in circulation是什么意思_in circulation短语搭配_in circulation权威例句

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in circulation


英 [ɪn ˌsɜːkjəˈleɪʃn]play 美 [ɪn ˌsɜːrkjəˈleɪʃn]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. transport in circulation 流通过程运输

2. be in circulation 在流通的

3. amount of currency in circulation 金融 货币流通量 ; 市场货币流通量 ; 货币发行量

4. velocity of currency in circulation 纸币流通速度

5. withdrawal of currency in circulation 通货回笼

6. money in circulation 货币流通量 ; 现金流通量 ; 钱币畅通量 ; 货币流畅量

7. put in circulation 使纸币流通

8. amount of money in circulation 周转中货币量

9. contraction of money in circulation 金融 通货收缩


1. As the medium of exchange, the quantity of currency is from a small amount into large numbers in circulation, and its function has gradually strengthened.


2. 24 of the 25 largest newspapers are experiencing record declines in circulation.


3. Analysis of Risks in Circulation Enterprise's Merger Acquisition


4. About 300, 000 of them are said to be in circulation.


5. Police say a number of forged banknotes are in circulation.


6. His newspaper outstripped its rivals in circulation.


7. The author points out that "reading inside it" helps to solve the problems in circulation work at present.


8. Goods currency declined in circulation with the development of commodity economic.


9. Exploration the Completed Opening in Circulation And the Path Inspiration of the Innovation of Government Trade Rules


10. This atmosphere is not lifted shares in circulation as illusory.


11. The decline in circulation is not so sharp in Japan as in other developed countries, thanks to the home-delivery system.


12. There’s been a dramatic drop in circulation.


13. Issuance of paper money and currency in circulation are two different thing, but with correlative ties.


14. A considerable number of banknotes in circulation are found to be faked.


15. The science and technology at the time the product was put in circulation was at a level incapable of detecting the defect.


16. The supply of money in circulation was drastically reduced overnight.


17. There might be great future to study the endothelial cell in circulation.


18. There are over 84 million pound coins in circulation in Britain.


19. Now they can, and that helps keep the mutation in circulation.


20. Products are whatever is being produced or is already in circulation, involving a certain amount of necessary labor and possessing a certain amount of value.


21. Growth hormone-releasing peptide in circulation mainly reduced by gastric membrane.


22. There is so many creeps in circulation.


23. The supply of money in circulation was drastically reduced overnight.


24. The total money in circulation was 2 dollar as there were only two pieces of 1 dollar coins circulating around.


25. The number of credit CARDS in circulation has declined by almost a fifth.


26. A number of forged banknotes are in circulation.


27. A number of forged tickets are in circulation.


28. Multiply $3 by the more than 5 billion magstripe credit and prepaid cards in circulation in the U.S.


29. Use Right of Farmland in Circulation: Equity vs. Efficiency


30. The most active bill in circulation is this one, which has traveled nearly 5, 000 miles to eight different states.


31. Government warned that there might be many fake $ 10 notes in circulation.


32. They could last longer in circulation.


33. Intelligent card ( IC) is used instead of check or cash in circulation.


34. After a year in the hospital, he's back in circulation.

住了一年医院之后, 他又活跃起来了.《简明英汉词典》

35. The value of euro notes in circulation has also surpassed the value of dollar bills.


36. The ideas have been in circulation for some time.


37. The rest of the plastic money will be in circulation by the end of2013.


38. However, other organophosphates are still in circulation, as are similar compounds called pyrethroids.


39. Now they can and that helps keep the mutation in circulation.


40. When interest rates are cut, the cost of holding money goes down; and more money in circulation means more spending.


41. Anne has been ill but now she's back in circulation.


42. The results show that there is a reliable co integration relationship between the true price level and currency in circulation.


43. According to Morgan Stanley, an investment bank, there could be 10 billion mobile devices in circulation by 2020.


44. Analysis of the Information Sharing Obstacles in Circulation Work of Academic Library


45. We must constantly adjust the amount of money in circulation.


46. Anne has been ill but now she's back in circulation.


47. Most of these bags of PVC material, it in circulation process will be recycled to the greatest extent.


48. Every 7.8 Hong Kong dollars in circulation must be backed by one US dollar.


49. The goods in circulation , and rapid loading and unloading.


50. The library, for its part, got her 10 books back in circulation.


51. Similarly, the course of structural transformation in circulation system, which is the course of advance in whole industry, also reflects the escalation of circulation ability.


52. The performance assessment of business operation personnel in circulation enterprises


53. The largest bill currently in circulation is the $100 dollar bill.


54. An electric fan keeps the air in circulation.


55. There is only 2 dollar in circulation, I think after all the land that B owns is worth at most 1 dollar only.


56. However, currency in circulation is up only 7% in that same time period.


57. Application and Improvement of Automatic ash-polisher in Circulation Fluidized Bed Boiler


58. A number of forged tickets are in circulation.


59. When he died eight years later, his $100m estate was worth more than a tenth of every dollar in circulation at the time.


60. A Discussion about the Librarian's Quality in Circulation Service


61. Eagle gold coins are hard to find in circulation.


62. The purpose of technology innovation in circulation system is higher circulation efficiency and greater circulation ability.


63. There's been a dramatic drop in circulation.


64. About 300,000 of them are said to be in circulation.


65. The introduction of these new security features seems to have reduced the number of forged new notes in circulation.


66. We must constantly adjust the amount of money in circulation.


67. Status and countermeasures of Chinese food safety in circulation and consumption field


68. S. Federal Reserve increases the amount of money in circulation in the coming weeks to stimulate the American economy.


69. Multiply$ 3 by the more than 5 billion magstripe credit and prepaid cards in circulation in the US.

将3美元乘以美国流通的50多亿张磁条信用卡和预付卡。《六级真题- 2015年 6月 3卷 信息匹配》

70. Despite frequent claims that WML is dead, mobile phones are still in circulation that support only WML.


71. This foreign exchange certificate in not in circulation now.


72. He had already heard that various rumors were in circulation about Miss Chalice.



1. Those in circulation at the moment are based on concepts released in 1989.

BBC: Jerriais and new images for notes

2. The study was published in the journal "Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes."

VOA : standard.2010.03.04

3. There are around 20, 000 Mi-17 helicopters in circulation, including in Iran, Thailand, Malaysia, Colombia, Pakistan and Venezuela.

FORBES: Sorry Congress, Defense Dept Sticking With Russian Helicopter Deal

4. Inflation ate away at the value of money in circulation, while wear and tear reduced the amount.

ECONOMIST: Dwindling dinars

5. His policy of expanding "power money"--cash in circulation plus bank reserves--will feed inflation, which is currently at 5.2%.


6. In the United States in 1910, gold bullion reserve coverage was 42% of banknotes in circulation.

FORBES: The 1870-1914 Gold Standard: The Most Perfect One Ever Created

7. It is now Hong Kong's second-biggest newspaper in circulation behind Oriental Daily News.

CNN: Groceries to go

8. Censorship only comes into play once a text has actually been in circulation for a while, only after a number of readers have found a published text to pose a threat.

控制仅仅是一本书已经出版发行一段时间,一些读者已经发现这印刷的文本,造成威胁时才起作用的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. IR The Argentine Central Bank has, at least, one dollar in its reserves for every peso in circulation.


10. Still, with more than seven million bitcoins in circulation, Nakamoto had created thirty-five million dollars of value.

NEWYORKER: The Crypto-Currency

11. As a result, it is losing its grip on the amount of liquidity in circulation.

ECONOMIST: The Chinese fear inflation; the Japanese long for it

12. However, Hoggart refrained from using the more polemical terminology that was in circulation at the time.

UNESCO: The Uses of Richard Hoggart

13. It is thought that around 500, 000 rifles and handguns are in circulation in Cambodia.

ECONOMIST: Cambodias city of guns

14. The US Federal Reserve has a system to control the amount of currency in circulation.

FORBES: Yes, Spanish Crisis Has Triggered the Euro's Endgame

15. All bitcoins now in circulation were originally created by this process, which is known as mining.

FORBES: Four Reasons Bitcoin Is Worth Studying

16. Even helmets, of which there are tens of thousands in circulation, are bringing higher prices.

FORBES: Collecting Evil

17. Like swaps on interest rates and foreign currency, credit swaps outstanding dwarf the underlying bonds in circulation.

FORBES: Magazine Article

18. Last year Visa processed 77.6 billion transactions and had around 2 billion cards in circulation.

FORBES: Visa Touts Plastic, Mobile Payments In Cash-Only Myanmar

19. Officers fear dozens of baby bottles covered with the same plastic stones could also be in circulation.

BBC: 'Bling' dummies seized from Kempton Park market

20. When the Treasury spends, it adds to the supply of money in circulation.

ECONOMIST: Heterodox economics

21. At its peak in the 1970s, Reader's Digest boasted a circulation of 17 million in the United States alone, and its international editions sold millions more copies in many languages.

VOA : standard.2010.03.08

22. Economists use this measurement when they are trying to quantify the amount of money in circulation.

FORBES: INTERVIEW: Inflation Should Not Be A Problem For U.S., Canada, Gold Prices To Rise -- Dundee's Murenbeeld

23. More than 30 billion rupee notes are in circulation, a total growing by 11% a year.

ECONOMIST: Filthy lucre

24. Picture desks were today busy negotiating for the pictures and new snaps in circulation.

CNN: Nude Harry photos: How UK tabloids lost their sting

25. By the 1770s, Newbery's groundbreaking books were in circulation in the colonies in both imported and pirated editions.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Minders of Make-Believe'

26. These cells around the outside form the interface, the placenta, where the maternal blood circulation meets the embryonic circulation and nutrients are passed back and forth that way in a very highly regulated and important way.

外层的细胞形成接触面,即胎盘,是母血与胎血,进行血液交换,及营养物质交换的场所,整个过程高度有序并且非常重要生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. There are already lots of such ammunition clips in circulation, and they are not hard to make.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

28. Please go get the clicker at the Bass Circulation Desk, and they should have enough everybody in the class.

去巴斯借书处领取表决器吧,应该每人都能领取到一个关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. On the secondary market, government bonds already in circulation are traded by banks and other financial institutions.

BBC: Italy's borrowing costs surge after election stalemate

30. It's catchiness, rather than proof of their effectiveness, that keeps them in circulation at many companies.

WSJ: How to Ace a Google Interview

31. Its timing was perfect - it was still in circulation during the 1963 assassination of President John F Kennedy.

BBC: Director John Frankenheimer dies

32. the speed of the money circulation of economy fell to the lowest level in fifty years.

现金流转的速度,降到了50年来的最低点。经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

33. There is only one possible outcome from leaving the unwanted currency in circulation.

FORBES: No, Brad DeLong, There Is No Draghi Claus

34. The only successful writers were those whose pieces were directly responsible for increases in circulation.

FORBES: Inside Forbes: Reinventing Personal Brand-Building By Learning From the Masters

35. "It was pretty much of a shock when I got here." "I mean,if you're going to talk to some of your friends of some of the stuff you saw and you can't describe the smells, the feeling of the heat on your body and the sweat running down your back, the smell of the pus that hits your nose of unwashed bodies in a closed room, the circulation, the smell of your own panic when you're not sure what to do" Other doctors in the film echo Dr.Krueger's sentiments.

VOA : standard.2010.06.29

36. Scotland's city evening papers have suffered sharp falls in circulation over the past year.

BBC: Sharp fall in city evening newspaper sales

37. She issued a warning that other potentially fatal drugs may be in circulation and should not be taken.

BBC: Police outside the flat in Witham



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