
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [pɪk]play美 [pɪk]play

  • v. 采,摘(花、果);(用手指)弄掉;找茬;捡,抱起;选择;弹,拨(弦);撬开(锁),扒窃……中的东西;小心走路(~ one's way);(反复地)拔,拉,撕,扯;没胃口地吃;(高尔夫)拾球(尤指认输的拾球)(~ up);采,摘(花、果等)
  • n. 精华(the pick of);选择,选择权;被选中的人(或事物);鹤嘴锄;(吉他的)拨子;(尖状的)挖撬工具;(篮球)掩护
  • 【名】 (Pick)(英、法、德、捷、匈、瑞典)皮克(人名)

复数 picks 第三人称单数 picks 现在分词 picking 过去式 picked 过去分词 picked

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


pick /pɪk/ CET4 TEM4 [ picking picked picks ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If you pick a particular person or thing, you choose that one. 挑选

    Mr. Nowell had picked ten people to interview for six sales jobs in Dallas.


  • 2.
    单数型名词 You can refer to the best things or people in a particular group as the pick of that group. 精华; 精英

    The boys here are the pick of the high school's football players.


  • 3.
    及物动词 When you pick flowers, fruit, or leaves, you break them off the plant or tree and collect them. 采摘

    She used to pick flowers in the Adirondacks.


  • 4.
    及物动词 If you pick something from a place, you remove it from there with your fingers or your hand. 拿走

    He picked the napkin from his lap and placed it alongside his plate.


  • 5.
    及物动词 If you pick your nose or teeth, you remove substances from inside your nose or between your teeth. 抠 (鼻子); 剔 (牙)

    Edgar, don't pick your nose, dear.


  • 6.
    及物动词 If you pick a fight with someone, you deliberately cause one. 挑衅

    He picked a fight with a waiter and landed in jail.


  • 7.
    及物动词 If someone such as a thief picks a lock, they open it without a key, for example, by using a piece of wire. 撬 (锁)

    He picked each lock deftly, and rifled the papers within each drawer.


  • 8.
    可数名词 A pick is the same as a . 同 pickax
  • 9.
    动词 to pierce, dig, or break up (a hard surface) with a pick (用鹤嘴锄)凿; 掘; 挖
  • 10.
    动词 to cast (a shuttle) 投(梭)
  • 11.
    名词 one casting of a shuttle 投梭
  • 12.
    习语 If you are told to take your pick, you can choose any one that you like from a group of things. 任意挑选

    Accountants can take their pick of company cars.


  • 13.
    to pick holes in something →see   hole
  • 14.
    to pick someone's pocket →see   pocket



  • adj.

    picky 挑剔的;吹毛求疵的

  • n.

    picking 采摘;掘,撬开;采得物;赃物

    picker 采摘者;采摘机;啄者;挖掘者

  • v.

    picking 采摘,挑选,挑惕(pike的ing形式)



select choose elect pick 【导航词义:挑选】

select v. 挑选

〔辨析〕 较正式用词,指经过认真考虑后,从很多的人或物中精选出最好的、最中意的,有时具有庄严、正式的感情色彩。

例1: They selected a diamond engagement ring.


例2: Why didn't you select a nice subject?


例3: He was selected as chairman of the committee.


choose v. 选择

〔辨析〕 指根据个人意愿和判断从众多的对象中进行挑选,侧重于被选者的优点或优良特性。

例1: It took her a long time to choose a new skirt.


例2: He chose happiness instead of wealth.


例3: He was chosen for special training.


elect v. 选举;[正式] 选择

〔辨析〕 指按照一定的规章或法律,用投票等方式进行的认真而慎重的选择;也指选择做某事,通常后接动词不定式。

例1: Americans elect a president every four years.


例2: Like men, woman have the right to elect and to be elected.


例3: You can elect to delete the file or save it.


pick v. 挑选,选择

〔辨析〕 多指从个人角度仔细挑选,可以是随意或慎重地进行选择,常用于口语。

例1: I don't know which of the three coats to pick.


例2: We must pick the best seeds.


例3: I wasn't picked for the curling team.



1. pick device 定位装置 ; 选图设备 ; 拾取装置 ; 拾取设备

2. pick up on 注意到;与…熟悉起来

3. pick up the goods 提货

4. pick up the phone 拿起电话,接起电话

5. pick and choose 挑挑拣拣

6. Irregular pick 纬疵 ; 乱纬

7. Cycle Pick 循环选择

8. Pick Guitar 匹克吉他 ; 普通的匹克吉他

9. pick apples 摘苹果

10. pick them up 把它们捡起来

11. bone to pick 对某人不满;与某人起争端

12. pick out 挑选出

13. pick them [用以加强语气,尤指人群关系]谨慎选择

14. DOUBLE PICK 双纬 ; 双纬纱疵 ; 双嘴镐 ; 双人掩护

15. the pick of 精华;最好部分

16. tooth pick 牙签;刺刀

17. pick off 摘掉;拔去;截取;传感器

18. pick it up 把它捡起来

19. pick me up 接我

20. pick up 捡起;获得;收拾

21. pick on 挑选;选中;批评

22. ear pick 挖耳勺 ; 耳勺

23. pick and roll [体]掩护转身切入;挡切战术;掩护走位

24. Ice pick 碎冰锥 ; 冰镐 ; 冰锥

25. Martyn Pick 皮克 ; 马丁 ; 本片由马丁

26. pick flowers 攀折花木

27. pick holes 挑毛病


1. You can pick and choose a job.


2. We, the patients, cannot pick and choose our doctors.


3. Mr Nowell had picked ten people to interview for six sales jobs in London...


4. Technicians carefully picked strong horses and used them as breeding stock.


5. See if you can pick me out in this photo.


6. I picked up a few good bargains in the sale.


7. Edgar, don't pick your nose, dear...


8. Accountants can take their pick of company cars...


9. I'll come by this evening and pick up the books.


10. As she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one.

因为她非常挑剔, 以至于花了很长一段时间才挑好一顶帽子.《期刊摘选》

11. Subjects were picked to inspire or entertain

挑 选的文章主题应能给读者以启发或娱乐。《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

12. The company will pick up the tab for your hotel room.


13. Bullies pick on younger children.


14. Pick one person and stick it out.


15. Let's pick up where we left off yesterday.


16. We argued for time again for picking the goods.


17. The train began to pick up speed.


18. It was the biggest peach pick in years.


19. He just picked himself up and went on running.


20. Industrial production is beginning to pick up.


21. Picking five nominees for Liverpool's player of the season was an arduous task.


22. The trick is to pick the animal up by the back of its neck.


23. He has been picked to play in this week's game.


24. Listeners have been invited to phone in to pick the winner.


25. He was handed a list, and told he could take his pick of the foods available.


26. Pick one at random and jump into it.


27. Can you pick up my suit from the cleaner's?


28. She died, and somehow I never picked up the pieces and started again.


29. Can I just pick up that guy's point?


30. Nature a good source of color picks and combinations.


31. Generally speaking, one box new money can pick a coin of 5 above gout.

一般来说, 一箱新币可以挑选出五套以上趣味钱币.《期刊摘选》

32. The association have picked Paris for its next meeting.


33. She bent forward to pick up the newspaper.


34. I stretched out a hand and picked up the book.


35. He also criticizes, and with my parents he picked on private education.


36. From the ingredients to seasonings all are fresh and carefully picked by our experienced chefs.


37. These berries are the devil to pick because they're so small.


38. Passengers may be set down and picked up only at the official stops.


39. Has Mama forgiven you yet for picking out my trousseau?

妈妈原谅你给我挑选礼服这件事情了 么 ?《电影对白》

40. Pick This If: You crave uncharted white water and a sustainable global economy, too.

选择这个如果: 你渴望到地图上未知的白色水域,同时也渴望一个能够养得起所有人的世界经济.《期刊摘选》

41. Ability to pick which items are displayed in the System Tray.


42. Harry and Denise in a pet store trying to pick a new pet.


43. The habits and customs of madam dissatisfaction husband, the figure of wife of husband pick on.

太太不满丈夫的生活习惯, 老公总是挑剔妻子的身材.《期刊摘选》

44. The taxi driver picked up a fare at the station.


45. Take your pick.


46. Take your pick from ten luxury hotels


47. He picked the telephone off the wall bracket.


48. The farmers are busy harvesting. Look! They are picking apples.

那些农场主忙于收获. 看! 他们正挑选苹果.《期刊摘选》

49. He was picked out from the whole class to represent them at the other school.


50. She stooped down to pick up the child.


51. to pick grapes


52. We had the pick of suits from the shop.


53. I wish to pick some spoons and bowls.


54. On the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise.

在一块乡村草坪上, 你为双方挑选队员,并不涉及地方感情问题, 只有这样才可能单纯为娱乐和锻炼而赛球.《用法词典》

55. You are likely to pick on someone who is already attached or just not interested.


56. These are the ones that have been picked out for the children.


57. Pick over and hull the straw berries.


58. She picked her way delicately over the rough ground.


59. We cannot as citizens pick and choose the laws we will or will not obey.


60. Mary is always picking holes in what the other girls do.


61. You can pick you favorite dictionaries, and bypass unnecessary results.

您可以选择您最喜爱的词典, 并绕过不必要的结果.《期刊摘选》

62. I had deliberately picked a city with a tropical climate.


63. Pick over the lentils and remove any little stones.


64. I was the first to arrive at the inn and got the pick of rooms.


65. Pick a value that includes the zone we need to color correct.


66. It took her two hours to pick a dress that suited her.


67. Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today?


68. I picked the one near me.


69. In the case of requirements, no sensible way of picking this finite set presents itself.

在案件的要求, 没有挑选这个有限集合明智地提出了自己.《期刊摘选》

70. He picked a fight with a waiter and landed in jail...


71. She picked the best cake for herself.


72. You have to take any job you can get ─ you can't pick and choose.


73. He helps his mother pick fruit.


74. She failed to pick up on the humour in his remark.


75. This helps them pick the right startups, and means they can supply advice and connections as well as money.

这有助于他们挑选合适的新兴企业,还意味着他们可以提供建议、人脉以及资金。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

76. He picked the nuts off the top of the cake.


77. Brian pulled away slowly, but picked up speed.


78. Here is an actress who could have her pick of any part...


79. Someone's going to go flying if you don't pick up these toys.


80. She bent down to pick up her glove.


81. We were able to pick up the BBC World Service.


82. Pick off all the dead leaves.


83. If you see litter in the corridor, pick it up.


84. We can pick up the motorway in a few miles.


85. People rushed to her rescue and picked her up.


86. Then, simply pick the most difficult task on your list and get to work.

然后, 很简单的选择你单子上的最难的任务,接着开始工作.《期刊摘选》

87. She would cleverly pick up on what I said.


88. I asked you here to help us pick the fourth member of your team.


89. You need to pick a weight and vow to never get heavier than it again.


90. Pick a number from one to twenty.


91. Will you pick up all your toys?


92. She used to pick flowers in the Adirondacks.


93. Take your pick from ten luxury hotels...


94. The examiner can pick on any student to answer questions.


95. He picked each lock deftly, and rifled the papers within each drawer.


96. Pick the cloud in the viewport, or select its name in the dialog box.

在视窗内点取点云, 或在对话框中选择点云的名字.《期刊摘选》

97. Klein could have had his pick of the world's top models.


98. I asked him when he'd be back to pick me up.


99. We're reviewing the pick of this month's new books.


100. Have I picked a bad time to talk to you?


101. As the bees leg land on followers, their bodies pick up and fine particles pollen.

蜜蜂落到花朵上, 它们用身体采集并提取花粉中的精华.《期刊摘选》

102. The winner gets first pick of the prizes.


103. Pick companies a superior new product or service.


104. I can pick and choose my clients and I don't need any from murderous regimes.


105. Don't always pick on your little brother.


106. I'll pick you up at five.


107. Do we try and prevent problems or do we try and pick up the pieces afterwards?...


108. He picked his words carefully.


109. We can pick up Mexican television.


110. Chow mein beats Indian curry. More people in Britain pick Chinese food as their favorite.

炒面击败印度咖喱, 更多英国人选择中餐作为他们的最爱.《期刊摘选》

111. Try this—it will pick you up.


112. Pick up one of our free information sheets at reception.


113. So we can have taxpayers pick up students’ tuition in exchange for dictating what those students will study. Or we can allow students both to choose their majors and pay for their education themselves. But in the end, one of two things is true:

所以,我们要么让纳税人承担学生的学费,而代价是让他们指定学生学习的内容。要么我们就让学生自己选择专业,但同时也要自己支付教育费用。不过说到底,以下二者必有一个是正确的:《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

114. It was easy to pick holes in his arguments.


115. Pick your battles, and your terrain.


116. She's sure to be picked for the team.


117. The manager is going to pick the new sales manager. I hope I could get the nod.

经理要挑选新的销售部经理, 我但愿会被选中.《期刊摘选》

118. Switches to the Pick Tool temporarily holding down this key.


119. The girls were afraid of snakes and picked their way along with extreme caution...


120. A thoughtful designer should be able to pick and choose among practices without losing their essence.


121. She used to pick flowers in the Cromwell Road...


122. Your boss is picking on you.


123. He picked the napkin from his lap and placed it alongside his plate...


124. I moved away from the shack and picked my way among the rubble.


125. She bent to pick a red rose.


126. We must pick an opportune moment to wipe out the enemy.


127. As a vocational teacher I could pretty much pick and choose my work.


128. He was clearly in a mood to pick a quarrel with anybody.


129. Just see how you pick on me, Daddy.

您看您专门挑剔我, 爹.《辞典例句》

130. Hands that once picked cotton now pick presidents.


131. Situation: While Mary is shopping for a dress, a saleswoman is helping her pick one out.

情境: 当玛莉买洋装时, 女售货员帮她挑选.《期刊摘选》

132. Mr. Summers organizes the meetings, usually picks the topic, and sometimes acts as a devil's advocate.

每日经济例会由萨默斯负责组织, 通常他来选择议题, 有时候还会扮演唱反调的角色.《期刊摘选》

133. As a vocational teacher I could pretty much pick and choose my work...


134. Just take any one of the cakes — you haven't got time to pick and choose.


135. The solution: Pick a snack, as fruit, lowfat yogurt and honey.

解决方案是: 选择一种零食, 如水果, 低脂酸奶和蜂蜜.《期刊摘选》

136. On virtually every count, it is important to pick some kind of network firewall.

实际上从各个方面考虑, 选择某种网络防火墙是很重要的.《期刊摘选》

137. Why are you always picking at his work?


138. Did you pick up my suit from the cleaner's?


139. They picked the ones who had the best chance of survival.


140. I'll pick out a picture to show them.


141. Obama moves closer to key cabinet pick.


142. Accountants can take their pick of company cars.


143. The zoo picked a date in between to celebrate their birthday.


144. “I wouldn’t pick a year to end print,” he said.

“我将不会选择某一年来终止印刷版报纸,”他说道。【句子解析】本句的主语是he,谓语是said,直接引语作said的宾语。直接引语由“主语(I)+谓语(wouldn’t pick) +宾语(a year)”构成,动词不定式短语to end print作目的状语。从逻辑角度而言,本句是对上句的回答。 《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

145. They allowed us to grind the spices, pick over the raisins and lick the stirring spoons.

他们认可我们磨香料调味料 、 挑拣葡萄乾或者舔忙碌的汤匙.《期刊摘选》

146. The boys here are the pick of the under-15 cricketers in the country...


147. He had just had a meal and was picking his teeth after it.


148. Click Edit > Fill, choose Use: Color and pick your color.

点击编辑>填充, 选择使用: “颜色和选择你的颜色”.《期刊摘选》

149. The government will continue to pick up college fees for some students.


150. Your classmates have asked you to pick a special song that will represent your class.


151. I am very glad that I picked out this particular book to read.



1. ' Settler Yanon Netonel(ph) stopped his minivan to pick up one of the hitchhikers.

NPR: Israel May Sever Israeli, Palestinian Road Links

2. And it explains why the French so readily pick on America at times of self-doubt.

ECONOMIST: French anti-Americanism

3. He could pick up a few more points here, which would push him over the top.

FORBES: Why Ron Paul Will Win Iowa

4. So,just being able to pick one of those up will help our visitors understand how difficult portability was about thirty years ago."

VOA : special.2011.02.15

5. I was a first year student and happily minding my own business, getting ready to try to pick a summer job.

我当时是一年级,只关心自己的小生活,想好好准备暑假打个工。微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

6. a pick-and-mix selection of fabrics and wallpapers


7. But by looking at the stages, we pick out a space-time worm that makes up a person.

但看着这个阶段,我们联想到组成那个人的,时空虫。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. You could also pick a point down here, which is more than 100% bonds-- how would you do that?

你也可能选择一个下面的点,表示超过100%,的债券-,这是如何做到的呢?金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. He also reveals that Mr Obama considered not going to pick up the award in Norway's capital, Oslo.

BBC: Nobel secretary regrets Obama peace prize

10. With so many young, unskilled workers looking for work, employers can pick and choose.

FORBES: The Minimum Wage Delusion, And The Death Of Common Sense

11. They pick wild blueberries growing on the rocky fields and red cranberries growing in wet bogs.

VOA : special.2009.07.20

12. It does a brisk trade in cappuccinos and cafe lattes, and is perfect for a mid-morning pick-me up.

BBC: Hollywood and Venice: A love story

13. I'm going to let shoppers leave, and then, in a very short time, I'm going to pick up again and talk about Richard Wright.

我会让试听的同学迅速离开,之后我会继续跟你们谈谈理查,莱特。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Python You can pick up another language in a week, couple of weeks at most, once you know how to do Python.

只要学会了,你可以在一周之内学会任意一种语言,最多两周。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

15. So where does the controversy - if any - lie in the Carney pick?

BBC: Why Osborne went to Canada for his governor

16. We'll pick the players who we feel have shown what they are capable of doing.

BBC: Key selects from fully-fit squad

17. Now I'll pick up with this next Tuesday; it's a perfect transition into the pro-slavery argument and southern worldview. Thank you.

下星期二我会来听听你们的想法,我想它是亲奴制的发展和,南方世界观形成的重要因素,谢谢美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. We believe in the liberty of enlightened self-interest where individuals, not governments, pick winners and losers.

FORBES: A Conservative, Small-Government Strategy For Fighting Climate Change

19. She threw it on the floor. I forced her to get out of her chair to pick the spoon up.

VOA : special.2009.11.08

20. I obeyed an impulse to pick up the phone.


21. "You know the great scientists by the problems they pick to work on, " says Caltech's Lewis.

FORBES: The Titan of the Teensy

22. It's a hard decision to pick the right man to do the right job.

NPR: N.H. Polls Marked by Heavy Turnout, Independents

23. "Oh,whatever.I guess so. I'll pick you up at Wallace's house at about five-thirty, so you can get ready for trick or treating.

VOA : special.2010.10.30

24. That job will fall to Hayek Junior, who is about to pick up the title of ceo.

FORBES: On his watch

25. And now the U.S. has to pick up a lot of that around the world.

NPR: Global Humanitarian Group Rejects U.S. Aid - Part II

26. David Hussey (41) was the pick of the Australia batsmen, with Daniel Vettori (1-23) outstanding for New Zealand.

BBC: Aussies clinch tense Twenty20 win

27. Taiwan needs Japan, China and the United States too much to pick an open fight.

FORBES: Why Taiwan Won't Let The Philippines Off Easy

28. Yeah, there're so many colleges in California here and stuff to pick for the average student applying to college

加州这里有很多供一般学生选择的大学,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 加州的大学

29. The pick-up tracks badly.


30. We may come back and pick on you later on in the course, but we'll leave it for now.

过会我会再提问你们,但是现在我要继续讲课了博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. George Burley is his own man and can pick the team whatever way he likes.

BBC: The bench of frustration

32. You can walk among the large rocks known as Bear Rocks and pick blueberries and huckleberries from low-growing bushes.

VOA : special.2009.07.20

33. Pieces of gypsum broke off. The wind wore them away to a size small enough to pick up and carry for short distances.

VOA : special.2010.01.04

34. So, we'll pick up with that, with some of the solutions and starting to talk about energies on Friday.

会去解薛定谔方程的某个方面,我们在周五,将从一些薛定谔方程的解开始。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

35. Every year we pick a theme, this year's theme was movie stars and Star Festival.

每年我们都选择一个主题,今年的主题是电影明星和七夕。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

36. Galli plans to pick up shelf space overseas by following Wal-Mart wherever it goes.

FORBES: Rebirth of a salesman

37. Hi, I come to pick up my laundry. This is the invoice.


38. And what impact would that pick have on his 2013 re-election run and any possible 2016 bid?

CNN: Lautenberg leaves tricky political question for Christie

39. He might pick up a missile of some kind, a spear typically, and fire it at somebody as he goes by.

他可能会带上某种导弹,比如特质的尖矛,向经过他的某人开火古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. Pick up the uniform at vintage shops, thrift stores and trendier boutiques on and around Bedford Ave.

BBC: Last minute holiday shopping in the Big Apple

41. The Washington Nationals chose Strasburg with the first pick in the two thousand nine baseball draft.

VOA : special.2010.06.18

42. Jason Lewry (3-39) was the pick of the bowlers as Lancashire were 285 all out.

BBC: Chapple and Cork frustrate Sussex

43. Stars of the show sat on the back of pick-up trucks and the band played and played.

BBC: American The Office clocks out

44. You can still pick up a bargain, but in areas that lack the bars, restaurants and hotels.

BBC: Living in: Great university towns

45. He is crying for a reason. If you never pick him up, he's going to keep crying.

VOA : special.2010.05.13

46. Cezanne's death created a vacuum and challenge: Who would or could pick up the great man's gauntlet?

BBC: Too famous to see?

47. And so people definitely go down there to pick up some items that they can't get at Tom Ford or Diesel.

所以人们一定是去那儿采购一些在汤姆•福特和狄塞尔买不到的东西。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于SOHO

48. It's an underworld filled with gold that a brigade of fallen angels begins to extract with spades and pick axes.

在这个地狱一群堕落天使们可以拿着铲子和锤子,挖取地下的金矿。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Maybe the growth hound would trot by, pick you out, sniff the goods, paw at you.

FORBES: Legacy Shareholders

50. The police told us that even - we will pick up all your kids from here.

NPR: Sharif's Return to Pakistan Poses Challenges

51. A robot would then pick up rocks and soil, and send them back to earth for testing.

VOA : special.2010.05.25

52. He delivered the pick-up safely.


53. After high school, the Cleveland Cavaliers chose LeBron James with the first pick in the two thousand three National Basketball Association draft.

VOA : special.2010.08.06

54. So you don't pick up a document that has a whole lot of Greek, or what looks like Greek to you and wonder "Where do I even begin?"

所以你们不要拿起一篇上面一大堆的希腊语文档,或者对你来说那像是希腊语,然后想知道:,“我该从哪里开始?“计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

55. Allows anyone to pick up my phone and read, like, and comment without entering my pin.

FORBES: Google Play User Reviews Have Low Marks For Facebook Home

56. "Typically the real estate sector leads the economy in a recovery, meaning that it tends to pick up before some other things.

VOA : special.2009.12.18

57. So, my earlier optimism regarding the pick-up in money growth appears to have been premature.

FORBES: The Surge in the Money Supply: Meaningful or Meaningless?

58. But now we're going to take a close look at Deuteronomy and we'll pick up with Joshua on Wednesday.

现在,我们将详细的学习申命记,在周三的时候再开始约书亚记。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. The robots had to pick up large balls and throw them into the trailers of opposing robots.

VOA : special.2009.04.24

60. Some of the soldiers left the road to pick fruits and berries from bushes along the way.

VOA : special.2009.08.27

61. In one activity, children try to get a robot arm to pick up a block and place it in a cup.

VOA : special.2010.07.28

62. So there are almost four million homes for sale nationwide now, so take your pick.

NPR: Marketplace Report: Housing Market Cooling Down

63. Simpson ended the interview and noticed parents starting to stream in to pick up their kids.


64. Pick a time. Let's say, if I go a quarter of a circle, I expect to be moving to the left.

选一个时间,例如我走四分之一圈,我想向左走基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课





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