be independent of翻译_be independent of短语搭配_be independent of权威例句

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be independent of

网络 独立于;独立的;不依赖;让孩子们独立

英 [bi ˌɪndɪˈpendənt ɒv]play 美 [bi ˌɪndɪˈpendənt əv]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. be independent of human interference 不受人的主观意志的支配

2. be independent of each other 彼此无关

3. be independent of outside control 不受外界控制

4. be independent of equipments 设备无关化

5. be independent of one's parents 不依赖父母而自立

6. be independent of will 不以意志为转移

7. be independent of do without 将就

8. be independent of exercising 独立行使


1. And thanks to Professor Hess, I can now say that the total energy delta H In other words, delta H formation of sodium chloride should be independent of paths.


2. Your questions should be independent of each other.


3. No matter what kinds of Qigong skills they are, none of them can be independent of the three aspects: to regulate the body, to regulate the respiration and to regulate the heart.


4. The experiments of segmenting left ventricle MRI images show that this model be independent of the initial position and can segment image automatically.

实验结果表明,该模型与轮廓线初始位置无关,能实现MRI 图像的自动分割。

5. I am old enough to be independent of my parents.


6. Most children want to be independent of their parents.


7. Conclusions High salt diet could aggravate the renal injury of the rats with Ang ⅱ-induced renal injury that may be independent of blood pressure change.


8. The reporter sought to be independent of ideological dogma.


9. It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents.


10. Be independent of programming language;


11. Polarization domain is considered to be independent of time, space and frequency domain.


12. Animation speed must be independent of frame rate.


13. Recently, many senior high school students hoped to be independent of their parents, and in the meanwhile, more and more parents began to concentrate their attention on the generation gap.


14. Decolorization was proved to be independent of light by means of experiments.


15. Essentially, the research of Natural Language Understanding should be independent of any specific language.


16. The silane and silane mix vent system should be independent of other gas vent systems.


17. RTP and RTCP are designed to be independent of the underlying transport and network layers .

RTP和 RTCP 的目的是独立于底层的传输及网络层次.《互联网》

18. Language constitutes part of culture and cannot be independent of it.


19. Your questions should be independent of each other


20. The part including strongly singular integrals is made to be independent of coordinate transformation.


21. Each session must be independent of all others, and the system must scale transparently to thousandss of simultaneous customers.


22. The pursuing aesthetic modernity of Hayao Miyazaki's animations can't be independent of the support of their animation languages in secret.


23. The actual computation example shows that the optimal sampling frequency locations are found to be independent of the system response, and solely depend on the nature of the excitation.


24. The definitions show that each of these categories of problems can be independent of each other.


25. You are old enough to be independent of your parents.

你已经大到不必依赖父母的年龄了。《provided by jukuu》

26. If you have a car you will be independent of train and buses.


27. He is old enough to be independent of his parents.


28. Thus "Bull" can't be independent of Spanish component part.


29. They went camping so as to be independent of hotels.


30. So if we twist it too much up, then, of course, we will permanently deform it, and then the period will not be independent of theta maximum.


31. Can not imagine, a nation without a strong spiritual support, can be independent of the world's forests.


32. TPS designed on kernel of this platform inherited its attribute, and can be independent of hardware of ATS. The platform provided the foundation for general utility ATS design.


33. The development of modern agriculture cannot be independent of securities business.


34. Our goals must be independent of device or even platform.


35. And I need it to be independent of people's reactions to me.


36. Thus "Bull" can't be independent of Spanish component part.


37. While in Confucian ontology , noumenon cannot exist without appearance and Faramita cannot be independent of temporality.

在儒家的本体论中, 本体不离现象,彼岸与此岸不分.《互联网》

38. You should learn to be independent of your parents.


39. Multi - directory management, can be independent of each directory quotas, and switch to different management directory.

多目录管理, 每个目录都可以独立配额, 并可切换到不同的管理目录.《互联网》

40. While in Confucian ontology, noumenon cannot exist without appearance and Faramita cannot be independent of temporality.


41. The newspaper seeks to be independent of political dogma.


42. Tag naming can be independent of RIM class and attribute names.


43. As a special mark of river city, Yellow Crane Tower is connected tightly with its surroundings. In other words, its beauty can not be independent of its natural setting.


44. Initially, the US talks were designed to be independent of the UN process.


45. Like all the best open standard strategies, this specification is designed to be independent of implementation.


46. And this appears to be independent of weight loss. It occurred very very early.


47. They permit domestic prices to be independent of world prices and above them.


48. They planned to go camping so as to be independent of hotels.


49. Most people would probably say that they want to be independent of imported oil.


50. Process of data mining, which is an intelligent activity, can not be independent of background knowledge.


51. Be independent of programming language; Separation of main work and non-main work;


52. A general purpose SCADA system's software should be independent of the hardware and can be applied to various power systems.


53. Be independent of programming language; Harmony between Man and Nature


54. The police force should be independent of direct government control.


55. The police force should be independent of direct government control.


56. Your questions should be independent of each other.


57. Old enough to be independent of one's parents


58. Now films can be independent of the film were comments and research.


59. The dose response curves were found to be independent of radiation field sizes.


60. Decolorization was proved to be independent of light by means of experiments.


61. TPS designed on kernel of this platform inherited its attribute, and can be independent of hardware of ATS.


62. On the contrary, Aristotle insisted that the cultivation of virtue depends on Custom and education. Furthermore, it can not be independent of law and threatening of punishment.


63. First, this distributed model should be independent of provider, platform and programming language;


64. Tom decided that he could be independent of Becky Thatcher now.


65. Judges must be independent of political pressure.


66. However, as for college students of non-English majors, vocabulary learning still gets them very much puzzled and cannot be independent of teachers 'instructions.


67. This information can be independent of any controls on the page.

此信息可以独立于页上的任何控件。《provided by jukuu》

68. Each core model will be independent of any middleware platform.


69. This should be independent of scale, so this information can be used to help design the full scale reactor.



1. Variation in one characteristic must be independent of variation in other characteristics.

ECONOMIST: A master of evolution takes a last long look at Darwin

2. Well they definitely have to be independent of the government and that was the idea in the U.S.

好吧,他们当然需要,独立自主地面对政府,这就是美国的观点。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. A 22-member electoral reform panel appointed by President Yar'Adua had recommended that the head of the electoral body should be appointed by the National Judicial Commission "to truly make it an independent body."

VOA : standard.2009.08.22

4. Valeriy Gabisov of the independent Civil Rights Committee noted that corruption exists everywhere and can at best be minimized, not eliminated.

VOA : standard.2009.05.15

5. The investigators of the IRS must be independent of the administration, or their conclusions will not be trustworthy.

WSJ: A Battering Ram Becomes a Stonewall

6. The evolutionary nature of cancer implies, contrary to conventional wisdom, that the essential features of any therapy for the consistent cure or control of cancer must be independent of the particular pathways of tumor cell evolution, and independent of any particular genetic or epigenetic alterations.

FORBES: Cancer's New Era Of Promise And Chaos

7. Major Tom Harris(ph), who trains the police here, says it's hard to get the police who live and work next to the militias to be independent of them.

NPR: Dozens of Iraqi Army Men Arrested in Killings

8. Mr. BEN BERNANKE (Federal Reserve Chairman Nominee): I assure this committee that if I am confirmed, I will be strictly independent of all political influences and will be guided solely by the Federal Reserve's mandate from Congress and by the public interest.

NPR: Bernanke Vows to Continue Greenspan Policies

9. But an independent Afghan military must be capable of adapting to an elusive enemy.

VOA : standard.2009.12.13

10. It includes a commitment, made by most of the 69 countries that signed the deal, that telecoms regulators will be independent of suppliers.

ECONOMIST: A survey of world trade

11. The Conference recommended that regional governments consider harmonising policies and the legal and regulatory framework for the development of public service broadcasting which should be independent of direct political control.

UNESCO: Education

12. Mr.Abdullah told reporters in Kabul Monday that the head of Afghanistan's Independent Election Commission has "no credibility" and should be immediately replaced.

VOA : standard.2009.10.26

13. The watchdog will have to be seen to be independent of government if it is to be taken seriously be patients and staff.

BBC: NEWS | Health | Inside the new health watchdog

14. They need to be independent," "They need to have full vested powers that are given them, whether it is of investigation or prosecution.

VOA : standard.2009.11.17

15. Pick any two perpendicular directions Then the same entity, the same arrow which has an existence of its own, independent of axis, can be described by you and me using different numbers.

选取两个互相垂直的方向,这样同样的物体,同一矢量,并且是独立于坐标轴而存在的,可以被你和我用不同的数字来描述基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. The main aim of the struggle is to be independent of Georgia.

ECONOMIST: The independence precedent

17. But since the tribunals will be independent of the government, it may be hard to prevent them hearing more cases than the government wants.

ECONOMIST: Child support: Third time lucky? | The

18. During confirmation hearings, Republicans questioned his role in former President Bill Clinton's widely criticized last-minute pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich and questioned whether he would be independent of the White House.

CNN: Holder becomes attorney general

19. It would be guided by an independent group of directors.

VOA : special.2010.06.27

20. How can an organization essentially funded by 4, 300 member firms be independent of that very industry it claims to regulate?

FORBES: FINRA CEO Ketchum's Speech And The Shortcomings Of Self Regulation

21. "My wealth from work as a private entrepreneur before entering government has allowed me to be independent of the special-interest groups as a public servant, " Mr. Shuvalov said in a statement.

WSJ: Share Deals Open Window on Kremlin

22. For the rest of us, the lesson is clear regional economies depend for their survival on diverse sources of economic growth most of which should be independent of one another.

FORBES: What Spain's Troubles Can Teach The World

23. Any inquiry into baby deaths at a Cumbrian hospital must be independent of the health trust, a health minister said.

BBC: Joshua Titcombe

24. Prof Hunter said Homecoming Scotland and the 250th anniversary of the fall Quebec next year will come as French-speaking people were "more resurgent" in their campaign to be independent of the rest of Canada.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Highlands and Islands | Homecoming year's key battle link

25. It must be independent of any particular administration.

FORBES: About Harvey Pitt

26. It suggests the new body should be independent of the government, but answerable to a House of Commons select committee.

BBC: Researchers publish anti-fraud plans

27. "I think it is right that the body whose job it is to shine a light on policing and the police force should be independent of government and of the service, " Mrs May added.

BBC: UK Politics

28. Moreover, Soviet police mechanisms (army, militia and KGB) remain within Union control and beyond the reach of the judiciary -- which would, in any event, not be independent of the central authorities in Moscow.


29. My future plan, my record company is going to be one of the biggest independent record companies

未来的计划是让我的公司变成最大的独立唱片公司之一,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 请听听我的歌

30. He says there are several possibilities: people may have considered it inappropriate for a woman to discuss Buddhist doctrine at such a profound level at the time or she may have thought that Buddhist doctrine should be independent of an individual.

BBC: Buddhist text's true author identified as Thai woman

31. To do well in investing you have to have your own independent view of things and really be thinking about how things work and he is someone who does that.

如果你想要在投资领域中表现出色,你就必须有独立的观点,了解事物的运行规律,而他正是这样一个人金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. So it really runs to the core question of how independent it can be unless you have independent experts that can speak without fear and favor,".

VOA : standard.2009.10.09

33. The goal here is to look the significant factors that may be independent of specific individuals that help the organization itself to grow.

FORBES: Personal Brands Raise New Talent Development Questions For HR

34. The organisation used for the audit would be independent of both the Liberal Democrats and pressure groups and the results would be made public, he promised.

BBC: Lib Dems 'the greenest of all'

35. Lack of freedom, seeming to be slightly independent of corruption as gauged by the Transparency International Corruption Perception index, improved in 2012.

FORBES: Ukraine: Corrupt and Stoic

36. And thanks to Professor Hess, I can now say that the total energy delta H In other words, delta H formation of sodium chloride should be independent of paths.

感谢道盖斯教授,我们可以认为,这整体过程,氯化钠的化合能,与路径无关。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

37. Activists from several civic groups held a roundtable at Moscow's Independent Press Center to discuss the extent of Russian corruption and what could be done about it.

VOA : standard.2009.05.15

38. To thrive, the technology industry must be independent of hungry politicians.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

39. It is supposed to be independent of political interference, and is trying to establish its credibility.

ECONOMIST: Wims whim

40. The process needs to be independent of the provider or department getting surveyed.

FORBES: Do You Know Whether Your Customers Are Satisfied?

41. It will be independent of Cornwall Council, with the freedom to choose its own teaching hours, curriculum and how to spend its money.

BBC: New Cornwall free school 'waste of money'

42. David Heath, for the Liberal Democrats, said the inquiry should be independent of the Home Office, which was "clearly at fault" for allowing an "undisclosed" policy to be operated.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Immigration checks 'were waived'

43. It must be independent of the industry and of government and it should have the clout to ensure that mighty news organisations take heed.

BBC: Viewpoints: Should the press be regulated?





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