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英 [ˌəʊʃəˈnɒɡrəfə(r)]play美 [ˌoʊʃəˈnɑːɡrəfər]play

  • n. 海洋学家;海洋研究者

复数 oceanographers

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  • adj.

    oceanic 海洋的;海洋产出的;在海洋中生活的;广阔无垠的

  • n.

    ocean 海洋;大量;广阔

    oceanography 海洋学

    oceanology 海洋资源研究;海洋学


1. oceanographer fracture zone 海洋学家断裂带

2. physical oceanographer 物理海洋学家

3. geological oceanographer 地质海洋学家

4. fisheries oceanographer 渔业海洋学家

5. chemical oceanographer 化学海洋学家

6. oceanographer detail 海洋学者

7. biological oceanographer 生物海洋学家


1. You are listening to University of Georgia oceanographer Mandy Joye.


2. James Cowan, a Louisiana State oceanographer, is more critical of the use of chemical dispersants.


3. Josh Willis: Well, I'm an oceanographer but I study sea level rise , global warming and really how the ocean fits into that global warming picture.


4. There may be several reasons for the ice melt, says Jinlun Zhang, an oceanographer at the University of Washington in Seattle.


5. His son, also a distinguished oceanographer, tells us in a recent book how intensely his father enjoyed every new.


6. How she was this great oceanographer.


7. Hjalmar hatun, an oceanographer with the Faeroese fisheries laboratory, said the watch likely drifted south with one of the chunks of ice that frequently break away at the north pole and are carried off by ocean currents.

法罗群岛水产实验室的海洋学家赫亚马。哈腾说,北极冰层常会崩裂并被洋流带走,这只手可能随著其中一块碎冰向南漂流。《provided by jukuu》

8. That answer comes from biological oceanographer Nancy Rabalais of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.


9. That can add to an increase in what William Sweet, a NOAA oceanographer based in Maryland, calls nuisance flooding in low-lying coastal areas.

那会提高低海平面区域发生威廉·斯威特(William Sweet)所说的“海水漫溢灾害”的几率。斯威特是NOAA驻马里兰州海洋学家。

10. Ocean internal waves is in close relationship with marine acoustics, marine biology, physical oceanography and military oceanography, so it is paid widespread attention to by every government and oceanographer.


11. Josh Willis: Well, I'm an oceanographer but I study sea level rise, global warming and really how the ocean fits into that global warming picture.


12. EarthSky also spoke with oceanographer Breck Owens at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, whose team has released an underwater robot to directly measure currents in and around the oil spill.


13. She was a distinguished oceanographer, and a gifted painter into the bargain.

她是一位杰出的海洋学家, 同时还是一位很有才华的画家.《简明英汉词典》

14. A recent study by German oceanographer Lothar Stramma and a team of prominent international researchers confirms this phenomenon, and also points the finger at global warming.


15. In the 1960s, a book named "Silent Spring" which was abdicated by an US female oceanographer Rachel Carson has begun the prologue of the contemporary environment movement.


16. The oceanographer told delegates that the problem of ocean acidification was worse in high latitudes, in the Arctic and around Antarctica, than it was nearer the equator.


17. Almost a year later Smith, an oceanographer at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, returned for a proper study of the skeleton site.


18. "Waters off Alaska are sort of preconditioned to become more acidified," says Mathis, a University of Alaska, Fairbanks, oceanographer.


19. They would have argued that he should have sent a professional oceanographer; or an unmanned craft, which would have been cheaper, safer and ( because it could have remained down there for longer and collected more data) more effective.


20. Legendary oceanographer once described the tiny 12 - hectare island as an untouched piece of art.

传奇式的海洋学家曾形容这个微型的12公顷小岛为自然界 “ 未受人为影响的艺术创造. ”《互联网》

21. The patch was discovered 10 years ago by the oceanographer Charles Moore when he was sailing off Hawaii.

该垃圾带由海洋学家查尔斯 摩尔(Charles Moore)在10年前发现的,当时他正驶离夏威夷。

22. In the study of the global oceanic general circulation model ( OGCM), it is deemed by the oceanographer community that, the parameterization of vertical mixing plays a key role.


23. “As far as I’m aware this is themost complete and long term data set for little bits of trash floating in theocean,” said oceanographer Miriam Goldstein of Scripps Institution ofOceanography.


24. Led by oceanographer Harry Bryden, the team detected other key changes in the overall Atlantic circulation system.


25. But according to WHOI oceanographer Richard Camilli, the plume could already be hundreds of miles from its previous location, and Hazen's team could simply have missed it.


26. To many scientists, Carl Wunsch is the world's top oceanographer.


27. Daniele Bianchi, an oceanographer at the University of Washington.


28. “As far as I’m aware this is the most complete and long term data set for little bits of trash floating in the ocean,” said oceanographer Miriam Goldstein of Scripps Institution of Oceanography.


29. To a pilot, the distant nowhere of Tasil Point is a treacherous cone of radio silence, but to an oceanographer like Purcell, there are few better places to be.


30. Ongoing changes in the most extreme conditions could have major consequences, said Mark Donelan, an oceanographer at the University of Miami in Florida.

在最极端的条件下的持续变化可能会有很大的后果,一位福罗里达州迈阿密大学的海洋学家Mark Donelan说。

31. At the Pacific tsunami Warning Center, David Walsh, an oceanographer, said the earthquake created a 23-foot-high tsunami in Japan.


32. I like to remember the wonderful old Swedish oceanographer, Otto Petterson.


33. The solution, devised by biological oceanographer Victor Smetacek of the Alfred Wegener Institute for polar and marine research in Germany and his colleagues, was to use an eddy.


34. If that doesn't capture the magnitude of this search, than imagine what one oceanographer described for us.


35. Dr Daniel Stanley, an oceanographer who has found volcanic shards in Egypt that he believes are linked to the explosion.


36. There's an oceanographer in Hawaii, Mike Mottl by name, who's been measuring — or trying to measure — how much water we have on this planet, and his calculations are a little startling.


37. Simon Boxall, a marine expert and oceanographer dismissed Polizzi's suggestion.


38. According to research oceanographer, Marine resources much more than the land.


39. John Hunter, an oceanographer at the University of Tasmania in Australia, says the study is solid, and good news for those preparing evacuations.


40. Before the war, Munk had been studying oceanography, so he took his concerns to his mentor, Harald Sverdrup, then director of Scripps and widely regarded as the top oceanographer in the US.


41. It is every oceanographer's dream start to the day.



1. "This is nothing on the scale of the Gulf spill two years ago, " oceanographer Simon Boxall said.


2. The 54-year-old oceanographer worked at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (Sams) in Oban.

BBC: Scientist Dr Tim Boyd 'killed by lightning' in Argyll

3. These conditions will impact North America's climate this fall and will be slow to change, says oceanographer Dr. William Patzert of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

CNN: satellite image

4. "We've been seeing a retreat year after year, " said Marika Holland, an oceanographer with the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado.

CNN: Countries in tug-of-war over Arctic resources

5. But it wasn't until the 1980's that the American oceanographer John Martin measured the iron content of the seawater in HNLC zones and found negligible amounts.

CNN: Topical waters

6. Other scientists involved in the expedition this summer, which logged 400 hours of dives, were American oceanographer and marine biologists Edith Widder and Steve O'Shea from New Zealand.

NPR: Giant Squid Filmed In Ocean Depths For 1st Time

7. One, championed by James Kennett, a paleo-oceanographer from the University of California, Santa Barbara, is that it was indeed released from clathrates.

ECONOMIST: Methane and climate change

8. Ian MacDonald, an oceanographer at Florida State University who has worked with remotely operated vehicles in his research, says the robots can't replicate human dexterity.

CNN: John D. Sutter

9. Jackie Grebmeier, a biological oceanographer, has studied animal populations in these Arctic waters for 25 years.

NPR: Natural Resources Key to Alaska Town's Future

10. You had a young woman who was from Long Island, had been studying mussels and wanted to be an oceanographer, and won the Intel Science Award while she was homeless.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at National Governors Association Meeting | The White House

11. He's an oceanographer and chairman of a group called the Artic Climate Impact Assessment.

NPR: Oceanographer Sees Real Effects of Climate Change

12. Michael Beman of the University of California Merced, Nicole Goebel of University of California Santa Cruz, Andrew Lucas, of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Tracy Villareal of the University of Texas and oceanographer Elise Ralph of the Boston software company Wise Eddy.

FORBES: Ocean Robot Completes Record-Setting 10,000 Mile Journey

13. His late father, Jacques, was an oceanographer and engineer who plunged deeper into the ocean than any other person.

WSJ: Solar plane plans stops in Phoenix, Dallas, NYC

14. "Liquid Robotics is proud to announce the PacX Science Board has selected five outstanding finalists to compete for the PacX grand prize, " said Luke Beatman, Oceanographer at Liquid Robotics and chairman of the PacX Science Board.

ENGADGET: Liquid Robotics' Wave Glider breaks Guinness record, does it in the name of science

15. Mark Brandon, a polar oceanographer at the Open University who specialises in public understanding of science, compiled his own account of recent communication on the Arctic.

BBC: Harrabin's Notes: Frozen assets







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