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英 [ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti]play美 [ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti]play

  • n. 电,电流,电力;强烈感情

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


electricity /ɪlɛkˈtrɪsɪtɪ, ˌiːlɛk-/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Electricity is a form of energy that can be carried by wires and is used for heating and lighting, and to provide power for machines. 电

    We moved into a cabin with electricity but no running water.




  • adj.

    electric 电的;电动的;发电的;导电的;令人震惊的

    electrical 有关电的;电气科学的

  • adv.

    electrically 电力地;有关电地

  • n.

    electric 电;电气车辆;带电体



1. electricity supply 供电;电力供应

2. negative electricity 阴电,负电

3. Xishan Coal and Electricity Power 西山煤电

4. State Electricity Regulatory Commission 国家电力监管委员会 ; 会

5. produce electricity 发电

6. generate electricity 发电

7. electricity grid 电网,电力网格

8. electricity transmission 输电

9. save electricity 节约用电

10. atmospheric electricity 气象 大气电学 ; 天电 ; 大气中的电荷

11. Electricity Museum 电力博物馆

12. make electricity 发电

13. conduct electricity 导电

14. quantity of electricity [电]电量

15. electricity meter 电表;电量计;电量表

16. electricity generation 发电

17. static electricity n. 静电;静位觉

18. generation of electricity 发电,电力生产

19. Electricity Market 电力市场

20. current electricity 电流

21. positive electricity 正电;阳电


1. A shaving appliance with full electricity could be used about 45 min.


2. The electricity supply here is quite erratic.


3. They have a generator when the electricity fails.


4. A . Cars will run on solar power or electricity and be much cleaner.


5. Function KLM controlled drum peace with of paper, as well as pump provides electricity supply.

功能KLM控制 翻转滚筒和平纸器的吹风器, 还为风泵提供电力供应.《期刊摘选》

6. Winds have knocked down power lines, cutting electricity to thousands of people.


7. That was in the days before electricity was available at the flick of a switch .


8. The electricity is off.


9. Substances which allow electricity to flow through freely are called conductors.


10. There should be a reliable electricity supply and emergency lighting.


11. Is located in Guangzhou Zone, Guangzhou City, the focus of electricity production and district heating companies.


12. In general, there is no distinction between'static electricity and current electricity .

一般说来, “ 静电 ” 和 “ 电流的电 ” 是无差别的.《辞典例句》

13. Electrostatic printing: A general term mean the printing processes using static electricity to form printing images.

静电印刷: 广义名词,俗称“影印”,泛指用静电形成印刷影像的印刷方式.《期刊摘选》

14. A general term to mean the printing processes using static electricity to form printing images.


15. Lightning is caused by clouds discharging electricity.


16. Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume 70 percent less electricity than traditional models.


17. Local electricity companies say some homes won't be reconnected until the end of the week.


18. The electricity is off (= there is no electric power supply) .


19. Either the electricity is flowing or it is not flowing.


20. Electricity provides us with warmth and light and all our modern home comforts


21. Electricity companies pay a premium for renewable energy.


22. We moved into a cabin with electricity but no running water


23. Computers account for 5% of the country's commercial electricity consumption.


24. Measurement function: withADE 7755 , measurement of positive and negative power of active, protect electricity from stealing.

计量功能: 7755精确测量正负有功功率, 以同一个方向积算电能,解决电流反接窃电问题.《期刊摘选》

25. Wood is a poor conductor of heat and electricity.


26. This handle controls the flow of electricity.


27. Current global illumination consumes 8.9 % of energy and 19 percent of electricity.


28. The hum of mains electricity is causing this gentleman some discomfort.


29. Objects which cannot let electricity pass through are called insulators.


30. Instead of electricity, there were kerosene lanterns.

没有电, 有煤油灯.《简明英汉词典》

31. Opposites ( positive and negative ) attract , so the objects pull together. This is static electricity.

彼此 ( 正电及负电 ) 互相吸引就会导致物体相吸, 这就是所谓的静电.《期刊摘选》

32. Electricity moves along wires.


33. That was in the days before electricity was available at the flick of a switch.


34. The cost of electricity from coal-fired stations is expected to fall


35. It should also look into the possibilities of wind-generated electricity.


36. The rebels have cut off electricity from the capital


37. Steam and water power are used for the generation of electricity.


38. But the cellular electricity in the rest of us is that at much lower levels.


39. They will wire the new house for electricity.


40. High electricity bills point to a poor heating system or bad insulation


41. We moved into a cabin with electricity but no running water...


42. At night these streets are brilliant with a pearly radiance of electricity.


43. Conductors let electricity through, but insulators don't let through.

导体让电流通过, 而绝缘体则不让通过.《期刊摘选》

44. The electricity industry is not the only one to have been starved of investment


45. Second, the adoption of measures for the removal of the paper hanging paper static electricity.

其次, 拔取晾纸的办法裁撤纸弛静电.《期刊摘选》

46. The electricity had been cut off.


47. A capacitor is defined as the device where electricity is stored in.


48. For instance, too little electricity may cause the loss of data in primary storage.

例如, 电流过小,可能造成主器中的数据丢失.《期刊摘选》

49. Electricity, gas and water were considered to be natural monopolies.


50. When we generate precipitation by static electricity we can bring about a stable negative ion supply.


51. Electricity was used to extravasate blood to his new liver.


52. It works by electricity.


53. Power can be fed from wind generators into the electricity grid system.


54. Copper conducts electricity well.


55. But the biggest obstacle to doing business is a lack of electricity.


56. Wherever possible teams shall avoid the use of mains electricity aspect of their performance.


57. He was there to read the electricity meter


58. The electricity line is fed with power through an underground cable.


59. The lights were dimmed out when the electricity supply was reduced.


60. In addition, you can use static or anlistatig for the Elimination of paper with static electricity.

另外, 还可采用静电消除器或抗静电剂消除纸张带静电的现象.《期刊摘选》

61. Now some researchers in America have developed a battery that produces electricity in a similar way.


62. We moved into a cabin with electricity but no running water.


63. The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels.


64. In the 19 th century waterpower was widely utilized to generate electricity.


65. The reflected sunlight would allow this cites to save up electricity.


66. Permanent static control polymers are the way to eliminate damage by static electricity.


67. He cannot fix the electricity.


68. If yes, are hot water or steam, electricity and other utilities currently available?

若是, 热水或蒸汽 、 电力和其他设施都符合使用条件 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

69. The electricity then flows through a wire to charge a battery or device.


70. High electricity bills point to a poor heating system or bad insulation.


71. In Scotland, for example, wind turbines provide enough electricity to power 95percent of homes.

例如,在苏格兰,风力发电机足以为当地95%的家庭提供电力。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

72. Electricity lines to 30,000 homes were gradually being restored yesterday


73. How can we make woollen cloth and a plastic ruler carry static electricity?


74. Some provinces report electricity shortages and stocks of coal are low.


75. When officials like gas and electricity men call to read the meter, ask for identification


76. Contractor recruitment information, register to receive materials, electricity and other personnel matters primaries.

承办招聘信息发布 、 报名材料接收 、 电力人员初选等事项.《期刊摘选》

77. He thought of another way of making electricity.


78. The nucleus from sheep B and the egg cell from sheep A are joined using electricity.


79. Spin the magnet and you will produce electricity at the end of both copper wires.


80. Some dense substances allow electricity to flow through them freely.


81. The gasoline truck trailed a chain below it to reduce static electricity.


82. Base load [ electricity ]: The minimum load over a given period of time.

基底负荷 [ 电力 ]: 在一定时期内的最小负荷.《期刊摘选》

83. Electrons are negatively charged with electricity.


84. Heat supplied from electricity that arcs from the electrodes to the metal bath.


85. Electricity privatization has exploded the myth of cheap nuclear power.


86. The flowing of electricity through a wire is not unlike that of water a pope.


87. The Conservatives plan to adopt this strategy by making utility companies print the average local electricity and gas usage on people ’ s bills.

保守主义者计划采用这一方法,即让公共事业公司在个人账单上打印出当地电力和燃气使用的平均值。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

88. Electricity and radioactivity have little in common and do not resonate.


89. The dynamo conked out so we've got no electricity.


90. a waste of electricity


91. Accordingly, the nation's electricity demand is also increasing.

因此, 这个国家的电力需求也在不断增长.《期刊摘选》

92. The rebels have cut off electricity from the capital.


93. Sara also pays a share of the gas, electricity and phone bills.


94. The building had been trashed and its electricity supply cut.


95. He is using your mains electricity to recharge his car battery.


96. The effective removal of static electricity, applicable to the different texture of the clothing.

有效去除静电, 适用于不同质地的衣物.《期刊摘选》

97. What static electricity phenomena can you find in our life?


98. The privatization of the electricity industry was the biggest sell-off of them all.


99. There are clear winners when a dam is built. Farmers get irrigation water, businesses get electricity.


100. The vast majority live in tin shacks without electricity, clean water or sanitary facilities.


101. It can be separated into two parts: electricity cost analysis ( forecast ) and power market price formation.

电价理论研究应分为两个部分,即电能成本分析 ( 电价预测 ) 和电力市场电价形成机制.《期刊摘选》

102. Further information is available from your local electricity showroom.


103. Electricity shares are still a safe investment


104. An electric light passes electricity through material called a filament or wire.


105. Coils of wire will produce electricity while moving in the earth's magnetic field.


106. The town is without electricity and the water supply has been cut off.


107. We were without electricity for three hours but it's on again now.


108. The strike had already led to cuts in electricity and water supplies in many areas.


109. The electricity supply has been cut off at the mains.


110. Static electricity to large format printer's output, machine wear and tear, and human health is obvious.

静电差不小幅面打印机的输入成果, 机械补偿以及人体残废的妨害是显而易见的.《期刊摘选》

111. This type of heater uses a lot of electricity.


112. Improper storage of paper generates static electricity.


113. Electricity flows a wire just as water flows a pipe.

电流通过导线,正像水流过管道一样. (分译)《期刊摘选》

114. Auto, agriculture, foreign trade, electricity, real estate plates are Fanhong.

汽车 、 农业 、 外贸 、 电力 、 地产板块均翻红.《期刊摘选》

115. The electricity industry is not the only one to have been starved of investment.


116. Conductive electricity function of carbon staple is studied , The effect of electrostatic shielding is produced.

利用碳素纤维的导电功能, 使其产生防静电屏蔽的作用.《期刊摘选》

117. Power is fed into the electricity line through an underground cable.


118. Magnetic roll is one of the most important parts of static electricity machine and laser printer.


119. Electricity lines to 30,000 homes were gradually being restored yesterday.


120. The house was plunged into total darkness when the electricity was cut off.


121. The main electricity supply had been sabotaged by the rebels.


122. The machinery is driven by electricity.


123. Due the electricity pulse will damage the light source under AC power.


124. This passive device has many advantages upon other device for static electricity elimination.


125. The disinfectant effect of static electricity absorptive air sterilizer was better.


126. County water and convenient transport, communication, electricity, water supply and other infrastructure facilities.

清水县交通便捷, 通迅 、 电力 、 供水等基础设施完善.《期刊摘选》

127. American Superconductor is hoping to convince utilities that its technology is the future of electricity transmission.


128. The power station furnished us with electricity.


129. Graphite is a highly efficient conductor of electricity.


130. Why is this girl's hair standing on end ? It is this way because of static electricity.

为什么这个女孩的头发都竖立起来了? 因为静电的缘故.《期刊摘选》

131. It uses electricity and magnetism but has never seen, much less fully understood them.


132. The discovery that magnetism can produce electric current is extremely important in the field of electricity.


133. It is one thing to say that we are going to shift 30 percent of our electricity supply from, say, coal to nuclear power in 20 years.

在 20年内将 30% 的电力供应从煤电转化为核电,这说起来是一回事。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

134. Electricity shares are still a safe investment.


135. Copper has less resistance to electricity than lead.


136. The Philips Electronics'HeartStart Home Defibrillator uses electricity to restart a failing heart.


137. Sara also pays a share of the gas, electricity and phone bills


138. It will produce electricity more cheaply than a nuclear plant.


139. The interruption of electricity made us unable to do anything.


140. The electricity conduct to earth from the base of tower and copper cable.


141. If we charge it with electricity, it will become magnetic.

如果充上电, 它就会带有磁性.《简明英汉词典》

142. The electricity supply had been cut off.


143. Nuclear power is producing electricity for the benefit of society, also leaving radioactive waste behind.

核能在产生电力造福社会的同时, 也留下了放射性废物.《期刊摘选》

144. It is a production of air and and charge and eliminate static electricity.


145. The plant provides forty per cent of the country's electricity.


146. Static is adjustable, the voltage and frequency adjustment to eliminate paper static electricity.

静电打消器是可调的, 通功差电压和频率的调动来打消纸弛静电.《期刊摘选》

147. He was there to read the electricity meter.


148. Electricity is a modern convenience that many of us take for granted.


149. Electricity flows through a wire just as water flows through a pipe.


150. There was an electricity black-out in a large area in the north of the country.


151. The technology uses an electrochemical process to produce electricity.


152. With elegant shapenment, corrosion proofing, static electricity resistance, impact resistance and good thermal reliability.

具有外形美观, 耐腐蚀, 抗静电, 耐冲击及热稳定性好等优良性能.《期刊摘选》

153. Static electricity will damage the module. Please configure grounding device.

静电会损伤模组. 请装配接地设备.《期刊摘选》

154. Energy and raw materials have risen plate, or 3.5, respectively and. %, give market support.

能源与原材料板块有所上涨, 涨幅分别为3.5%与. %, 给市场带来支撑.《期刊摘选》

155. An external jolt of electricity helps generate hydrogen gas at the cathode.


156. February 27 this year, the electricity and the country voted for both Xinji resume trading limit.

今年2月27日, 国投电力和国投新集双双复牌涨停.《期刊摘选》

157. The bottom cloth increases the cozy touch with skin and prevents static electricity contact.


158. When object rub against each other, static electricity is produced.

当物体互相摩擦时, 静电就会产生.《期刊摘选》

159. And this could be key to achieving an almost wholly renewable electricity supply.


160. Ground layer material between equipment's ought to be able against static electricity.


161. Some barbecues can be plugged into a household electricity supply.



1. They close early to save on electricity, or close early due to slower business.

FORBES: Casual Summer Work Environment Kills Productivity and Profits

2. In a handbook on electricity.

一本关于电力的手册上。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

3. So, you have a bunch of people willing to supply electricity

那么,有一些人愿意提供电力SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 有趣的研究课题

4. Those companies which are tied to electricity will also benefit, but to a lesser degree.

FORBES: Invest In American Manufacturing? Five Charts For Your Business Decision

5. Fifty years ago, Japanese electricity was generated by smaller, discrete coal- and oil-fired plants.

FORBES: The New Uncertainty

6. Well, if you're implementing a computer that needs to represent information now all you need is something like electricity which can be on or off, on or off.

好吧,如果你正用一个电脑,来表现表达传递信息的功能,你就需要,像电开关一样的物体。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

7. In Mozambique, thirteen people died in recent riots over higher prices for bread, electricity and water.

VOA : special.2010.09.21

8. If consumption remains at the 2010 level, they will have accounted for 35% of electricity needs.

BBC: Energy Committee 1

9. We're still close enough to the summer that the air is not just filling us up with extra static electricity, so it's a little more challenging here.

我们现在离夏天更近了,这样空气中不总是,充满额外的静电,所以这时做实验,会有一些挑战性。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

10. When a brief pulse of electricity is sent to the read/write head it flips on a tiny electromagnet for a fraction of a second.

当一个简单的电脉冲被送到读写头,它会短时间内出现一个小的电磁。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

11. Electricity rates in New York were higher, too, which yielded more savings over the long run.

WSJ: The Economics of Solar Power for Your Home

12. There would be no more exclusive franchises for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity within fixed territories.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

13. The astronauts were three hundred twenty thousand kilometers from Earth with little oxygen, electricity and water.

VOA : special.2009.07.22

14. Worth also noting that many electricity consumers are reversing this idea of buying off the grid.

FORBES: Is Amazon Going To Become The Largest Tech Company? Surpassing Apple?

15. Scaroni hopes to burn some of it in electricity plants he's building in Italy.

FORBES: Magazine Article

16. But in hard drives where we actually have these moving platters, here is in fact, how we get from electricity and magnetism to those zeros and ones.

但是在传统硬盘中我们确实有高速运转的磁盘,这就是事实,但问题是我们如何,把电磁信号转化为0和1的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

17. Storing large quantities of electricity has long been the domain of 150-year-old lead-acid chemistry.

FORBES: The Automobile Shifts Gears

18. And a smart electricity grid that saves you money and moves our economy forward.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Talks Jobs in Allentown

19. Ever-more-available shale gas brought a cheap and reliable alternative route to domestically fuelled electricity.

ECONOMIST: Nuclear power

20. It didn't help that in the middle of the discussion the electricity went out.

FORBES: Computing at the Bottom of the Pyramid

21. It turns out the electrical potential or electricity that you can measure on the surface of the body reflects things that are happening deeper inside like the beating of your heart.

人们已经证明在体表测量得到的电势能,或者电信号,能够表征,像心跳这样,身体较深处的变化生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. the project is related to modeling firm competition and electricity spot markets.

公司间竞争以及电力市场模型项目。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 有趣的研究课题

23. In fact, until we do electricity and magnetism the next semester, everything's going to be based on just the laws of Newton.

其实,在下学期学习电磁学之前,所有的内容都是基于牛顿定律的基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. It's like electricity, you know, like the feeling of seeing that many people in the stadium

就像电流一样,那种在体育场看到超多人的感觉,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 会打棒球吗?

25. They used the electrical power in the lunar module to add electricity to the batteries of the command module.

VOA : special.2009.07.22

26. Minerals and Energy Minister Buyelwa Sonjica said electricity rationing would be introduced as a "quick-hit" solution.

BBC: SA gold mines shut by power cuts

27. Today small,movable AEDs can identify heart rhythms and produce electricity to treat victims of heart stoppage.

VOA : special.2009.08.11

28. They are also targeting 25% of their electricity to come from renewable sources by 2015.

FORBES: How CA Technologies Sustainability Initiatives Plans to Reduce Greenhouse Gases 35% by 2020

29. Electricity, gas, and water were considered to be natural monopolies.


30. She was sewing zippers into blue jeans when the electricity failed in Rana Plaza.

WSJ: Bangladesh Amputees Face New Test

31. Also,as electric power came to rural America, there was a school of thought that rectangular barns were easier to wire for electricity.

VOA : special.2009.12.29

32. Steelmakers, coal mines and electricity generators will receive compensation to ensure they stay in business.

BBC: Australia plans to impose carbon tax on worst polluters

33. California's demand for electricity is growing 2 percent each year, according to the California energy commission.

CNN: The California power quagmire

34. electricity-driven


35. The tour of the farmhouse provides a sense of how the Frosts lived with no electricity or running water.

VOA : special.2010.09.17

36. There are rules for companies that supply utilities like electricity and water to let competitors use their wires or pipes.

VOA : special.2010.03.19

37. The Carbon Trust believes that, in theory, sea power could provide 20% of the country's electricity.

ECONOMIST: The government wants to build up a marine-energy industry

38. The wholesale energy market is volatile, and prices for electricity per kilowatt-hour can fluctuate daily.

CNN: The California power quagmire

39. There are many kinds of work. There's electrical work, take the motor, you plug it into the wall, electricity makes the fan go around, that's electrical work. There's magnetic work.

我们复习一下大一,学过的功的概念:,物体在力的作用下,运动了一段距离。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

40. It was also the tallest. And it was the largest power producer that used water power to make electricity.

VOA : special.2009.08.12

41. Things like electricity, having electricity delivered to your home, so you had to have ways to generate electricity and to carry it from point to point and it was engineers that did that.

比如电,为了让电传输到千家万户,人们必须想办法发电,并将电从一个地方输送到另一个地方,是工程师做到了这些生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. Electricity workers, angry at lower severance payments, have suspended maintenance, so power cuts may follow.


43. Each solar array is capable of producing 42 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity annually.

FORBES: Apple Data Center to Run Entirely on Clean Energy

44. If you think runaway oil prices are upsetting, just wait for what's in store for electricity.

FORBES: Brownout

45. The idea is to coat the tin material onto the copper component that conducts electricity.

FORBES: Tin: The Secret To Improving Lithium-Ion Battery Life

46. Your computer works on wires and electricity but your brain uses tissue and tissue is extremely slow.

你的计算机依靠电线与电流而得以运行,但你的大脑应用的则是组织,而组织的反应则是相当缓慢的心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. The electricity had been cut off.


48. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said many of the three million people in the Port-au-Prince area lack food,water, shelter and electricity.

VOA : special.2010.01.16

49. The legislation, which comes into immediate effect, will mainly affect gas and electricity distribution firms.

BBC: Energy distribution firms hit by UK tax change

50. If you will buy stock in an electrical utility which has a guaranteed revenue stream, because no matter how bad the economy gets, a lot of people still use electricity, you don't expect it to fluctuate a lot.

如果你在有着,保障性年收入的电气供应股票投资,因为不管经济变得怎么查,人们还得用电,它不会降多少。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

51. Expensive electricity, an inadequately funded public sector pension system, and high interest rates round out this negative picture.

CNN: Does Brazil deserve its 'B' for BRIC?

52. If you look at the electrical force, the force of electricity, proton and electron or something, it's not proportional to the mass of either object.

如果你考察电作用力,即电现象产生的力,质子啊,电子啊,或者其它什么东西,这种力不和物体的质量成比例基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. Copper conducts electricity.


54. Farmers alone produce too little tax revenue to pay for planned roads, electricity, schools and hospitals.


55. I think we need a whole electricity distribution system, which is more efficient and bigger, more flexible and more appropriate than we have.

我们需要一个更加有效,更加庞大,更加灵活的配电系统,的配电系统。经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

56. Light-emitting diodes are small glass lamps that use much less electricity than traditional bulbs and last much longer.

VOA : special.2009.12.21

57. The average building uses 6 to 7 watts of electricity per square foot, according to Komorowski.

FORBES: Magazine Article

58. The process uses electricity to help separate electrically charged salt particles from water to make it drinkable.

VOA : special.2010.04.05

59. Over 500 engineers and other employees from the company were deployed to help restore electricity supplies.

BBC: SSE profits up after cold weather

60. To allow someone else to specialise in the generation of electricity and pipe it to you.

FORBES: Is Amazon Going To Become The Largest Tech Company? Surpassing Apple?

61. In a year of average rainfall, its output should be around 180GWh of electricity.

BBC: Glendoe hydro electric scheme resumes operations

62. Deep brain stimulation uses electricity to shock the brain in areas that help send messages to the body.

VOA : special.2009.02.03

63. In those days new scientific discoveries such as electricity seemed to open paths into the area of miracles.

VOA : special.2009.09.26

64. Among others,he experimented with the idea of telegraphy C sending messages over a wire by electricity.

VOA : special.2009.02.22

65. Rent is £450 a week, including electricity.






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