, 而是其他几百万可以预防的死亡事件.《期刊摘选》

195. Her problem was just too big for her to tackle on her own...


196. Mr Smith is a big shot in commercial circle.



1. So if I call, let's , let's set up s to be, I don't know, some big long list.

那让我们来调用一次吧,让我们建立一个,怎么说。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. Bob Metcalfe Hi, my name is Bob Metcalfe. I'm here today to talk about the Next Big Thing-the video internet.

嗨,我的名字叫,今天我要在此谈论下一重大事件--网络视频。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

3. There's growing evidence that this lack of movement is having a big impact on travelers' health.

BBC: Overweight frequent flyers

4. He then won a big victory in the general election over the candidate of the Whig Party, General Winfield Scott.

VOA : special.2009.04.23

5. The term today most often is used to describe a powerful machine designed to clear away trees and other big objects.

VOA : special.2009.02.15

6. We have been putting our guys in big bases to go out and shoot insurgents.

NPR: Army Gen. Abizaid Will Retire in March

7. And when a big SUV hits a smaller car, the little guy gets clobbered.

FORBES: The Holy War on SUVs

8. Return after big rains and you'll encounter something close to a Garden of Eden.

BBC: Watching Australia's wildlife

9. So it doesn't matter how big the dictionary is, you can instantaneously retrieve the value associated with the key. Extremely powerful.

因为你可以在线性时间,内得到想要的键对应的值,这太强大了。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

10. A five-month federal investigation of the so-called flash crash suggested a single big trade may have been the cause.

VOA : special.2010.12.31

11. The stuff that's inside the reacting volume, and whatever's right around it there inside the big box, it's all going to heat up.

都会升温,对吧?,在反应容器里的东西,以及大箱子里的任何东西,他们都会变热。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

12. He points to a big drop in the number of planned job cuts announced by employers over the past six months.

VOA : special.2010.07.02

13. It got its nickname, The Garden State, because New Jersey truck farms once provided vegetables to those big cities.

VOA : special.2009.08.16

14. They also hold big shares of Citigroup and a number of other banks, as well as sixty percent of General Motors.

VOA : special.2009.09.18

15. Catching big tuna is about reaffirming your hunter-gatherer instincts, one inch of line at a time.

FORBES: The Young Man And the Sea

16. It was a travelling show of animals and people working under a large tent, later known as the Big Top.

VOA : special.2009.01.11

17. So it was like a big shock to me because after five years, I thought I know the language.

所以,这对我来说,就是一个很大的打击,因为五年的学习以后,我以为我掌握这门语言了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 语法和语调是关键

18. And,also,because he just sat around and played cards all the time and ate and drank, he became quite a large man,and occasionally he would get up and go and look at the relics of Marie Antoinette, and then he'd go back and play cards for big stakes; he was a big-time gambler.

而且,由于他只是坐在那儿,整日玩牌,饮酒作乐,他变得很肥,有时候他站起来,去看看玛丽王后的遗物,然后又回来豪赌,他是个有名的赌徒1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. "People being able to hack into the car is a big issue, " says Bergquist.

BBC: 'Every new car' connected to web by 2014

20. But today, only the Big Bend portion of the river can support the large crane population.

BBC: Nebraskas awe-inspiring crane migration

21. Actually, if it continues like this we'll have a problem - a big problem.

NPR: Businesses Hit Hard by Turmoil in Kenya

22. That's how big Satan's shield was: well, how big is Satan's spear?

这是撒旦的屏障的庞大:,那么,撒旦的矛又有多大呢?弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. And,it was called The City of the Big Shoulders or City of Broad Shoulders because of its importance to the nation.

VOA : special.2010.01.10

24. Remind us of some of the other big cases we're still awaiting verdicts on.

NPR: Slate's Jurisprudence: Court Passes on Padilla Case

25. So, here's the syllabus: two big blocks, first block general principles of chemistry, 1 and that's the same whether you take 3.091 or 5.111 or 5.112.

这就是教学大纲,两大块,第一部分是化学的通则,关于这点,我们的课程1,还有,5。111课程以及,5。112课程都是一样的。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

26. On Sunday,millions of people in the United States and several other countries will watch the big game with friends and family.

VOA : special.2010.02.05

27. They're producing electrical signals in the brain they're not recording from the brain, but it's not that big of a difference.

它们只能向大脑发出信号,而不能记录反馈大脑的信号,但是这两者技术要求差别不大生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. Besides Corning Ware and Cook Top counters, Corelle dinnerware has been a big success.

FORBES: The Trials Of Amory Houghton Jr.

29. If you want to run with the big cats (and pachyderms), Kazi is your place.

FORBES: Off the Beaten Track: Kaziranga National Park, India

30. Transmitting the REGZA Phone's display to a big-screen TV(9) makes for an even more enjoyable experience.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

31. Gave him five dollars and went on my way, big city blues in my soul.

NPR: Judy Collins, From Both Sides Now

32. In an internal study last summer Cisco identified 100 corporate customers making big use of Asterisk.

FORBES: Dial D for Disruption

33. And a big wireless carrier, AT&T,calls extending the net neutrality policy "a risky experiment" with American investment in high-speed Internet.

VOA : special.2009.09.25

34. The workers made good progress on the project until they started working near Big Bend Mountain in West Virginia.

VOA : special.2009.02.21

35. One big change is actually a change back with regard to the inspection of food imports.

NPR: Farm Bill Offers Aid to Fruit, Vegetable Growers

36. And it would create a group to identify and regulate companies that are so big, their failure could threaten the economy.

VOA : special.2010.04.16

37. Now it's--I think it's still the dominant academic view, but there's a big debate and there are partisans on both sides.

现在,这种观点-我认为仍然是主流的学术观点,但是对此学术界也存在激烈的争论,并且双方都有自己的阵营。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. It was already the smallest in terms of market-cap of the big Wall Street banks.

FORBES: Betting Against Bear

39. Oh, Steven, I made a big mistake.


40. Currents are strong, which keeps the water nutritious, the reef alive and lures big pelagic fish.

BBC: Flores shakes off Balis shadow

41. I can't stand Mark, he's so big-headed.


42. Because his wife Millicent liked to invite her friends to big dinners and serve them rare and expensive food and wine.

VOA : special.2010.05.29

43. In the past couple of years the big benefits management firms have joined the fray.

FORBES: Hired Guns

44. a big-hearted Irishman


45. In the big default years of 1990 to 1991 and 2000 to 2001, defaults neared 10%.

FORBES: Dunking Distressed Debt

46. What is a Little Magazine? Well, very often they were big They were little because their circulation was small.

那么小杂志是什么?,其实它们大多是比较大型的,之所以说它们“小“是因为发行量。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. That's an important point, because it tells you what really is the big picture that is going to emerge.

这一点是很重要的,因为你将会了解到这将掀开一幅怎样宏大的画卷欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. The Apology, the Crito, these are warm-ups to the big theme, to the big book, the Republic.

苏格拉底自辩篇》,《克里托篇》,都是更大主题的,暖身读物。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. "For me, the big season is with Arsenal, not the World Cup, " he said.

BBC: Club needs to come first - Wenger

50. It's enormous! Well, quite big anyway.


51. So are manufacturers backing away from big SUVs as the Wall Street Journal said?

FORBES: The Holy War on SUVs

52. Romney is a millionaire, and he recently wrote his second big check to the campaign.

NPR: Sen. Obama Breaks Fundraising Record

53. The central bank would work with a proposed Financial Services Oversight Council to decide which companies are too big to fail.

VOA : special.2009.06.19

54. Yeah, so I mean, obviously Piccadilly Circus with the big screens is in so many films. Everybody knows it.

好的,显然地,大屏幕的皮卡迪利广场出现在很多电影里。所有人都知道它。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 皮卡迪利的公司员工

55. But I was still nervous, because you need to win it big to beat a champion.

BBC: Appleby wins featherweight crown

56. Meanwhile, the big leasers, led by tax uberlobbyist Kenneth Kies of Clark Consulting, are fighting back.

FORBES: Will SILOs Collapse?

57. Visitors to his shack have included President Richard Nixon: 'I was a big fan.

BBC: Escape from New York

58. big energy-guzzling houses


59. Republicans had argued that the provision simply preserved the too big to fail concept.

FORBES: Get Briefed: Sheila Bair

60. There's not a grandma, granny, or Meema(ph) in sight, not even a big mama.

NPR: Who's Your Grandma? These Days, Nobody Is

61. Koreans want to see commercial space built and filled with big international companies with cachet.

FORBES: Scratch Builders

62. You can actually say big O of 1, big O of 1 being constant time, the same number of steps.

其复杂度为O,表示时间是一个常量,所用的步数是相同的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

63. Another big winner has been Vanguard Primecap, run by a group from Primecap Management.

FORBES: The Other Side of Vanguard

64. The first study, the one with the deceptive dolls with the big shoes and little shoes, is actually fairly difficult.

第一个研究用了有欺骗性的,穿着大鞋和小鞋的洋娃娃,实际上是非常难的心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. Goldman Sachs and Citigroup blew past third-quarter profit expectations Thursday, helped by big one-time gains.

FORBES: Shiny Returns, Shaky Foundations



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