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play play

  • n. 现金损失

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pay up [ paying paid pays ]

  • 1.
    动词词组 If you pay up, you give someone the money that you owe them or that they are entitled to, even though you would prefer not to give it. (不情愿地) 偿付

    We claimed a refund from the association, but they would not pay up.




1. pay up what one owes 把账还清 ; 把帐还清

2. to pay up 交钱

3. 付清(Pay Up) PU

4. not pay up full amount 付款不十足

5. fail to pay up 欠钱而拖延不还

6. pay up debt 付清欠债

7. D pay up 付清

8. pay up 全部付清 ; 付款 ; 付清 ; 偿还


1. We asked him to pay up.


2. We claimed a refund from the association, but they would not pay up.


3. We claimed a refund from the association, but they would not pay up.


4. He announced very publicly soon afterwards that he would not pay up.


5. You will have to pay up.


6. The gangsters used threats of violence to force the Morrises to pay up.


7. I had a hard time getting him to pay up.


8. My goods were lost in the fire and the insurance company will have to pay up.


9. If you don't have enough cash, the bank extends credit or demands that you pay up to cover the rest of your contract, often adding up to large multiples of your initial outlay.


10. Every club member must pay up his membership money before the end of the season.


11. But as these mortgages were reset to higher rates and borrowers who had lied about their income failed to pay up, the trap was sprung.


12. These folks want the flexibility to get going with the technology now, without having to pay up front.


13. In such an environment, I would expect investors to be prepared to pay up for high growth or low but predictable growth.


14. He'll never pay up unless you get tough with him.


15. The remainder he would pay up as soon as he could.

是否有可能让他恢复原职?这一点他只是暗示了一下.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

16. They are willing to pay up to $500 more for cars that get better mileage.


17. You don't pay up front, but there are costs nevertheless, and they are not just measured in dollars.


18. If you don't pay up, I'll take you to court.

如果你不还清欠款, 我就到法院告你.《辞典例句》

19. Rather than pay up or work out a settlement, Bowman decided to appeal all the way to the Supreme Court.


20. '" a thousand francs, "said a woman's voice." Pay up at once or you don't come in."


21. The sponsor threatened not to pay up.


22. The budget was carried nonetheless and Britain is obliged to pay up.


23. When fire and theft premiums rise, those who really need insurance still pay up.


24. If the MFN tariff is low enough, exporters will pay up rather than trouble themselves with documenting the origin of their products.


25. "I called 500 companies," says Mittelstaedt. "Two were willing to pay up front."


26. Shut up and pay up.


27. When investors want their money back, mutual funds have to pay up.


28. That's often why warehouse clubs are so popular, but there's no need to pay up for a membership to cut your grocery bill.


29. If you don't pay up at once, we'll see you in court!

如果你不立即付清, 我们就法庭上见!《辞典例句》

30. The world currently is willing to pay up for the liquidity and security of this market.


31. The defendants say they will appeal, and do not have to pay up or go to jail until those efforts are exhausted.


32. They are willing to pay up to $500 more for cars that get better mileage.


33. He also called for an increase in the capital gains and dividend rates to 20% that high-income households pay, up from 15% today.


34. I'm over thirty thousand dollars in debt , and I can't pay up.


35. 50% If you earn a large, you pay up to 50% of the loan.


36. In theory, this would make Banks more conservative in lending out money, and allow them to cover their own losses when borrowers can't pay up.


37. Third, there are concerns that network operators looking for new sources of revenue will strike deals with content providers that will favour those websites prepared to pay up.


38. My goods have vanished and the insurance company will have to pay up.


39. But most of us pay up without even realizing it, perhaps because the fee details are often hard to find.


40. What happens with customers who don't pay up on the due date?

对那些到期不来结账的客户 怎么办 ?《企业管理英语口语(第二版)(2)》

41. It will lead to the pay-up.


42. He'll never pay up unless you get tough with him.

你如果不对他强硬点, 他是决不会把钱付清的。

43. You must pay up what you owe me.



1. Now incidentally, that's an interesting question that you bring up, because--should I pay any attention to dividend dates as an investor?

你提出了一个很有趣的问题,投资者应该注意除息日吗金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. BSkyB and ESPN are favourites to each snap up one package of 23 games, though they may face competition from digital pay-tv service, Top-Up TV.

BBC: BT Vision stops selling Setanta

3. "And I am making clear that new nuclear will be free to contribute as much as possible with the onus on developers to pay for the clean-up".

BBC: Wylfa among locations chosen for new nuclear stations

4. Every year millions of cases that start out as an inquiry end up with the pay-up-or-else notices.

FORBES: Stop the Machine! IRS Document Mismatches, Form 8949

5. So if you hear tales that are way too good to be true, at least investigate them before you call in and pay large up-front fees.

FORBES: 'Pennies On The Dollar' Tax Relief: How Much Is It Worth?

6. On-field pay makes up 90% of the pie.

FORBES: Baseball's Highest-Paid Players

7. Customers (in this case the school district) pay no money up-front, paying only for the solar energy they use and typically seeing reductions on their utility bills as soon as the system is connected to the grid.

FORBES: Could Solar Save Education?

8. On Thursday, Nides also asked that Congress provide the department with more money to pay for ramped-up security.


9. Granted, the monthly amount is roughly what you'd pay for unlimited dial-up access from a major ISP anyway.

CNN: Analysis: Are PCs toast? Internet appliances arrive

10. "There is a certain period by which Setanta will have to pay up - and we are talking weeks not months, " he said.

BBC: SPL faces D-Day for Setanta cash

11. The CEO of Idealab and Ubermedia is best-known for coming up with the pay-per-click advertising model, with (later renamed Overture and sold to Yahoo), that Google ran with to fame and riches.

FORBES: Can Bill Gross Take On Facebook, Twitter & Google+ With

12. But in the last year a number of for-pay services have cropped up that exploit VoIP systems, making spoofing far more accessible.

FORBES: Magazine Article

13. When I set up a company--Case Shiller Weiss, Inc.-- typical of young start up companies,we didn't pay a dividend.

当我开公司时,卡魏施有限公司,并没发放股利,这是年轻公司的通常做法金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. However demands that they should receive the same benefits as full-time students - such as not having to pay up-front fees - look set to be disappointed.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | 'Study now, pay later' fee advice

15. The argument made by ministers - of the previous government and this one - is that a redundancy scheme that gives staff a pay-off of up to six years their salary is overly generous in the current economic environment.

BBC: Analysis: Combination of cuts could be explosive

16. It is also helpful to set up a pay-per-performance compensation plan or start them out as a consultant and make them prove themselves.

FORBES: From Tragedy To Triumph -- Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur

17. Specific options include giving shareholders a binding veto on board pay, changing the make-up of pay committees and making compensation, including pay ratios, more transparent.

ECONOMIST: Executive pay

18. For example, you can sit at home and pay to top-up your electricity meter or pay your cable TV subscription using Paga.

FORBES: Nigeria's Mobile Money Startup Pagatech Fills A Need, Attracts U.S. Investment

19. It thanked the actions of the previous and current administrations in Scotland in for ensuring full-time Scottish higher education students studying in Scotland did not pay tuition fees or top-up fees.

BBC: Decision time

20. Harry Reid proposed some new pay-go rules up on the Hill today, tougher rules that would be part of the debt limit raising.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

21. The good news is that normally you have to pay up for high-quality companies like that, but today quality is on sale.

FORBES: Whitney Tilson

22. - And to pay up.- Okay. Let me help you.

VOA : standard.other

23. But in 2008 life changed for about 55 families in Penjaringan when the international aid organization Mercy Corps installed a separate tank and ran water lines to households able to pay the $20 start-up fee.

VOA : standard.2010.08.04

24. From 2012 advertising on pay-TV must take up no more than 12% of each viewing hour, down from 18% currently, according to a new government decree (the proportion allowed on free television will actually rise, to 20%).

ECONOMIST: Pay-television in Italy

25. Analyst Keith Benjamin figures online mall CUC NetMarket's model -- where customers pay an up-front fee to receive bigger discounts on all subsequent book purchases -- might prove more profitable.

FORBES: Does really matter?

26. "Now that the economy has gone down and the tuition's gone up - the army,they can pay for my college, so might as well do it."

VOA : standard.2010.07.14

27. Pay takes up 60-70% of an average trust's costs, and safety concerns mean it is impossible to cut staff numbers in the same way as other public services, Mr Hopson said.

BBC: Health trusts call for urgent debate on national pay

28. But with 105 million names already in use, chances are someone else already owns it. (You can find out who they are at As with tangible real estate, if you want something truly valuable, you'll probably have to pay up--there is a robust secondary market for domain names, as Fisher pleasantly discovered.

FORBES: Master The Domain Name Game

29. The money will pay for food and clothing,transportation, clean-up efforts,relocation costs and medicine.

VOA : special.2010.05.17

30. The Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund ensures that there are sufficient resources available to pay for clean-up and damages associated with an oil spill.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

31. And the businesses do not have to pay up-front for online coupons that are offered by the likes of Groupon or LivingSocial.

FORBES: Daily Deals Growing Up With First Conference

32. Clients rent the equipment and pay up-front.

FORBES: Trade Show Internet Stops Highway Robbery

33. The lecturers' union Natfhe is calling on its members to vote to reject the college employers' offer of a 3.7% pay rise - because it contains no "catch-up" on the pay gap with schoolteachers, which the union puts at more than 7%.

BBC: Colleges protest at new inspections

34. The firm hopes that nice restaurants and sellers of romantic holidays will pay to pitch to loved-up couples.

ECONOMIST: The worlds most exclusive social network

35. One is to claw back the subsidy such firms enjoy in their borrowing, both to encourage them to shrink and to pay for the clean-up when they fail.

ECONOMIST: Financial reform in America

36. For example, should companies be forced to pay for the clean-up of contaminated land, even though they polluted the land long before the relevant environmental regulations were in place?

ECONOMIST: The defence of nature 2



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