most vicious是什么意思_most vicious短语搭配_most vicious权威例句

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most vicious

adj. 残酷的;狂暴的;严厉的;凶猛危险的;充满仇恨的


英 [məʊst ˈvɪʃəs]play 美 [moʊst ˈvɪʃəs]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Said most vicious thing 说最狠的话

2. I most vicious 我最狠

3. most vicious enemy 穷凶极恶的敌人


1. Piracy is our most vicious enemy, an undisguised trampling of the intellectual property right.


2. Remember that "attention to the details" and "time management" are the two most vicious, implicit metrics of the lab exam!


3. The most memorable - and vicious - atrocities saw policemen herding panicking crowds on to Paris's Bridges, where many were tossed into the Seine.


4. It is the most vicious epidemics of South Africa.


5. These are the 10 most vicious groups and tribes that participated in head-hunting.


6. Forget polar bears or penguins. The charismatic megafauna suffering most from climate change may well be the wolverine-a vicious predator known for its uncanny strength and tenacity.


7. Before they were domesticated by the Sentinel Army and trained as mounts, Kalimdor's savage nightsaber panthers were considered to be among the continent's most vicious inhabitants.


8. At the same time, netizens said she was "the most vicious material girl in the history" for displaying her worship of money.


9. Some of the Republicans distanced themselves from the most vicious flank of the party.


10. It is an astounding contradiction to come to terms with - most child soldiers are traumatised victims and vicious perpetrators at the same time.


11. In my eyes, I do not eat the woman, is the world's most vicious ugly guy!


12. But the significance of "the most vicious online war", as online users put it, doesn't end here.


13. The charismatic megafauna suffering most from climate change may well be the wolverine—a vicious predator known for its uncanny strength and tenacity.


14. Yes, Mr. Kowalski. They're currently in alien terrain, surrounded by millions of the most vicious creatures on the planet.


15. By combining the Repeater Rifle and common acid, you can fire acidic ammunition at the most vicious Nemesis without having to worry about anything but the smell!


16. Amen And whenever you do that, you engage in some of the most vicious activities.


17. The vicious, multi-state battle over state sales tax has created perhaps the most controversy around Amazon.


18. Last summer's joint American-Iraqi operation, codenamed "Together Forward", was followed by the most vicious round of killing yet seen in the city.

去年夏天美伊发动了代号为“携手并进(Toge ther Forward)”的联合行动,接着就是到目前为止该城市所见的、最为凶恶的一轮杀戮。

19. It is most often encountered in the coastal waters of western Japan, particularly in Shimane prefecture, where it is feared for its vicious attacks on fishermen.


20. However, in a world that has found unimaginable cures for some of the most vicious diseases, created cars that can drive themselves, and sparked a brand new race to put mankind on Mars, it is evident that we are capable of finding a solution to providing equal access to clear vision across the globe.


21. Unfortunately, they are somehow the most vicious persecutors of the boy.

不幸的是, 他们用了某种最恶毒的方式来虐待这个孩子.《互联网》

22. The South American Indian people known as Jivaro lived on the eastern slopes of the Andes and were known to be the most vicious of all the groups when it came to head-hunting.


23. The 6-month-old babies spent most of their time staring at the matching photograph, so a mean bark would garner a stare at the dog with the vicious facial expression.


24. Most attackers attain their vicious goal by overwriting beyond buffers to the memory locations that should not be influenced by the input the attackers provide.


25. And it is completely impotent in stopping the most vicious epidemics of South Africa.


26. Unfortunately, they are somehow the most vicious persecutors of the boy.


27. Most attackers attain their vicious goal by overwriting beyond buffers to the memory locations that should not be influenced by the input the attackers provide.


28. Most of the countries have suffered far more severe symptoms, from Libya's civil war to the vicious oppression seen in Syria and Yemen.


29. Why should I be proud of such a father& the most vicious, sinister and merciless god?


30. Shellfish are prime carriers of many of the most vicious diseases of the area.


31. The esoteric path is considered to be the most effective means of breaking this vicious cycle of existential movements, and of effecting the upsurge of spontaneous awakening.


32. That is the most vicious, deceitful.

这是我这辈子见到的最无耻,最欺诈。《provided by jukuu》

33. I have seen him be as kind and gentle as anyone could imagine to the most vicious when enraged.


34. But the fundamental and most vicious, swinish, murderous, and unchangeable fact is that we totally misunderstand each other& we operate on alien wave lengths.


35. The police said that this was one of the most vicious attacks they'd ever seen.

警方说这是他们所见过的最为残暴的袭击之一。《provided by jukuu》

36. However, the tiger, like most predatory animals, is not truly vicious — this is a common misperception.


37. There is a vicious cycle of poverty that prevents poor communities being able to pay for treatment, coupled with endemic malaria that depresses economies in the communities most affected.


38. In a vicious circle of opportunity forgone, most Central American countries fail to generate enough jobs for their unschooled people.


39. I got the most vicious letters from all over britain.

我从英国各地收到了最为恶毒的来信。《provided by jukuu》

40. But the fundamental and most vicious, swinish, murderous, and unchangeable fact is that we totally misunderstand each other -- we operate on alien wave lengths.



1. This opposition, in the case of some of the army's most senior officers, took the form of encouraging vicious militias to slaughter Timorese independence-seekers and destroy the island's pitiful infrastructure.

ECONOMIST: After East Timor's independence

2. It boggles my mind that minorities will blindly vote for Democrat leaders when many of them are the most vicious drug war supporters.

FORBES: NAACP Joins Coalition to End the War on Drugs

3. It is true that most Turks reject the vicious kind of Islamic revivalism to be found in Afghanistan, Algeria and other places.

ECONOMIST: The chill descending on Turkey | The

4. Most are fighting long, vicious, emotionally draining legal battles, and despite his efforts at handholding, "Some can't handle it, " says Mr. Lyle.

WSJ: Dialing Up Dollars for Divorce

5. For most Chinese observers, what happened was an outburst of vicious racist thuggery directed at ethnic Han Chinese in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital.

ECONOMIST: Chinese nationalism

6. Which is why the most vicious skirmishes in the campaign have been over profitability another break with French tradition.

ECONOMIST: French banking

7. Education is the most powerful way to break this vicious circle.


8. Investigators say the bombs, which exploded 12 seconds apart, were designed to deliver the most vicious suffering.

CNN: Healing in Boston as investigators seek 2 seen near bombing

9. Ian McEwan has adapted his own novel still his most vicious and compact and hardly changed a word, but the spirit has gone out of it.

NEWYORKER: The Cement Garden

10. So our first mission was to break the momentum of the deepest and most vicious recession since the Great Depression.

WHITEHOUSE: Government, Innovation and the Economy

11. Dozens of official reports, plans and national strategies, and promises of technical help, have failed to overcome a vicious circle: most herders are poor, have too few animals, and cannot afford the improvements in breeding, pasture management and shearing needed to raise fibre quality and yield.

ECONOMIST: Misguided mercantilism, or self-help

12. The self-taught, Mexican-born dog trainer has parlayed his talent for calming even the most vicious of dogs into a hit TV show, a series of best-selling books, and a mass market line of collars, leashes, beds and pet food.

WSJ: Me & My Brand: Lively Entrepreneurs Ring Up Sales

13. It becomes a most vicious spiral.

FORBES: Ugly Choices Ahead For Central Bankers: Will The Yen Drop 50%?

14. No other nation even comes close to the "world body's" sustained and vicious assault on one of the planet's most liberal democracies and freest societies.


15. The most likely reason is that she calculated that a vicious primary might have left her with too little money and momentum to rout Mr Lungren.

ECONOMIST: California politics

16. In response to what he described as "the most vicious ... attack on the judicial authority's independence" ever, only seven of Egypt's 34 courts are still operating and 90% of its prosecutors have gone on strike, said Judge Mohamed al-Zind of the Egyptian Judge's Club.


17. On several occasions, most recently three years ago in Gujarat, parts of the country have been scarred by vicious communal violence.

ECONOMIST: Democracy and growth are not in competition

18. The most visible narrative is the one recorded on cell phone videos and broadcast daily showing a vicious, autocratic state using superior weaponry to gun down a determined and popular opposition.

CNN: After the fall of the House of Assad, could Syria be worse?

19. Certainly, most Koreans would like an end to the vicious cycle of the incumbent turning on his predecessor.

ECONOMIST: South Korea

20. What if two very similar drugs turned out to be more or less equally effective at treating the most vicious form of macular degeneration, except the one that was approved was 12 times more expensive per dose?

FORBES: Blinded By Savings? Is Cost Trumping Risk On Blindness Drug?

21. Most official aid routed through Pyongyang is commandeered by one of the most vicious and conniving regimes on earth, so it is usually a vain quest to try to extend a heartfelt hand.

FORBES: Magazine Article

22. He's often attacked in the most grotesque and vicious ways and he's also a voice in the wilderness.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Monica Crowley, Mightier Pen 2012

23. What is so dangerous and wrong-headed about this sort of extenuating comment, especially in the aftermath of the most vicious act of terror in modern times, is that, tailored to its Iranian audience, it hints of empathy.


24. Most have cut back on investment, creating a vicious circle that reduces growth further.

ECONOMIST: Should Indias tycoons speak up more about politics?

25. Six years after the riots, another scandal exposed more corruption and even deeper cover-ups, implicating members of an elite anti-gang unit at the LAPD's Rampart division, home to some of the city's most vicious gangs.

CNN: LA cops stalked by suspect -- and a brutal past

26. Ebel is not on the radar of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups, but the center rates the gang as one of the most vicious white supremacist groups operating in the nation's prisons, comparable to the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas.

NPR: Shell Casings May Tie Texas Shootout To Colo Death

27. In a vicious circle of opportunity forgone, most Central American countries fail to generate enough jobs for their unschooled people.

ECONOMIST: Central America

28. The 211 gang is one of the most vicious white supremacist groups operating in U.S. prisons, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups.

NPR: 2 With Gang Ties Sought In Colo. Prison Boss Death

29. This set in motion a vicious cycle where value to customer diminished as the most savvy employees left.

FORBES: How We Can Rebuild The American Job Factory







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