英 美
词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句
1. masticatory atonia 咀嚼无力
2. atonia żwacza 瘤胃迟缓
3. Atonia Proventriculorum 前胃弛缓
4. atonia do rúmen 瘤胃迟缓
5. choreatic atonia 舞蹈病性肌弛缓 ; 舞蹈症性失张力
6. Atonia D'urso 标签
7. muscle atonia 全然松弛
8. D'urso Atonia 名称
1. If this relaxation, or atonia, occurs while the person is awake, it can cause temporary paralysis.
2. More evidence comes from people with REM sleep behavior disorder, who lack the muscle paralysis, known as atonia, typical of REM sleep.
3. The electrophysiologic substrate for RBD on polysomnography is rapid eye movement sleep without atonia.
4. Idiopathic RBD is defined as a parasomnia characterised by recurrent dream enactment with loss of the atonia which is normally present during REM sleep.
5. The researchers called the condition "REM without atonia" or REM-A.
6. Changes in inhibitory amino acid release linked to pontine-induced atonia: an in vivo microdialysis study.
1. It could be that the caffeine in the chocolate is causing atonia.
BBC: Chocolate linked to nightmares