verge on翻译_verge on短语搭配_verge on权威例句

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verge on


英 [vɜːdʒ ɒn]play 美 [vɜːrdʒ ɑːn]play

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verge on [ verging verged verges ]

  • 1.
    动词词组 If someone or something verges on a particular state or quality, they are almost the same as that state or quality. 接近

    ...a fury that verged on madness.




1. Verge On Bankruptcy 濒于破产

2. verge on complete failure 濒于全面失败

3. on the verge 一触即发 ; 蠢蠢欲动 ; 的边缘 ; 边缘

4. verge on sth 接近

5. verge on collapse 濒于崩溃

6. on the verge of 接近于 ; 濒于 ; 濒临于 ; 将要

7. on the verge of war 战争爆发之际 ; 战役发作之际

8. approximately verge on 近乎

9. verge on a total loss 船只或货物接近全损


1. Their friendship may verge on the servile, but it is never disinterested.


2. Your week Ahead: This week's continuing sagas and dramas, many of which seem to verge on the surreal, may cause you to wonder if you've woken up in some strange science fiction movie.


3. Our Lakota language is an Endangered language, on the verge of extinction.


4. General Motors is on the verge of collapse.


5. G20 ministers also talked about the possibility of creating a "voluntary code of conduct" to govern negotiations between creditors and countries on the verge of defaulting on debt.

G20 财长们还讨论了建立“自愿行为准则”的可能性,以指导债权人和濒临债务违约的国家之间的谈判。

6. India and Pakistan are gaining ground and are on the verge of completing eradication.


7. With the related problems being gradually solved, rapid network connecting into here and there, the foundation project of VOD basically verge on maturity.


8. The big Banks still verge on insolvency and they still aren't lending.


9. The peace talks were on the verge of collapse.


10. But I put it to you: we are on the verge of victory.


11. I'm sad that Julie's marriage is on the verge of splitting up.


12. They are on the verge of signing a new contract.


13. He is clearly on the verge of madness: he was so last night at least.


14. See, I was on the verge of breaking on.

看哪!我曾处在崩溃的边缘。《provided by jukuu》

15. Their friendship may verge on the servile, but it is never disinterested.


16. His voice trembled, on the verge of tears.


17. The big banks still verge on insolvency and they still aren't lending.


18. The company is on the verge of insolvency.


19. It was on the verge of defaulting on its international debt.


20. Doesn't that verge rather on shop?

那岂不是快变成商店了?《provided by jukuu》

21. This is The Wind Among the Reeds, and the author is William Butler Yeats, published in 1899, on the verge of the new century.


22. Verge line pattern on the leaf could be stably inherited.


23. Good language habit refers to the ability of using language accomplished and naturally that verge on one 'instinct.


24. They were on the verge of breaking up.


25. There are some moments of navel-gazing from the almost puritanical reformed characters, and some passages verge on the absurd, but Mr Shone maintains a pace that whips the story back to reality.


26. The country was on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful.


27. We may be on the verge of a new era, when the PC will get up off the desktop and allow us to see, hear, touch and manipulate objects in places where we are not physically present.


28. He was on the verge of tears.


29. As global markets continue to see-saw on the verge of another recession, central banks across the world face a difficult balancing act of monetary policy.


30. He seemed to be on the verge of total derangement.


31. The warm trend of spring temperature will decelerate, or verge on stochastic variation even more, namely, We can't confirm whether warm or cold in future.


32. The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction.


33. That deal is now on the verge of collapse.


34. But as the season began Anthony was unstoppable on the verge on fulfilling his promise.


35. King penguins in the Antarctic will be on the verge of dying out.


36. A rival perception, however, suggests that they are more like a couple on the verge of divorce: they agree on little, and trust each other even less.


37. Italy's Fiat is on the verge of taking control of Chrysler.


38. Expressing emotions on the verge of society& On "the complex tone" in female poems of Tang Dynasty


39. Most of the audience was on the verge of tears.


40. Strangest of all, Sinn Fein has become part of a governing coalition in Northern Ireland that is so stable as to verge on the boring.



1. We're on the verge now of the first southern primary in this year's election, in South Carolina, and everybody is wondering, is there a new modern South Carolina or not?

我们马上就要迎来在南卡罗来纳州举行的,今年总统大选第一轮南方预选,每一个人都想知道,是否会出现一个崭新的现代的南卡罗来纳美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. Israel, which had no natural energy production of its own 15 years ago, is on the verge of becoming a net energy exporter on the way to emerging as the next great Middle East energy superpower, eclipsing the desert oil empires by mid-century.

FORBES: New York Times Blunders into Advocacy Role on the Fracking Debate -- Children are the Victims

3. Read the full story here: US F1 team on verge of collapse.

BBC: Thursday's F1 testing in Barcelona as it happened

4. "Ben approached a financial system on the verge of collapse with calm and wisdom;

VOA : standard.2009.08.25

5. Generosity, I suppose, can often verge on the satirical.


6. Entire classes of diseases are on the verge of being eradicated by manipulating individual molecules on the surfaces of living cells.

WSJ: Jeb Bush: The Road to Republican Revival

7. We should not use dishonest tactics to destabilize competitors, or manipulative communications that verge on propaganda.

FORBES: Marketing's Responsibility in the Digital Age

8. All the more disappointing, then, that the outcome should verge on the staid.

NEWYORKER: Oliver Twist

9. Scientists are on the verge of enabling us to attack diseases almost on an individual basis, thanks to molecular and genetic research breakthroughs.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

10. Business leaders say some companies verge on bankruptcy because they cannot extend lines of credit with foreign suppliers.

NPR: Chavez Heir Barely Wins; Opposition Rejects Count

11. The Cardinals looked on the verge of winning their first Super Bowl title when Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisberger organized a drive capped by a touchdown pass to Santonio Holmes to win the game in the waning seconds.

VOA : standard.2009.12.24

12. His memories of the time under Saddam can verge on idyllic.

CNN: Meet the man who sculpted Saddam Hussein

13. The White House says the American people are on the "verge" of health-care reform.

VOA : standard.2009.12.27

14. Most predictions in the field verge on the apocalyptic, warning of extreme shortages of food and widespread hunger in a rapidly expanding population.

CNN: French report suggests new ways to feed the future

15. Organizations are on the verge of a Windows 7 upgrade and a hardware refresh on desktops as well.

FORBES: Citrix And The Atrix

16. This is a little paradise, a paradise on the verge of being lost as the shades lose their leaves.

这是一个微小的天堂,一个随着叶子的凋落,即将失去的天堂。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. This is The Wind Among the Reeds, author William Butler Yeats, the year 1899, on the verge of the new century.

这是威廉巴特勒叶芝的《苇间风》,在新世纪即将到来之际的1899年出版。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. He was continually imagining himself to be someone on the verge of saying something spectacular, but he wasn't quite there yet.

他一直想象自己,成为那种能说出一些惊世骇俗的话的人,但是他还没有到那一步。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Strachan is on the verge of being named Middlesbrough manager after Gareth Southgate was sacked on Tuesday.

BBC: Anderson backs Strachan for Boro

20. The May date was first floated by Windows blogger Paul Thurrott and confirmed by technology site The Verge on Monday.

CNN: Event for new Xbox could happen in May

21. One time, when she was on the verge of menopause, Nita had teased Rich into making love up there not on the ties, of course, but on the narrow grass verge beside them and they had climbed down inordinately pleased with themselves.

NEWYORKER: Free Radicals

22. And "Channel Firing," on the bottom of 51, is also set in the west of England, Hardy's home country, and is set right on the verge of the First World War.

海峡炮声》在51页的下半部分,也是发生在英格兰西部,哈迪的祖国,并且也是发生在一战临近时期的。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Today,the species is on the verge of extinction.

VOA : special.2009.03.25

24. "I think the American people are on the verge of a very big win in health care reform early in the next year,".

VOA : standard.2009.12.27

25. With many traditional banks on the verge of collapse, hysterics on the right and left once again said that if the federal government didn't save them from their mistakes, the economy would grind to a halt thanks to a disappearance of credit.


26. The Verge has reported on security issues that potentially make your home network vulnerable to hacking.

FORBES: Some AT&T MicroCell Users Are Experiencing Problems With iPhone 5 and iOS 6

27. "We are on the verge of becoming a second-rank power on the world stage, " laments French defence analyst Bruno Carre.

BBC: French-UK defence treaty born of necessity

28. Al normally found the economic system on the verge of dysfunctionality, but never opined, wisely, on the stock market.

FORBES: White Swans Beat Up On Black Swans

29. He terms the rebel's announcement a joke as they are on the verge of being totally defeated.

VOA : standard.2009.04.26

30. Mr Boyd pointed out that Northern Ireland was on the verge of implementing a new curriculum that put an increased emphasis on giving young people the knowledge and skills they would need to become successful as individuals, as citizens and as contributors to the economy and environment.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Exam reform may not affect NI

31. He is understood to be on the verge of joining non-league Hyde United on semi-professional terms.

BBC: Barton faces action over assault

32. Despite its apparent extremism, the parliamentary faction of Mr Zhirinovsky's Liberal Democratic Party of Russia often votes with, rather than against, the Yeltsin government, and Mr Zhirinovsky's public statements, invariably laced with dark humour, sometimes verge on self-parody.

BBC: News | Russia at the polls

33. On the verge of a four day rally, oil futures have gained on the prospects of an OPEC-IEA stand-off, falling stockpiles in the U.S. ahead of peak gasoline consumption given the Fourth of July holiday, and the first hurricane of the Atlantic season, Tropical Storm Arlene, hitting the coast of Mexico.

FORBES: Oil On The Verge Of A 4-Day Rally As OPEC-IEA Conflict Escalates

34. In the life sciences, the journal's editors noted advances in gene therapy something that has long seemed on the verge of a breakthrough.

VOA : standard.2009.12.24

35. West Ham's plight was not helped by intense speculation earlier in January that Grant is on the verge on being sacked as manager, with Martin O'Neill lined up to replace him.

BBC: West Ham confirm loan deal for Tottenham's Robbie Keane

36. Economists say India's purchase of 200 tons of gold shows that the country has come a long way in the two decades since it was on the verge of defaulting on its international debt.

VOA : standard.2009.11.06

37. Learning to drive a car is initially so complex that we verge on perpetual panic as the number of simultaneous decisions that must be made threatens to overwhelm our conscious mind.

FORBES: Three Steps to Making Better Decisions

38. If people are on the verge of dying, perhaps it is necessary to overlook that injustice, but I think it's important to keep in mind that we're still committing injustice by taking people's belongings or assets.

如果人们在死亡边缘挣扎,也许忽视这样的不公平是必要的,但我认为即使这样,我们依然要铭记,我们的行为不公正,这是在占有他人的财物或资产。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. Analysts warn Turkey could be on the verge of again descending into a spiral of violence.

VOA : standard.2010.06.17

40. The year: Stock fell 83% from its peak, hit bottom last November amid reports Softbank was on verge of collapse.

FORBES: The World's Working Rich

41. That 20% statistic tells me home ownership values have changed dramatically for those on the verge on default, but not for the financially stable homeowners still managing to stay on top of their monthly mortgage payments.

FORBES: Is The American Dream Of Home Ownership Dead? Not Really.

42. Strangest of all, Sinn Fein has become part of a governing coalition in Northern Ireland that is so stable as to verge on the boring.

ECONOMIST: Politics in Northern Ireland: All shook up | The

43. The Frenchman criticized the chair umpire after being docked a point for receiving coaching when on the verge on clinching the second set.


44. "Even for a prince who's a long-established champion of organic farming and critic of GM crops, these are comments which verge on the extreme, " our correspondent said.

BBC: Charles in GM 'disaster' warning

45. He left her body on the verge of a country road near Bristol and she was found on Christmas Day.

BBC: Vincent Tabak found guilty of Jo Yeates murder

46. The LTTE,in a statement, says 150,000 civilians, on the verge of starvation in the sliver of coastal land they still control, can only be helped by a halt in the fighting.

VOA : standard.2009.04.26

47. It's all we have to go on,at the moment." Sri Lanka's military says it is on the verge of totally defeating the LTTE, which has waged a violent campaign for decades to split the island and create an independent Tamil homeland in the north.

VOA : standard.2009.05.11



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