
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈlɪtrətʃə(r); ˈlɪtərətʃə]play美 [ˈlɪtərətʃʊr; ˈlɪtrətʃər; ˈlɪtrətʃʊr]play

  • n. 文学,文学作品;(某一学科的)文献,著述;印刷品,宣传品

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


literature /ˈlɪtərɪtʃə, ˈlɪtrɪ-/

  • 1.
    有变体名词 Novels, plays, and poetry are referred to as literature, especially when they are considered to be good or important. 文学

    ...classic works of literature.



    I have spent my life getting to know diverse literatures of different epochs.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 The literature on a particular subject of study is all the books and articles that have been published about it. 文献

    ...the literature on immigration policy.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 Literature is written information produced by people who want to sell you something or give you advice. 印刷品

    I am sending you literature from two other companies that provide a similar service.





  • n.[语]文学;[图情]文献;文艺;著作

    writing   /   letter


1. literature search 文献检索;文献研究

2. Chinese Literature 中国文学 ; 中国语言文学 ; 中华文学 ; 华文文学

3. popular literature n. 大众文学,通俗文学

4. contemporary literature n. 现代文学

5. history of chinese literature 中国文学史

6. light literature 通俗文学

7. medical literature 医学文献

8. American Literature 美国文学

9. classical literature 古典文学

10. Modernist literature 现代主义文学 ; 现代派文学

11. classical chinese literature 中国古典文学

12. scientific literature 科学文献

13. Chemical Literature 化学文献

14. literature and art 文艺;文学与艺术

15. promotional literature 宣传刊物

16. english literature 英国文学;英语文化

17. world literature 世界文学

18. literature review 文献回顾;文献综述;文献评论

19. technical literature 技术文献

20. comparative literature 比较文学

21. Serbian literature 塞尔维亚文学

22. Comparative Literature 比较文学 ; 对比文学

23. foreign literature 外国文学;国外文献

24. literature survey 文献调查;文学调研

25. ancient literature 古代文学

26. ancient chinese literature 中国古代文学

27. children's literature 儿童文学

28. Argentine literature 阿根廷文学


1. Either an author or a man interested in literature is named a literary man.


2. An Analysis of the Elements of the Literature Readability.


3. He is keenly interested in classical English literature.


4. The origins of hermeneutic thought are traced through Western literature.


5. Experimental presented the literature are used to show validity the proposed model.


6. The girls were given a well-rounded education in science, literature, language, and history.


7. These distinctions are omnipresent in the current literature.


8. She was well educated in literature at a university.


9. The structure of the literature refers to its organization and frame construction.


10. Methods: 14 cases of postoperative complications were analyzed and discussed and the literature reviewed.

方法: 报告14例并发症,并结合文献进行讨论.《期刊摘选》

11. Some companies have toned down the claims on their promotional literature.


12. The relevant English literature was reviewed using MEDLINE and Google search engines.


13. He secured the appointment of professor of English literature in the university.


14. Doctor of Literature (Litt.D.);


15. She set out to create a new literature that was to show'the inside of thing '.

她要创造一种显示“事物内幕 ” 的新文学.《辞典例句》

16. In literature and on celluloid , atonement originates from pangs of remorse felt by an individual.

在文学作品和电影中, 赎罪往往源自一个人深深的后悔自责带来的折磨.《期刊摘选》

17. The specific mode of payment options, in the literature did not give a clear options.

在具体支付方式的选择上, 文献中没有给出明确的选择方式.《期刊摘选》

18. It is necessary for everyone to read poetry, novels, mythology and other types of imaginative literature.

每个人都有必要去阅读诗, 小说, 神话和其他的幻想类的文学作品.《期刊摘选》

19. In English class, the students study grammar and read famous literature.


20. No reference to their existence appears in any literature of the period.


21. He was passionate about all literature.


22. One's appreciation of literature depends on one's level of aesthetic knowledge.


23. Today it is thought to be one of the greatest books American literature.


24. This is Chekhov's contribution to Russian literature.


25. I was asked to lecture on the Arabic literature yesterday.


26. Relevant literatures the relationship between fluorosis and oxidative stress were reviewed.


27. It may not be great literature but it certainly had me riveted!


28. His achivement in language is a great contribution to both language and literature.


29. I got their literature, and the Christadelphian magazine.


30. [B] His concern is mainly with the humanities: literature, languages, philosophy and so on.

[B] 他主要关注人文学科:文学、语言、哲学等。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

31. The German literate reversed this process with the profane French literature.

德国著作家对世俗的法国文献采取相反的作法.《英汉非文学 - 共产党宣言》

32. Three of my roommates have been incorporated into the literature club.


33. That said, Samuel Beckett's work, absolutely unique in literature, fascinates me no end.

比如说吧, 萨缪尔-贝克特的著作在文学中占据独一无二的地位, 一直令我着迷.《期刊摘选》

34. Recent years have seen increased attention being given to thesis writing in the ESP literature.


35. The group wasn't able to interest them in reproducing literature specifically for women.


36. This empirical study, based on the literature review and analysis, mainly analyses factors influencing training effectiveness.

本文根据文献研究和实证研究结果, 主要分析影响饭店培训效果的因素,比较诸因素对培训效果影响的差异.《期刊摘选》

37. But the research literature on discount rate is very few in normal market structure.


38. North American literature is the main theme of this year's festival.


39. I've read all the available literature on keeping rabbits.


40. He was well acquainted with the literature of France, Germany and Holland


41. In his works of literature and philology, there are many quotations from The Book of Changes.

在鲁迅有关文学、字学的著作中, 多处征引《周易》的文字,以《周易》立论.《期刊摘选》

42. Literature is deeply rooted and intertwined with life's totality.


43. Ethan enjoys reading contemporary British literature.


44. The literature on immigration policy is almost unrelievedly critical of the state


45. Here is Professor Johnson's handout on English literature in the 1920 s.


46. In their literature class, they discussed the mystical and the supernatural.

在文学课上, 他们讨论了神秘主义和超自然主义思想.《期刊摘选》

47. Her literary criticism focuses on the way great literature suggests ideas.


48. You really seem to enjoy your literature class.


49. The book is an invaluable aid to teachers of literature.


50. Dream of the Red Chamber is a work of classical Chinese Literature.


51. Because of his association with love, Cupid is quite popular in poetry, literature, and art.

由于邱比特和爱之间的关联,他在诗词 、 文学及艺术作品中都相当受欢迎.《常春藤生活英语杂志-2006年2月号》

52. Read literature and foreign newspapers as a dose of medicine.


53. Teachers are piloting a literature-based reading programme.


54. There's lots of literature on this in the sticky section of 2 p 2.


55. Literature can enrich your spiritual life.


56. There is a fundamental ambiguity in the use of word'whole'in recent holistic literature.

在近代的整体主义著作中, “ 整体 ” 这个词的用法极其含混.《辞典例句》

57. Her literary criticism focuses on the way great literature suggests ideas


58. Primitive Classification written by Emile Durkheim & Marcel Mause is a classical literature in cultural anthropology.


59. The book hardly belongs to literature proper.


60. I was amazed at her knowledge of French literature.


61. This is often done in the literature for reason of a simpler presentation.


62. Literature came nearest to its true function when it dealt with common people.


63. Harriet graduated with a first class degree in literature


64. Much of the literature of resistance grows out of the State's potential for evil.


65. In Indian literature, samsara maintains its original religious meaning.


66. Digging further into the medical literature, I found out there was a scientific explanation for all this


67. It might also be necessary to supply an abstract of the review of the literature as well.


68. The subject boasts of an extensive literature.


69. A purpose the same nature is answered by the higher literature, viz, the literature of power.

高级文学作品, 也就是说神力的文学,能达到同样性质目的.《期刊摘选》

70. Hence, it's imperative that a clear position be given to undergraduate comparative literature teaching.

因此, 给本科生比较文学教学进行单独定位势在必行.《期刊摘选》

71. Methods Literatures of MELD applied in LT retrospectively.


72. Wherever possible, the illustrations are taken from literature.

只要有可能, 例证都取自文学作品.《简明英汉词典》

73. sales literature


74. The rapid progression with metastasis and recurrence of this case is different from the literature review.


75. My father has a good collection of books of classical literature.


76. She has very eclectic tastes in literature.


77. This character type is portrayed in literature and movies as the detached and often aloof professor.


78. 'Wuthering Heights' is a central book in the canon of English literature.


79. The literature concerning leiomyosarcoma of the kidney is reviewed.


80. It is generattempty believed aboard Confucius preserved trap literature of China asaleofficialts.


81. He cared not a whit for the social, political or moral aspects of literature.


82. Great literature is to the utmost possible degree ( Ezra Pound ).

伟大的文学作品是微言大义的作品 ( 艾兹拉·庞德 ).《期刊摘选》

83. METHODS Refered literature and then carried on the summary analysis.


84. He cared not a whit for the social, political or moral aspects of literature


85. In this course we hope to look at literature in the frame of its social and historical context.


86. ...a Professor of English Literature...


87. There is now a significant body of literature on creative industries.


88. Each chapter is referenced, citing literature up to 2004.


89. The work fills ( in ) a gap which has hitherto existed in our archaeological literature.


90. One student commented that she preferred literature to social science.


91. He gave up medicine and took to literature.


92. Chloroma of the testis after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation is particularly sparsely represented in the literature.


93. Figure exaggeration is widely used in literature and oral English.


94. The computational results are provided and compared with the best ones so far in the literature.


95. This paper analyses the class character and literature effects of womans body language in Red Mansion.


96. There is only a reported case in the previous literature.


97. Children's literature is an ideological battleground.


98. This is no way to encourage a love of literature


99. Dickens'novels have enriched English literature.


100. Technical terms are rarely occurrent in literature.


101. Yanbian Literature ( in Korean )

延边文学 ( 朝鲜文 )《期刊摘选》

102. Methods: We referred to and synthesized relevant data and literatures.


103. First the literature of foreign and domestic ADR monitoring organizations is reviewed and analyzed.


104. He was shortlisted for the Nobel Prize for literature several times


105. Don Quixote is an outstanding comedy in the history of European literature.


106. He has an MA in English Literature from Louisiana State University.


107. The book is an invaluable aid to teachers of literature


108. It is a tale which has often been retold within West Indian literature.


109. Although existing literature addresses the management of calculated risks, the management of uncertainties is underexposed.

虽然现有的文献对计划风险的管理进行了研究, 但是对不确定的管理研究还不够充分.《期刊摘选》

110. He was shortlisted for the Nobel Prize for literature several times.


111. Literature resource and selection The related published articles and authoritative works and abroad.


112. As a report in The New England Journal of Medicine concluded, “Pretty much every proposed innovation found in the health policy literature these days is contained in these measures.”

《 新英格兰医学杂志》上的一篇报道总结说:“最近这段时间在医疗政策文献中出现的创新建议几乎都包含在这些措施里。”《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

113. There is good literature in plenty.


114. Tragic literature dignifies sorrow and disaster.


115. In the third part, it introduces her achievement of literature and history.

继而又详细介绍了陈衡哲在文学以及史学方面的成就, 这里的主要依据是她的小说集《小雨点》和史学著作《西洋史》.《期刊摘选》

116. There is considerable confusion in the literature between a computer network and a distributed system.


117. The Grand Tourist was typically a young man with a thorough grounding in Greek and Latin literature as well as some leisure time, some means, and some interest in art.

游学旅行者一般是受过全面的希腊与拉丁文学基础训练的年轻人,时间充裕,家境殷实,并且对艺术有一定兴趣。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

118. Metaphor, being a common rhetoric pattern, is frequently adopted in literature.

比喻是一种很常见的修辞格, 在文学作品中运用频率极高.《期刊摘选》

119. The major emphasis here should be on critical evaluation of the claim and the literature studies.


120. The diversity and richness of the Bible as literature, especially the old Testament, are unparalleled.

作为一部文学作品,《圣经》, 特别是《旧约》的丰富多彩, 是前所未有的.《辞典例句》

121. I am sending you literature from two other companies that provide a similar service...


122. He was well acquainted with the literature of Latin America.


123. Methods Summary and control methods applied based on the analysis of the case and literature materials.


124. My research focuses on the byways of children's literature.


125. The literature on immigration policy is almost unrelievedly critical of the state...


126. In his early days he abandoned medicine for literature.


127. You can't really appreciate foreign literature in translation.


128. However, there are few persons to study the subject and a little of relevant literature.

但是对于“超越人力资源部职权招聘”这一人力资源管理课题, 目前少有人研究,也没有多少相关文献.《期刊摘选》

129. CONCLUSION Compared with the literature the new process is more convenient and the yield is higher.


130. Controvercies abound in the finance literature concerning leasing.


131. The book doesn't pretend to be a great work of literature.


132. He was without question one of the giants of Japanese literature.


133. A great amount of literature compares the rest time of man to nightfall.


134. The difference between journalism and literature is that journalism is unreadable and literature is not read.


135. The first chapter will take a look at works of literature about Xue Chen and trauma.


136. great works of literature


137. This is no way to encourage a love of literature.


138. Jost, F . Introduction to Comparative Literature . Trans . Liao Hongjun. Changsha: Hunan Art and Literature Press, 1988.

弗?约斯特:《比较文学导论》,廖鸿均译. 长沙: 湖南文艺出版社, 1988年.《期刊摘选》

139. At university, Taylor had fallen in with a small clique of literature students.


140. You can read Latin, French, and English literature with appreciation.

你可以阅读欣赏拉丁语, 法语, 英语的文学作品.《期刊摘选》

141. ...classic works of literature.


142. My own preference is for good literature.


143. He has a formidable knowledge of English literature.


144. However, disparity exists between implicitly accepted risks described in aid agency literature and field practice.

然而, 在援助机构著作中描述的人们盲目公认的风险和现场实际情况之间存在着不一致性.《期刊摘选》

145. Fashions in art and literature come and go.


146. Method: Retrieving and reviewing the pertinent literatures of using acupuncture anaesthesia in nasal part operation.

方法: 检索在鼻部手术中使用针刺麻醉的相关文献报道,并进行综述.《期刊摘选》

147. I have access to dozens of databases, journals, and collections of literature right at my fingertips.

我的手指一动,就可以轻而易举地进入很多数据库, 找到大量期刊和文学作品.《期刊摘选》

148. I am sending you literature from two other companies that provide a similar service


149. Authorities in Semitic, Indic and Chinese published its literature.

闪族 、 印度和中国经典著作出版了.《期刊摘选》

150. She lectures in Russian literature.


151. Literature does not exist in some timeless absolute.


152. The book explores the connection between American ethnic and regional literatures.


153. French literature


154. From an early age he showed great interest in the Tale of Genji and other literature.


155. Defamiliarization as an approach to interpret literature will cause a series of problems, even absurd conclusions.


156. Now ask yourself: what is the best piece of literature ever written about jaguars?

现在试问自己: 关于美洲虎,最棒的一篇文学作品是 什么 ?《期刊摘选》

157. Dick thinks of himself as a genius in literature.


158. Humans are unique in their capacity to not only make tools but then turn around and use them to create superfluous material goodspaintings, sculpture and architecture—and superfluous experiences—music, literature, religion and philosophy.

人类却很独特,他们不仅有能力创造工具,而且能反过来运运用这些工具创建出额外的物质产品一一绘画、雕塑和建筑一一以及其他的精神体验一一音乐、文学、宗教和哲学。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

159. English literature is a good foundation.


160. He devoted his life to literature.


161. In science, read, by preference, the newest book; in literature, the oldest.

在科学著作中, 你最好读最新的书; 在文学著作中, 你最好读最古老的书.《期刊摘选》

162. This work is documented in the scientific literature.


163. Chicano literature boomed in the social movements of the 1960 s.


164. She was a scholarly woman who had specialized in Italian literature at university.


165. The work fills in a gap which hitherto existed in our archaeological literature.



1. In other words, it was written directly in the aftermath of a bombshell published by Leon Trotsky called Literature and Revolution in 1926.

也就是说,它是针对,1926年列夫托洛斯基发表的引起轰动的,文学与革命,而写的。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. Many people say that Atlas Shrugged is not very good literature, despite the amazing sales figures.

FORBES: 'Atlas Shrugged' Comes To Detroit

3. Edgar Allan Poe is also remembered for the kind of literature known as detective fiction.

VOA : special.2009.02.02

4. Rather heterogeneous and equivocal stratigraphic definitions were found during the revision of existing literature.

UNESCO: Dublin Core

5. The analytic literature puts the average winning bid at one-third to two-thirds below competitive prices.

FORBES: The Federal Government's Deeply Flawed System For Controlling Medicare Costs

6. The historical novelist is to receive the Award Of Bodley Medal for outstanding achievement in literature.

BBC: Oxford Literary Festival 2013 begins

7. And I taught them history, I taught them literature. And,mythology was always one of my favorite subjects and one of my students' favorite subjects as well."

VOA : special.2009.10.12

8. Yiddish literature


9. I chose English Literature because when I started off a university, I didn't know what it was I wanted to do.

我选英语文学是因为当我刚上大学的时候,我不知道自己到底想做什么。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 为何选那门专业?

10. Like my new book, most of the information can be found in other literature.

FORBES: Seeking Alpha and Discovering the Truth

11. Danijel Djordjic wants to know who was the first American to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

VOA : special.2009.03.13

12. In other words, an enormous variety of aspects of literature, understood as "literariness," can become the dominant.

也就是说,文学的很多方面,也就是我们所说的文学性,都可以占支配地位。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. It's also that knowledge that an educated, sort of belletristic reader of The Saturday Review of Literature would be very, very familiar with.

这也是受过教育,某种研究文学且是,《周六文学评论》的读者所十分熟悉的知识。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Their own product literature makes only vague and unactionable statements about xanthones having antioxidant properties.

FORBES: The Thought Police

15. I'm studying English Literature.


16. The last and best one was the Nobel Prize for Literature in nineteen forty-nine.

VOA : special.2010.01.10

17. Nadine Gordimer gets away with it, but she won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

WSJ: Alexander McCall Smith on Writing Dialogue | Word Craft

18. And if I don't do that. then I will apply to graduate school in comparative literature, probably in California

如果不行的话,我应该会申请去加利福尼亚大学的比较文学研究生院。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 耶鲁的著名人士

19. Geoffrey Hill, 79, who was appointed Oxford professor of poetry in 2010, is knighted for services to literature.

BBC: Search the

20. We all know about "Liebestod" in "Tristan and Isolde," the moments of death in literature which obviously are sexually charged.

我们都知道李斯特创作的《崔斯坦和伊索德》中“,文学中的死亡瞬间由性管控。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. Norwich has a history of encouraging literature and writers, ideas and print for over 900 years.

UNESCO: Norwich named UNESCO Creative City of Literature

22. He's a Montague, you know, like the Hatfields and the McCoys,the warring families two lovers, it's as old as literature that's here.

他姓蒙克特,你们都知道,就像是哈特菲尔德和麦科伊,敌对的家族,两个爱人,和这古老的文学一样。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

23. Finally, I think it can be said that it's a poem whose deepest investmentis actually in Milton's mastery over the entire Western tradition of literature.

最后,我要说的是,这是一首弥尔顿对自身对于现代文学传统的,写作技巧苦心经营的诗。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Yet, some business leaders continue to preach the value of reading books, especially literature.

FORBES: Why Every MBA Should Read More Literature

25. The first Literature Prize will be awarded in March 2014 for books published between January and December 2013.

BBC: Literature Prize secures sponsorship deal

26. Auerbach has written an accessible summary of the literature on the incidence of the tax.

FORBES: Bloomberg's Jonathan Weil Is Simply Wrong Here About Apple's Taxes

27. She was the first American woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

VOA : special.2010.11.14

28. And I majored in English History and Literature, but I was interested in the 16th and 17th centuries.

我当时主攻的是英国历史和文学,而我感兴趣的是十七和十八世纪。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

29. His stories "Where the Wild Things Are" and "In the Night Kitchen" have helped redefine children's literature.

VOA : special.2009.10.05

30. The Stein Roe Young Investor Fund (800-403-5437) offers holiday gift certificates and kid-friendly investing literature.

FORBES: Little acorns, mighty oaks

31. Literature is one of seven creative industry fields which UNESCO recognises through its Creative cities network.

UNESCO: Recognises Dunedin Creativity

32. My research focuses on the byways of children's literature.


33. And the reason is because Daniel is an older apocalyptic, prophetic text that was heavily influenced on early Christian literature.

因为但以理书是更古老的,有关天启预言的文本,对早期基督教文学有深远影响。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. The structural moment of concentration on the code for its own sake cannot be avoided, and literature necessarily breeds its own formalism.

集中在代码上的结构瞬间,因为它本身的原因不可避免,文学必要地导致了它自身的形式主义。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. "They didn't do a lot with really smart girls in literature when I was young.

VOA : special.2009.08.24

36. Others in literature on the list include Booker Prize-winning author Penelope Lively, 78, who is made a dame.

BBC: Search the

37. As a meditation on human mortality, its theme is one of the most common in literature.

WSJ: Meditation on Mortality | Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard | Thomas Gray | Masterpiece by John J. Miller

38. The festival is presenting theater,dance,music,film, literature and art from twenty-two countries in the Middle East and North Africa.

VOA : special.2009.03.11

39. They were either great readers of literature, or they made sure that their advisors were well-read.

FORBES: Freed Thinking

40. These difficulties place Poe's writing outside the main body of American literature.

VOA : special.2010.10.31

41. As for the Literature Prize, only 12 Americans have won it in more than 100 years.

NPR: Is the Nobel Sweep Over for Americans?

42. The idea that literature is an important facet of leadership development is not new.

FORBES: Why Every MBA Should Read More Literature

43. D. in Russian literature in the time it takes to complete the basketball postseason.

WSJ: Jason Gay: NYC's Playoff Double Feature

44. She graduated from Florida State University with a bachelor of arts in English literature.

FORBES: Is Law School Still a Golden Ticket?

45. But,he also said he had "every hope and eager belief" for the future of American literature.

VOA : special.2009.03.13

46. People are accused all the time of misinterpreting economics, yet here are economists misunderstanding literature.

FORBES: Paul Krugman Gets Economics Wrong, The Great Gatsby Too

47. You'll see both terms used on the web, and the literature etc., and think of them as synonyms.

然后把它们当做同义词,现在类的概念。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

48. This year's charitable event will also feature its first programme dedicated to American literature and culture.

BBC: Oxford Literary Festival 2013 begins

49. Caribbean literature


50. In nineteen thirty-five, Ernest Hemingway wrote: "All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called 'Huckleberry Finn.'

VOA : special.2010.03.21

51. Chaucer brought a new stylistic magnificence to Middle English literature.


52. Anything in art,music or literature which is very modern or ahead of its time is called avant-garde.

VOA : special.2010.04.18

53. She said the richness of black culture existed to be enjoyed, celebrated and made into literature.

VOA : special.2009.02.22

54. I see this as a course that's an introduction to the literature of a period, to modern poetry.

我觉得,这只是一门引导性课程,引导大家关注某一时期的文学创作和现代诗歌。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. She learned all she could about subjects that were important to her, such as art and literature.

VOA : special.2009.01.11

56. The scientists, for their part, knew little of art and literature -- or much cared.

FORBES: Digital Rules: The Two Cultures

57. We read the same literature Obama did about nonviolent revolutions Saul Alinsky, Gandhi, Martin Luther King.

NEWYORKER: Covert Operations

58. He also thinks that, as far as writing and literature are concerned, they are unteachable.

NEWYORKER: Live and Learn

59. And Goknar concedes that most Nobel literature laureates are rewarded for a lifetime of achievements.

NPR: Rumblings of Controversy at the Swedish Academy

60. Well,instead of pursuing that example,let me give you a slightly different example that's been discussed a fair bit in the philosophical literature.

这次让我们换个不太一样的例子,这个例子在哲学文献中经常被讨论。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. There's an extraordinary literature, the close concurrent, the close competition for that, the richest literature would be the Spanish Civil War with Orwell, and Borkenau and Brennan.

还有一类好的文学作品,能和一战类一拼高下的,争夺最丰富文学奖,应该就是西班牙内战,有奥威尔,博克南和布伦南1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. Some of us are principled enough to do our jobs for the love of literature alone.

FORBES: Connect

63. Now in addition to defining literature, literary theory also asks questions obviously not unrelated but which open up the field somewhat.

除了定义文学以外,文学理论还提出一些,显然不是不相关,却开辟了新领域的问题。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. There may even be a point where news stories offer links to relevant literature.

FORBES: Shopping via TV

65. The men also downloaded extremist literature such as articles on how to make a bomb.

BBC: Four Luton men posed 'no imminent terror threat'


















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