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  • n. 考古学家(archaeologist 的复数)

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Archaeologists Warn 考古学家发出警告

2. Illegal Archaeologists 非法的考古学家 ; 非法

3. Archaeologists Say 考古学家们说

4. Archaeologists Believe 考古学家认为

5. Principles of GIS for Archaeologists 考古学家的GIS原则

6. Archaeologists Said 考古学家说

7. List of archaeologists 考古学家列表

8. Anthropologists and Archaeologists 人类学家和考古学家

9. Except Archaeologists 除考古学家


1. Cleaning away the waterlogged site overlying the timbers, archaeologists realized its true nature.


2. Foreign archaeologists are arriving one after another.


3. It seems an archaeologist had come to this remote place.

看来某个考古学家曾经到过这个偏远之地。《provided by jukuu》

4. The archaeologist was in the field gathering new evidence on the Beijing man.


5. Their origin is uncertain, but archaeologists hypothesize that they were Canaanites.


6. The team of archaeologists found the spot where his bones were originally interred.


7. The site has been excavated by archaeologists.


8. Meanwhile, German archaeologists continued to work on the site;


9. Archaeologists also look for objects in the sea.


10. He's an archaeologist and has been on a dig in Crete for the past year.


11. I might look as good to you as that archaeologist.

你会觉得我和那考古学家一样英俊。《provided by jukuu》

12. The sheer volume of tablets that the archaeologists have uncovered is overwhelming.


13. In one small excavation in Cyprus, archaeologists recently uncovered 2,000 virtually indistinguishable small jugs in a single courtyard.


14. Starting last month these two bicyclists, joined by archaeologists and a technical support team, are interacting with students via the Internet, the worldwide computer network.


15. With hindsight, it was significant that the boat was found and studied by mainstream archaeologists who naturally focused on its cultural context.


16. Archaeologists have uncovered some ancient earthwork.


17. Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site.


18. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.

尽管她年代离开现在已经很久远了, 但是她的确很有风姿, 然而至今考古学家尚不能探索出她是那尊女神.《用法词典 》

19. Archaeologists also may locate buried remains by using such technologies as ground radar, magnetic-field recording, and metal detectors.


20. A new technique lets archaeologists reconstruct the past in greater detail


21. Archaeologists know that mounds such as these are the kinds of geological features that indicate the presence of ancient settlements.


22. Earlier this year, Italy signed an accord with UNESCO to establish a task force of police art detectives and archaeologists to protect cultural heritage from natural disasters and terror groups, such as ISIS.

今年早些时候,意大利与联合国教科文组织签署了一项正式协议,建议一个由警察艺术侦探和家组成的工作组,以保护文化遗产免受自然灾害和诸如“伊斯兰国”等恐怖组织都破坏。《四级真题- 2018年 6月 2卷 信息匹配》

23. In the late twentieth century, archaeologists discovered the remains of a sophisticated people whose settlement might have been the hub of a civilization few people even thought existed.


24. As well as silk, Chinese archaeologists found some gold masks in the San xingdui Ruins.


25. Other archaeologists have criticized those conclusions on the grounds that passenger pigeon bones would not be likely to be preserved.


26. The archaeologists found a house built around 300 BC, with a basement and attic.


27. Other archaeologists have identified the immediate cause of this abandonment to be a series of short growing seasons that would have put pressure on corn production at that high an altitude.


28. Barely had the bulldozers started when Museum of London archaeologists swooped.


29. This has never been found by archaeologists.


30. In another case, American archaeologists Rene Million and George Cowgill spent years systematically mapping the entire city of Teotihuacan in the valley of Mexico near what is now Mexico City.


31. It proved to be a very busy year for local archaeologists.


32. The archaeologists had to remove a layer or reeds and ropes that covered the burial.


33. It is the oldest cemetery ever found in the Pacific islands, and it harbors the remains of an ancient people archaeologists call the Lapita.


34. Archaeologists knew they were onto something big when they started digging.


35. Archaeologists deal with priceless objects every day.


36. Airborne technologies, such as different types of radar and photographic equipment carried by airplanes or spacecraft, allow archaeologists to learn about what lies beneath the ground without digging.


37. Archaeologists have uncovered an 11,700-year-old hunting camp in Alaska.


38. The archaeologists excavated an ancient fortress.


39. How do archaeologists know where to find what they are looking for when there is nothing visible on the surface of the ground?


40. To find their sites, archaeologists today rely heavily on systematic survey methods and a variety of high-technology tools and techniques.


41. The archaeologists found a few valuable things in the barrow.


42. Archaeologists have found six new sacrificial pits and unearthed more than 500 items dating back about 3000 years at the Sanxingdui Ruins in Sichuan province, the National Cultural Heritage Administration announced on March 20 in Chengdu.


43. The archaeologists excavated an ancient city.


44. Then, in January last year, archaeologists working in east London uncovered the remains3 of an unusual rectangular timber structure.


45. Chinese archaeologists announced the discovery of over 500 cultural relics at the Sanxingdui Ruins site in Guanghan, Sichuan province.


46. Archaeologists have discovered ancient bronze swords and other weapons, made by casting in this manner.


47. There is disagreement among archaeologists as to the age of the sculpture.


48. A gold mask has been unearthed at the No5 sacrificial pit. With an area of about three square meters, it is the smallest pit, but it's where the most gold pieces were unearthed, according to archaeologists.


49. In a region today divided by languages and borders, archaeologists had a duty to inform the general public about their common cultural heritage.


50. The city, named "The Rise of Aten," was discovered under the sand on the western bank of Luxor, lead archaeologist Zahi Hawass said in a statement.


51. Archaeologists have dated the fort to the reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius.


52. Archaeologists identify a corresponding shift in populations toward the south and west toward Mesa Verde and away from higher elevations.


53. In No 3 pit, a rich reservoir for bronze ware, archaeologists found two square zun jars, a typical ancient Chinese bronze ritual vessel.


54. Gradually the archaeologists made the ancient site give up its secrets.


55. Archaeologists dated the fossil after much study.


56. Archaeologists have found Chinese-style tiles and turret decorations that probably adorned the roofs of buildings.


57. Archaeologists found several simple tools at the site.

考古学家在现场发现了几件简单的工具。《provided by jukuu》

58. The ancient city relic dating back to around 5300 years ago was proposed by Chinese archaeologists to be named "Heluo Kingdom" after its location in the center of Heluo area, where the Yellow River ( known as He in ancient China) and the Luohe River meet.


59. The first real clue came when archaeologists discovered that skeletons of higher-status individuals tended to be several centimeters taller than those of people of lower states.


60. A lucky find in the Cotswolds is helping archaeologists discover what life was like in Roman Britain.


61. Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site.


62. Other archaeologists are sceptical about his findings.


63. Archaeologists commonly use computers to map sites and the landscapes around sites.


64. Ground surveys allow archaeologists to pinpoint the places where digs will be successful.


65. For example, archaeologists found a human in ice from 5,000 years ago.

例如,考古学家在5000年前的冰层中发现了一个人。《中考真题- 2016 江西 阅读D》

66. About 10 { 3 years ago, archaeologists began to dig at Olympia.

大约一百年前, 考古学家在奥林匹亚开始了发掘工作.

67. Most archaeological sites, however, are discovered by archaeologists who have set out to look for them.


68. One of the girls had a father who is an archaeologist.



1. Archaeologists working on the footprints site helped him carefully excavate the tusk, which weighed 6lbs (2.7kg).

BBC: The tusk was found close to the ancient footprints site

2. China is a large place in which archaeologists commonly use armed guards to protect sites from looters.

ECONOMIST: Chinese archaeology

3. Historic Scotland marine archaeologists visited the site last year and confirmed it was of national importance.

BBC: Drumbeg

4. Archaeologists are trying to fill in more details using forensic techniques employed by police.

BBC: Roman man's face finally revealed at Caerleon museum

5. Archaeologists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries were stunned to find the ruins and the records of remarkable peoples and cultures--massive, complex empires in some cases, but some of which had completely disappeared from human memory.

十九和二十世纪的考古学家们,震惊地发现了,古代伟大名族和文化的遗迹,有些还是大规模,复杂的帝国遗迹,但也有一些就完全从人类记忆中消失了。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Until now, archaeologists had assumed that these were built over the course of centuries.

ECONOMIST: The Neolithic

7. As the National Park's archaeologists levered off the lid they were shocked by what lay beneath.

BBC: 'Amazing' treasures revealed in Dartmoor bronze age cist

8. Navigational objects on the ship forced archaeologists to reconsider their take on Tudor technology.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Just what did the Mary Rose tell us?

9. But on this day at the fort, painstakingly reconstructed stone by stone by Spanish archaeologists with the help of the local population, few visitors are to be found.

VOA : standard.2009.06.04

10. And archaeologists for a long time were convinced that they would find these destruction layers. But they were disappointed.

考古学家在很长一段时间都相信,他们能找到那些被摧毁的层面,但他们失望了。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Archaeologists supported by Hindu hardliners dismissed these allegations, saying the report justified their long-held observations.

BBC: Experts split on Ayodhya findings

12. Well, archaeologists investigated this carefully, and the French School of Archaeology late in the nineteenth century dug everything up and concluded this was baloney; it was a myth.

十九世纪末期,法国建筑学院的,考古学家仔细调查了这个神庙,他们研究出了很多东西,包括以上说的故事,他们认为完全是个神话古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. The ring has baffled archaeologists because it is unlike any other according to the Yorkshire Museum.

BBC: Escrick sapphire ring's mystery history sparks meeting

14. Network Rail said it was working with archaeologists to uncover and record the roundhouses.

BBC: Railway roundhouses foundations unearthed in York

15. Ancient metal artefacts found at a Leicestershire site could go on permanent display, archaeologists say.

BBC: Leicester

16. An initial survey has prompted archaeologists to suggest remains of a camp maybe found.

BBC: Redcoats camp to be investigated

17. Archaeologists have determined that the site at King Harry Lane, was of significant importance.

BBC: Secrets of St Albans' Roman burial urns unlocked

18. Contemporary archaeologists of the Bronze Age prefer scientific analysis of potsherds and bones to grand theories.

ECONOMIST: Ancient Greece

19. Archaeologists now have less than four months to do three decades worth of excavation.

CNN: Ancient site needs saving not destroying

20. That civilization was uncovered by the archaeologists right at the beginning of the twentieth century.

考古学家在二十世纪初首次发现了,拥有该特征的文明古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. Archaeologists believe it contains 87% silver and dates back from between 950 and 1075 AD.

BBC: Manx Viking ingot treasure trove ruling at inquest

22. The area, which archaeologists plan to explore, is now a golf resort near Edenton.

ECONOMIST: The mystery of Roanoke

23. The earliest corn cobs discovered by archaeologists were tiny, with only a few kernels.

FORBES: Non-GMO Foods? Nonsense.

24. The archaeologists believe there may be as many as three Indian burial grounds near the circle.

ECONOMIST: Americas roots

25. Andy Davies, Anwyl's technical director, said his workforce had discovered the proof that had eluded archaeologists.

BBC: Roman settlement uncovered by builders in Flintshire

26. The Convention is strongly supported by underwater archaeologists, who actively apply and enforce its regulations.


27. Each time a lot in the city centre falls vacant, archaeologists must race against developers.

ECONOMIST: Alexandria

28. Archaeologists and anthropologists then examined the bones to get a better idea of how Fortune lived.

NPR: Hidden Museum Treasures: Fortune's Bones

29. Later excavations and conservation work carried out under Saddam's rule greatly despoiled the site, say archaeologists.

CNN: Bringing Babylon back from the dead

30. Silbury Hill in Wiltshire may have been built far quicker than archaeologists once thought.

BBC: Prehistoric Silbury Hill 'was built in layers'

31. At the peak of the dig, more than 60 archaeologists were working at the site.

CNN: London dig turns up slice of Roman life

32. Preparations began at the site on Monday and a team archaeologists began their excavation on Tuesday morning.

BBC: HMS Dasher sinking

33. Archaeologists also found a former cemetery in excavations near Liverpool Street, where 300 skeletons were found.

CNN: London rail excavation unearths suspected 'plague pit'

34. Archaeoseismology calls upon the expertise of historians, anthropologists, archaeologists, geologists, seismologists, geophysicists, architects and structural engineers.

UNESCO: Tales set in Stone: learning from ancient earthquakes

35. With that thought in mind, archaeologists of the future are in for a treat.

ECONOMIST: A history of waste



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