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英 [ˌself rɪˈflekʃn]play美 [ˌself rɪˈflekʃn]play

  • n. 反省

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1. self-reflection really begins 印记

2. Critical self-reflection 自我反思

3. self-reflection and evaluation 自我反思和评价 ; 反省和评价

4. Self-reflection Report 自我反省报告

5. Self Reflection 自我反省 ; 反思

6. A little bit more self-reflection 多一点反省

7. moral self-reflection 道德自省

8. On Self-Reflection 论自省


1. He added: "Incidentally, thinking deeply or engaging in self-reflection counts as keeping busy, too."


2. You possess great abilities, but indulge in much self-reflection and self - criticism.


3. "Self" simply refers to my owninteriorworld or subjective realities, which can be accessed byintrospection, meditation, and self-reflection.


4. The Effects of Career Commitment, Teaching Efficacy on Primary School Teacher' Self-reflection Ability


5. If you have never taken the time to do self-reflection, try it now.

如果你从来没有花时间做自我反省,现在就试试。《中考真题- 2017 山西 任务型阅读A》

6. Self-reflection ( ) means slowing down and calming ( ) yourself, including calming your mind.

自我反省意味着放慢脚步,让自己平静下来,包括让自己的内心平静下来。《中考真题- 2017 山西 任务型阅读A》

7. Self-reflection and its continued development in self-identity make individual become a subject with moral reflection ability.


8. Self-reflection: : The first step is to really think about your goals.


9. Some people prefer to do self-reflection only in their mind.

有些人更喜欢只在头脑中做自我反省。《中考真题- 2017 山西 任务型阅读A》

10. As a kind of negative art, modern art bases its self-reflection on the opposite.


11. And they don't have the self-reflection to know it, and no one is going to tell them.


12. Western modern philosophy began with self-reflection on ego or subject, and then philosophy changed from ontology to epistemology.


13. Your resume well will likely turn out to be several pages long. Then, you can draw from it the main substanceand ideas that emerge from your self-reflection.

你的简历很可能会有好几页。然后,你可以从中选出你自我审视中出现的主要内容和想法。 。

14. Successful students always know the importance of self-reflection.


15. Self-reflection on Performances of Chinese Female Swimmers in Atlanta Olympic Games


16. You can follow the steps to do so self-reflection.

你可以按照这些步骤进行自我反省。《中考真题- 2017 山西 任务型阅读A》

17. This led Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner to suspect that self-reflection played a part in controlling unethical behavior during the test.


18. While time for self-reflection is necessary, so is the time we share with other people.


19. This milestone involves a little self-reflection.


20. All of Baozhao s Yuefu Poems are filled with self - reflection self - expression with sufficient subject color.

鲍照所有的乐府诗作均是 自我 观照,自述情怀之作,诗的主体色彩强烈而浓厚.《互联网》

21. The death of a monarch is always a moment of national drama and self - reflection.


22. This led Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner to suspect that self-reflection played a part in controlling unethical behaviour during the test.


23. Self-reflection, undoubtedly, is an effective way to improve teaching efficiency.


24. Fred said this not out of anger or spite, but simply out of humorous self-reflection.


25. Therefore, in this case, you must be self-reflection, to the subconscious to tell them what caused the pain.


26. Experiment and Self-reflection of Physics Teaching Reform of High School under the New Curriculum


27. Meanwhile, the Media Ecology is at the stage of self-reflection.


28. Three years, I have been self-reflection, summed up some of their advantages and disadvantages.


29. As a result, too many lack self-reflection or self-criticism skills, meaning even those who are grossly overpaid give themselves outrageous bonuses.


30. College students' locus of control and self-reflection had very significant relevant.


31. Repeatedly pursue knowledge , and cement the knowledge of educational system and critical self - reflection.

不断进修充实, 强化教育本职系统性知识及批判反思能力.《互联网》

32. Celebration of fallen enemies – without self-reflection – may be no more worthy than celebrating a victory at a football match.


33. Successful students always know self-reflection is important.

成功的学生总是知道自我反省的重要性。《中考真题- 2017 山西 任务型阅读A》

34. At last, the author speaks of her self-reflection according to this management pattern.


35. But living alone gives me the time and space for self-reflection.


36. Successful entrepreneurs have a common, is very good at learning, very brave to self-reflection.


37. Only when we ask ourselves these questions every day, and only when we make progress by self-reflection will we have our road of life extended longer and wider.


38. This makes it easier to begin self-reflection.

这样就更容易开始自我反省。《中考真题- 2017 山西 任务型阅读A》

39. Beyond Empirical Experience: to Realize Teachers' Professional Development in Self-reflection


40. Some of my ex-colleagues have quit their jobs and took months out to do some self-reflection.


41. Self reflection shows courage, self-reflection is the source of all thought.


42. National Cultural Mentality Analysis for the War Self-reflection of Japan


43. But I believe it should also prompt in each of us a time for self-reflection.


44. Self-reflection is good advice on many fronts.


45. To strengthen practical self-reflection and improve primary school teachers' ability of creative teaching.


46. The Effects of Self-Reflection on the Use of Mathematic Strategies by Junior School Students


47. Perpetual learning is the base of teacher's self-reflection.


48. It's been such an interesting process of self-reflection and discipline, exploring the multifaceted manifestations of fear.


49. Liner Algebra Self-reflection Teaching Reform on the Basis of Lesson Review


50. Pointing to practical problems; ( 4) collaboration plus self-reflection.


51. Daily self-reflection makes one wise and able in conduct.


52. To encourage teachers to establish the awareness of self-reflection and facilitate them in pursuit of self-perfect.


53. By encouraging self-reflection and daydreaming, it can spur creativity.


54. Learn from self-reflection, for by learning, you can figure out how to handle yourself in the future, thus giving yourself the confidence to be a better person.


55. Your résumé well will likely turn out to be several pages long. Then, you can draw from it the main substance and ideas that emerge from your self-reflection.

你的简历简历写作入门技巧很可能会有好几页。然后,你可以从中选出你自我审视中出现的主要内容和想法。 。

56. Not only that, it also hints to them about their behavior and helps them do some self-reflection.


57. Repeatedly pursue knowledge, and cement the knowledge of educational system and critical self-reflection.


58. Shockingly, the decision not to perpetuate negative self-talk can be a boost and a boon to negative self-reflection.


59. Practicing Moral Self-reflection and Promotion Moral Health of Students


60. Use these natural breaks to stop and do self-reflection.

利用这些正常的间歇期暂停一下,进行自我反省。《中考真题- 2017 山西 任务型阅读A》

61. The modernization theory came into a time it renewed through self-reflection.



1. And, in a rare moment of sort of personal self-reflection or self-reference, he notes somewhat drolly that the novelty of his ideas will make it difficult for them to find an audience.

虽然他很少对自己的思想,进行自我反思或自我参照,但他还是自嘲地写道,那些新奇的思想会让它们,很难找到读者。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. And while emotions are often glossed over in negotiating how-to, this course skillfully bundles practical guidance with a focus on self reflection.

FORBES: Negotiation Resources For Women Who Aren't Afraid To Ask

3. If those 42% of people are anything like me, that so-called boredom now arrives sooner than the random thoughts that can lead to self-reflection, creativity or just a few seconds of nothingness.

FORBES: Does the Internet Make You More or Less Connected?

4. To help you focus your self-reflection, I conducted a strictly unscientific survey of my social network on Facebook and LinkedIn.

FORBES: Five New Year's Resolutions Every Leader Should Make

5. Becoming a worthy leader is like developing any other capability: it requires honest self-reflection, real openness to learning (which includes an openness to being wrong and to not knowing), and a willingness to change your behavior.

FORBES: Two out of Three of Us Want This More Than We Want a Raise

6. The solution begins with honesty and self-reflection, two attributes the EU project is not well endowed with.

FORBES: Europe's Disintegration: It's Not About the PIIGS or the Euro

7. Instead of capturing photos to flaunt to friends on Facebook, Memoto posits that its photos should serve a more private purpose one of reflection and self-analysis.

FORBES: Kickstarter Hit Memoto Gets Ready To Ship Wearable, Life-Recording Cameras

8. He emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, which will prepare both for the MBA and beyond.

FORBES: Connect

9. Although, if even half of what Smith alleges is accurate, self-reflection and soul-searching seem an unlikely response.

FORBES: It's the Customer, Stupid

10. Schools gain and maintain accreditation via a peer review system, and though some deans find the required self-reflection to be useful, others say the time and resources spent on paperwork and preparing for campus visits aren't worth it.

WSJ: B-School Accrediting Body Retools Its Standards

11. It is that self-reflection that ultimately allows the MBA admissions committee to understand how admitting this particular candidate will enrich their school community.

FORBES: Connect

12. This clarity requires a certain amount of self-reflection.

FORBES: How To Be A Real Leader - Even When You're In A Fake Environment

13. The animal's reaction to their reflection is used as a gauge of their self-awareness, based on whether they inspect the mark on their own body, or react as if it does not appear on themselves.

BBC: Robot learns to recognise itself in mirror

14. The only time I really experience any self-reflection these days is when my computer sleeps and my screen goes dark.

FORBES: Does the Internet Make You More or Less Connected?

15. In other words, the naturally brilliant and charismatic Jobs matured into the role of CEO only after a stretch of pain, suffering and self-reflection.

FORBES: Steve Jobs Warns Apple: Don't Get Greedy

16. The point of having reviews in observable work is to develop self-awareness and reflection.

FORBES: Reevaluating Performance Management

17. Self-reflection on your career path is more effective when you also obtain feedback from those who know you, understand your ambitions, and sincerely wish you success.

FORBES: It's Time for your 360 Career Review!

18. Although the books and audiovisual resources give inmates a general opportunity in any case to direct their thoughts away from the prison environment, the main value of the prison library is in providing its users with the option of further education and self-reflection, obtaining life skills and improving their reading skills.

UNESCO: Mnster Prison Library

19. The Avengers is a very funny film, and its sense of humor and self-reflection is its greatest strength.

FORBES: 'The Avengers' Is Everything A Superhero Movie Should Be

20. Flags will no doubt be enthusiastically waved, but 2012 will see the country in a period of uneasy self-reflection.

BBC: Is brand Britain losing its lustre?

21. Holding a mirror to the candidate, guiding him or her through a process of self-reflection, will help to refine the way they present themselves so that they communicate their unique story, experience and goals in an authentic way.

FORBES: Connect

22. Regardless of initial ranking, employees gain the ability to compare self-reflection with outside perception to connect the dots and continuously rise to new levels of stardom.

FORBES: Fantasy Football: Time To Rank And Draft Employees?

23. Rather they come to that point through a process of ongoing reflection, personal inquiry and brave self-honesty.

FORBES: You Lead By Virtue Of Who You Are

24. Although some modern scholars drive past the notion of evil and instead explain Hitler's conduct as a reflection of his childhood and self-esteem issues, for most survivors of the 20th century he is confirmation of our instinctive sense that evil does exist.

CNN: The necessary evil?

25. Figuring his political career was over, Kucinich launched into a lengthy period of self-reflection and emerged as a committed pacifist.


26. Think of this as a time for self-reflection.

FORBES: How Negative Feedback Can Help Your Career

27. Should vocation, destiny, and self-reflection really be muddled together?

FORBES: How to Distinguish Between a Honest Online Entrepreneur and a Hustler With a MacBook Air

28. The whole matter of identifying the national being raises very uncomfortable questions for American conservatism about the degree to which it pulls the focus away from self-reflection about our individual souls or selves.

FORBES: Marco Rubio's Speech Proves Obama Has the GOP Beat on Foreign Policy

29. It is the art of self-reflection, leading us to analyze our own motivations and emotions, as well as an understanding of how others see us.

FORBES: Golf: The Game Of Life

30. It allows no room for self-reflection, no public debate, no iterative process of discovery.

FORBES: PolitiFact and the Traditional Journalism Trap













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