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英 [ʃeɪk]play美 [ʃeɪk]play

  • n. 酋长;族长

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shaikh /ʃeɪk/



1. shaikh al-akbar 大长老

2. Ahsan Shaikh 标签

3. Akbar Shaikh 沙伊克

4. Shaikh Dhiyab bin Isa 迪亚布·本·伊萨

5. Soohail Shaikh 沙伊克

6. Akmal Shaikh 沙伊克 ; 阿克毛 ; 沙伊克先生 ; 阿克毛·沙伊克

7. Shaikh Khalifah bin Shakhbut 哈利法·本·谢赫布特

8. nasir shaikh 沙伊克


1. His supporters argued that Shaikh was mentally ill, and that Chineseofficials did not take his mental condition into account when trying him.


2. Shaikh also said the president may hope to enhance his own standing, which is not that strong back home, and that of the political leadership vis-à-vis the military.


3. Lnspector Shaikh knows how to stick it to you.

我知道怎么盯着你们。《provided by jukuu》

4. After Akmal Shaikh, the mentally ill man, is executed tomorrow - you are on short rations for a year!


5. According to the family law of Tujia nationality, the clan regulation is the code. Shaikh is the leader of whole family and has absolute power.


6. Shaikh, who is imprisoned in the isolated north-western city of Urumqi, was the victim of an elaborate ruse to exploit his mental condition, say his supporters.


7. Mr. Shaikh appeared in court later on Wednesday.


8. Axact has filed several pending lawsuits, and Mr. Shaikh has issued vigorous public denials, to reject accusations by media competitors that the company is being supported by the Pakistani military or organized crime.


9. Shaikh landed in Urumqi airport on 12 September and was arrested after his suitcase was scanned.


10. "Shaikh Isa was oblivious to the fact that he was sitting on a volcano," Daly wrote.


11. British news media carried a statement by the Chinese embassy, saying that Shaikh brought into the country more than 4,000 grams of cocaine, enough to cause almost 27,000 deaths.


12. Lawyers warn that Akmal Shaikh, 53, who has delusional psychosis, could be shot dead in jail after reports that his second appeal has failed.


13. I do remember Mr Akmal Shaikh although it is several years since I last saw him.


14. A man prays at the Shaikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi in preparation for Ramadan.


15. The British Embassy in China and a British organization have suggested a psychiatric examination of Akmal Shaikh through his entrusted lawyer.


16. In an interview in November 2013 about Pakistan's media sector, Axact's founder and chief executive, Shoaib Ahmed Shaikh, described Axact as an "I.T. and I.T. network services company" that serves small and medium-sized businesses.

2013年11月份,在一个关于巴基斯坦媒体部门的采访中,Axact公司的创始人、首席执行官沙耶布·艾哈迈徳·谢赫(Shoaib Ahmed Shaikh)表示,Axact是一家“IT和IT网络服务公司,”面向的是中小型企业。

17. Mr Shaikh was executed on Tuesday in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang province.


18. Shaikh, who is married to an Englishwoman and has five children, genuinely believed the gang were his friends and were grooming him for pop stardom.


19. "Cement plant producers can now focus on optimizing the process rather than designing the basics of the control system, " said Moin Shaikh, Siemens cement industry marketing manager.

西门子水泥工业部营销经理Moin Shaikh表示:“水泥厂生产商现在可以把重点放在优化进程,而不是基本控制系统的设计上面。

20. the company's lawyer said. In his interview with The New York Times in 2013, Axact's chief executive, Mr. Shaikh, acknowledged that the company had faced criticism in the media and on the Internet in Britain, the United States and Pakistan, and noted that Axact had frequently issued a robust legal response.


21. China executed Akmal Shaikh, a British citizen, in December in spite of claims he was mentally ill and a plea for clemency from Gordon Brown, Britain's prime minister.

去年12月,中国处决了英国公民阿克毛·沙伊克(akmal Shaikh),尽管据称沙伊克患有精神疾病,而且英国首相戈登·布朗(Gordon Brown)请求中方宽大处理。

22. Pakistani television networks broadcast images of the room, and of Mr. Shaikh, wearing a black polo shirt with the Axact logo, being led to a car waiting outside the office.


23. Mr. Shaikh has vehemently denied any wrongdoing but admitted some involvement in the online degree business.


24. Mr Akmal Shaikh was my registered patient with his family when he lived in London.


25. A judge granted the Federal Investigation Agency custody of Mr. Shaikh and the four other executives until June 4.


26. Akmal Shaikh was my registered patient with his family when he lived in London.


27. That is why we don't like our murids to give all their money to the shaikh.


28. I saw my shaikh in a brilliant vision, standing on the hill. He called to me and said, 'Abdullah Effendi, come.


29. However, he was not allowed to interview Mr Shaikh or attend the judicial hearing.


30. Emails sent by Shaikh to the British embassy in Warsaw in 2007, when he appears to have been befriended by Polish heroin traffickers he met in the city of Lublin, expose his vulnerable state of mind.


31. The president's trip and comments also are ed to a domestic audience with an eye on Pakistan's powerful military establishment, said Pakistan expert Farzana Shaikh of London's Chatham House research center.

伦敦智库查塔姆(chatham house)研究中心巴基斯坦问题专家Farzana Shaikh表示,巴基斯坦总统的访问和评论也吸引了一些国内观众对巴基斯坦有利的军事建设的关注。

32. Two months after his arrest Shaikh was sentenced to death.


33. Akmal Shaikh's relatives have written to the Foreign Secretary David Miliband urging him to order an inquest.


34. The fourth case is a 30 years old female from Kafr El-Shaikh Governorate. She developed symptoms on 7 March and was hospitalized on 15 March.

第四位病例为来自Kafr El - Shaikh省的一名30岁女子,她于3月7日出现症状,3月15日入院。

35. Akmal Shaikh& Now that is a fine old British name.


36. Britain had long argued there were strong signs Mr Shaikh suffered from a mental condition and that this should have prompted an act of clemency.


37. I read your article on Akmal Shaikh with interest.


38. Since then, federal investigators have sealed Axact offices in Karachi and Islamabad and requested help from Interpol and the F.B.I. Mr. Shaikh sought to defend himself in a series of television interviews and video appeals, and he asked the courts to halt the investigation.


39. There, his passport was taken by some unnamed men, although Shaikh seems unperturbed because at that stage he believed he was on the brink of international fame and "would not need it".


40. The old Shaikh of the clan picked me to be his heir to succeed the sovereign of Shaikh.


41. Q: It is reported that the British citizen Akmal Shaikh who was sentenced to death filed an appeal to the court in Xinjiang, but the appeal was rejected. Please confirm that.


42. I read your article on Akmal Shaikh with interest. It says the Chinese will face serious consequences if the execution goes ahead.



1. Khuram Shaikh, who graduated from Salford University, was shot and stabbed when he and his Russian girlfriend, Victoria Aleksandrovna Tkacheva, were attacked.

BBC: Sri Lanka murder victim Khuram Shaikh's brother speaks out

2. Separately, Mr Shaikh's cousins - who had made a failed last-minute attempt to plead for his life in China - expressed their "anger and disgust" at the execution.

BBC: Akmal Shaikh's family 'outraged' over China execution

3. "When parents have so many competing demands for such limited amounts of financial resources, buying multivitamins may not take top priority, " worries Shaikh.

CNN: Study: Kids who need vitamins not getting them

4. The once-unknown fruit vendor's actions stirred hope and courage, and that, Shaikh said, is part of his legacy.

CNN: A year later, Bouazizi's legacy still burns

5. Instagram user Shazia Shaikh took a photograph from the office where she works at Heathrow Airport of emergency vehicles surrounding a plane.


6. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Salman Shaikh.


7. Shaikh Abdul Mannan, a senior official at Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha, the government agency responsible for building safety in Dhaka, said the building didn't conform to the national building code.

WSJ: At Least 200 Die in Bangladesh Building Collapse

8. Among those who attended, according to U.S. and Malaysian officials: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Ramzi Bin Al-Shibh who would later outline how they carried out the September 11 attacks.

CNN: Uncovering Southeast Asia's jihad network

9. "Qatar has something of an image problem with the rebels in the field" in Syria, said Salman Shaikh, director of The Brookings Doha Center in Qatar.

NPR: Qatar Faces Backlash Among Rebel Groups In Syria

10. To be sure, if Khalid Shaikh Mohammed goes to trial in civilian court, he might again plead guilty.


11. All that after such a bright start for Pakistan at the Shaikh Zayed stadium, with Tanvir making a superb impression on a long overdue international debut.

BBC: South Africa take control against Pakistan in Abu Dhabi

12. Mr Shaikh's family were "begging" the Chinese authorities to show compassion and consider his mental health problems, he added.

BBC: Briton faces execution in China

13. Mr Brown went on to say that he has recently met the Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar and Finance Minister Abdul Hafeez Shaikh.

BBC: Ex-PM Gordon Brown speaks out on Pakistan schools

14. "If there are certain actions these regimes are taking which are beyond the pale, people are not willing to accept that, " Shaikh said.

CNN: A year later, Bouazizi's legacy still burns

15. Al-Nusra is not part of the coalition but has fought against Syria's government and, consequently, has support among Syrians sympathetic to the rebellion, Shaikh said.


16. Mr Danczuk will be accompanied by Mr Shaikh's brother, Nasir, who has been campaigning for the killers to be brought to justice.

BBC: Khuram Shaikh murder: Brother visiting Sri Lanka

17. The Shaikh family also said it was "particularly distasteful" that judges at an appeal hearing laughed openly at Akmal's rambling speech as he pleaded for his life.

BBC: Akmal Shaikh's family 'outraged' over China execution

18. That impression continued despite the late intervention of Shoaib Shaikh, who hit two sixes off Patel and another off Collingwood, en route to 37 off 35 balls.

BBC: England collapse to heavy defeat

19. Mr Shaikh seems to have been duped by drugs gangs.

ECONOMIST: China's smile diplomacy shows its teeth

20. "It comes down to an existential struggle, " said Salman Shaikh, director of the Brookings Doha center.

NPR: Turkey Says It Won't Be Drawn Into Syria Conflict

21. Legal charity Reprieve has been working with Mr Shaikh and the organisation said a stay of execution was still possible.

BBC: Akmal Shaikh's family visit ahead of planned execution

22. Reprieve said Mr Shaikh's last chance appears to be clemency because China has formally signed the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

BBC: Briton faces execution in China

23. Bergen doubted that the plot's true masterminds -- Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Ramzi Binalshibh -- will be brought to justice.

CNN: Moussaoui curses America but judge gets final word

24. "It's very important, " says one student, 20-year old Waseem Shaikh.

BBC: MPs call for money lessons in schools

25. Shaikh has no doubt Kairos fellows will lead that wave.

FORBES: The Kairos Society: Turning Dreams Into Businesses

26. Put simply, Shaikh Shams says, for him, this work is personal.

BBC: Imams tackle domestic abuse after wife murder

27. However, Khalid Shaikh Mohamed, who gave the al-Jazeera interview with Mr bin al-Shibh, and who is believed to have succeeded Mr Zubaydah, is still at large.

ECONOMIST: A breakthrough

28. They said Mr Shaikh's clothes had been laid out for collection when they met him for the last time.

BBC: Akmal Shaikh's family 'outraged' over China execution

29. Britain had also called for clemency for Akmal Shaikh, a Briton caught smuggling heroin into Xinjiang.

ECONOMIST: China's smile diplomacy shows its teeth

30. Reprieve said Dr Peter Schaapveld, a forensic psychologist, believes it was very likely that Mr Shaikh's strange behaviour was "influenced or caused by" his mental illness.

BBC: Briton faces execution in China







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