cut down to翻译_cut down to短语搭配_cut down to权威例句

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cut down to

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  • 减少到:指将某物的数量或程度减少到更低的水平。
  • 削减到:指将某物的规模、数量或程度削减到更小的水平。
  • 改为:指将某物转变为另一种形式或状态。

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. cut down to size detail 降低威望

2. to cut down trees 砍树

3. cut down to size 降低威望 ; 裁军

4. to cut down to grade 挖至设计标高

5. cut sb down to size 揭穿某人的底细 ; 揭穿表示不知道那个人的底细

6. cut down to grade 挖到设计标高

7. cut sth down to 把什么节制到什么程度

8. to cut down on 赶上 ; 继续 ; 振作 ; 遵守

9. to cut down 削减 ; 裁减 ; 缩短


1. By using this option, the number of relocations that have to be performed are cut down to the very minimum.


2. Most schools are extremely unwilling to cut down on staff in order to cut costs.


3. He will now try to cut down the task to a manageable size.


4. The characteristic line must be cut down to deal with the nodes near the boundary.


5. At present the classes in junior middle schools take too much of the students' time, and it would be preferable if they were cut down to suitable proportions.


6. Some pieces had to be cut down to fit.


7. The personnel part government organization is cut down to enterprise has been arranged for not thinking that, has accumulated social contradictions.


8. It's a 148 radio, painted black, aerial cut down to look more like a phone.


9. My doctor told me that I need to cut down on eating fried foods in order to improve my cholesterol.


10. There are several ways I think to cut down to accident rate.


11. The general was anxious to cut short the philosophizing and get down to more urgent problems.


12. At some point you will cut the magnet so small that you will have cut down to the size of a single atom.


13. Months of development time can be cut down to mere days of configuration time.


14. Around the world, trees are often cut down to clear land for bigger farms or more homes for growing populations.


15. Such knowledge can lead to excessive risk-taking and is one reason why Switzerland’s central bank has said the country’s two mega-banks may have to be cut down to size.


16. The once-powerful post unions have been cut down to size.


17. At some point, you will cut the magnet so small that you will have cut down to the size of a single atom.


18. Half of the forest was cut down to make room for the road.


19. It's time Harold was cut down to size. he's far too proud and conceited.

该是杀杀哈罗德的威风的时候了,他太骄傲自大了。《provided by jukuu》

20. So the N extra SQL select statements on pojoB were cut down to N/ 10.

因此N次额外的关于pojoB的select SQL语句被减少到了N/10次。

21. The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking.


22. When they arrive at the lumber mill in Washington or Oregon they are then cut down to smaller sizes for the uses discussed earlier.


23. She's so proud, she needs to be cut down to size.

她太傲了, 得煞煞她的威风.《互联网》

24. OK, you're thinking, so people in Germany would have to cut down to working just six hours a week now?


25. It's time Harold cut down to size. He's far too proud and conceited.


26. He cut it down to fetch his tool.


27. The remaining block of woodland is cut down to ground level.


28. The threats posed by belly fat can be cut down to size.


29. For example, can I request that the one-year period be cut down to six months, before I sign?


30. When we're tired, communication is cut down to the bare essentials ('What time will you be back?').


31. Do the big global banks need to be cut down to size?


32. As the population soared, more and more forest was cut down to increase farm and grazing land.


33. And so Slaven Bilic's players, formidable when beating England home and away in the Euro 2008 campaign, were cut down to size, this time definitively.


34. Thanks to the efficient and proper treatment after the accident, the damage was cut down to the minimum level.


35. Industry titans have been cut down to size.


36. So the N extra SQL select statements on pojoB were cut down to N/10.

因此N次额外的关于pojoB的select SQL语句被减少到了N/10次。

37. This is really a two-hour presentation I give to high school students, cut down to three minutes.


38. The personnel sent through the Mediterranean must be cut down to essentials, the balance going round.

从地中海运送的人员,应限于那些必不可少的人员, 其余的可以绕行.《辞典例句》

39. Can you cut the topic down to a manageable size?


40. This area used to be a massive forest, but all the trees have been cut down to make paper.

这个地区过去是一大片森林,但是所有的树都被砍倒造纸了。《provided by jukuu》

41. Well, I cut down to one - half pack a day for the first week.

唔, 我在一开始的个星期里了吸烟的,每天只抽半包.《互联网》

42. When we're tired, communication is cut down to the bare essentials ('What time will you be back?').


43. Before 2003, the sites were pristine swaths of forest, but from 2003 to 2009, over 15, 000 acres (larger than the size of Bermuda) were cut down to make way for gold mining.


44. The cost of delivery in hospital also should be cut down to guarantee the pregnant women's enthusiasm of delivery in hospital.


45. Or the trees cut down to print all US currency in circulation?

或是用来印美钞砍的树比较重?《provided by jukuu》

46. We're trying to cut down on the amount of paperwork involved.


47. In a recession, consumers could be expected to cut down on nonessentials like toys.


48. Months of development time can be cut down to mere days of configuration time.


49. The remaining section of woodland is cut down to ground level.


50. Let's cut the crap and get down to business.


51. All myocardial bands were photographed at nature state for testing the length of different segment and then were cut down to test the weight of different segment.


52. But neither the council or the parliament were persuaded, and the institute was cut down to a pilot scheme of large research networks.


53. If you want to play safe, cut down on the amount of salt you eat.


54. These trees will have to be cut down to make way for the new road.

为了给新的公路开道,这些树不得不被砍倒。《provided by jukuu》

55. If the City is cut down to size, so be it, say some.


56. Rainforests around the world are being cut down to make room for humans.


57. High commodity prices are correlated with deforestation in the Amazon as trees are cut down to create farmland to feed Brazil's domestic market.


58. You need to cut down on starches.


59. Car owners were asked to cut down travel.


60. An old tree five feet around was cut down to make room for the new library.


61. Staff in one section will cut down to six-hour days, while their colleagues in a different section stick to the ordinary forty-hour week.


62. I had to cut down a tree and enlist the help of seven neighbours to get it out of the garden!


63. Half the forest was cut down to make room for the new road.


64. The information you have got has been cut down to the bone.


65. Oversized financial conglomerates should be cut down to size and forced to spin off assets.


66. We need to cut the article down to 1 000 words.

我们得把这篇文章压缩到1 000 字。《牛津词典》


1. The Postal Service also wants to shut down some post offices and cut back on funding health care for retired mail carriers.

VOA : standard.2010.04.13

2. Brazil is using monetary policy as a means to cut inflation down to size.

FORBES: Brazil's Interest Rates Going Higher, But Are They High Enough?

3. There are so many reasons to consider, but I will cut it down to just a few points.

FORBES: In The 2012 Election, What Are The Likely Swing States And Which One Is The Most Important?

4. However, strong performance from competitors like Oracle and VMware could force IBM to cut down on margins to as low as 2005 levels.

FORBES: How IBM Becomes A $222 Stock

5. But the ratio says that if there is something that needs to be cut down to size, it's government.

FORBES: Bigness and Badness

6. If you are deeply opposed to the concept of being cut down to your regular size, you can wear a small block or kitten heel.

WSJ: Flat Out | Fashion Gets Comfy With Flats

7. The AP's figures include salaries and prorated shares of signing bonuses and other guaranteed income for players on active rosters, disabled lists and the restricted lists, and rosters will change before teams must cut down to 25 active players.

NPR: Ailing A-Rod Will Make More Than Houston Astros

8. In Los Angeles, the space shuttle Endeavor's final journey is causing controversy, as more than 400 trees are being cut down to make way for the spacecraft.

ENGADGET: Inhabitat's Week in Green: fluorescent bulb moon, fuel-efficient supersonic jet and a toxin-eating oyster park

9. That's debatable (you have to cut down more forest to grow them), but they indisputably are benefiting from the same leftist zeitgeist that propels the solar energy business.

FORBES: In The Sunshine

10. The American people in their wisdom, reelected Obama despite the fact that he wants to cut America down to size, strangle the economy in regulations and unaffordable welfare handouts and then gut its military.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Chuck Hagel - It's the anti-Americanism, stupid

11. David Cameron has created more than a hundred peers since the general election and unless the House of Lords really is cut down to size under the coalition government there will be more politicians, not fewer.

BBC: A dead vice-president and the new Welsh political map

12. With Amazon having substantial experience in operating low-very low margin businesses, we expect the company to further cut down its prices to maintain a price advantage and rely on volumes to drive growth.

FORBES: Amazon And Google At War Over Cloud Storage Prices

13. "We've seen the example of Greece, where there was no more trust in the Greek government's ability to cut down the budget, to contain the debt or to keep it under control."

VOA : standard.2010.06.16

14. Telling white pioneers that they could no longer shoot game in the boundaries of Yosemite National Park to feed their families or cut down trees for firewood was much harder.

VOA : standard.2009.11.25

15. They cut down many trees to build the boats.

VOA : special.2009.02.11

16. In short, Jordan, bereft of its famous ruler, will be cut down to size.

ECONOMIST: Jordans new king

17. OK. Binary search is perhaps the simplest of the divide and conquer algorithms, and what does that mean? It says, in order to solve a problem, cut it down to a smaller problem and try and solve that one.

好了,二分搜索也许是,最简单的分治算法,这意味着什么?,也就是说,为了解决一个问题,把它切割成小的问题,然后再来一个个解决。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

18. For years, might?" doctors have been telling patients to cut down on saturated fats - the kinds of fats in meats and milk,for example.

VOA : standard.2010.03.25

19. David Cameron said net immigration needed to be cut down to "tens of thousands, not hundreds of thousands".

BBC: Lord Digby Jones says EU migration policies are 'mad'

20. "I have to cut down . It is an Indian wedding, so you cannot do without gold, so I have to give,".

VOA : standard.2009.09.19

21. At any other resort, that grove at the back of the 13th green would have been cut down to open up the ocean view.

FORBES: A Fiji Paradise Created By The Inventor Of Red Bull

22. Apart from having to take on al-Qaeda and its allies, Mr Hadi has been engaged in a no less testing battle to cut down to size the remnants of Mr Saleh's power circle.

ECONOMIST: Strife in Yemen

23. The 1988 Education Act began to cut them down to size.

ECONOMIST: Education

24. Some Fatah officials see the next few years as their best chance to cut Hamas down to size.

ECONOMIST: Palestinians at the polls | The

25. It was an appropriate epitaph for Leicester's Treble hopes, cut down to size by those swarming Wasps.

BBC: How Wasps tamed the Tigers

26. If everyone else is cutting down I don't have too, and if everyone else does cut down I don't have to, I end up using hot water and driving a big car and so on.

如果大家都想减排,我没必要跟风,如果别人真的减排了又与我何干,我照样用着热水,开着大排量汽车博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. During the conference, international donors also voiced their support for President Karzai's offer to reconcile and reintegrate elements of the Taliban who lay down their weapons, support the constitution and cut ties with terrorist organizations.

VOA : standard.2010.07.20

28. The real hurt was dished out to Windows 7 tablets and "others" like RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook, both of whom were cut down to just 1.2 points of share each in the spring.

ENGADGET: Strategy Analytics: iPad keeps riding high in Q2 tablet market share, Android doesn't budge

29. And if the other countries aren't going to cut down on their fishing, then you want to catch the fish now, because there aren't going to be any there tomorrow.

如果其他国家不打算减少捕捞量,那么你现在就想先把鱼都捞起来,因为没准明天就会无鱼可捞了博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. He said pointedly this week that he wanted the oligarchs cut down to size.

ECONOMIST: Boris Berezovsky, puppeteer or future victim?

31. Gore's father could find poetry in the hardship stories of his early days in Possum Hollow, recalling droughts so bad that they had to cut down trees to let cattle suck moisture from the leaves, but most of the romance was in the telling, not the living.

CNN: Excerpt: 'The Prince of Tennessee: The Rise of Al Gore'

32. And nobody knows, nobody believes that we can cut spending, right? -Somebody down the road has to pay the bills Somebody down the road has to pay the bills, either by cutting spending, cutting benefits or raising taxes.

而几乎没人相信,政府能够成功节流,不是吗?,-那总得,有人来埋单啊,迟早要有人来为此埋单的,要么精简政府开支,削减福利,要么增税。经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

33. "It is always nice to get a little package on a Saturday but if it means not paying people properly or having to cut down, I will understand."

VOA : standard.2010.04.13

34. The Lebanese military says it soldiers opened fire when the Israelis strayed across the border to cut down a tree.

VOA : standard.2010.08.03

35. When we're doing something that is interactive, we have to cut down on the detail of what we're doing because we can't support that in real time, but nonetheless there're lots of things we can do interactively.

当我们在做一些,互动性的项目时,我们需要减少,正在做的细节,因为在实际时间里,我们并没有足够时间支持它,但是还有很多其他东西,可以做得具有互动性。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

36. If the City is cut down to size, so be it, say some.

ECONOMIST: London as a financial centre

37. In real terms, spending would continue to grow, but at least the leviathan would start to be cut down to size.

ECONOMIST: An overdue debate begins on reforming Brazil's state

38. They are simply bitter that an upstart politician from a tiny party has deprived them of the presidency, and are determined to cut him down to size.

ECONOMIST: Suck it and see

39. "Coca production was not going to be reduced just because fumigation flights spray some fields, as long as these farmers don't have any other economic options, except to cut down forests to grow coca somewhere else, " said Adam Isacson of the Washington-based Center for International Policy.

BBC: NEWS | Americas | Coca-growing spreads in Colombia

40. Allowing this increase would bring their promised cut down to only 1.6p.

ECONOMIST: Labour and fuel taxes

41. To get down to it, you have to cut away what is not true, what is inflated, beside the point, excess, ornament.

更直接点,你们要去掉不真实的,除了这点还有膨胀的,过量的和装饰的。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. "Jack's challenge over the next few years is to use his extraordinary skill and experience to cut down that deficit and put our nation back on a fiscally responsible path.

VOA : standard.2010.07.13

43. Ahly have been league leaders for several weeks but have had their lead cut down to two points, with three matches left in the season.

BBC: Egypt beckons for Tigana

44. He pointed to the second and third quarters of 2005, when the industry was able to grit out a softening market for steel because prior consolidation meant firms were able to cut down on production and allow inventories to run down.

FORBES: Magazine Article









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