during the course of是什么意思_during the course of短语搭配_during the course of权威例句

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during the course of

网络 在……期间;在…期间

英 [ˈdjʊərɪŋ ðə kɔːs ɒv]play 美 [ˈdʊrɪŋ ðə kɔːrs əv]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. during g the course of

2. during the course of fabrication 在制造过程中

3. during the course of performance 在合同履行中


1. And this I'll prove to you during the course of the trial.

我会在审讯期间向你们证明。《provided by jukuu》

2. The girl student brought up many questions during the course of the class.


3. During the course of human face detection, the comparability of color information is applied.


4. During the course of the TBP distillation, the distillates which accumulate between specified temperatures are withdrawn.

在真沸点蒸馏过程中, 对规定温度范围内所收集的馏分可加以回收.《辞典例句》

5. The new parser creates a single scope and doesn't change it during the course of its operation.


6. This definition relates to what occurs during the course of a spoken conversation.


7. During the course of a typical migration, you may encounter recoverable errors.


8. During the course of their upbringing, boys are disciplined by their parents.

在培养期间, 男孩们由他们的父母训导.《互联网》

9. But during the course of decomposition, decomposed ambiguity yet results in the topological.

但是,在分解过程中由于分解二义性的存在, 等值面的拓扑仍然存在二义性.《互联网》

10. The Trade Union Organization should Make Some Achievements during the Course of the Enterprise Cultural Construction


11. During the course of development, individual social psychology has got great achievements.


12. I tried many different dishes during the course of a meal.


13. Re - holstering the firearm during the course of fire is not recommended.


14. Results: The production and output of ascites was gradually decreased during the course of parenteral nutrition.

结果: 肠外营养过程中每天腹水产生和流出量逐渐减少.《互联网》

15. This server configuration deploys the resources which are created during the course of development.


16. She had run up a huge phone bill during the course of the relationship.

她在这种关系期间,使电话帐单增长很大. (这句翻译的感觉不通顺)《互联网》

17. During the course of the studies, more than 10, 000 participants developed Type 2 diabetes.


18. The Way of Law and Morality during the Course of Constructing Harmonious Society


19. During the course of smoothing, image features and their directions are extracted.


20. During the course of this exhaustive study, Reznikova has grown so attached to her laboratory ants that she feels she knows them as individuals—even without the paint spots used to mark them.


21. The third part: the strategy of the political development of China during the course of globalization.


22. For example, during the course of a stress test, there was limited, if any, need to have a view be rebuilt.


23. Output effectiveness is very important for investors during the course of investment and operation of projects.


24. Environment plays a role during the course of ideological and political education.


25. Consideration of Training College Students' Career Role During the Course of Role Adaptation


26. Analysis of Reality and Model about Rural Endowment Insurance during the Course of Urbanizing


27. During the course of this document, it will reference modifying files in the following folder.


28. The Research on Students' Problems During the Course of Study in the Geography Teaching Based on Network


29. During the course of defining, I especially emphasize the core effect of authority carrier.


30. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a attack.


31. No doubt this hypothetical pattern did apply at times during the course of the recovery.


32. Hand washing is something many of us do frequently during the course of a day.


33. There are also three specific media events during the course of the meeting with the date and time described below.


34. The crashes shown in listing 5 were seen during the course of programming.


35. This server configuration deploys the resources that are created during the course of development.


36. During the course of an iteration, you may rerun a single CTC several times with different results.


37. Some problems during the course of electric power industry market-oriented reform in China


38. There was no severe bad reaction during the course of treatment.


39. Yes, it could have happened during the course of transit or unloading.

是的, 在运输或卸货过程中可能会发生这样的问题.《互联网》

40. During the course of development of 2.5, there was an explosion of kernel trees.


41. I have seen both caregivers and patients enter into new relationships during the course of dementia.


42. During the course of the studies, more than 10,000 participants developed Type 2 diabetes.


43. What alternatives does Oedipus have during the course of the play?

在本剧中,伊底帕斯有别的选择 吗 ?《互联网》

44. During the course of the test, the server maintained 100% uptime.


45. Hand washing is something many of us do frequently during the course of a day.


46. During the course of this tutorial, you will learn the following.


47. Several testing software and testing means are presented, which are utilized during the course of debugging.


48. During the course of editing, undo, and redo, the model is the only thing that endures.


49. During the course of theory and practice, this article is mostly consisted of five parts.


50. Dynamic analysis of barley leaves' bioactive substances level during the course of growing


51. Well, we tasted it, bear meat, in abundance, during the course of that night, the longest of my climbing career.


52. Helmets must be fastened during the course of cycling.


53. He brought up a subject rarely raised during the course of this campaign.


54. During the course of teaching, the students should be the center of teaching and learning.


55. He brought up a subject rarely raised during the course of this campaign


56. But I also noticed that a person's identity would change during the course of a conversation.


57. The quantitative study of the capillary density during the course of the glioblastoma growth in mice


58. Changes of cellular immunity during the course of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis


59. The application of Energy Analysis during the course of pressure bump generation


60. During the course of the year, we have built in several screen-free days that require us to make different plans for our students about how they will communicate with one another and the world around them without "screens".


61. Sociability may change considerably during the course of succession.


62. It embodies harmonious society thoughts during the course of exploring market and socialism's combination.


63. The Key Questions During the Course of ChongQing Engineering Geology Database Construction


64. During the course of our lives, we must make many choices that we may come to regret.


65. Professionals, meanwhile, can revisit photos and tweak the focus during the course of the work.


66. The Roles Change of English teachers during the Course of Online College English


67. Make plans for how you will reach your goals both today and during the course of the week.


68. During the course of the flight we shall be serving drinks.


69. The construction and development of small town play an important role during the course of modernization of China.


70. I have also witnessed a player reacting to his opponent's international and illegal blocking by deliberately hitting him with the ball as hard as he could during the course of play.


71. During the course of research, more and more questions are presented.


72. During the course of the study, there were 17,528 deaths.


73. The construction company's administration of data during the course of construction


74. During the course of the average working day, we make a number of promises to get back to people.



1. And during the course of the proceedings, we discussed some of the statements that apparently Gen.

CNN: Transcript of court proceedings for CNN v. Michael Brown

2. During the course of our lives, learning becomes detached from creating experiences and getting feedback.

FORBES: How Gamification Kills Classroom Training

3. "Do you think anyone can govern innocently," Saint-Just the phrase taken of course from Saint-Just, one of the leaders of the Jacobin Reign of Terror during the French Revolution.

你认为有人能够清白无辜地进行统治吗“,当然这句话出自,法国大革命期间雅各宾恐怖统治集团中的,一位领导者。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. More patients in the medical therapy group dropped out during the course of the trial.

FORBES: Controversial PFO Closure Trials Published In NEJM

5. Of course,Dubai was not alone in gathering debt during the easy credit years.

VOA : special.2009.12.04

6. Americans should be prudent in their use of energy during the course of the next few weeks.

NPR: Bush Warns of Disruption to U.S. Oil Supply

7. Dr Plummer has monitored more than 1, 500 prostitutes during the course of his 12-year study.


8. But of course, during the summer, 'cause it's, there's no roof on it, so

但是当然,因为它没有房顶,所以在夏天SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 莎士比亚环球剧院

9. In fact, during the course of a week, I will formulate several new business ideas.

FORBES: Barnacles, Diamonds and Cows: 5 Startup Failures--My 5 Lessons Learned

10. This isn't the last time this will happen during the course of the syllabus, our job is to bring out the implications for literature of texts that we read that don't have any direct bearing on literary study.

而且以后你们还会读到很多和文学没有关系的东西,在课程大纲里,我们的任务是,读懂文学的含义,但是课程里却又很多东西和文学无关。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. During the course of his remarks, Bayati doubted the fact that the Holocaust had occurred.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Jihadis' campus collaborators

12. Metanor purchased the mine and began refurbishing it towards milling and production during the course of 2010.

FORBES: Plan Nord: Metanor To Begin Commercial Gold Production in Q3 2012

13. Resentment of Germany has run high in Greece during the course of austerity's implementation.

CNN: Greece swears in new government

14. She trained people who would end up becoming her bosses during the course of her career.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

15. During the course of this recession, poverty has gone up to a 15-year high.

WHITEHOUSE: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Phoenix Awards Dinner | The White House

16. There are multiple examples during the course of this year in which that's been the case.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats

17. Oh, yes. And, of course, the Webcast is available so that if you miss something during lecture, or if you miss lecture altogether you can go to the website, click on Webcast and follow what happened in lecture.

哦,还有,当然,网络视频是可以利用的,所以如果你们在课堂上错过了什么,或者你们连上课都错过了,你们就可以去上这个网站,点击视频,观看课堂里呈现的。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

18. Vargas writes that Zuck removed that movie from his favorites during the course of his reporting.

FORBES: A Lesson in Facebook Privacy Settings from CEO Mark Zuckerberg

19. During the course of hostilities, Netanyahu never criticized Olmert's poor war leadership in public.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel's premier opportunist

20. "I've seen quite a bit during the course of my 13-, 14-year career, " he said.

WSJ: 'What Happened to Those Poor People?'

21. Dwight Eisenhower faced potential disaster again and again during the course of World War II.

FORBES: Leaders and Wannabes

22. We do not plan to comment further during the course of the investigation unless any material developments arise.

FORBES: Tech Data Discloses Restatement to Earnings, Including Its March 4th Numbers

23. It was a quirky, fun story, and the bride friended me on Facebook during the course of it.

FORBES: Aussie Teen Proves A Lover's Revenge Is Best Served Digitally?

24. He said during the course of the semester, there were about five meetings with the students.

FORBES: Holographs At Hermes And Other Innovative Ideas Students Pitched To Luxury Brands At LEF Program

25. During the same period when I was first teaching this course, a veritable six-foot shelf of diatribes against literary theory was being written in the public sphere.

我一开始教这门课的时候,文学理论遭到了,公开地谩骂。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. But then it rose again, of course,during the financial crisis of two thousand seven-two thousand eight.

VOA : special.2010.10.18

27. This is an issue that Michelle has taken extraordinary interest in during the course of our campaign.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and the First Lady Pack 15,000 Backpacks for Children of Our Troops | The White House

28. We're going to spend quite of bit of time talking about it during the third week of the course.

我们在这门课程进行到第三周时,会花一定的时间来讨论它生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. And during the course of the investigation we uncovered absolutely nothing that indicated this was a hate crime.

CNN: Victim's son: 'They ran him over because he was black'

30. We're going to wrestle with his claims quite a bit during the course of the semester.

在这学期的课程中我们会有相当一部分,辩论他一些观点的时间。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. He admitted that some of his views on Nixon changed during the course of his research.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

32. During the course of the conflict, more than 200,000 people were killed.

VOA : standard.2009.12.18

33. "For example,the woman's sector have put through a recommendation to cabinet around the idea of putting a moratorium on arrests of commercial sex workers during the course of the World Cup."

VOA : standard.2010.05.29

34. And I am so appreciative that we had such an outstanding chair during the course of this meeting.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Speak After ASEAN-10 Meeting | The White House

35. We have been intensively engaged with these nations, and you saw that during the course of this trip.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

36. The result: a record 97 million average viewers during the course of the game.

FORBES: Magazine Article

37. He presented some ideas during the course of the campaign that I actually agree with.

WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President in a News Conference

38. Its shares have tumbled during the course of 2002, after a series of weaker-than-expected results.

BBC: New chief for Royal & Sun Alliance

39. The problem is 7 million jobs were lost during the course of this recession.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Town Hall in New Hampshire

40. The audience for most talk-radio shows turns over four times during the course of an hour interview.

FORBES: Battling The Talk-Radio Clock - Media Training

41. However, each team will be permitted four exceptions to the rule during the course of the season.

BBC: F1 drivers face tougher penalties



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