corn production翻译_corn production短语搭配_corn production权威例句

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corn production

网络 玉米生产;粮食生产

英 [kɔːn prəˈdʌkʃn]play 美 [kɔːrn prəˈdʌkʃn]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. corn seed production 玉米制种

2. potential of corn production 玉米生产潜力

3. seed corn production 谷种生产

4. corn ethanol production 玉米酒精生产

5. Agricultural Production Of Corn 农业主产玉米

6. Corn production management 玉米管理

7. improving corn production 提高玉米生产

8. Land for corn production 玉米用地

9. rice and corn production administration 水稻与玉米生产管理局


1. Northeast China is an important corn production area, "the three golden corn belt" is located in Jilin province.


2. Kohler attributes the immediate cause of the abandonment to problems with corn production at a high altitude during short growing seasons.


3. But in recent years corn production is not stable, leading to corn price swings.


4. There experimental results will be useful for corn production under drip irrigation in North China.


5. The drought is the impact of corn production to enhance the first limiting factor.


6. We support the production of corn, soybeans, cotton and wheat.


7. Growing Good Corn Production of Several New Foods from Maize


8. It is an important problem to improve the prediction precision and efficiency of the corn production prediction in China.


9. The New Way of Improving Corn Production Economic Benefit


10. The history, present situation and development trend of external and domestic corn production, trade and consumption were reviewed.


11. On this basis for corn production to future climate change adaptation measures were discussed.


12. On the one hand, the output is over the demand, the processing type is single, corn production is overstocked;


13. During the decade of the 1980s, the area of corn production in Canada remained relatively stable at approximately one million ha.


14. Study on the Extension and Application Model of "Intelligent Decision System for Corn Production Management"


15. So, those plants will remain,” he says, and anticipates that as corn yields continue to increase over the next decade there will likely also be similar continuous growth in corn ethanol production.

因此,这些植物将不会收到任何影响。 可以预见,接下来超过十年的时间,玉米地将继续增加,玉米乙醇的生产也将得到相应的增长。

16. Demand for biofuel in America has led to an increase in corn production in Mexico and sugar cane in Brazil.


17. The conclusion told us that each region increased its corn production in a distinctive way.


18. Some economists have suggested that land from the Conservation Reserve Program should be used for additional corn production.


19. Corn production for the virtual simulation platform for scientific research in order to better study of maize production technologies to improve agricultural technology.


20. A Test to Corn Production with Fertilizer of Mn-dregs


21. Integrated Research on Conservation Tillage Equipment and Technology for Dryland Corn Production


22. Some critics have suggested that the production of corn ethanol uses up more fossil fuel energy than the biofuel energy it eventually produces.


23. Establish the stable alfalfa production base and the green fodder corn production base;


24. Main corn production in Shaanxi province lacks comparative advantages, so its market competition is low.


25. The main plants that are used for biofuel production now are sugar cane, corn.


26. Wheat and Corn Production, Fertilizer Application and Soil Fertility Status of Typical High-Yield Areas


27. Maize Dwarf Mosaic disease is a kind of serious virus disease in corn production. It occurs in the corn producing areas all over the world.


28. Study on Recommended Fertilization Model and its Parameter System in Intelligent Management System for Corn Production of Guizhou


29. Study on How Warming Climate Affects Rice and Corn Production in Heilongjiang Province


30. Diluted sewage, renewable water can enhance the summer corn production.


31. Production of corn, cotton, rice, soybeans, and wheat has been largely mechanized, but many high-value, labor-intensive crops, such as strawberries, need labor.


32. Design of Corn Production Decision System Based on UML


33. Of the total corn production in the world, more than 75% is used for livestock feed, 10% is processed for food, 10% is used for industrial products.


34. Therefore, it is chief assignment to quickly boost mechanization of corn production. It is also an efficient approach to alleviate labor intensity and increase efficiency and income for peasant.


35. The expert system is full featured; technologically advanced software, reach the field expert level, is complementary and alternative agricultural experts to guide farmers in corn production;


36. Result shows that corn production in main producing areas is mainly scale inefficiency and is at the stage of decreasing returns to scale.


37. Guide farmers to expand rice and corn production as well as to increase grain variety.


38. Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent over the past 25 years, while rice has increased only 7 percent.


39. Its invention in the late 19th century made the commercial production of soft confections like fudge and candy corn possible.


40. Iowa, which leads the country in corn production, will use 58% of its crop for ethanol this year.


41. Ideas on High Oil Corn Production


42. Developing the high quality protein corn production of Guizhou in the light of local conditions


43. Although corn production has fallen somewhat, due to effective control on corn-processing and exports corn prices should stabilize after May next year;


44. Non-Linear Artificial Neural Network Model and its Application in Corn Production Prediction


45. The Research of Data Collection and Processing Cell to Corn Production Measurements Based on GPS


46. Effects of Mixture of Composted Garbage-Fertilizer on Corn Production and Physical and Chemical Properties


47. The high prices for corn - while driving hunger in Africa - have encouraged other farmers to turn over land from wheat, soybeans, or even pasture to corn production.


48. They found that corn production decreased by almost four percent and wheat production decreased by five and a half percent.


49. In the international market of domestic corn consolidation and corn prices high domestic corn production cost of planting, hind has dramatically higher price.


50. It has obvious effect on soil ecological environment and corn production through improving desertification by using peat.


51. Strategy and Measures on Sustainable Development of Corn Production in Hilly Areas


52. Other archaeologists have identified the immediate cause of this abandonment to be a series of short growing seasons that would have put pressure on corn production at that high an altitude.


53. Expert System of Wheat and Corn Production Management Based on WEB


54. A Comparative Study on Multi-regression Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks of Corn Production in China


55. Breakthrough in corn production bottlenecks, particularly important to the development of small corn sheller.


56. Main corn production in Shaanxi province lacks comparative advantages, so its market competition is low.



1. While he admits that the worsening Midwest drought will cause a sharp hike in crop prices, he maintains there is yet no need to seek a reduction in corn-based ethanol production.

FORBES: The Ethanol Mandate: Drought Only Compounds Inherent Catastrophic Consequences

2. Corn and sugar, for example, are used extensively in biofuels - in the US, 40% of all corn production goes into making ethanol.

BBC: Food price crisis: What crisis?

3. An immutable fact is now clear for all to see: Food prices track oil prices, regardless of how much corn is used for ethanol production.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Fact vs. fiction on food vs. fuel

4. According to some estimates, U.S. corn production could touch record levels this year.

FORBES: Smithfield Foods Brings Home The Bacon

5. Not only is the Brazilian real weakening, the long term commodity trend in the U.S. is for higher corn prices on account of ethanol production.

FORBES: US Overtakes Brazil As World's No. 1 Beef Exporter

6. The U.S. now turns over 40% of corn production into biofuels.

FORBES: The Inflation Intifada: Hunger And Revolution In The Third World

7. Add the amount of corn used in ethanol production, and you can visualize why there is a race for fertile farmland with the most dramatic example being the way private intermediate companies in Canada are furtively buying land to be settled by Chinese immigrants.

FORBES: The Chinese Demand For Beef And Pork Means Canadian Farmland Is Cheap

8. Brazil, another large ethanol producer, uses sugar instead of corn for ethanol production.

FORBES: Feds Could Lessen Drought Impacts But Don't Bet The Farm On It

9. Drought now covers all or virtually all of the corn and soyabean production areas in Illinois, Nebraska, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Colorado, Arkansas, Kentucky and Tennessee.

ECONOMIST: Agriculture

10. Oct. 8: For a second month running, the Agriculture Department cut its forecast for US corn production.

FORBES: The Food Crisis Of 2011

11. Indeed, corn and rice production have more than tripled since 1970.

FORBES: Fortified By Global Warming, Crop Production Keeps Breaking Records

12. This may not lead to large expansion of corn production, but it may mean that corn can be grown in areas that are drier, possibly as a consequence of climate change.

CNN: Study: Africa can feed itself in a generation

13. Global production of corn, wheat and rice have all more than doubled since 1970 as global warming occurred.

FORBES: Fortified By Global Warming, Crop Production Keeps Breaking Records

14. Last year alone, the Standard diverted 40 percent of all U.S. corn towards ethanol production.

FORBES: It's Time To Repeal The Renewable Fuel Standard

15. Revenue Maximizer aligns Koch and farmers in sharing the risks and rewards of corn production.

FORBES: Creative destruction 101

16. Still, the group this week joined other animal producers in calling for a reduction in corn ethanol production mandates, saying pricing and availability of corn for feed is threatened by the combination of a small corn crop this year and the government mandate, which will use about four of every 10 bushels of corn.

FORBES: Ranchers Beefing Up Sales, But Drought Threatens

17. Gillis more rightly could have blamed any loss in per capita consumption on the stupid (I choose my words carefully) global warming policy that greens once touted: ethanol production from corn.

FORBES: Global Warming And Global Food Security

18. It will spark new ethanol production from corn and other crops.

NPR: Congress Delays Recess in Legislative Push

19. The fact that corn-ethanol production has continued to grow, despite the failure of a number of firms in late 2008 and early 2009, points to the efficacy of the various protections and subsidies it enjoys (falling maize prices helped too), though it says nothing about their efficiency or wisdom.

ECONOMIST: America's biofuel muddle

20. America's ethanol subsidy, which has led to a huge rise in production, rocketing maize prices and consequent rioting in Mexico, is the sharpest example of why government should not pick winners: once the fertiliser and fuel used in corn production are taken into account, ethanol is probably not much greener than petrol.

ECONOMIST: Climate change

21. Corn, wheat and rice production are all experiencing long-term upward trends.

FORBES: Fortified By Global Warming, Crop Production Keeps Breaking Records

22. In April, Texas Governor Rick Perry asked the EPA to reduce the total number of gallons of ethanol required to be blended into gasoline sold in the United States until 2010, arguing that biofuels production had increased the price of grain by diverting a huge share of the nation's corn harvest to ethanol production.


23. Roughly 40% of the U.S corn crop was diverted to the production of ethanol for gasoline in 2010, up from 20% in 2006.

FORBES: Ethanol Subsidies: Dumping Corn In The Ocean Would Be A Better Idea

24. The ethanol industry recently produced roughly 35 million metric tons of DDG a year, though the current Midwest drought is driving up corn prices and cutting ethanol production.

WSJ: Can a Food for Cows Make Healthier Snickerdoodles?

25. Certainly, the volume from demo and even commercial-scale advanced biofuels facilities is tiny when compared to petrofuels and much less than corn ethanol production.

FORBES: Audi Places Its Biofuel Bets On Joule

26. Corn production, the current flavor of the week for Internet fear-mongering, has more than tripled since 1970.

FORBES: Fortified By Global Warming, Crop Production Keeps Breaking Records

27. He wanted us to plant corn everywhere and start production of chemical fertilizers.

FORBES: Advice to Obama's DOE From a Former Soviet Planner

28. Scouts trudged into fields of both corn and soybean along a direct westerly route across the Midwest region that accounts for about 75 percent of U.S. corn and soy production.

MSN: Drought slashes Midwest corn crop

29. The production of corn ethanol is a loser for many reasons.

FORBES: Magazine Article

30. From 2000 to 2010, U.S. corn-based ethanol production increased from 1.6 to 13.2 billion gallons per year.

FORBES: Ethanol Isn't Worth Costlier Corn Flakes And Tortillas





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