people persons翻译_people persons短语搭配_people persons权威例句

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people persons

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  • 喜欢与他人在一起的人:喜欢与他人在一起或与他人交谈的人。

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. friendly people and approachable persons 我爱

2. People are usually persons 人们通常以貌取人


1. Their level of malaria knowledge needs to be raised, especially in young people, women and persons with low education level.


2. Specifically, the risk of dying for overweight persons was 17 percent lower than for people of normal weight.


3. Property rights not only protect people against other persons but serve as a bulwark against state power.


4. An aircraft owned by Agni air with over a dozen people onboard crashed in Makawanpur in central Nepal early Tuesday, local media reported. A total of 14 persons have been killed.


5. Some people envy rich persons.


6. In the real life people often have different facets that they share with different persons whereas on friend-networks such as FriendFeed, it is impossible to choose one facet of a person.


7. The prophet bid all people to become good persons.


8. Lnduces people to shoot persons in high places.

导致人们在上层人物开枪。《provided by jukuu》

9. Some people say that older persons are no use for the world, but I entirely disagree with them.


10. People usually paint businesswomen as bossy persons, but actually many of them are easy-going and gentle.


11. Assists in prevent undesirable persons and unwelcome people to enter hotel by themselves.


12. Most successful people are unorthodox persons whose minds wonder outside traditional ways of thinking.


13. The coastal city in east China has also asked hospitals to intensify training of medical personnel, and strictly implement infection prevention and control measures for personnel, patients, and people accompanying sick persons.


14. International Day of Disabled Persons is an annual event to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of people with disabilities.


15. To trace back the value orientation of different periods, all have differently the incline of denying people and repel persons.


16. Building a learning society is to expend the space of man's life to make people become new persons of overall development.


17. When there is a shortage of available persons, the enterprises need to offer higher wages, so that they can get the people they need.


18. When I become old, I would like to look back with a great sense of satisfaction that thousands of people have become better persons through my work.

成千上万的人通过我的工作变得更好。当我老去,我想带着这种极大的满足感回顾过去。《中考真题- 2015 河北 阅读C》

19. Many people believe that psychic detectives have helped find both living and dead missing persons for police.


20. Chinese Education is an action that people try to improve persons' psychological quality structure and personality in language aspect.


21. If I'm a good person, then other people will be good persons.


22. Let's say I have a love of persons, and that's why I give money to OXFAM, which feeds starving people in Africa for instance, in underdeveloped countries.


23. With the development of society, communication between Deaf people and hearing persons has made a great improvement than ever before, which enables the two groups involved to have immense contact.


24. Results Among 449 people examined, 95 persons had fatty livers. The morbidity rate was 21.16 percent, which was the highest.


25. Some people maybe think that history is boring and hard because it has so much persons and accidents to remember.


26. Criminal sanctions imposed by the people's Court on persons guilty of smuggling shall include a fine and confiscation of the smuggled goods and articles, the means of transport carrying them and illegal incomes obtained therefrom.

犯走私罪的,由人民法院依法判处刑事处罚包括判处罚金,判处没收走私货物、物品、走私运输工具和违法所得。《provided by jukuu》

27. Meeting demands is easy but satisfying desires is hard, And the true great people and Sage are persons who just meet their demands not desires.


28. Our White Paper Policy on Social Welfare, stresses that effective and appropriate training for people providing services to persons with disabilities, is a priority.


29. Everyone who does any of these detestable things-such persons must be cut off from their people.


30. I think, people are technological persons at the beginning, and human development is the course of constant technicalization.


31. Among their other multitude of used: deliver people across town, fly to and from airports, assist in rescue work, and aid in the search for missing or wanted persons.


32. Active lifestyles often provide older persons with regular occasions to make new friendships, maintain social networks, and interact with other people of all ages.


33. Year by year, working persons have had to pay a higher proportion of their incomes for their own compulsory "insurance," or to support other people.


34. It is this: the people cannot themselves individually exercise the power of government; the power must be held by one or a few persons.


35. It seeks to ensure that persons with disabilities enjoy the same rights and opportunities as all people, and are able to lead their lives as do other individuals.


36. Will the miracle happen again? People often use the set phrase “staying by a stump waiting for more hares to come and dash themselves against it" to refer to persons dreaming to reap without sowing.


37. Most successful people are unorthodox persons whose minds wonder outside traditional ways of thinking.


38. Superstition and a lack of knowledge make people point out disabled persons as symbols of what scares them the most. A disabled person makes the abstract idea of vulnerability become present.


39. So, conduct a cabaret not ordinary people to imagine so and in brief, many persons can't adapt this profession also.


40. The administrative meetings will be chaired by a Vice Mayor nominated by the Municipal People's Government and persons in charge of the relevant departments will attend the meetings.



1. If I'm a good person, then other people will be good persons.

如果我是一个好人,那其他人也是好人金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. There are no reports of missing persons or people unaccounted for, the police said.

WSJ: About 35 Hurt in Prague Gas Blast

3. Even though everything they advocated makes perfect sense, the first question people would ask is, who will be the actual persons to carry out these reforms, and who can actually compete with the Communist Party on every level, from changing constitutions to establishing an adequate social security system?

FORBES: Viable Oppositions for Democracy in China?

4. But economic reconstruction is hardly possible if local business people, foreign investors and international aid workers do not feel secure in their persons and property.


5. Secondly, it really insists that people are whole persons -- that we are more than just physical bodies.

CNN: Dr. Andrew Weil: Aging and alternative medicine

6. We decided to strengthen efforts to prevent and combat other transnational crimes, such as illicit drug trafficking, trafficking in persons, people smuggling, money laundering, arms smuggling, sea piracy, armed robbery against ships, cybercrime and other forms of international economic crime in accordance with national laws and regulations.

WHITEHOUSE: Joint Statement of the 4th ASEAN-U.S. Leaders' Meeting

7. The final version of the Emancipation Proclamation came on January first,declaring: " ...all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then,thenceforward, and forever free ..."

VOA : special.2010.05.10

8. Her unlikely rise at a time when virtually no women, Asian Americans or persons of color were in corporate hierarchy made people want to know her recipe for success.

FORBES: Are You Living the Life of Your Dreams? An Interview with Author Marilyn Tam

9. "We're working very closely with Interpol," "They are in the process of establishing what is called the Dangerous and Disruptive Persons Database which will assist us in identifying people that may pose a potential danger to the tournament as far as organized fighting or hooliganism is concerned."

VOA : standard.2009.06.12

10. The initial report that we got were that 13 persons -- 13 people were on the platform.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

11. Masks are a "reminder to people that they should avoid close contact with other persons, " he said.

CNN: Masks keep you from spreading illness

12. The FBI named Mr Hatfill as one of 30 persons of interest, people who had the expertise, ability and wherewithal to produce the deadly bacteria.

BBC: Anthrax investigation stalled

13. What is important is that I killed people Copts, innocent persons and before I meet God I should declare my sins.

NEWYORKER: The Rebellion Within

14. The vaccine generally works better "in young, healthy people than it does in older persons, " Schaffner said.

CNN: Had a flu shot? You'll be OK -- maybe

15. In addition to aiming at medical emergencies, EmergencyLink hopes to help in missing persons' cases, by allowing members to quickly generate reports on people whose information they share, and email these reports to authorities.

WSJ: A Free Service to Store Medical Data in Case of an Emergency

16. People still need to plan their estate, to make sure their property goes to the persons they want it to go to, and to avoid probate on succession to their property.

FORBES: Where Have All the Estate Planning Lawyers Gone?

17. One is that 87 percent of those stops involve black and Latino persons, and almost 90 percent of those stops are people who are innocent, as opposed to who are found to be involved in criminality.

NPR: The Difficulties Of Proving Racial Profiling

18. So the status of slave was lowest, ; freed persons was next highest in Roman Law; and free people were next.

所以罗马律法中,奴隶的地位是最低的,然后是自由人;,接着是自由民。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Classical liberals like Adam Smith recognized that society is more harmonious when people are free to choose, provided they are bounded by just laws that protect persons and property.

FORBES: Jeffrey Sachs Has It Backwards: The State Is Asphyxiating the People

20. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

FORBES: Why You Should Think Very Seriously Before Expressing Political Views at Airport Security

21. The library has since been able to stand out as an exemplary socially responsible library serving an often widely neglected group of people, namely incarcerated persons.

UNESCO: Mnster Prison Library

22. Those who should not be vaccinated include persons with a severe reaction to a previous flu shot, people who developed Guillain- Barre syndrome within 6 weeks of a flu shot, and children less than 6 months of age.

FORBES: 2013 Flu Season: How to Protect Yourself

23. It's actually (unintelligible) very basic point that we have been arguing before of the recognition of our people as and generally displaced persons with the right to return.

NPR: Politicians, Protesters Clash Over N.O. Housing Demolition

24. The official number of people missing in the rubble dropped to 5, 960 on Thursday after a recheck of missing persons reports, Giuliani said.

CNN: Giuliani: Recovery, cleanup could take a year

25. The report included suggestions for young people,adults, disabled persons and those with long-term health problems.

VOA : special.2010.06.08

26. Specifically, of all 87, 217 active missing persons cases in 2012, the FBI says 47, 366 missing people were 20 or younger.

CNN: Abused but alive: Lessons for Cleveland's survivors

27. "Initial reports indicate 95 people have been recovered from the water including two deceased persons and two critically injured persons, " Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare said.

BBC: Two dead in Australia asylum boat capsize

28. There's--in law, a "natural person" is you and I, people real flesh and blood individuals are called natural persons.

在法律上,"自然人"是指像你我这样的人,有血肉之躯的人被称作自然人金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Close to 2, 700 people are on a missing persons list kept by the state, Cataldie said.

CNN: FEMA workers arrested on fraud, bribery charges

30. Supplies in the convoy include 2, 000 plastic tarpaulins and 10, 000 blankets from UNHCR for more than 12, 000 people in the displaced persons camp in Herat.

CNN: Iran, UNHCR discuss repatriation plan for Afghan refugees

31. "However,if we begin to see numbers of people who are getting infected who have not any contact with such persons, then this really becomes much stronger evidence that we are seeing community to community spread."

VOA : standard.2009.05.14

32. In 1993, Congress passed the Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act, which created a national background-check system and a list of people forbidden to own a gun: felons, the mentally ill, persons who committed a domestic-violence misdemeanor, drug addicts and the dishonorably discharged.

WSJ: Henninger: Obama's Colossal Politics

33. As of last month 315, 196 persons were still living in temporary prefab housing, public apartments, and private homes that have taken these people in.

FORBES: Connect

34. Brahimi said the Iraqi people, working with the United Nations, should be able to select "honest and technically qualified persons" for the caretaker government.

CNN: U.N. envoy: Iraqi government could be set up soon

35. The subjective is the invitation to individual persons to sanctification, meaning that all people, regardless of their station in life, are called to become saints.

NPR: A Glimpse Inside a Catholic 'Force': Opus Dei





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