
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [mætʃ]play美 [mætʃ]play

  • n. 比赛,竞赛;火柴;敌手,旗鼓相当的人;相配的人(或物);非常相似的东西;婚姻,配偶;适合,匹配
  • v. 比得上,敌得过;使成对,使相配,使相称;与……一致,与……相符;使较量,使竞赛;适应,满足;等额提供

复数 matches 第三人称单数 matches 现在分词 matching 过去式 matched 过去分词 matched

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


match /mætʃ/ CET4 TEM4 [ matching matched matches ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A match is an organized game of tennis, football, cricket, or some other sport. 比赛

    He was watching a football match.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A match is a small wooden stick with a substance on one end that produces a flame when you rub it along the rough side of a matchbox or a matchbook. 火柴

    ...a pack of cigarettes and a book of matches.


  • 3.
    相互动词 If something of a particular colour or design matches another thing, they have the same colour or design, or have a pleasing appearance when they are used together. 和…相配

    "The shoes are too tight."—"Well, they do match your dress."

    “这双鞋太紧了。” — “不过,它们确实和你的裙子相配。”


    All the chairs matched.


  • 4.
    动词词组 Match up means the same as . 和…相配

    The pillow cover can match up with the sheets.


  • 5.
    相互动词 If something such as an amount or a quality matches with another amount or quality, they are both the same or equal. If you match two things, you make them the same or equal. 与…一样; 使一样

    Their strengths in memory and spatial skills matched.



    Our value system does not match with their value system.


  • 6.
    相互动词 If one thing matches another, they are connected or suit each other in some way. 使对应

    The students are asked to match the books with the authors.



    It can take time and effort to match buyers and sellers.


  • 7.
    动词词组 Match up means the same as . 使对应

    The consultant seeks to match up jobless professionals with small companies in need of expertise.



    They compared the fat intake of groups of vegetarians and meat eaters, and matched their diets up with levels of harmful blood fats.


  • 8.
    单数型名词 If a combination of things or people is a good match, they have a pleasing effect when placed or used together. 相配的人或物

    Helen's choice of lipstick was a good match for her skin tone.


  • 9.
    及物动词 If you match something, you are as good as it or equal to it, for example in speed, size, or quality. 比得上

    They played some fine offensive football, but I think we matched them in every department.


  • 10.
    →see also   matched matching




  • vt.使比赛;使相配;敌得过,比得上;相配;与…竞争

    equal   /   rival

  • vi.比赛;匹配;相配,相称;相比

    suit   /   balance

  • n.比赛,竞赛;匹配;对手;火柴

    competition   /   game   /   tournament   /   play   /   contest


match competition contest game 【导航词义:比赛,竞赛】

match n. [尤英] 比赛

〔辨析〕 通常指体育比赛,一般在两人或两队之间进行。

例1: There is a tennis match tomorrow.


例2: How many matches are there this season?


competition n. 比赛,竞赛

〔辨析〕 指体育比赛或知识、技巧等方面的比赛。

例1: The swimming competition has started.


例2: He was the winner of that photography competition.


contest n. 比赛,竞赛

〔辨析〕 尤指某种技能活动或体育运动的比赛。

例1: The spelling contest will take place at our school next week.


例2: Are you going to attend the talent contest?


game n. 比赛

〔辨析〕 泛指有一定规则的比赛,如游戏、体育运动等。

例1: She prefers to see games on TV with her family.


例2: What's the result of the Spain's World Cup game against France?



1. warm-up match 热身赛

2. league match 联赛

3. Match Point 导演伍迪 ; 迷失决胜分 ; 赛末点

4. match condition 符合条件

5. boxing match n. 拳赛

6. Match play 比洞赛 ; 对抗赛 ; 而在竞赛玩法 ; 逐洞赛

7. color match 色比配

8. mix and match 混合搭配

9. football match 足球赛;足球比赛

10. shooting match ◎射击比赛

11. have a match 比赛;进行一场比赛;举行一场比赛

12. match color 配色 ; 匹配颜色 ; 颜色匹配 ; 调配色彩

13. match play 比洞赛(一种高尔夫球比赛方式);对抗赛;一对一比赛

14. Football Match 足球比赛 ; 足球赛事 ; 足球赛 ; 足球角逐

15. Grudge Match 旗鼓相当 ; 旗鼓相当的比赛 ; 夺魂竞技场

16. no match for 无法对抗

17. exact match 准确匹配

18. friendly match 友谊赛

19. match up 使相配,使协调

20. best match 最佳匹配

21. The Little Match Girl 卖火柴的小女孩 ; 卖火柴的 ; 小女孩

22. PARIS MATCH 巴黎竞赛 ; 巴黎比赛 ; 巴黎竞赛报 ; 巴黎竞赛杂志

23. match ban 禁赛命令 ; 禁赛令 ; 禁赛号令 ; 禁赛

24. match with 使和……相匹配

25. phase match 相位匹配,相匹配

26. final match 决赛

27. match point 比赛中为获胜所必需的最后一分;决胜点

28. Perfect Match 最佳男朋友 ; 豆浆油条 ; 完美组合

29. well matched 相称,相配




boxing match 拳击比赛

chess match 国际象棋比赛

tennis match 网球比赛

wrestling match 摔跤比赛


strike a match 划火柴


bad match 糟糕的搭配

good match 不错的搭配

perfect match 绝配


1. (British English)a football match


2. She bought more fabric in the same design so she could make matching curtains and cushions.


3. He was injured early on and didn't last the match.


4. The curtains and carpet are a good match.


5. Their four-hour match on Centre Court was an epic.


6. The chameleon changes colour to match its surroundings.


7. Winning the match was just reward for the effort the team had made.


8. Several weeks after the match, he was still nursing a shoulder injury.


9. (North Amercian English,British English)a tennis match


10. He went in struck a match and lit a candle to give light.


11. a box of matches


12. He met a powerful opponent in the match.


13. These will make the game even more bespoke to the player's match day needs.


14. Marathon Runner: Longest total distance traveled in the match.

马拉松: 总距离最长的比赛.《期刊摘选》

15. He will be no match for them; he is still wet behind the ears.

他不是他们的对手, 他还不成熟.《期刊摘选》

16. He more than a match for me.


17. On Sunday 11 June we have a tuff match against Serbia & Montenegro.

6月 11日 (周日)我们将进行首场小赛,对手是塞黑.《期刊摘选》

18. M: It's funny you ask that because I never have this moment when I feel, “Ah, I've finished!” I watch footballers at the end of the match, you know, the whistle goes and they've won or lost.

男:你这么问很有趣,因为我从来没有感到过:“啊,我完成了!”我看着比赛结束时的足球运动员,你知道的,哨声响起,他们或输或赢。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

19. If you change one match, the house may change the direction.

如果你动一根火柴, 房子就可以改变方向.《期刊摘选》

20. As a team, we accommodated him because we knew he could win matches for us.

作为一个球队, 我们在适应他.因为我们知道他能帮我们赢球.《期刊摘选》

21. He first matched the observed data with an empirical expression.


22. You can mix and match courses to suit your requirements.


23. A shadow jury is also selected to match the profile of the actual jurors.


24. Wilson was a second string for New Zealand in last week's match.


25. It's going to be a great match.


26. Take that box of matches from the boy.


27. I had finally met my match in power and intellect.


28. You're no match for him; phe plays tennis far better than you.

你不是他的对手, 他打网球比你强得多.《辞典例句》

29. The match gave a last flare.


30. I've found a vase that is an exact match of the one I broke.


31. This is a box of matches.


32. Have you got a match, Boss?

老板,有火柴 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

33. Second half, in green city guard Cao Xuanzi going wrong, helps the match to level score.

下半场, 绿城中后卫曹轩自摆乌龙, 帮助对手扳平比分.《期刊摘选》

34. The match ended in a goalless draw.


35. The Japanese file formidable opponents and they got off to a flying start in the match.


36. Wang Ping: He refused to be interviewed together with Montya after a match.

王平: 在一次比赛之后,他竟然拒绝和蒙托亚一起接受记者采访.《期刊摘选》

37. He had a physical strength that matched his outward appearance.


38. That match was a classic.


39. Jo and Ian are a perfect match for each other.


40. Let's get matched festival jackets.


41. The police were expecting trouble after the match.


42. Combined harmonic wavelet packet with matching pursuit, an adaptive decomposing method was presented.

将谐波小波包与匹配追踪方法相结合, 提出了谐波小波包自适应分解的新方法.《期刊摘选》

43. But Petronas cannot match the salaries dangled by rivals, since It'sticks to Malaysian pay scales.

但是马来西亚国家石油公司的薪资并不能和竞争对手有竞争力的薪资相提并论, 因为它坚持马来西亚的薪级.《期刊摘选》

44. He struck a match, and held it at arm's length.


45. They played harder and we weren't match their intensity.


46. The will of the people are the ambush in the dark night, most fearful match.

人心才是埋伏在黑夜中, 最可怕的对手.《期刊摘选》

47. All the chairs matched...


48. The match was so wonderful that he was totally carried away.


49. Hand-held guns proved no match for heavy armor.


50. He was watching a football match.


51. His cigarette went out and he hurried to find matches.


52. Body cut to match new fender flares.


53. A polarimetric adaptive matched filter with the coherent radar against a gaussian background is presented.


54. They kept a clean sheet in the match.


55. The profits made in the first year have never been matched.


56. The team gave a good account of themselves in the match.


57. Establishing a System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting to Match the Demand of Sustainable Development.


58. Matches at the end of a buffer only ( the same as').

只匹配缓冲区的结尾 ( 和'相同 ).《期刊摘选》

59. I am no match for her.


60. I was his match at tennis.


61. Match and mirror their movements. Sit like they sIt'speakas fast they speak.

同步或镜像他们的动作, 包括相同的坐姿、接近的语速等.《期刊摘选》

62. The match ended in a two-all draw.


63. Her brother had found his match.


64. What is worth mentioning is Ding Junhui's match Harold also with machine arrives at Shanghai.


65. Barring rum, his match were never seen.

除了朗姆酒, 谁都不是他的对手.《英汉文学 - 金银岛》

66. Meanwhile, an adaptive matching approach was stated to obtain the final watermark from several candidates.

同时, 设计了一种自适应匹配方法,从多个侯选水印中计算出最终水印.《期刊摘选》

67. Can you spare me some matches?

能让给我几根火柴 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

68. The match was finely balanced throughout.


69. New information is matched against existing data in the computer.


70. The 2 groups were similar in terms of matched criteria.


71. Investment in hospitals is needed now to match the future needs of the country.


72. But their method matched the chaos of the situation.


73. Moira was a perfect match for him.


74. The highlights of the match will be shown later this evening.


75. The finals of the Championship begin today, matching the United States against France...


76. Axis Flammenwerfer Range increased to match Croc flamer range. Increased upgrade price to 125 Munitions from 100.

喷火车的射程增加到和鳄式相同. 升级消耗弹药从100增加到125.《期刊摘选》

77. As a couple they are not very well matched.


78. Child as she was, she was more than a match for him.

她虽然是一个小孩, 却胜过做他的对手.《期刊摘选》

79. But make sure that you are supervised, because you will need to use matches.

不过请确保你的实验有人指导, 因为你需要用到火柴.《期刊摘选》

80. He was watching a football match...


81. He tries to match up to the situation.


82. The match flared and went out.


83. The two sets of figures don't match.


84. We badly need to get a result from this match.


85. Emma is an identical match to Angela's victim composite.


86. Recognize also that your opponent is very likely to play better as the match progresses.


87. The control cabinet and transformer in the same Ex Works number shall be used for matching.


88. Bill is no match for his younger brother at chess.


89. He won't be fit to play in the match on Saturday.


90. Put a match to the jet to light the gas.


91. Passwords do not match. Please retype identical passwords in both boxes.

密码不匹配. 请在两框中键入相同的密码.《期刊摘选》

92. After the match, I was bathed with sweat.


93. When a cigarette love with match, it is destined to be hurt.

当香烟爱上火柴, 就注定要受到伤害.《期刊摘选》

94. Your plan should also match your interests and needs. are you learning this language?


95. I was no match for a man with such power...


96. The aim of the competition is to match the quote to the person who said it.


97. Our value system does not match with their value system.


98. Dante : Well , you might as well forget it. Cuz, you no match for him.

嗯, 你最好把这事给忘了. 因为, 你跟本不是他的对手.《期刊摘选》

99. The rickshaw pullers all had matches, but only two rickshaws had lamps.

车夫全有火柴, 可是只有两辆车有灯.《汉英文学 - 围城》

100. The teacher set aside the papers the was marking and reached for his cigarettes and matches.


101. He bowed to his opponent finally in a close match.


102. The vase is one of a matching pair.


103. Who has bagged my matches?


104. It should be a humdinger of a match.


105. They abandoned the match because of rain.


106. Instead, he struck a match and lighted the gas.

相反, 他划了根火柴,点亮了煤气灯.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

107. Still, now the criteria for declaring two prints to be a match vary widely.

而如今, 宣布两枚指纹完全相同的标准有很大差别.《期刊摘选》

108. And the match like three seconds. It's over in three seconds.

比赛过程不到三秒钟. 三秒钟就结束了.《期刊摘选》

109. They played some fine attacking football, but I think we matched them in every respect...


110. In terms of his professional abilities, he's just no match for you.

论工作能力, 他根本不是你的对手.《期刊摘选》

111. The curtains and carpet are a good match .


112. We need rice and eggs, and matches.

我们需要米,鸡蛋, 和火柴.《期刊摘选》

113. The match defense is very crowded, can only carry on some attack under ours oppression.

对手的防守很密集, 在我们的压迫下只能进行一些反击.《期刊摘选》

114. You are no match for him.


115. Lewis is matched against the WBO's heavyweight champion, Tommy Morrison.


116. He struck a match to light the room.


117. He needs to win this game to stay in the match.


118. The Zheng clean next round's match will be Japanese veteran Ai Sugiyama.


119. The company was unable to match his current salary.


120. The company matched the discount policy of its competitors.


121. Helen's choice of lipstick was a good match for her skin-tone...


122. Their strengths in memory and spatial skills matched...


123. Many of the matches were fixed.


124. He has a bright future, but is no match for Dwight Howard.

这个的意思应该是他有光明的前途, 但不是神兽对手.《期刊摘选》

125. I was no match for him at tennis.


126. We will try to match you to employers with the vacancies you are looking for...


127. It's too late to go to the football match now; besides, it's beginning to rain.

现在去看足球比赛太晚了; 况且老天又开始下雨了.《现代汉英综合大词典》

128. I've umpired a cricket match for them.


129. With practice you may then be able to match the WR speed through a particular corner.


130. Is the match on Saturday at home or away?


131. You can think of it as a big cage match.


132. The two teams were well matched.


133. It was only a friendly match.


134. Her nails were painted bright red to match her dress...


135. The students are asked to match the books with the authors...


136. The hostname on one router must match the username the other router has configured.


137. They are playing an important match against Liverpool on Saturday.


138. Our stock of matches is used up.


139. The match will be broadcast live to several different countries.


140. The Scots won their match against England.


141. He should have won the match ─ it was a near miss.


142. The colours were an exact match.


143. France won the match 28-19.


144. To improve the adaptability and the robustness approximate string match algorithm and DTW algorithm are synthesized.


145. The whole box of matches is wet.


146. Unless the team of England improves its game, it's going to lose the match.

英格兰队再不改进打法, 就会输掉这场比赛.《期刊摘选》

147. But Joe needs some match fitness.

但是乔科尔需要出场适应比赛. ”《期刊摘选》

148. Itmay also require a different casing, CPU, memory, hard drive, etc. to match the new motherboard.

它也可能需要不同的外壳, CPU, 内存, 硬盘驱动器等,以适应新的主板.《期刊摘选》

149. She found two spent matches.


150. He served 20 aces in the match.


151. Matches at the start of a buffer only ( the same as').

只匹配缓冲区的开始 ( 和相同 ).《期刊摘选》

152. They won because they maintained a strong fighting will throughout the match.


153. At night, a match that stayed lit long enough to light a target for the enemy.

在夜间, 如果火柴燃烧的时间过长,就会暴露目标,使自己成为敌人的靶子.《期刊摘选》

154. to strike a match (= to make it burn)


155. Allows precise adjustment of beam height to match samples of different dimensions.


156. Richard was five years younger than him, but no match intellectually or physically for Robert Kincaid.

理查德比他小五岁, 但是无论在智力上或是体力上都不是罗伯特.金凯的对手.《英汉文学 - 廊桥遗梦》

157. What are you doing with those matches? Give them to me.


158. Sulphur matches were used to transfer the fire from the tinder to light a spill.


159. Pele played for the Brazilian teams in many important matches.


160. He struck a match to light the candle.


161. There's an exciting match on at Wimbledon right now.


162. The match had to be carried over until Sunday.


163. How animals alter colors to match their surroundings.


164. He's no match for me.


165. She played badly in the first set, but then she turned the tables on her opponent and won the match.

第一局她打得很糟, 可是后来她扭转局势赢了这场比赛.《简明英汉词典》

166. Inside diameter of fitting should match inside diameter of pipe as specified by purchaser.


167. to put a match to sth (= set fire to sth)


168. Two groups of seismic ground acceleration histories are synthesized to match the same acceleration response spectrum.


169. ...a packet of cigarettes and a box of matches.


170. His record has never been matched.


171. The Little Match Seller is a story that shows how hard poor live.


172. We gave them a drubbing in the match on Saturday.


173. Finally turn the card frame round, showing that all the cards are matched right columns.

完成后把胶架反转过来, 观众会发现二行卡片的排列原全相同!《期刊摘选》

174. to win/lose a match

赢得 / 输掉比赛《牛津词典》

175. The flare of the match lit up his face.


176. Arsenal dominated the first half of the match.


177. All the students as as they could to win the match.


178. The match has been postponed to a later date.


179. What happened in those matches?


180. Tonight is the biggest match of his career.


181. In the center of the top section, there is a matching pin cushion too.


182. To adjust intensity match the situation.


183. She was accused of tanking the match.


184. The two teams seemed evenly matched but Arsenal came off second best.


185. The team will be back at full strength for the next match.


186. The position of formal and actual parameter must be matched.


187. Maktoum scored 189 matching the total that Mark Russell of Australia reached in Sydney in 2000.


188. He appeared relaxed and confident before the match.


189. He might even be a match for Big Harry.


190. British number one bid today against American Robert Kendrick, with the match third on Centre Court.

英国一号选手穆雷今天出赛,对手是美国人坚迪克, 比赛安排在中心场地第三场进行.《期刊摘选》

191. He has found his match.


192. She needs to win the next two games to save the match.


193. To win the match, you must shoot more balls into the hole than your opponent.

为了获得台球比赛的胜利, 你必须比你的对手把更多的球打入球洞.《期刊摘选》

194. I participated in every single match possible.


195. I saw the box match on TV.


196. Aeronautical ground facilities must be upgraded to match the increased size and performance of future aircraft.


197. I try to take everything board that I see in training and in the matches.


198. We must hope for our success in the next match.



1. These colours don't match.


2. In addition, the employer has to match this so that both the employer and the employee have to do it.

此外,雇主也得遵循此法律,这样雇主和雇员都得这么做。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. But it still expects to match its results from the last Winter Games.

VOA : special.2010.02.10

4. It makes no sense. You want to match the product with the use."

VOA : special.2010.06.01

5. The 22-year-old England fly-half played 40 minutes in the A League match in Henley, which Wasps lost 27-13.

BBC: Danny Cipriani returns for Wasps after broken leg

6. Find a match and the two sides retreat to a secure area to talk specifications and price.

FORBES: Hello brain. Good-bye rules.

7. These are people who do not just win a tennis match, they do not just win a Grammy.

这些人可并没有赢了网球比赛,或是刚得了格莱美奖。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

8. When farmers buy their inputs, the store worker uses a mobile phone camera to scan barcode symbols that match the product.

VOA : special.2010.05.11

9. They convicted us of guilt; Bid me strike a match and blow.

他们宣告我们有罪;,让我划一根火柴把火吹着。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. A lot of this is just like the timing is off and our relationship just doesn't match.

这项工作很难,经常会出现,不论多久,关系就是调理不好的情况。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

11. Invented in a pub in the 1970s, toe wrestling plays out very much like a traditional arm-wrestling match.

BBC: The UKs highly unusual athletic games

12. The 21-year-old came off the bench against Saracens on Saturday to create Charlie Sharples' match-winning try.

BBC: Henry Trinder aims to up for lost time with Gloucester

13. So Thomas said something which was true, but it doesn't quite match with the definition of a dominated strategy.

托马斯所说的是对的,但这的确劣势策略的定义不太相符博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Last Week,D.C.United defeated a top Italian team, A.C.Milan in a friendly match.

VOA : special.2010.06.02

15. It's not just for a pre-match meal but to make sure we can avoid the holiday traffic.

BBC: Worcester need time says Dryden

16. The match has been rained off.


17. Chelsea and Club America will meet in their final tournament match, also Sunday,in the new NFL Stadium for the Dallas Cowboys.

VOA : standard.2009.07.25

18. the pre-match bevvy


19. "Hopefully the match after the internationals I will be fit so that's what I'm aiming for, " said Ferdinand.

BBC: Ferdinand targets early comeback

20. Doctors can collect it with a needle. But people who donate marrow must first have tests to make sure they are a good match for the patient.

VOA : special.2009.12.16

21. If a lender agrees to a reduction, the government would partly match the amount.

VOA : special.2009.02.20

22. And: "All around, people looking half-dead, walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head."

VOA : special.2009.06.22

23. and the ones who've got the most runs at the end win the match.

哪个队最后得分最多就赢。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 板球的规则

24. No team has ever gone on to win the tournament having lost a pool stage match.

BBC: Boks defeat still hurts - Vickery

25. The difference between the actual and predicted points produces the points residual for the match.

FORBES: The Premier League's Over & Under Performing Clubs - August 2012

26. The defender was on hand to convert Brian Howard's right-wing corner with four minutes of the match remaining.

BBC: Leicester 1-2 Reading

27. What kind of college is a good match for a frail, introverted guy like myself?"


28. The third and final match between the two sides is in Grenada on Wednesday.

BBC: SPORT | Cricket | Windies halt Bangladesh

29. So it's always that classic match-up of just like opposites, but it's great to watch and everything.

所以这又是一个经典的两极绝配,很好看的一部剧。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 喜欢的电视节目

30. If you find a match, will help you handle tax and payment matters.

FORBES: Finding Affordable Home Care For Your Parents

31. England has many artistic landmarks, but few can match the literary cachet of Haworth Village.

BBC: The perfect trip: Yorkshire

32. The team is a tough match for the pitcher.

VOA : special.2010.06.18

33. The match has been moved to an earlier time.


34. But in practice, it's really easy to say this person doesn't match in there but does match up along so many dimensions.

但在现实生活中,人们总是会找这样的借口,这个人在这一方面不行,可还有很多方面适合。扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

35. I pick up things from thrift stores and charity shops, and just mix and match basically.

我从旧货店和慈善商店里淘些衣服,基本上只需要混搭一下。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 推荐古老店铺

36. The Lions last toured Australia in 2001, losing the series one match to two.

WSJ: British and Irish Lions Beat Barbarians in Hong Kong

37. Here we're talking about a hydrogen atom and that's what we'll focus on today. And it's incredibly precise and we're able to make the predictions and match them with experiment.

是一个氢原子,我们今天都主要讨论它,它非常准确,我们可以做出,预测与实验比较,此外。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

38. But within a minute of Flanagan's kick, the match got the try it desperately needed through Faletau.

BBC: Magners League: Ospreys 16-21 Dragons

39. Horses watch the few cars speeding past with the attentiveness of spectators at a tennis match.

BBC: An Icelandic journey to the centre of the earth

40. His popularity among the fans is eroding, as he is still without a win in an official match.

BBC: Ziese feels Ghana heat

41. If you want to record a marathon Conquest match in Battlefield 3, have at it.

FORBES: NVIDIA's 'ShadowPlay' Brings Effortless Gameplay Recording To The PC Masses

42. The match has been postponed.


43. I shouldn't say list, those two tuples, and walk through them to find the pieces that match up.

除数数组进行对比,我不该说数组的,是元组,遍历这两个元组找到相同的元素。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

44. The hawk says he is a fool who tries to match his strength with the stronger.

鹰说,我是一个愚蠢的,妄图与强权较量的傻子古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. In terms of story and concept, it's a film few can match in originality.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

46. Based on that, the feds could arrest a number of people on alone!

FORBES: CNBC Stock Challenge to Resume Sunday, You Ready?

47. It beams first to your computer, then to a secure server, which verifies you match your signing pattern.

FORBES: Ten O'Clock Tech: The Smartpen

48. But the decision went to the Television Match Official and he decided the score was good.

BBC: Clermont Auvergne 37-27 Wasps

49. And what is more, they actually invited me at once to join them, as though politics and I were a fit match.

更甚之,他们其实曾邀请过我加入他们,因认为我是块政治的料子。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. But they will do that in a very particular way, in that only strands that exactly match will be able to reform their native structure.

但是双链的形成也不是随意的,只有完全互补的单链之间,才成重新恢复到它们原先的结构生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. The first team to remove 25 marbles wins the match and moves on to the next bracket.

BBC: Knuckle down at Englands World Marble Championships

52. Watching sumo, among the most amusing moments is the post-match interview with the winner.

FORBES: Of Sumo and Japanese Government Finances

53. And millions of Americans listened to the boxing match in nineteen twenty-six between Jack Dempsey and Gene Tunney.

VOA : special.2010.12.30

54. You could not get anything for him to risk money on but he would match you.

VOA : special.2009.08.29

55. You could match the personality as much as you want, but it's still not Napoleon.

你想匹配多少人格都可以,但他仍旧不是拿破仑。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. Sometimes,one of the wrestlers would be paid before the match to take the fall.

VOA : special.2010.02.21

57. In head-to-head match-ups, the rural voters surveyed split evenly between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican McCain.

NPR: Poll: Rural Voters Not Reliably Republican in 2008

58. Cipriani was named on the bench for last weekend's league match with Leicester, but was an unused substitute.

BBC: Danny Cipriani returns for Wasps after broken leg

59. During a fight, the wrestlers use moves that would never be permitted in a real wrestling match.

VOA : special.2010.02.19

60. His success shows, as one newspaper reports, that "The United States has men to match its rockets."

VOA : special.2010.07.07

61. Fifa's disciplinary committee studied footage of the post-match press conference and found no grounds to take any action.

BBC: World Cup 2010: Referees must be tougher - Elano

62. The giants like IBM and HP have skills in networking and servers that Tucci cannot match.

FORBES: Magazine Article

63. In the Pacific Northwest, Pinot Gris is renowned as the dream match for the oily richness of salmon.

FORBES: White Wine From a Black Sheep

64. Jean-Philippe Genevois and Joe van Niekerk scored tries for Toulon who were outclassed for most of the match.

BBC: Munster 45-18 Toulon

65. Like last year's Charity Shield match, this year's event passed off with few problems involving rival fans.

BBC: Car thieves targetted but few arrests



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