dig at翻译_dig at短语搭配_dig at权威例句

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dig at

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  • 挖苦,讽刺:以嘲笑或讽刺的方式表达对某人或某事的不满或不赞同。

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. dig at mathematics 钻研数学

2. to dig at a subject 刻苦钻研某科

3. For at holde dig tæt 为了靠近你

4. take a dig at sb 挖苦

5. make a dig at 挖苦


1. A mole can dig at a rate of 3.5m per hour.


2. Americans are always quick to have a dig at the British


3. That calls into question the widely held view that Africa was the birthplace of modern man, said Gopher, who headed the dig at Qesem Cave.


4. I can speak the language very well, but she still couldn't resist taking a dig at my accent.


5. I'm not afraid to dig at myself as I try not to take myself too seriously.


6. So, what they do is, the first time they might scratch at the bars, push at the ceiling, dig at the floor, howl, etc.


7. She never fails to get in a dig at me, if she has the chance.


8. You've said you want a relationship with America that is "solid but not slavish," which was interpreted as a dig at Tony Blair.


9. I couldn't resist a dig at Pablo when his team lost the match, after he'd been saying that they'd win easily.

巴布罗说过他们队会轻松取胜。当他们输掉了比赛时我忍不住讥讽了他。《provided by jukuu》

10. All right. I'm off to dig a hole at Emily's.


11. He is always having a dig at underachieving students.


12. He never fails to get in a dig at her if he has the chance.


13. It was a playful dig at how some Chinese people are desperate to show they have powerfulfamily members.


14. While China's individual investors appear unconcerned about financial problems overseas, Chinese official media aimed a quiet dig at US and European difficulties.


15. And in what may have been a subtle dig at Putin, he suggested that Russia focus on accessing foreign capital, technology, and ideas, rather than "puffing out its cheeks" to threaten others.


16. That was meant to be a dig at me.


17. And Hobbes here takes a dig at the defenders of the view, in his own day, that only the citizens of a republic can be free.


18. That last remark was a dig at me.


19. Last week, when Almaty and Beijing gave presentations to about 85 of the I.O.C. members, Almaty's, which featured numerous photographs of deep snow-another apparent dig at Beijing's bid-seemed well received.


20. But at least at the beginning, when we approach the book, we should stay on its surface, not dig at least initially too deeply.


21. Having delivered his dig at Fan Po - wen , he glanced at Tu Hsin - to and then Lin Pei - shan .

当下他既给了范博文一针, 转眼就从杜新箨脸上看到 林佩珊 身上.《子夜部分》

22. That was a dig at me.

那话是挖苦我的。《provided by jukuu》

23. But at least at the beginning, when we approach the book, we should stay on its surface, not dig at least initially too deeply.


24. Mr Romney, in a dig at Mr Santorum, whose campaign is known for its conservative stances on abortion and religion, said a lot of issues had been discussed in the campaign but I keep bringing it back to jobs and the economy.


25. She couldn't resist a dig at Dave after his unfortunate performance.


26. He made a big dig at his boastful brother.


27. That was a dig at me.


28. The teacher shouldn't dig at his pupils.


29. Was this a dig at him?


30. She's taking a dig at her boyfriend again. How long can they stay together?

她又对她的男友冷嘲热讽了,他们还能在一起多久 呢 ?《辞典例句》

31. So, what they do is, the first time they might scratch at the bars, push at the ceiling, dig at the floor, howl, etc.


32. That was meant to be a dig at me.


33. Even so, some people, including some musicians and violist themselves, have made a dig at it by creating jokes.


34. Despite the subject matter of Jackson's portraits, David feels that the commissions were almost a dig at his critics.


35. Was this a dig at him?

这话是在挖苦他 么 ?《互联网》

36. That is a dig at the Prime Minister.


37. She couldn't resist a dig at Dave after his unfortunate performance.


38. That last comment may be a dig at Google's Android operating system for smart phones.


39. In fact, this president runs on what's become known as Clinton standard time-a dig at MR clinton's habit of being late for most things.

事实上,这位总统先生却是按众所周知的克林顿标准时间来行动的&一种对克林顿总统屡屡姗姗来迟的微词。《provided by jukuu》

40. The teacher shouldn't dig at his pupils.


41. She said that she would dig at American literature


42. Mr Carney, who once played ice hockey for Harvard, not only stood firm when Mr Dimon unleashed a tirade in front of two dozen other bankers but also hit back 48 hours later with a speech that warned against backsliding and a pointed dig at his critics.


43. 'That was not only a retort to the Obama campaign, but a dig at Sen. Obama's own experience as a community organizer in Chicago.


44. Fans interpreted it as a competitive dig at Romo's previous mate, who is a vegetarian.


45. This was both a dig at America (with its big current-account deficit) and a statement of startling complacency.


46. I had a quiet dig at him.


47. Adopting the statistics methods, such as related analysis and regression analysis, this paper has a dig at the relationships between brand marketing execution system and brand competitiveness.


48. However, the company will not insist on applying its own business model to markets it does not know, says Mr Ma, in a dig at US rivals.


49. Jose Mourinho has taken a dig at Arsene Wenger ahead of Wednesday's Champions League group games, claiming he succeeds under far greater pressure than the Frenchman.


50. Have a quiet dig at sb.


51. I'm quite sure that Sam wasn't having a dig at me.


52. It wants the G20 to focus on avoiding protectionism a dig at the US decision last week to impose higher duties on Chinese tyres.


53. The Mole made a great dig at the water with the oars, but the oars never touched the water at all.


54. That last comment may be a dig at Google's Android operating system for smart phones.


55. She said that she would dig at American literature for her exam next year.


56. About 10 { 3 years ago, archaeologists began to dig at Olympia.

大约一百年前, 考古学家在奥林匹亚开始了发掘工作.

57. Taking a dig at the products Apple launched last month, he said: "A new pencil or bigger iPad alone were not relevant enough."


58. And Hobbes here takes a dig at the defenders of the view, in his own day, that only the citizens of a republic can be free.


59. Dig in at the side of the row and lever the fork back to lift the soil.


60. At first the kitten might scratch at the bars, push at the ceiling, dig at the floor, howl, etc.


61. I had a quiet dig at him.


62. This was both a dig at America ( with its big current-account deficit) and a statement of startling complacency.


63. That last remark was a dig at me.


64. The owners have provided a black marker pen for visitors to add their own flourishes to the leaders' photos, and there's a less-than-subtle dig at the US underfoot, with American flag doormats.


65. The Mole flung his sculls back with a flourish, and made a great dig at the water.


66. But despite Mourinho's good intentions, the Blues chief could not resist having a dig at Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez earlier this week.


67. Before that, Lee made a dig at her single status, asserting that people without children are not qualified to talk about education policy.


68. Pet female iguanas will often spend hours searching the house for a "good" nesting spot, and will often dig at walls, carpets, the floor, Windows, and in potted plants.


69. The Mole made a great dig at the water with the oars, but the oars never touched the water at all. The Mole's legs flew up above his head, and he found himself lying on top of the Rat in the bottom of the boat.


70. He makes a dig at me.



1. So, what they do is, the first time they might scratch at the bars, push at the ceiling, dig at the floor, howl, etc.

起初小猫可能会抓栏杆,推顶棚,挖底板,吼叫等等。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. In part, that is a dig at News 24, a round-the-clock news channel, which is a bugbear of Mr Smith's.


3. Google's response is a subtly effective dig at Viacom's own failings.

ECONOMIST: Viacom and YouTube

4. He then seemed to launch a dig at the Court for agreeing to hear the case in the first place.

CNN: Obamacare at the Supreme Court in less than three minutes

5. "By doing the dig at this stage, it will save us from any surprises further down the line, " he said.

BBC: Derby

6. Mr. Kau co-founded "Blacks Only" nine years ago in a dig at exclusive white clubs of the apartheid era.

WSJ: South Africa Gets Some Comic Relief

7. He got in his own dig at George Osborne's difficulties, saying "people will be tested on the judgements they made".


8. The second Arum quote is a dig at Top Rank rival Golden Boy Promotions, founded by De La Hoya, which has worked with Mayweather in recent fights.

FORBES: Manny Pacquiao Climbing Back Into The Ring With Status As Boxing Megastar At Stake

9. At the scene of the dig south of the capital, Elena and the other family members present were resolute in their determination to find clues as to the fate of their family members.

VOA : standard.2009.12.18

10. He also got in a dig at certain TV call-in shows for creating hostility between quake victims and authorities.

CNN: Quake Politics

11. This is an evident dig at Israel's conduct in the Palestinian occupied territories, as well as at America's actions in Iraq.

ECONOMIST: A preview of a report that may help to rescue the rule of law

12. In 1996, her "Guys Do It All the Time" hit No. 1 and its dig at male chauvinism endeared her to females.

NPR: Singer Mindy McCready Dies In Apparent Suicide

13. The BBC correspondent in Havana, Michael Voss, says Cubadebate takes a dig at all the failed real life attempts to kill Cuba's former president.

BBC: Fidel Castro in the 1960s

14. Corry also had a sly dig at Tigers prop Martin Castrogiovanni for the swallow-dive he used when touching down for a try late on.

BBC: Tigers glad to end Wasps 'voodoo'

15. But at least at the beginning, when we approach the book, we should stay on its surface, not dig at least initially too deeply.

但至少在一开始,当我们着手阅读时,我们应该要停驻于其表面,不要一开始就深探。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. Campaigners who marched in Newport want detectives to dig at possible burial sites at Gurnard and Parkhurst Forest.

BBC: March for Isle of Wight missing boy Damien Nettles

17. However a three-week dig at the site of the medieval Greyfriars church - now a council car park - last summer, quickly revealed remains of the church.

BBC: Richard III buried in 'hastily dug untidy grave'

18. No one took this as anything but a dig at Mr Lafontaine.


19. And Hobbes here takes a dig at the defenders of the view, in his own day, that only the citizens of a republic can be free.

在他的时代,霍布斯为他的观点极力辩护道,只有共和制下的人民才是自由的人民。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. But otherwise, it appeared to go well, including an unintentional dig at a competing social network service.

FORBES: Connect

21. And then on Tuesday, it was another light dig at NBC's poor performance.

CNN: Leno swings at NBC as Fallon jokes about move

22. And it took the opportunity for a dig at the government, which said last summer that there was no reason to see that six-month limit as posing problems.

ECONOMIST: Green.view

23. Kaley Hall from Cowes organised the march via Facebook when she heard police would not dig at the sites.

BBC: March for Isle of Wight missing boy Damien Nettles

24. The dig at Burrough Hill, near Melton Mowbray, has uncovered one of the biggest collections of Iron Age metalwork found in the East Midlands.

BBC: Leicester

25. "You may be able to get power and beauty in an electric car, " he said in an obvious dig at rival electric car company Tesla.

BBC: Fisker ready for March production

26. It recommends that IPCC chairs serve no more than one six-year term, a thinly veiled dig at the current chair, Rajendra Pachauri, now on his second term.

FORBES: The Global Warming Establishment Needs More than Cosmetic Fixes

27. Preparations for an archaeological dig at a site earmarked for a new railway station are due to begin.

BBC: Northampton Railway Station: Preparations for dig

28. Staying true to his macho style, Yu also used this opportunity to take a dig at the Galaxy S III's price-to-performance ratio.

ENGADGET: Huawei's D1 Quad now available in China for $425 unsubsidized

29. Cheney said some people are more interested in reading terrorists their rights than protecting the United States, an obvious dig at the new administration.

CNN: Panetta: I'd shun controversial interrogation techniques

30. Last autumn, the dig at Vindolanda brought a more unsettling discovery.

BBC: Walking Hadrians Wall

31. I'm sure the critics will have a dig at it.

BBC: Avram Grant needs new West Ham players to gel quickly

32. But maybe at this point it really is time to dig in our heels.

或许在这点上,的确是该坚持己见了。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. Given the tensions, why give up the chance to take a dig at Turkey?

CNN: War-torn Syria issues travel warning against Turkey

34. It also ought to forswear divisive attacks on job creators, like the dig at CEO salaries at the very top of the White House State of the Union page.

FORBES: President Obama's State of the Union? Hyper-Regulated





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