
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈdʌb(ə)l]play美 [ˈdʌb(ə)l]play

  • adj. 两倍的,双的;供两人用的;双重的;(花)重瓣的;(多米诺骨牌)两边点数相同的;低八度的
  • adv. 两倍地
  • v. 加倍;对折;击出二垒安打;兼任;握紧;兼奏,重复(一个音符)
  • n. 两倍,两倍量;酷似的人;替身演员;卧室;双打;双料冠军;一杯双份的烈酒;(掷镖游戏中的)得双倍分的一掷;(掷骰子游戏中的)两骰子点数相同的一掷;(赛马中的)复式下注;(棒球比赛中的)二垒打
  • det. 是……两倍
  • pron. 双倍数(或量)
  • 【名】 (Double)(美)杜布勒(人名)

复数 doubles 第三人称单数 doubles 现在分词 doubling 过去式 doubled 过去分词 doubled

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


double /ˈdʌbəl/ CET4 TEM4 [ doubling doubled doubles ]

  • 1.
    形容词 You use double to indicate that something includes or is made of two things of the same kind. 双的

    ...a pair of double doors into the room from the new entrance hall.


  • 2.
    形容词 You use double before a singular noun to refer to two things of the same type that occur together, or that are connected in some way. 成对的
    例: extremely nasty double murder.


  • 3.
    形容词 You use double to describe something which is twice the normal size or can hold twice the normal quantity of something. 双倍的

    ...a double helping of ice cream.


  • 4.
    形容词 A double room is a room intended for two people, usually a couple, to stay or live in. 双人的

    ...bed and breakfast for $180 for two people in a double room.


  • 5.
    可数名词 Double is also a noun. 双人房间

    The Great Western Hotel is ideal, costing around 90 a night for a double.


  • 6.
    形容词 A double bed is a bed that is wide enough for two people to sleep in. 双人的

    One bedroom had a double bed and the other had single beds for the boys.


  • 7.
    形容词 You use double to describe a drink that is twice the normal measure. (酒类饮料) 双份的

    He was drinking his double whisky too fast and scowling.


  • 8.
    可数名词 Double is also a noun. 双份酒类饮料

    "Give me a whisky," Debilly said to Francis. "Make it a double."


  • 9.
    前置限定词 If something is double the amount or size of another thing, it is twice as large. 双倍的

    The offer was to start a new research laboratory at double the salary he was then getting.


  • 10.
    代词 Double is also a pronoun. 两倍

    On average doctors write just over seven prescriptions each year per patient; in Germany it is double.


  • 11.
    及物动词/不及物动词 When something doubles or when you double it, it becomes twice as great in number, amount, or size. 使加倍; 翻倍

    The number of managers must double to 100 within 3 years.


  • 12.
    不及物动词 If a person or thing doubles as someone or something else, they have a second job or purpose as well as their main one. 兼职; 兼作

    Lots of homes in town double as businesses.


  • 13.
    动词词组 Double up means the same as . 兼职; 兼作 (同)(double)

    The lids of the casserole dishes are designed to double up as baking dishes.


  • 14.
    可数名词 If you refer to someone as a person's double, you mean that they look exactly like them. 一模一样的人

    Your mother sees you as her double.


  • 15.
    不可数名词 In tennis or badminton, when people play doubles, two teams consisting of two players on each team play against each other on the same court. 双打

    In the doubles, the pair beat Hungary's Renata Csay and Kornelia Szanda.


  • 16.
    习语 If you do something on the double, you do it very quickly or immediately. 快速地

    I need a copy of the police report on the double.


  • 17.
    习语 If you are bent double, the top half of your body is bent downward so that your head is close to your knees. 弯腰的

    I was bent double in agony.


  • 18.
    习语 If you are seeing double, there is something wrong with your eyes, and you can see two images instead of one. 看到重影

    For 35 minutes I was walking around in a daze. I was dizzy, seeing double.


  • 19.
    in double figures →see   figure



  • adj.

    doubling 双重的;折叠的

  • adv.

    doubly 双重地;加倍地;双摺地

  • n.

    doubling 加倍;并线;折回;防护板;衬里

    doubler 倍压器;加倍装置

  • v.

    doubling 使加倍;使成双(double的ing形式);绕过;握紧



1. double taxation [经]双重征税;[经]重复课税

2. double loop 双箕;双环路

3. double helix [生化]双螺旋

4. double deck n. 楼中楼;双层甲板

5. double exposure 两次曝光 ; 第八话

6. double room 双人房

7. double decomposition 复分解

8. double star 双星(紧密相连的二颗星,借望远镜始可分辨者)

9. double frequency 倍频,双频;双频率的

10. double bass 低音提琴 ; 低音大提琴 ; 倍低音提琴

11. double side 双边的;双面板;双面材质

12. double salt 无化 复盐 ; 重盐 ; 双盐

13. double click 双击;双击鼠标

14. double bed 双人床

15. double bond 双键

16. double layer 双层

17. on the double 快速地

18. double track 双声道,双声轨(录音磁带)

19. Double Vision 双瞳 ; 复视 ; 双重祝野

20. double wall 双重壁;双层墙

21. double ninth festival 重阳节

22. see double 看成重影

23. double line 双线(线路);二重线;隔行

24. Double Star 天 双星 ; 帝宝星 ; 替身明星 ; 双星形骨针

25. Double Team 包夹 ; 反击王 ; 双人包夹 ; 双人组

26. double dribble 两次运球 ; 二次运球 ; 为违例

27. double effect 双效;双重效果;双重影响

28. Double Happiness 双喜 ; 红双喜 ; 双喜临门 ; 喜临门


1. Life motto: The road will be wider and wider only if you make double efforts.

我的人生格言: 只要加倍努力,路会越走越宽!《期刊摘选》

2. Ten is the double of five.


3. Week of Lich: Double growth for Liches and Archliches.

巫妖周: 巫妖产量加倍.《期刊摘选》

4. Week of Angel: Double growth for Angels and Archangels.

天使周: 天使与大天使产量加倍.《期刊摘选》

5. However, double counting does occur among different enterprises.

但在企业之间 、 行业之间、地区之间存在着重复计算.《期刊摘选》

6. He also doubles as help around her warehouse, assisting with getting crates out the door.

他也加倍当做在她的仓库周围的帮忙, 与出自门得到板条箱协助.《期刊摘选》

7. In a double-blind trial, there were some improvements.


8. I'll double-check the figures.


9. If sufficient trap is added, it may double the rate.

如果加入足够的捕捉剂, 速度便可增加两倍.《辞典例句》

10. My extension is two four double 0.


11. He doubled to left field.


12. I was dizzy, seeing double.


13. He got double pay for working on Sundays.


14. a double meaning/purpose/aim

双重意义 / 目的 / 目标《牛津词典》

15. They were travelling at a speed that was double the legal limit.


16. ...a pair of double doors into the room from the new entrance hall.


17. He gets paid double for doing the same job I do.


18. The jacket was lined with a double thickness of fabric.


19. The trousers have double thickness knee panels for extra protection.


20. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression, double the rate for working Americans.

一项盖洛普民意调查发现,在失业至少一年的美国人当中,有20%表示患有抑郁症,其比例是有工作的美国人的两倍。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

21. Today per capita purchasing power in China is more than double the level in India.


22. The offer was to start a new research laboratory at double the salary he was then getting...


23. My number is six o double three.


24. Double insurance means that two or more policies are effected on the same interest.


25. Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed one.


26. This one is shoe in to Double by end of week We told you!


27. She doubled the blanket and put it under his head.


28. Is that a single or a double you want?


29. But women spend nearly double the amount of time on domestic chores than men.


30. With this government we've had a double whammy of tax increases and benefit cuts.


31. We have to double our efforts if we want to be successful in our studies.


32. She's the double of her mother.


33. Settling farms vacated by Acadians, the recent immigrants doubled the province's population by the 1780 s.

设置的农场腾空被阿卡迪亚人占有, 1780年当新移民进入后,在全省以两倍的努力不断增加人口.《期刊摘选》

34. Week of Rider: Double growth for Rider ager.

地城骑兵周: 地城骑兵产量加倍.《期刊摘选》

35. He has served a number of double faults in this set.


36. Biology Consisting of a pair of homologous, synapsed chromosomes, as occurs during meiosis; double.

二价染色体的:由一对同源, 联会染色体组成的, 如在成熟分裂时出现的; 双的.《期刊摘选》

37. Double insurance is where an insured insurance with two or more insurers for the same risk.


38. Week of Whale: Double growth for Manes and Ghosts.

鲸之周: 鬼魂产量加倍.《期刊摘选》

39. Progressively increasing the amplitude leads to the bouncing period doubling then quadrupling.


40. I thought I was seeing double.


41. He was drinking his double whiskey too fast and scowling.


42. Double the expected number of people came to the meeting.


43. Double-space the entire list.


44. Hypertension nearly triples the risk for men and doubles it for women.


45. two double whiskies


46. The technology diffusion effect on regional economic convergence process should be double.


47. As a result, wheat prices elsewhere more than doubled, pulling rice and corn prices up with them.

结果,其他地区的小麦价格上涨,比原来的两倍还高,使得大米和玉米的价格也随之增长。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

48. The population almost doubles in summer, mainly because of the jazz festival.


49. A bent right arm would tell him to double his bet.


50. The strenuous efforts every day, all will have double reward.

每一天的发奋努力, 都将会有加倍的报偿.《期刊摘选》

51. Would you prefer twin beds or a double?


52. I had to bend double to get under the table.


53. a double-page advertisement


54. Once the size of the universe is doubled both matter energy and gravitation energy double correspondingly.


55. To marry is to halve your rights and double your duties.


56. There wasn't room to stand up and he had to bend double.


57. a double bed/room

双人床 / 房间《牛津词典》

58. In a good year hotels will double rates and turn away guests.


59. The double complex function method is a unique method in general relativity.


60. House prices in many big cities have more than doubled over the past two years.


61. He was drinking his double whisky too fast and scowling.


62. Your mother sees you as her double.


63. However, each person can only register one level. Do not double register.

每个人只能报考一个等级, 请勿重复报名.《期刊摘选》

64. If I double the value, I must redouble our efforts.

若要加倍我的价值, 我必须加倍努力.《期刊摘选》

65. Australia had 15 years of double-digit inflation.


66. At its peak in 2007 it was worth some $65 billion, reckons Clare McAndrew, founder of Arts Economics, a research firm—double the figure five years earlier.

据艺术经济学研究公司的创始人克莱尔·麦克安德鲁估算,在2007年的顶峰时期,艺术品市场价值约为650亿美元, 是五年前的两倍。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

67. And 25 years after that reckons that China's output could be double that of America's.


68. The rate will is doubled.


69. The population of Japan doubles that of Canada.


70. He was bent double with laughter.


71. ...a farmer who doubles as a night nurse...


72. The newspaper used the neologism "dinks," Double Income No Kids.


73. In some parts of Hong Kong, pollution readings were double the safe level.

在香港的部分地区, 污染指数是安全读数的两倍.《期刊摘选》

74. Week of Harvest: Double Wood and Ore income from mines.

丰收周: 木材与石块产量加倍.《期刊摘选》

75. When I finished sulkins, I double my efforts and worked even harder.

我生完气, 就加倍努力,于是更起劲.《辞典例句》

76. We'll pay you double times.


77. The price is double what it was last year.


78. ...a large double garage...


79. China won the women's singles, women's doubles and men's doubles. Sweden won the men's singles.

中国女子单打, 女子双打和男子双的, 瑞典男子单打赢得了金牌.《期刊摘选》

80. For example, the following RE detects doubled words in a string.

例如, 下面的RE在一个字符串中找到成双的词.《期刊摘选》

81. He conjectured that the population might double in ten years.


82. We'll have to double up on books; there aren't enough to go around.


83. He ordered himself a double whisky.


84. But because of a current in the market the average rate of depreciation has nearly doubled.


85. In the white - hot luxury residential sector, Shanghai prices are double those in Beijing, the capital.

在狂热的豪华住宅板块, 上海房源的售价是北京的两倍.《期刊摘选》

86. With an advertising allowance we could probably double this figure.


87. The group says that was double amount raised in the nineteen nineties.


88. double doors


89. The rod bent double, the reel shrieked and ratcheted.


90. I was doubled over with pain.


91. The temptation , which all the week had terrified her, returned with double force.

整个星期威胁着她的诱惑, 以加倍的力量卷土重来了.《辞典例句》

92. My extension is two four double 0 (2400).


93. extremely nasty double murder...


94. Promote skin metabolism, lock water effectively, the double moistens, let skin reply delicate slippery health.

促进肌肤新陈代谢, 有效锁水, 加倍滋润, 让肌肤回复嫩滑健康.《期刊摘选》

95. Double the expected number of people came to the meeting.


96. a double helping


97. Note: Please register only ONCE for each test level. Do not double register.

请注意: 每个等级只能报名一次, 请勿重复报名.《期刊摘选》

98. Membership almost doubled in two years.


99. The number of managers must double to 100 within 3 years.


100. Black jacket with 4 pockets and double layer enclosures: zipper, and buttons.

4个口袋的黑色夹克和加倍分层附件: 拉链和钮扣.《期刊摘选》

101. The number of votes for June's poll almost doubled the previous month's.


102. The program will double the amount of money available to help pay for child care.


103. It has the double advantage of being both easy and cheap.


104. If you make the goods as per our sample, we're willing to double the price.

贵公司如按我们的样品定做的话, 我们愿意出两倍的价钱.《期刊摘选》

105. Taggart debated whether to have yet another double vodka.


106. Murray double-parked his car.


107. 'Otter' is spelt with a double t.


108. We need double the amount we already have.


109. ‘Otter ’ is spelt with a double t.


110. The number of managers must double to 100 within 3 years...

经理的人数在3年内必须翻倍达到 100人。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

111. If your cable were urgent, the rate will be doubled.

如果是加急电报, 费用将加倍.《期刊摘选》

112. In 2015, the US Forest Service for the first time spent more than half of its $5.5 billion annual budget fighting fires——nearly double the percentage it spent on such efforts 20 years ago.

2015年,美国林务局首次将其年度预算总额55亿元中的过半用于抗击林火——几乎是20年前在这方面支出比例的两倍。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

113. I decided his double was a bluff.


114. We make double efforts to speed up socialist construction.


115. ...a lone skier gliding along smooth double tracks.


116. Specifically, for each additional point on the PDS the risk for these outcomes doubled.

而且, PDS量化表中每增加一分,这些结果的风险性会加倍.《期刊摘选》

117. Inflation is in double figures.


118. The group says that was double the amount raised in the 1990 s.


119. Visits to our website have doubled in a year.


120. They only have one room left: you'll have to double up with Peter.


121. While brains shrink with normal aging, the rate is doubled in people with Alzheimer, he said.

当大脑因为正常的老化而萎缩时, 阿尔茨海默氏症患者的幅度是正常人的两倍, 他接着说.《期刊摘选》

122. He served 17 double faults.


123. Single spacing is used within paragraphs, double spacing between paragraphs.


124. I was bent double in agony.


125. He earns double what she does.


126. Even his praise is double-edged.


127. ...a double helping of ice cream.


128. Double camp security and halve the prisoners food rations! There will be no further transgressions.

营区的安全措施加倍,囚犯的食物减半! 这样就不会有更多的事情发生了.《期刊摘选》

129. Consisting of a pair of homologous, synapsed chromosomes, as occurs during meiosis; double.

二价染色体的由一对同源,联会染色体组成的, 如在''.'成熟'.''''.'分裂'. ''时出现的; 双的.《期刊摘选》

130. I paid only £2 for this old book and Mr. Smith offered me double for it.


131. Leeds Prison is reported to have almost double the number of prisoners it's designed to accommodate.


132. Steve : Make mine a double scotch, straight up.


133. Some residents accused city officials of applying a double standard.


134. Pickers are bent double, plucking each flower with lightning speed.


135. Double all the quantities in the recipe to make enough for eight people.


136. Hotel prices start at € 50 a night for a double room.


137. Week of Assassin: Double growth for Scouts and Assassins.

刺客周: 侦察兵与刺客产量加倍.《期刊摘选》

138. We have to double the effort.


139. If you miss a dose of this medicine, do not double the dose.

如果漏服一次, 请不要在下次加倍服用药物.《期刊摘选》

140. Ring four two double two double two if you'd like to speak to our financial adviser.

如果想和我们的财务顾问通话,拨打 422222。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

141. ...bed and breakfast for £180 for two people in a double room.


142. These statistics show that the population of the country will be doubled in ten years.


143. In this case, I can double for penalties.

假如这样的话, 我可以叫(罚分)加倍.《期刊摘选》

144. Week of Pit Lord : Double growth for Fiends and Pit Lords.

很深的水领主周: 很深的水领主产量加倍.《期刊摘选》

145. Article 41 The insurant of double insurance shall notify all the insurers of the double insurance.


146. Two soldiers entered at the double and saluted...


147. Since 2003, China's state - controlled gasoline prices have about doubled, but international crude - oil prices have tripled.

2003年以来, 中国国家控制的汽油价格已上涨了近一倍, 但国际原油价格上涨了两倍.《期刊摘选》

148. And establish regular system of double proof and responsibility share.


149. Come to my office, please, at the double.


150. The government committed a double blunder...


151. Poverty in Britain doubled under Thatcher, and this figure has become permanent under New Labor.

被两倍的在英国的贫穷在茸之下, 和这一个身材已经在新的劳动之下变得长备.《期刊摘选》

152. Lots of homes in town double as businesses.


153. It is unnecessary to expand the double insurance to the personal insurance.


154. I will pass it on pain of a rainy night, double back to the mother!

[翻译——我会将那日雨夜所承受的痛, 加倍的还给母亲!哼,将她,伤害的遍体鳞伤] 我 在心中,默默的说道!《期刊摘选》

155. His income is double hers.



1. And the United States is expected to nearly double its seventy million dollars in security assistance to Yemen.

VOA : special.2010.01.09

2. Of course, in Blair we have the regulatory daily double of OBA and Away Accounts violations.

FORBES: Stockbroker Fined And Suspended For Service As Executor And Having Outside Accounts

3. The British politician has been double-crossing us for years.


4. Double grip shields thus presupposed or imposed an extremely dense formation.

因此双握柄的盾牌预示了,或揭示了一种极为密集的阵型古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. Overbay last played in the outfield in a game in 2001 for Double-A El Paso.

WSJ: Yanks' Pettitte back from DL, Overbay in RF

6. What will our government do if a double-dip recession occurs in the near future?

FORBES: U.S. Debt Bomb's Detonation Sped Up By Five Years

7. After retreating from double digits, the unemployment rate recently crept back up to 9.8%.

FORBES: How We All Spend Our Money

8. He wore an old double-breasted suit, frayed gray shirt, wide tie, no hat "I left her so long ago I don't remember.

他穿着一件双排扣的旧大衣,一件散口的灰衬衫,和一条宽领带,没有戴帽子,“我很早以前就离开了她。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. I'll put double crosses for "in the second round" 2 and 9.

我在第二次推理上画两个叉,立场2和9博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. United Airlines had the highest complaint rate, almost double the prior year, while Southwest had the lowest.

BBC: Virgin tops US airline industry report

11. Foxconn has agreed to double basic pay to nearly three hundred dollars a month.

VOA : special.2010.06.18

12. double-entendre japes


13. Double jeopardize thousands of innocent lives; trying to buy avowal but could barely keep themselves alive.

VOA : special.2009.04.17

14. The pilot reported a double bird strike - a rare event where birds enter both engines.

VOA : special.2009.01.30

15. It is also home to around 16, 000 bird species, double the number in all Europe.

BBC: Hot springs and hummingbirds in Ecuador

16. Double-check the email address.


17. Murray double-parked his car.


18. So if we look at its length, it's actually shorter than a single bond, but longer than a double bond.

因此如果我们看它的键长的话,它实际上比单键更短,却比双键更长。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

19. Bois d'Arc's reserve life is 14 years, though, double that of the typical Gulf oil-and-gas firm.

FORBES: Gassing Up

20. They didn't word it that--they put it in the present tense: home prices double every ten years.

他们不是这样写的...他们用的是现在时,房价每十年就会翻一番金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. So the question was-- First, it was the accusation before the question, that I'm holding a sort of double standard.

其问题是,首先,在这个问题之前他指责,我在施行双重标准死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. The bill was passed, and within five months after the bill was passed, we had double digit unemployment for the first time.

法案顺利通过,法案通过后五个月,失业率就达到了两位数,是史上第一次。经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

23. To do so, Beijing would have to create double-digit increases in the second half of the year.

FORBES: Recovery In China? Not So Fast

24. In a breach-of-contract suit in U.S. District Court in Chicago, Davis contends the Flynns double-crossed him.

FORBES: The Big Money Pit

25. "This double accolade is uniquely deserved, " said Sir Peter Stothard, chairman of the judges.

BBC: Man Booker Prize won by Hilary Mantel's Bring up the Bodies

26. That just might deliver the kind of double-digit earnings growth that a consumer brands executive is accustomed to.

FORBES: Oreos and lubricants

27. The operation could help double arm amputees move their manufactured arms with greater ease and control.

VOA : special.2009.03.10

28. Or surely I'd about-face and on the double, But it just doesn't work anymore.

NPR: BPP Jukebox: Blues Traveler

29. And that's why I use double equals.

这就是我用双等号的原因。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

30. The highest was an 8.2% rise in Guangzhou, almost double the rate in the previous month.

BBC: China media: Japan radar lock

31. Most restaurants -- where the options for fresh seafood dishes are plentiful -- double as nightlife destinations.

BBC: Uruguays laid-back surfing devil

32. You start with O double minus, so that is oxygen plus two electrons.

你从氧二负离子,也就是氯元素带2个负电子。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

33. But they say the work will make it possible to safely double the number of visitors permitted inside.

VOA : special.2009.06.29

34. I mean that's obvious. The mass, if you double the amount of stuff the mass will double.

这是显然的,还有质量,如果你把系统中物质的,数量增加一倍,质量也会增加一倍。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

35. He serves as something like a complicated double for the young, unpublished, and as of yet unproductive poet himself.

他就像一个复杂的替身,是那些年轻的,还没出版诗歌或是不多产的诗人自己的替身。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. This is a strategy called double syntax, the notion that "in the Beginning" can modify one verb or the other.

这种手法叫做双关句,也就是,“太初“可同时修饰两个动词。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. And he set a goal to double American exports over the next five years.

VOA : special.2010.01.30

38. That's about double the amount that typically falls in the region for all of September, it said.

CNN: Japan flooding: 3 deaths, levee breaks, many missing

39. Another climber,John Lang, suggested Bachar free-solo an area called Double Cross, in Joshua Tree National Park,California.

VOA : special.2009.12.09

40. Six weeks of training wear away the foul speech, double negatives and incorrect tenses.

FORBES: Silicon Valley's Prison Call Center

41. But Mark Easter's try was followed by a double sin-binning for Saints duo Phil Dowson and Calum Clark.

BBC: Sale Sharks 29-21 Northampton Saints

42. She is only the third double winner of the award, after JM Coetzee and Peter Carey.

BBC: Man Booker Prize won by Hilary Mantel's Bring up the Bodies

43. Marguerite got to the double entendre before I did.


44. It was, according to everyone, a fair offer, so my grandmother asked them to double it.

NPR: Excerpt: 'City of Thieves'

45. So supposed that the list is not of size 8, let's make it slightly more interesting and double it.

假如列表的大小不是,为了更有趣,使其加倍。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

46. But even Panama has seen its murder rate double in the past four years.

BBC: Central Americas shift in safety

47. In services, foreign-owned companies generated double the value added per worker, and had labour costs 30% higher.

BBC: Who owns the best of Scotland?

48. Still,employment expert John Challenger says his findings suggest that the nation's employers are not expecting a double-dip recession.

VOA : special.2010.07.02

49. Ms. CHANG: Well, women of color actually face a double disadvantage with respect to wealth.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

50. Their dividend yields are more than double the payout on a 10-year U.S. Treasury note.

FORBES: Connect

51. At 4in long, they are over double the length of the average Yale lock key.

BBC: Disabled toilets: What is a Radar key?

52. Fans also cheered beloved veteran Todd Helton after he legged out a first inning double.

FORBES: Return Of The Rockies

53. But there are concerns that Japan and the United States could face a "double-dip" recession.

VOA : special.2009.08.21

54. I mean it's--well it's not said directly but that's inferred isn't it, because all these are--they're doing all the muscle kind of things and they're eating the Texas Double Whopper.

我是指,尽管没有直接阐明却隐含其中,因为所有这些,广告里的人都吃着,德州巨无霸汉堡而且做着各种肌肉运动关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. It predicts counterfeit sales will reach seventy-five billion dollars worldwide this year nearly double the level of two thousand five.

VOA : special.2010.02.22

56. Those are two continuous strands that wind around each other to form the double helix.

这两股主链,相互缠绕形成双螺旋生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. However, since they introduced this legislation in 2003, health insurance costs have continued to rise by double digits.

FORBES: Head To Head: Small-Biz Health Care

58. Ok, double line. If there are no questions I'm going to make a dramatic change in topic.

好的,这是重点,如果没什么问题,我要讲下面的内容。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

59. In January, in his State of the Union speech, President Obama promised to double exports in five years.

VOA : special.2010.07.09

60. The objects found in Project Twenty-three could double the size of the research center's collection.

VOA : special.2010.04.07

61. Also,there is constitutional protection against double jeopardy being put on trial twice for the same crime.

VOA : special.2009.08.31

62. "The intuitive healer had told me to double my dose of vitamin B6, " Grant said.

CNN: Herbs, vitamins that can hurt you

63. Its double-digit growth in sales and operating income, says Osorio, makes it worth a steep price.

FORBES: South-of-the-border buys

64. Once Mr. Bernanke assents to the double-dip recession scenario, he will fight deflation by any means necessary.

FORBES: Fed's Next Move Will Be To Ease Interest Rates

65. At the front of this big store are large double doors that open promptly at 9 a.m.

FORBES: Legacy Shareholders



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