perceived value翻译_perceived value短语搭配_perceived value权威例句

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perceived value

网络 感知价值;顾客感知价值;认知价值;知觉价值

英 [pəˈsiːvd ˈvæljuː]play 美 [pərˈsiːvd ˈvæljuː]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Perceived Value Pricing 价值定价法 ; 代价定价法

2. perceived value of contributing 感知到的贡献的价值

3. Customer Perceived Value 顾客感知价值 ; 顾客认知价值 ; 价值 ; 是顾客感知价值

4. perceived value to the institution 该机构的感知的价值 ; 被认为价值的机构

5. perceived-value pricing 认知价值定价法 ; 价值定价 ; 知觉价值订价法

6. Perceived value of knowledge 知价值

7. perceived customer value 价值

8. High Perceived Value 高感知价值 ; 感知价值高

9. Disproportionate customer-perceived value 顾客价值


1. The Effect of Customer Relationship on Customer Perceived Value in Service Firms


2. C2C Online Shopping Evaluation System Based on Customer Perceived Value


3. On this basis, the article presents the countermeasures for how to enhance PFS customers of perceived value.


4. By making digital music purchases more accessible, it should raise their perceived value, leading to more sales.


5. Namely, information sharing and cooperative behavior influence customer perceived value positively.


6. Perhaps the perceived value of the download information isn't commensurate with visitors' willingness to provide registration information.


7. Somehow though, the perceived value of money eclipsed the real value of time.


8. There are significant difference in Efficiency, Quality, Cost, Service value between expected value and perceived value.


9. An Empirical Study on Third Party Logistics Enterprise Customer Perceived Value


10. What can you offer that is high perceived value, high margin, and low redemption?

你可以提供的是高预期价值, 高利润, 低偿还率的服务 吗 ?《互联网》

11. Value is also influenced by marketing practices -- for example, branding -- that attempt to increase the perceived value of a product.


12. Perceived value include social value, emotional value and perceived costs.


13. Book Pricing Method Research Based on Customer Perceived Value


14. Strategies of Improving Library User's Perceived Value


15. The five elements of mutual respect between organically linked to a perceived value coordinate system.

这五个方面的基本内容相互之间有机地联系在一起,从而构成人们心目中的 “ 价值坐标系统 ”.《互联网》

16. The perceived value of getting the code right instead of making it pretty is not unique to the university.


17. Research on Medical Service Management Based on Customer Perceived Value


18. The factors and characteristics that influence perceived value are discussed.


19. Personally, I'm looking forward to death of the term 'perceived value', which has plagued publishing for too many years.


20. Results indicate that store image has positive effect on perceived value.


21. How to explode the perceived value of your offers!


22. Perceived momentum = perceived value .

感知到的势头=感知到的价值 。

23. If the costs outweigh the benefits for an individual, the perceived value of the offering will be low and it will be unlikely to be adopted.


24. Analysis about Customer Satisfaction basing on Customer Perceived Value Positive Compare


25. A Study on Acceptance Behavior of Mobile Commerce User based on Perceived Value and Trust


26. Comprehensive Evaluation of Medical Customer Perceived Value Based on Fuzzy Integral


27. Come up with a free or deeply discounted product or service that has a high perceived value for the consumer with a low dollar cost for you.


28. So, it is very important to study the Customer perceived value based on the service quality.


29. Research on the Perceived Value of Indoor Air Quality


30. Perceived value is everything, so perhaps it's worth it to some people.


31. They have positive effects on customer perceived value.


32. This law can also increase the perceived value of information.


33. Instead, I'm talking about offering customers more perceived value at less cost to them and you.


34. The Research on Dimensions of Customer Perceived Value of Green Products


35. An Empirical Research of Customer Satisfaction after Service Failure and Recovery Based on Perceived Value


36. If this is the case, you need to ask for less information or increase the perceived value of the information being offered to the visitor.


37. Customer cost has negative effect on perceived value.


38. Whether does the perceived value impact on the purchase intention?


39. Brand and experience are two important factors which can drive and create customer perceived value.


40. Research on Customer Perceived Value and Purchase Decision Based on Cue Utilization Theory


41. Perceived value has a direct positive effect on user satisfaction in the asynchronous model.


42. Research on the Product Innovation of Outbound Study Tour Based on Perceived Value


43. Scholars from different countries start to research in the area of customer perceived value.


44. Pricing starts by driving the customer perceived value of our Software.


45. The simple is seen as common sense and by definition, since it’s ‘common’ sense, it’s perceived value is diminished.


46. The Laureate also has a 421A tax abatement that keeps common charges reasonable and enhances the perceived value.


47. The Research of Relationship between Customer Perceived Value and Brand Equity


48. The product signals and retailer signals have great influence on the evaluation of consumer perceived value.


49. It's about perceived value.


50. To the high technology readiness group, flexibility, personal customization, image-building have positive impacts on perceived value.


51. And it will be much easier to map the business model to user perceived value.


52. What can you offer that is high perceived value, high margin, and low redemption?


53. The customer value is customer perceived value, namely the comparison between customer perceived benefits and customer perceived sacrifices.


54. The higher Customer Perceived Value of students is, the higher student satisfaction is.


55. How to explode the perceived value of your offers!


56. Customer Perceived Value and Marketing Strategy in the Apparel Consumption Market


57. Software has a high perceived value.

软件具有高价值感。《provided by jukuu》

58. Your expertise must have socially perceived value.


59. In particular, Dr Alter and Dr Oppenheimer have demonstrated that the perceived value of a dollar changes with the form that dollar takes.


60. The price also reflected Genentech's perceived value of the drug compared with other cancer treatments.


61. Perceived value. The customer wants real value for their money.


62. Port relationship quality has great influence on the perceived value of the customer.



1. As the perceived value of paper currencies erodes, people increasingly want the real deal.

FORBES: Is Your Gold Worth The Paper It's Printed On?

2. These flows are, in turn, affected by the performance and perceived relative value of other investments.

FORBES: Muni Bond Manager's Journal: Seasonal Affective Disorder

3. Amazon was altering the perceived value of e-books just as it had with physical books, and this particular demonstration of predatory behavior worried publishers for a couple of reasons.

ENGADGET: Editorial: Bring on the digital overthrow of publishing

4. The 700 MHz auction is expected to last longer, given thee greater number of participants and the higher perceived value of the spectrum.

FORBES: Peeking Into The Spectrum Auction

5. The second problem facing ticket buyers is a bit fuzzier: Perceived value.

FORBES: Buying tickets? Avoid a Foul Deal and Get a Fair Price

6. Ultimately, the industry itself loses out because it creates an arena where a lower perceived value for the service itself cuts across all the vendors.

FORBES: IT services are not like baseball caps

7. The perceived value of active defense has to be weighed against the risk and cost.

FORBES: Caution: Active Response to Cyber Attacks Has High Risk

8. Our perceived value and worth as employees is inextricably tied to our salary.

FORBES: Connect

9. Perhaps it has more to do with engineering and design excellence, with the user experience, with the coolness factor, with the perceived value, and with the desire to support a better future for America that we hope to pass on to our children and to their children.

FORBES: How Much Electricity Are You Paying For To Maintain Your Chevy Volt?

10. Moreover, the further into the future the cash flow, the more its perceived value is affected by falling rates.

FORBES: Gold Mining Stocks Are An Increasingly Attractive Opportunity

11. We're lookin' to you to spill the beans on picture quality, customer service, uptime, perceived value -- the down and dirty details that can only be found by interrogating others.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

12. For example, again thanks to Big Data, every Web ad you will soon see on Facebook and across the Web will have been bid upon in real time by advertisers who will pay based upon your perceived value as a potential customer.

FORBES: The Age of Big Data

13. And, in a worst case for Mr Murdoch and News Corporation, where the reputational damage to his organisation continues to magnify, the delay could become semi-permanent - if, for example, the perceived value of BSkyB rises beyond what News Corp would or could pay.

BBC: News Corps bid for BSkyB jeopardised

14. These numbers reflect a very impressive growth rate, and rise in the perceived value in the amount of information gathered about its users.

FORBES: Facebook Valuation: We Don't Know What We Don't Know

15. Hedge funds are lined up to buy it for no other reason than to protect the perceived intrinsic value of their own franchises.

FORBES: The $3 Billion Birthday Party

16. In a research note, Boyd suggests that the perceived value of social networking sites has increased by six to eight times in the last year.

CNN: Social networking fuels new Web boom

17. Instead of swiping strangers based on attractiveness, Tinder users could swipe based on perceived networking value.

FORBES: Not Just For Hookups: Tinder Looks To Conquer Business Networking

18. This lower perceived value has damaged the ability of studios to close large deals on a global basis.

FORBES: The Future Of Netflix Ummm Qwikster

19. Part of the reason that this isn't enough is because we believe that the perceived value of digital delivery is actually less than packaged media.

ENGADGET: Amazon & iTunes drop digital download prices. Still cost too much

20. But there are steps product managers and designers can take to enhance the perceived value.

FORBES: The Psychology Behind The Best Business Strategies

21. One can create extraordinary value by either increasing the perceived value through quality, exclusivity, and desirability or by reducing the price.

FORBES: Department Store Pricing -- No Easy Task (Part 4 Of 4)

22. Zen Monkey Meditating Sock Hanuman Decide perceived value.

FORBES: Four Simple Steps To More Conscious Spending

23. Have a series of complex patients reviewed, analyzed, and then offered a management plan from Watson vs. several cancer experts, then judge which recommendations are more helpful to physicians and patients (based on perceived value by the recipients of those recommendations or, ideally, by treatment outcome).

FORBES: Is IBM's Watson in Jeopardy? This Oncologist Thinks So!

24. But they might notice that the rise in the share price, and in the wealth of management, is all to do with the perceived value of an asset, 45% of Verizone Wireless, which Vodafone doesn't actually manage.

BBC: Why break up bid for Vodafone looms

25. In particular, Dr Alter and Dr Oppenheimer have demonstrated that the perceived value of a dollar changes with the form that dollar takes.

ECONOMIST: The value of a coin or banknote depends on its familiarity

26. The chart at right shows that this investment is paying off: the operating system is actually a bigger purchase factor for Android buyers than it is for iOS buyers, which indicates that it makes a big contribution to perceived value.

FORBES: Has Apple Fallen?

27. Extraordinary value is created when the price is below the perceived customer value.

FORBES: Department Store Pricing -- No Easy Task (Part 4 Of 4)

28. Traditional cable service is based on charging based on the perceived value of content HBO costs a lot more than C-SPAN even though they may consume identical amounts of bandwidth.

FORBES: More on Bandwidth Caps and Price Discrimination

29. Generally, the ability of an association to grow its membership is a function of the perceived value it can deliver.

FORBES: How to Dramatically Grow an Association's Membership and Sponsorships

30. Also falling were consumer scores for brand image, quality, credibility and perceived resale value, among other attributes, according to Brandimensions.

FORBES: Magazine Article





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