high limit翻译_high limit短语搭配_high limit权威例句

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  • 高限额:指在金融或赌博等领域中,允许的最高金额或最高投注额。

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1. DURATION ABOVE HIGH LIMIT 上述期限限制高 ; 以上的高限的期限 ; 以上高限持续时间

2. flow high limit 高限流量

3. governor high limit spring 调节器高速限制弹簧

4. high limit register 上限寄存器

5. LhLl high limit 电平差上限值

6. High-Limit 高温保护

7. high limit control 高限控制

8. high limit of size 上限尺寸

9. pressure high limit 压力上限


1. The following procedures must be performed when changing the temperature of the stored water or resetting the high limit control.


2. Use the diagnostic control chart on page14to help determine the cause of the high limit shut-off.


3. Then you have the same high temperature limit to it.


4. Construction method and treatment measure of high liquid limit soil foundation


5. So it's easy to get into the high temperature limit, in that case. Where you basically see a temperature independent heat capacity.


6. One day, you will find you have hate to the high limit, you can't hate him any more. he has nothing to be hated for. what's more, no matter how to hate him, he won't go back to you any more.


7. The thought that this systematic outstanding computer realizes reduces artificial factor, the realization of high limit computer trade, realize information share highly, increase transparency, embodiment is publicized, is fair, fair, the principle of believing.


8. The Application of High Liquid Limit Soil in the Subgrade Filling


9. Be sure the RED reset button (High Limit Control) is properly set: push in firmly to reset.


10. Because of course I'm certainly in the high temperature limit.


11. High temperature limit.


12. User-set limits would impinge on no one's liberty; a consumer who did not want such protection could simply set a high limit to start with.


13. But what we've found is that in the high temperature limit, we had the equipartition of energy result.


14. That the first steps are that the authority cutting down government intervention economy want a high limit, makes government authority retreat from society middle to the full, too big authority negative part to marketplace beneficial development affect government economy being unable to exceed big.


15. However, it may be a good idea to specify a hard limit (at a high, though, of around 90%).


16. So now let's look at the high temperature limit.


17. The following procedures must be performed when changing the temperature of the stored water or resetting the high limit control.


18. So the high temperature limit, physically, is one that's simple to understand.


19. This water heater is equipped with one or more adjustable temperature regulating thermostats and a manual reset high limit control.


20. Excellent board of directors is to transfer a company having forceful competition signal, can ensure company leadership continuity, ensure that putting company into practice gaining the long-term interests strategy, benefit of the high limit representative shareholder.


21. Be sure the RED reset button ( High Limit Control ) is properly set: push in firmly reset.

确保红色重置按钮 ( 高温限制控制器 ) 被正确设置: 如果需要重置,请使劲按一下重置按钮.《互联网》

22. So in the high temperature limit, the energy does change with temperature.


23. The ICP Express allows the user to program low and high limit alarms for the mean ICP, providing a warning to the staff of predetermined patient conditions.


24. Product design idea being full of personalization, having high reliability, the high limit field reduces cost of goods manufactured, the broader scale field satisfies a market demand thereby.


25. Because of course I'm certainly in the high temperature limit.


26. In this paper, the method of asymptotc for structural limit analysis is proposed by the high limit theorem for limit load.


27. This platform can provide large amount of rich business, can high limit shorten the construction cycle of Value-added Service.


28. A less drastic option, proposed by the White House, would limit how much high-end income earners can deduct for their charitable contributions.


29. To protect the safety of the railway bridge, height limit signs and high limit protection frame should be installed on the road which under the railway bridge or culvert according to Regulations on Protection of Railway Transport Safety in recent years.


30. High costs limit many technological solutions: Water desalination, for example, is not only expensive but requires a huge amount of energy, another resource in short supply.


31. Because of information imbalance, the Two-Part Pricing System and the high limit of price method in practice is not able to restrict the noncompetitive behavior.


32. That happened because in the limit of high temperature, then this exponent is really small, right?


33. The research results shown that: the pH controlling strategy, which pH high limit and pH low limit was set at one time in the experiment, could avoid periodical absence of glucose during fed batch culture;


34. Then you have the same high temperature limit to it.


35. Controlling Wind-deformation By Using High Limit of Steel Structure Tolerance


36. For example the high limit, as long as the exhibition hall high enough, you can discuss with the Hall settlement;


37. So now let's look at the high temperature limit.


38. The increasing complexity of MCU devices demand more in testing and take a high limit for reducing testing cost.


39. So in the high temperature limit, the energy does change with temperature.


40. Saline soils, which have high concentrations of sodium chloride and other salts, limit plant growth, and research continues to focus on developing salt-tolerant varieties of agricultural crops.


41. And we've seen what the high temperature limit is.


42. Study on Improvement of High Liquid Limit Soil


43. So in the high temperature limit we can easily calculate things.


44. At the same time, talents should also adapt to the environment actively, only in this way can the talents develop self-value in high limit.


45. You immediately go to the high temperature limit.


46. Unix making use of Microsoft facing has migrated resolving a scheme, the high limit field has economized the Bank of China expenses on the hardware, the original hardware product has continued buying new equipment again in usage.


47. In the long run, high unit costs must limit Numbers.


48. The country must act urgently to limit HIV infection in this high-risk sub-population.


49. Valve position high limit and valve position low limit setting.


50. As the most important trading partner of our country, American has very rich practice experience in the aspect of avoiding international trading dispute, which deserves us to study further to maintain the national benefit of our country in high limit.


51. In this study we measured the high limit value of blood and urine B2-microglobulin(β 2m) in healthy children, and observed blood and urine β 2m level changes in some common renal diseases in children.


52. Be sure RED reset button ( High Limit Control ) is properly set: push in firmly to reset.


53. Be sure the RED reset button ( High Limit Control) is properly set: push in firmly to reset.


54. As you can see from above, I find it unlikely that the differences between the high and low energy limit will have such a huge effect.


55. ConocoPhillips' chief deserves a pat on the back for deciding to limit high-cost exploration and put more money in shareholders' hands.


56. I have a very high limit on my credit card.


57. Micro Structural Analysis and Strength Study about High Liquid Limit Clay


58. This water heater is equipped with one or more adjustable temperature regulating thermostats and a manual reset high limit control.


59. High costs, in money and energy, limit the usefulness of desalination as a way to provide drinkable water in disaster areas.


60. When the stock exceeds the high limit, an e-mail alert is sent and the script exits.


61. The high limit control can be reset by firmly pushing in the red reset button located on the thermostat .



1. When the Northern Rock bank went bust that year it became obvious that this limit was not high enough to reassure savers, who were then staging a crippling run on the bank.

BBC: Savings protection limit increases to ?85,000

2. The Obama administration wants Congress to require background checks for all gun sales, ban military-style weapons and limit high-capacity ammunition magazines to 10 rounds.

WSJ: Biden: Sense of urgency over gun control measures

3. Just to demonstrate that no matter where you come from, there's no limit to how high you can climb.

BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | David Davis speech in full

4. Health and Human Services officials say competition among insurers, as well as provisions to limit their financial risk from attracting high-cost consumers, will exert downward pressure on premiums, and point to the tax subsidies that will limit many consumers' costs.

WSJ: Health Insurers Warn on Premiums

5. But why limit ourselves to high school?

CNN: Kid, you are not special

6. For instance, new regulations will limit banks from charging high fees on debit card transactions and restrict certain interest rate increases on credit cards.

FORBES: Bank Of America Faces Slow Recovery In Consumer Banking

7. Thomas Frist says he will immediately end doctor-hospital partnerships (and dismantle existing ones), tone down Columbia's high-pressure marketing tactics and limit the firm's expansion into communities where Columbia has met (and often steamrollered) local opposition.

ECONOMIST: American health care

8. On a clear December afternoon, Roger Thomas was completing a four-month renovation of the high-limit slot-machine room at the Wynn Las Vegas resort.

NEWYORKER: Royal Flush

9. Federal regulations would limit how high premiums could rise.

CNN: Commentary: Grateful Dead on health care

10. If your income is too high, you can waltz around the limit by using a dummy donor.

FORBES: Money & Investing

11. While oil prices are high and economic-austerity laws limit increases in public spending, there is more or less enough to go around.

ECONOMIST: Ecuador's economy

12. If the stock rises instead of falling, there's no limit on how high it might go and how much you might lose.

WSJ: Book Review: The Hedge Fund Mirage

13. Many researchers worry however, that this device has a high error rate, which might limit its usefulness.

FORBES: Sequencing A Child's DNA -- And Convincing An Insurance Company To Pay

14. Thanks to Ohio's high unemployment rate, that limit has been waived until October 2011.

ECONOMIST: Poverty looms for the long-term unemployed

15. If the Broadcast Flag cannot be used, program providers will have to weigh whether the risk of theft is too great over free, off-air broadcasting and could limit such high-quality programming to only cable, satellite and other more secure delivery systems.

FORBES: Magazine Article

16. Mr Huhne said the government would aim to encourage new entrants into the energy market, make clean energy more attractive to investors, develop reserve plants to ensure "the lights stay on" during periods of high demand, and limit the amount of carbon emissions from "dirty" power stations.

BBC: Huhne unveils 'seismic shift' in energy policy

17. But when we do alpine skiing, the limit is the 100m-high slope we have.

CNN: Skiing's 'dark arts' to invade Olympics

18. Reforms in the Senate and House bills will impose annual out-of-pocket caps, for the first time placing an upper limit on what individuals with high-cost chronic conditions will have to pay out-of-pocket.

WHITEHOUSE: Passing the Senate Health Reform Bill: One Big Step Forward for People Living with HIV/AIDS | The White House

19. Demography may not be destiny, but it is about to create high barriers for China and severely limit its potential.

FORBES: China's New Census: The Ancient Country Is Growing Old

20. Although it is illegal in America to serve alcohol to people under 21 (an absurdly high age-limit by European standards), teenagers get booze with ease in fraternity houses.

ECONOMIST: Life at university: Raise a fond last glass to Dionysus | The

21. Okay, so way over the protein limit even though the intake of meat isn't so high.

尽管没有摄入过多的肉类,蛋白质还是超出了限制范围关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Then there are the high-fee, low-limit cards, which have gotten some issuers in trouble with regulators.

FORBES: Magazine Article

23. We believe this will limit the business model to high single-digit operating margins.

FORBES: Ciena: Time To Sell, Analyst Says

24. Despite these positive attributes, we have modest expectations for Invokana and the SGLT-2 class because the drug and class are associated with a relatively high rate of genital infections which will limit uptake in our view.

FORBES: Analyst: Higher Rate Of Genital Fungal Infections Could Curb Sales Of New J&J Drug

25. Similarly, if a high balance is reported as your credit limit and your spending is fairly consistent, your utilization ratio will hover near 100% on a monthly basis as well.

FORBES: The Pitfalls of No Pre-Set Spending Limit Credit Cards

26. Many of the foreigners' factories are there because investors in China sought a bolt hole: China has its own high tariffs, many countries limit imports from China, and trade was each year threatened by the annual debate in Congress over the terms of America's trade relations with China.

ECONOMIST: Foreign direct investment

27. But high unemployment could limit growth for some time.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

28. The stronger U.S. dollar index that scored another fresh 7.5-month high overnight continues to limit buying interest not only in gold and silver, but in many other commodity markets, too.

FORBES: A.M. Kitco Metals Roundup: Gold Lower as Stronger Greenback Squelches Bulls

29. Professor Wiseman also recommended that people limit consumption of high calorie foods in general.

BBC: Fried breakfast

30. The bar's policy is no more than three pours of absinthe in an evening, but the amount of time it takes to prepare and drink the spirit, along with its high alcohol content, means the limit is rarely an issue.

BBC: Sydney brings absinthe down under

31. However, a firmer U.S. dollar index that is hovering near a seven-month high continues to limit buying interest in gold and silver markets.

FORBES: A.M. Kitco Metals Roundup: Gold Firmer on Mild Short Covering, Bargain Hunting; Firmer US DX Limits Upside

32. However, he warned that intense competition, changes in the telecommunications market and increasingly high mobile penetration could limit growth.

BBC: China Mobile profits rise in 2011 on data downloads



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