
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [rɪˈzʌlt]play美 [rɪˈzʌlt]play

  • n. 结果,后果;(比赛或选举的)结果;(通过调查、研究、计算而获得的)结果;<英> 考试成绩;成效,成果(results);经营业绩(results);<英,非正式>(体育比赛中)胜局,获胜
  • v. 发生,产生;导致,造成(注明的结局或结果)
  • int. <非正式> 成功了!(Result!)

复数 results 第三人称单数 results 现在分词 resulting 过去式 resulted 过去分词 resulted

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


result /rɪˈzʌlt/ CET4 TEM4 [ resulting resulted results ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A result is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened. 结果

    Compensation is available for people who have developed asthma as a direct result of their work.


  • 2.
    不及物动词 If something results in a particular situation or event, it causes that situation or event to happen. 致使

    Fifty percent of road accidents result in head injuries.


  • 3.
    不及物动词 If something results from a particular event or action, it is caused by that event or action. 起因

    Many hair problems result from what you eat.


  • 4.
    可数名词 A result is the situation that exists at the end of a contest. 结果

    The final election results will be announced on Friday.


  • 5.
    可数名词 A result is the number that you get when you do a calculation. 答案

    They found their computers producing different results from exactly the same calculation.


  • 6.
    可数名词 Your results are the marks or grades that you get for examinations you have taken. 成绩





aftermath consequence outcome result 【导航词义:后果】

aftermath n. 后果,余殃

〔辨析〕 强调灾难(如风暴、地震、战争等)留下的后果。

例1: Life became even harder in the aftermath of the war.


例2: Measures were taken to prevent the disease in the aftermath of the earthquake.


consequence n. 后果,结果

〔辨析〕 强调逻辑关系,多指不良结果。

例1: Have you considered the consequences of your failure?


例2: Who will shoulder the consequences of the war?


outcome n. 后果,结果

〔辨析〕 侧重指预先不知道的结果。

例1: The outcome of the war is the unconditional surrender of the enemy.


例2: It's impossible to predict the outcome of the general election.


result n. 后果,结果

〔辨析〕 普通用词,强调因为某事而引起的结果。

例1: His illness is the result of drinking polluted water.


例2: The development of different species is the result of natural selection.


例3: As a result of the heavy fog, all flights have been delayed.


score n. 得分,分数

〔辨析〕 指运动、比赛、考试、科学测验等的得分。

例1: The score was five-nil with two minutes left in the game.


例2: His score on the reading test was very disappointing.


例3: The boy had an IQ score of 126.


grade n. [美] 成绩,分数

〔辨析〕 指学习或考试成绩,通常用字母而非数字表示。

例1: The teacher was surprised that he got a grade A in English.


例2: She worked hard and got good grades.


mark n. [尤英] 分数,成绩

〔辨析〕 尤指老师给学生的分数、成绩。

例1: My mark in chemistry is B.


例2: Her marks have been a bit higher this term.


例3: He got full marks on the final examination.


例4: The pass mark was 60%.


point n. 得分,分数

〔辨析〕 主要指运动、比赛中的得分,有时也指考试的分数。

例1: He is two points behind the leader.


例2: You lose a point if you can't complete the puzzle on time.


例3: He got 95 points in the English test.


result n. (比赛的)比分;[英] (考试的)成绩

〔辨析〕 指比赛的最终结果,或某一门考试的得分。

例1: Do you know your exam results?


例2: The football results will be announced at midnight.


tally n. 得分,积分

〔辨析〕 指比赛等活动中到某一时间段的得分或积分。

例1: She made a record tally at today's game.


例2: England's tally at the moment is 9 points, against Scotland's 7.



1. result in 导致,结果是

2. final result 最终结果;决赛成绩

3. survey result 调查结果

4. actual result 实际结果

5. experimental result 实验结果

6. with the result that 因此;从而;其结果是

7. economic result 经济效益;经济结果

8. measuring result 测量结果

9. end result 最终结果;归宿

10. in the result 结果;后来

11. desired result 预期的结果;希望达到的结果

12. as a result 结果

13. result of 是…结果;由于…结果

14. Updated research result 最新的调查结果 ; 最新的调查成果 ; 最新的考察成果

15. result from 起因于;由……造成

16. get a result [英国俚语]

17. as a result of adv. 因此,由于;作为…的结果

18. examination result 考试结果,成绩;核赔结论

19. simulated result 模拟结果

20. test result 试验结果

21. in result 结果


1. In Britain this has had a curious result

在英国,该现象已经引发了一种奇怪的结果。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

2. All teachers want to do better than others in this ration system resulted this phenomenon.


3. What results emerged from your talks?


4. The ultimate result of the entire process I've described is to create customer loyalty.


5. When water levels rise, flooding results.


6. The results were analyzed with basal clinical conditions and neurological function outcomes.


7. Can a perfect result be expected from such a group?

能指望一件完美的产品从这样的一个集体中产生出来 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

8. The resulting settlement maps show how the distribution and density of the rural population around the city changed dramatically between AD500 and 850, when Copán collapsed. 

由此获得的聚居点地图显示了在公元500年到公元850年之间,科潘崩溃时,城市周围乡村人口的分布和密度是怎样发生显著变化的。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

9. Have you ever considered self - destruction or suicide as a result of your gambling?


10. The urban poor are the end result of a process of economic exclusion.


11. This is liberal interpretation of what Machiavelli actually said: One must consider the final result.

马基雅维利说过: “ 应当考虑的是最终结果而不是各种各样的方法. ”《期刊摘选》

12. In the end, decision tree classification experiments results and contrastive precision accuracy are obtained.


13. The election results announced Saturday showed overwhelming victory for Mr. Ahmadinejad.


14. Their success was the result of years of hard graft.


15. The results could simply be due to chance.


16. The result of being bellicose is that all your previous efforts become wasted.


17. There are multiple possible reasons for discrepant results between observational studies and large randomized trials.


18. They were understandably disappointed with the result.


19. The remaining results boil down to the same conclusion.


20. The main reason of neuron apoptosis was the result of NTFs reduced after nerve ischemia.


21. Most voters believe the result is a foregone conclusion.


22. Kate's exam results were excellent.


23. This is the final result of our alleged objectivity: a fragmented and restricted worldview.

我们所断言的客观,最终结果是: 一个片面和受限制的世界观.《期刊摘选》

24. The victories in the two battles were the result of cooperation among various front armies.


25. Won't work, use braces. This results in a parse error.

不能工作, 请使用大括号. 否则,会导致一个语法错误.《期刊摘选》

26. Probability applies to averages – not an end result – over infinite period of time.


27. Results This way can improve service quality and decrease the nurse's error.


28. Test results will be fed back to the schools.


29. Their different value orientations led to different results in literary creation.


30. You must abide by the results of your terrible mistakes.


31. What was the result in the final?


32. While, there me other different results which have shown aces adipose done may not against fracture.

然而, 近年来也有一些不同的研究发现,过度脂肪组织增加并不能预防骨折的发生.《期刊摘选》

33. She could not hide her dismay at the result.


34. Results The successful rate of PVP and ECE were 96 % and %.

结果PVP和 ECE技术 操作成功率分别96%和%,无严重并发症发生.《期刊摘选》

35. Result, Jieshi fails thoroughly, mao Zedong wins completely.

结果, 蒋介石彻底失败, 毛泽东完全胜利.《期刊摘选》

36. There's no difference in the results.


37. The result is a humiliation for the president.


38. RESULTS: The serum albumin level were markedly correlated with occurring, scoring and healing of decubitus.

结果: 截瘫后血白蛋白水平与压疮发生的机会, 压疮的评分,压疮的愈合间都存在明显的相关性.《期刊摘选》

39. Warning: Do not reboot your machine. Rebooting your machine now could have unpredictable results.

警告: 请勿重启动计算机. 现在重启动可能导致不可预测的结果.《期刊摘选》

40. It was a large explosion and the resulting damage was extensive.


41. It is hard to prejudge the final result of this matter based on the present situation.


42. I m worried that there might be some disputes over the results of inspection.


43. Though this cause the prosperity of play book , it result in the disintegration of Nanbeiqu melody.

这虽然促成了戏曲文学的极度繁荣, 但同时也产生了另一后果:加速了曲牌定腔的消解.《期刊摘选》

44. It will be months before we get the results.


45. The result came just in time for the team to do something about Renault's runaway progress.


46. Results The incidence of ectopic rhythm was 66.


47. So it will result in rigidity skin & block and solder balls etc.

产生的后果是:锡膏出现硬皮 、 硬块、难熔并产生大量锡球等.《期刊摘选》

48. As a result, they learn their mythology from television.

由此产生的后果是, 他们从电视里学到他们的神话.《期刊摘选》

49. Arsenal qualified to final A hard process, a satisfied result!

阿森纳晋级决赛一场艰难的比赛, 一个满意的比分.《期刊摘选》

50. She'll have had the results by now.


51. What is the result so far?


52. The great evil of inflation is largely the result of government extravagance and waste.


53. Result: one case occur airway cancula blurted out, others were not have complication.

结果: 43例病人除1例发生气管套管脱落外, 其余均未发生术后并发症.《期刊摘选》

54. GA produced by apple seed significantly inhibits floral bud differentiation, thus results in alternate year bearing.

苹果种子产生的赤霉素明显抑制花芽分化, 导致隔年结果.《期刊摘选》

55. The result will be higher taxation.


56. What is the result of the overuse of antibiotics?.

过度使用抗生素的后果是什么?。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

57. Picture 5 shows the end result after machining it with the Lathe.


58. Objective : To detect the serum markers in different blood donors and to compare the test results.

目的: 检测不同献血人群的血清学指标,并对其结果进行对比分析.《期刊摘选》

59. The failure of the company was a direct result of bad management.


60. Such results may seem surprising against the background of shocking incidents that color the way the mass media portray the young.

在当下一些骇人事件影响了大众媒体对青少年报道角度的背景下,这样的调查结果看起来可能出人意料。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

61. Newspapers are less complete as a result.

结果,报纸内容不再那么完整了。 《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

62. You must abide by the results of your mistakes.


63. She was delighted at the result.


64. Results have been delayed owing to a malfunction in the computer.


65. Results after the reservoirs building, the maximum variation was scouring armoring for river bed downstream reservoir.

天然河流修建水库后, 下游河道发生的最大变化就是河床冲刷粗化.《期刊摘选》

66. This can result in severe penalties that continue long after punishment is completed.

这会导致在刑罚执行完毕很久后这些人仍被持续施以严重处罚。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

67. Final results will be based on team scores regardless of their category.


68. Methods: We analyzed image examination results of 63 cases with ureteral diseases and X rays.

方法: 对63例输尿管疾病的B超、X线检查结果进行对比分析.《期刊摘选》

69. One result is a budget crisis, as the federation has run out of money.

在财政支出用尽之时, 波黑联邦便出现了财政危机的后果.《期刊摘选》

70. The end result of several years of negotiations was the 1980 Convention on Conventional Weapons ( CCW ).

经过多年谈判后得到的最终结果就是1980年的《常规武器协定 ( CCW ) 》.《期刊摘选》

71. Often, such projects are the result of legislative log-rolling.


72. The result is falling water tables ( 地下水位 ) in countries with half the world’s people, including the three big grain producers

—China, India and the U.S结果导致拥有世界一半人口的国家地下水位下降,这其中包括三大粮食生产国——中国,印度和美国《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

73. The net result is almost inevitable an inexorable continuation of the equity rally.


74. They will announce the result of the vote tonight.


75. The final election results will be announced on Friday.


76. job losses resulting from changes in production


77. The end result (= the final one) of her hard work was a place at medical school.


78. Nothing had resulted from our efforts.


79. So angulations dot results in a large or small border.


80. They found their computers producing different results from exactly the same calculation.


81. We found that SCTP is vulnerable to spurious timeout resulting from the delay spike.

我们发现延迟刺会使SCTP发生 假超时,并使SCTP备用路径 上的拥塞窗口错误地增加.《期刊摘选》

82. False negative. Measuring error results in acceptance of defective sample.

错误的坏的方面. 误测导致验收不符合标准的样品.《期刊摘选》

83. Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not.


84. So it could result before long in a more competitive industry with greater economies of scale.


85. We badly need to get a result from this match.


86. The results do not mean that young adults need to start worrying about their memories.

这些结果并非意味着年轻时就要开始担心自己的记性。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

87. The results can be divided into three main categories.


88. Their bodies had suffered contortion as a result of malnutrition.


89. Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power.


90. The duty of breach of faith is the result of obligor breach.


91. These results held true even taking into account that many of the women in the study were breastfeeding their babies.

即使考虑到研究中的许多女性都正在以母乳喂养宝宝,以上结果同样适用。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

92. Professor Eagleson warned that serious injustice can result from unnecessarily complicated legal language.


93. The results of a recent experiment showed that professors can use 31 standardized metrics to measure how well students do in three key areas: critical thinking, written communication, and quantitative literacy.

近期一项实验的结果显示,教授可以使用 (31) 标准化的度量制来衡量学生在三个关键领域的表现,即:批判性思维,书面交流能力和数据理解能力。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

94. Floods were sent down the GrandCanyon in 1996 and 2004 and the results were mixed.


95. Are you pleased with the result?


96. But what's the explanation behind this lack of cohesion , and the inability to grind out results?

那么是什么原因造成凝聚力的缺乏, 以至于他们不能获得胜利 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

97. RESULTS: The mixing method has been established and proved effective by experiment.

结果: 建立了等比分配二次混合方法,实验证明此方法可行.《期刊摘选》

98. Methods Echocardiographic findings were compared with angiographic results in 6 patients with anomalous origin of arterial branch.


99. On the other hand, inconstancy often results in failure.

反之, 缺乏恒心常常导致失败.《期刊摘选》

100. These results are a further proof of his outstanding ability.


101. He studied the results of 9,323 MBA interviews conducted by 31 admissions officers.

他研究了由31名面试官进行的9323场MBA面试的结果。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

102. I heard the football results on the radio.


103. The result of globalism is the end of capitalism and the glory of communism.


104. The result was a sensational 4–1 victory.


105. Enhanced security measures since then, combined with a rise in airline travel due to the improving economy and low oil prices, have resulted in long waits at major airports such as Chicago's O'Hare International.

从那以后,安检措施有所加强,加上由于经济好转以及油价降低带来的航空旅行人数的增加,导致了人们在诸如芝加哥奥黑尔国际机场这样的主要机场长时间等待的状况。 《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

106. The introduction of the field results in a removal of the degeneracy.


107. The farm was flooded, with the result that most of the harvest was lost.


108. Reports are the final result of performance appraisal, includes three parts: cover paper , text and appendix.

报告是绩效评定的最终结果, 包含三个部分: 封面 、 正文与附录.《期刊摘选》

109. The result would be higher emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

最终将导致二氧化碳和其他温室气体的排放量更大。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

110. Kant argues that although knowledge begins with experience , not all knowledge results from experience.

康德认为休谟的错误在于,知识虽从经验开始, 但并不能认为一切知识都发生于经验.《期刊摘选》

111. The situation resulted in the new team running an identical livery on both cars.


112. Lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system.


113. Results: The IC 、 ERV 、 VC 、 PV 、 PRV 、 MBC 、 FEV were lower in patients with posthepatocirrhosis than controls.

结果: 肺功能检测各项参数IC、ERV、VC、PV、PRV、MBC、FEV肝硬化 组均明显低于对照组(慢性胃炎),肺功能减退发生率为68.42%.《期刊摘选》

114. The project is beginning to show results.


115. Bicycle racing is potentially a dangerous activity, and that injuries can result.

自行车比赛是一项具有潜在危险的活动, 可能会有伤害发生.《期刊摘选》

116. The results are a clear comment on government education policy.


117. One way to eliminate blur resulting from movement is to use a progressive scan camera.


118. A result, more than 20 million full return arrow victory.

结果, 二十只草船满载十万余支箭胜利返航.《期刊摘选》

119. And comparative analysis with the result of mathematical mode was performed.


120. More power and higher speed result in this way.


121. The election resulted in a great victory for their party.


122. Infection with Trichomonas vaginalis also results in local urogenital tract symptoms.


123. I'll telephone the final result as soon as possible.


124. Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fundamental social concepts like liberty and property. 

宪法是政治性的,因为它是我们对自由和财产等社会的基本观念选择的结果。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

125. Carbon dioxide results from complete combustion of carboncontaining compounds.


126. Certainly they must know the probable result of such speeches.


127. The end result of the enumeration or reenumeration process is a collection of PDOs.


128. The Eastern Conference did with a result of 118.


129. The after results of the explosion were terrible.


130. Just fancy [ think of ] the terrible result.

想想 那种可怕的后果吧!《现代英汉综合大词典》

131. Failure to do so may result in criminal charges and penalties.


132. Compensation is available for people who have developed asthma as a direct result of their work...


133. The chain processes that yield such results need to be crisp and fluid.


134. The negative aspects of jealousy are obvious, but can it ever yield positive results?

嫉妒的消极的方面很明显, 但是它能产生积极的结果 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

135. A win would be a good result for a start.


136. The results show that the theoretical and numerical method in this thesis is feasible.


137. It was a very creditable result for the team.


138. The results of the experiment are not statistically significant.


139. Results: The production and output of ascites was gradually decreased during the course of parenteral nutrition.

结果: 肠外营养过程中每天腹水产生和流出量逐渐减少.《期刊摘选》

140. Many scientists believe that El Nio events, caused by warming in the Pacific, are becoming more intense as a result of climate change.

很多科学家认为,太平洋变暖产生的厄尔尼诺现象正因气候变化而变得日趋剧烈。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

141. Continuous computer check achieved by duplication of hardware and comparison of results.


142. And in today’s program, we’re looking at the results of two recently published surveys, which both deal with the same topic—happiness at work.

在今天的节目中,我们要看看最近发表的两项调查的结果,它们都研究了同样的主题——工作幸福感。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

143. She is waiting on the result of a blood test.


144. Quick Step deny Slipstream victory in the opening TTT. Updated with results and reaction.

快步在开的TTT拒绝冲流胜利. 与结果和反应更新了.《期刊摘选》

145. Have you had your results yet?


146. The severe salinization has resulted in the economic loss about 14 billion Yuan RMB ( price in 1996 ).

导致盐渍化的因素有气候、地形、 水文 地质、土壤质地等自然因素,以及灌溉方式和耕作制度等人为因素.《期刊摘选》

147. These problems are the result of years of bad management.


148. The result has been colossal and also lucrative carry trade, with both welcome and unwanted consequences.

结果是,出现了大量有利可图的套利交易, 其后果既有受人欢迎的,也有人们不愿看到的.《期刊摘选》

149. What might the results be if such a dangerous proposal were accepted.


150. As a result, they are less able to relax and fill with blood.


151. a coach who knows how to get results from his players


152. The crisis resulted in early parliamentary elections in July which the AKP won.


153. The net result is an increase in the volume of China's standing timber.


154. The result is going to be too close to call.


155. Results: The total 38 cases had not produced subcutaneous tissue necrosis or calcareous deposition.

结果: 38例早产儿静脉补钙均未发生皮下组织的坏死与钙化灶.《期刊摘选》

156. Materials and Methods: 205 cases of cerebral AVM were examined by DSA, and compared with surgical results.

材料与方法: 对205例脑AVM进行了DSA检查, 并与手术结果进行对比分析.《期刊摘选》

157. They were elated at the result.


158. A real pizza oven gives better results than an ordinary home oven.


159. Quotas get action: they “open the way to equality and they break through the glass ceiling,” according toReding, a result seen in France and other countries with legally binding provisions on placing women in top business positions.

在瑞丁看来,定额会产生行动:“它们开辟通往平等之路,且打破晋升障碍”,这一结果已可见于法国和其他对女性在企业高层所占比例有明文规定的国家。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

160. His death was a direct result of your action.


161. 'What was the result?' — 'One-nil to Leeds.'...


162. She predicted (that) the election result would be close.


163. The results were chalked up on the blackboard as soon as they came in.


164. We screened the resulting E . coli samples using blood serum from a person me!


165. Many hair problems result from what you eat...


166. That can yield a more accurate result, and it can avoid exponent overflow.

那可以产生更为精确的结果, 并可以避免指数溢出.《期刊摘选》

167. They were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game.


168. the election results


169. This book is the result of 25 years of research.


170. She was invited to give a paper on the results of her research.


171. He made one big mistake, and, as a result, lost his job.


172. the football results


173. Results The operations of dissecting adhesion by laparoscopy succeeded in 90 cases and without any complication.


174. Results Serum potassium concentration was significantly higher in type 2 diabetic patients with ACS than.


175. Sara Greenstein, Underwriters Laboratories’ chief strategy officer, offered her interpretation of the survey results, “Innovation is too fast only if corners are cut.

美国安全检测实验室公司首席战略官 Sara Greenstein 对这个研究结果给出了自己的解读:“除非走捷径,否则创新速度不会太快。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

176. Certainly, there are valid concerns about the patchwork regulations that could result if every state sets its own rules.

当然,如果各州都制定自己的规则,那么人们对由此导致的胡乱拼凑的法规的担心也是合理的。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

177. Players can improve their results, use the defense, attack and various bonuses for achieving victory.

玩家可以改善他们的结果, 使用防御, 攻击和各种奖金为实现胜利.《期刊摘选》

178. In the resulting Add Project Output Group dialog box, select a project from the Project list.

在产生的“添加项目输出组”对话框中, 从“项目”列表中选择一个项目.《期刊摘选》

179. I am very pleased about the result.


180. The final result of the poll will be known tomorrow.


181. Its result is an abject conviction that everything is futile.


182. The establishment of accounting standards is a result of conflicting and harmonizing of interest among stakeholders.


183. A small cabal of politicians almost certainly stole the result by fraud ( see article ) .

一个政客小集团通过欺骗几乎完全窃取了 胜利果实.《期刊摘选》

184. The results of this research are valuable for prevention against electrical fire hazard.


185. He did it quite without respect to the result.


186. All bubbles eventually have the airout of them, sometimes with disastrous results.

所有的泡沫最终会破灭, 有时候会伴随着灾难性的后果.《期刊摘选》

187. He emerged triumphant from a closed hearing in the Bahamas to announce the results.


188. The result is much lower than that of linear buckling analysis.


189. When can I get my test results?


190. The result will inevitably fuel speculation about the prime minister's future.


191. As a result, wheat prices elsewhere more than doubled, pulling rice and corn prices up with them.

结果,其他地区的小麦价格上涨,比原来的两倍还高,使得大米和玉米的价格也随之增长。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

192. As a result of the driver's momentary carelessness, there was a serious accident.

由于司机一时不慎, 发生了一起重大交通事故.《期刊摘选》

193. The results showed that the prevalence of depressive symptoms in this group is 38.0 %.


194. The end result is very good and very successful.


195. The simulation waveform data computed by this testing system are accordant with result of EMTP.

本试验系统所产生的仿真波形数据与EMTP数据 结果吻合,验证了模型的正确性.《期刊摘选》

196. Happiness impossible change fact, but ability change these affaires may cause of end result.

快乐不可能改变事实, 但却能改变这些事件可能导致的最后结果.《期刊摘选》

197. The disaster was a result of poor planning.


198. The study results lay a strong foundation for the success of the river closure.


199. In the United States, the result hailed as a triumph of American diplomacy.


200. The cyclone has resulted in many thousands of deaths.


201. Millions could die of hunger as an indirect result of the war.


202. Results There exhibited no complications , such as infection, osteomyelitis and pathologic fracture in all these cases.

结果用该手术法治疗骨烧伤36例,无骨感染 、 骨髓炎、病理骨折等并发症发生.《期刊摘选》

203. The violence was the result of political and ethnic conflicts.


204. the result of an experiment


205. Regular trips back to her adopted motherland have resulted in her first book, Tiger Balm.


206. The results of the survey fell into two distinct groups.


207. The result depends upon Zhang Yuan quick attacking , let Chengdu sheffey association achieve the final success.

结果正是依靠张远的快攻, 让成都谢菲联获得了最后的胜利.《期刊摘选》

208. This delay can result in heart damage or death.


209. Millions could die of hunger as an indirect result of the war


210. The result of the exam killed his lingering hope.


211. This result is consistent with the findings of Garnett & Tobin.


212. These causes led to a bad result.


213. The result has been a giant leap in productivity.


214. She died as a result of her injuries.


215. On the contrary, all the facts suggest that high unemployment in America is the result of inadequate demand.

相反,一切事实都表明美国的高失业率是需求不足的结果。《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

216. Lateral structurein refers to the direction of the resulting tile along the structurein.


217. The end result of her hard work was a place at medical school.


218. The resulting pressure or tissue displacement contains information about the action current.


219. She gave a little crow of triumph when she saw the result.


220. Claims and rights resulting from this guarantee can only be assigned with our prior written consent.


221. Reactive dye pad dyeing results in tailing easily.


222. They were living through the results of their own actions.


223. The end result of physical inventory.


224. The election result marked the eclipse of the right wing.


225. They discussed the statistical significance of the results.


226. With Britain voting to leave the European Union, and GDP already predicted to slow as a result, it is now a timely moment to assess what he was referring to.

鉴于英国公投决定脱离欧盟以及其造成的预见性结果——国内生产总值下降,现在正是评估他曾经所说的话的最佳时机。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

227. Friction usually results in unwanted heat that flows into the atmosphere and is wasted.


228. I'm still waiting for confirmation of the test results.


229. Economic integration usually creates trade results within the region a shift of trade outside the region.


230. Being due to initial data errors, the result accuracy from the popular adjustment will decrease.

因起算数据误差的存在, 导致了用普通的平差方法求得的结果精度降低.《期刊摘选》

231. And here we see the result of two hours of sorting procedure.


232. The results are entirely consistent with our earlier research.


233. The complicated geologic structure in Danbashan mountain sometimes resulted in landslide, mudflow and rockfall.

大巴山区由于特殊的地质构造,滑坡 、 泥石流和崩塌等地质灾害时有发生.《期刊摘选》

234. If it is inhibited or tricked, the result can be changes in eating patterns, he said.

它被抑制或“麻痹”, 人的进食方式便会发生改变.《期刊摘选》

235. Average people produce average results.


236. As a result, their math  grades overtook those of the other students by the end of the first  semester—and the gap between the two groups continued to widen  during the two years we followed them.

结果,具有发展型思维模式的学生在第一学期末获得了比其他同学更高的数学成绩,而且两组学生之间的差距在我们进行跟踪调查的两年中不断扩大。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

237. Leak electricity is easy to result in fire. Electric shock may arise accident.

设备漏电容易引起火灾, 触电会导致人身伤亡事故.《期刊摘选》

238. If you skip breakfast blood sugar levels drop, fatigue, poor concentration, irritability and lethargy results.

如果你忽视早餐,则会出现低血糖 、 疲劳 、 精力不集中, 易怒和昏睡后果.《期刊摘选》

239. The results were striking.

研究结果十分惊人。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

240. The Chinese government is very concerned about this suggestion and the possible result the 201 investigations.


241. The end result is a type that some languages cannot use.


242. As a result, services have been drastically reduced.


243. But that introduces false positive results; in other words, some normal tissues are marked as suspicious.

但这却导致了假阳性的结果, 换句话说, 一些正常的组织反而被怀疑癌变.《期刊摘选》

244. Result As a result, nurses risk consciousness was enhanced and nursing risk events was decreased.


245. Professor Smith warned that serious injustice can result from unnecessarily complicated legal language.


246. Combining the results of theoretical and experimental analysis, the balancing strategy of elastic deflection is preferential.

综合理论与实验对比分析结果, 在实际弯曲转子的平衡中应优先采用平衡转子弹性挠曲的平衡策略.《期刊摘选》

247. The overlay material results in a positive error, indicating excessive water vapor transmission.

试样覆盖将导致一个正向误差, 表示有额外的水蒸气透过.《期刊摘选》

248. Result shows that maximal shear stress appears on the interface of the grain and matrix.


249. Students stood around in groups waiting for their results.


250. The results of the research are summarized at the end of the chapter.


251. This result gives us all the more reason for optimism.


252. Teresa is the apparent winner, but we will have to wait until they tally the results.

特雷莎是表面的胜利者, 但是我们要等测量结果.《期刊摘选》

253. Demotion often results in employee dissatisfaction, poor subsequent performance, and eventually, turnover.

降级常常导致员工不满, 随后的表现不佳, 并最终导致员工流失。《期刊摘选》

254. Where a good result would keep the dream alive a bad result could be the end.


255. The end result is better resistance to the cat protein without an extreme allergic reaction.


256. Knowing the results of Epley's study, it makes sense that many people hate photographs of themselves viscerally—on one level, they don't even recognize the person in the picture as themselves.

知悉了埃普利的研究结果,就明白了为什么许多人打心底里讨厌自己的照片——从某种层面上来说,他们甚至不承认照片中的那个人就是自己。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

257. The end result was life extension the Anu and a shortened lifespan of the slaves.


258. Ignore the early warnings and illness could result.


259. The results of the experiment were analysed with quantum physics and the theory of fluorescence bringing.


260. The result elevated Liverpool above Manchester United ahead of their game in Sunderland.


261. The result reflects a modest rightward shift in opinion.


262. Celluloid resulted from efforts to produce a synthetic horn.


263. In practical terms, the new guidelines being develop could result in doctors choosing one drug over another for cost reasons or even deciding that a particular treatment — at the end of life, for example — is too expensive.

实际上,正被起草的新方针或许会带来一个结果:医生根据花费来选择药品,乃至认定某种疗法(比如,在临终阶段)过于昂贵。《15年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

264. Conclusions These results suggested that DMJ could induce cellular ER stress in SMMC 7721.

caspase-12 剪切激活.结论DMJ可诱导SMMC7721细胞发生内质网应激.《期刊摘选》

265. Results : The RPI clasp was found to cause the smallest bone displacement.


266. Fifty per cent of road accidents result in head injuries...


267. These policies resulted in many elderly people suffering hardship.


268. This year's results are virtually the same as last year's.


269. And now, let's have a short breath and wait for the final results.

现在, 让我们稍作休息等待比赛的最终结果.《期刊摘选》

270. Creases may result in streaks in subsequent dyeing steps.


271. The analysis indicates that the result from the model procedure consist with the empirical data.


272. The net result is increased intracellular Na, which makes the cell more sensitive to sympathetic stimulation.

它的最终结果是细胞内钠的增加, 使细胞对交感神经的刺激更加敏感.《期刊摘选》

273. Representing in the interfaces of final OLAP result, both reports and charts be selected.

在最终的OLAP结果展现界面中, 可以以报表、图表等多种方式来显示最终结果.《期刊摘选》

274. The result is a relentless legal attack on branded drugs.


275. Results: There was not any pulmonary embolism or serious accompanying symptom among the 10 cases.

结果: 10例患者中无一例发生肺动脉栓塞和其他严重并发症.《期刊摘选》

276. Please do read the Cautions, for fear that unwanted results arise from improper operation.

请务必阅读注意事项, 以免不当使用导致不良后果.《期刊摘选》

277. That's true. Maybe it is just a rumor . Be patient for the final result.

这 倒 是实情. 也许这只是个流言. 耐心一些等候最终结果吧.《期刊摘选》

278. The result is entirely unpredictable.


279. The film flashed forward to show us the result of her decision.


280. Compared the monitoring data with the result of simplified calculation of Xiangyin Road Tunnel.


281. The result suggests that pressure magnitude, pressurizing velocity and manner, and etc.

表明压力高低 、 加压速度快慢、加压方式等对油藏渗流和变形产生显著影响.《期刊摘选》

282. Negotiation has its end result on a basis profitable to both parties.



1. As a result of the Freedom Rides, they had integrated interstate transportation, at great cost to the volunteers who rode those buses.

作为自由乘车运动的结果,州际间的交通被大大集中,不过这使那些乘坐巴士的志愿者们付出了极大的代价。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. He said she believed all human action was the result of a physical health issue or a moral one.

VOA : special.2009.03.15

3. It said the drop was mainly the result of fewer cases of lung, prostate and colorectal cancer in men.

VOA : special.2009.01.13

4. It is 1.7475. Conclusion: if I start to react sodium with chlorine, the result is a crystal, a three-dimensional array.

这是1。7475,结论就是:,如果我使钠和氯反应,结果将会是一个晶体,一个三维排列。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

5. As a result the two rivals are fighting it out less in the fields than in the courthouse.

FORBES: A Tough Row

6. In October 2002, Bristol-Myers said it would restate earnings as a result of the glut.

FORBES: Bristol's Big Tease

7. The agreement is a result of roughly five months of negotiations between the firms and securities regulators.

FORBES: Wall Street Buys Peace

8. Pensioners are worse off as a result of this Budget, it's a huge surprise.

BBC: Budget 2012: Ministers under fire over tax allowances for pensioners - BBC News

9. I had waited to hear the result.


10. It might be hard to mesh this with the conception in which all actions are the result of neurochemical physical processes.

将上述事情,与所有的行为,都是神经化学生理过程的结果,这样的概念联系在一起是有些困难的心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. The result has provoked angry demonstrations.


12. This could stall order growth or result in postponements or cancelations in existing backlog.

FORBES: Build A Portfolio With Chicago Bridge And Iron

13. Davis was sure that no good would result from it, not even from stronger laws on the return of escaped slaves.

VOA : special.2009.03.26

14. As a result of the study, eleven species of mangrove have been placed on the Red List of Threatened Species.

VOA : special.2010.04.20

15. As a result,in nineteen sixty-nine, the church removed Saint Valentine's Day from its official worldwide calendar of Catholic feasts.

VOA : special.2010.02.08

16. Any losses in excess of this amount will result in no current income tax benefit.

FORBES: Don't Rush To Recognize Capital Gains Or Losses

17. As a result, the silks have now achieved recognition from the style-conscious shoppers of Singapore.

FORBES: Weaving Connections

18. As a result, many Russians have stopped watching national television, which now churns out Kremlin propaganda.

NPR: Russia Under Putin: Echoes of the Soviet Era

19. As a result, artists, writers, actors, filmmakers and musicians have long called the Cross home.

BBC: Sydneys bohemian heartland

20. But respecting the election result, no matter what it is, remains the biggest challenge of all.

ECONOMIST: Turkey and its army

21. Result: Only individuals can now buy without an immediate write down in declining markets.

FORBES: Briefing Book: A. Michael Lipper

22. Result: Plausible risks tend to slip by us while more remote eventualities get all the attention.

FORBES: The Pitfalls Of Perception

23. And this is the familiar result from ordinary mechanics, where you're not worrying about something like entropy for a whole collection of particles.

在普通力学中,如果不关注大量粒子的熵,诸如此类的物理量的话,这就是我们通常见到的结果。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

24. The result arrested a run of three games without a win for the Gunners.

BBC: Arsenal's spirit delights Wenger

25. Yes, multi-path is the result of your receiver seeing the same signal more than once.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

26. The respondents were asked to identify the organization that insures you against losing money in the stock market or as the result of investment fraud.

被调查者被问到是否知晓,在股票市场或者在投资欺诈案中,保护他们的资金不受损失的机构金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. The result is a mix of garage, country, blues, rockabilly and more, with a California surf guitar twist.

NPR: Country-Fried Rock from Southern Culture : World Cafe

28. So, long story short after this fairly arcane syntax, the end result is completely straightforward, do the following 10 times.

如此看来,这个长篇故事经过这个奇异的语法规则,简化后就立马简单明朗了许多,只需要重复做10次就OK了。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

29. The slightest touch to the controls can result in huge movements of the aircraft.

BBC: Think you can fly a jumbo jet?

30. Result: The recombination of two very different cultures, compensation approaches and regulatory setups for clients.

FORBES: Briefing Book: A. Michael Lipper

31. What I'm more interested in here than in the result of the simulation, is the process of creating it.

然后你们可以进行思考,我对这些过程,比对仿真程序的结果更感兴趣。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

32. You can't know just by looking at a pattern or a distribution or result whether it's just or unjust.

你不能仅凭分配格局,或分配结果,来判断其是否公平。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. The government appears to have miscalculated and bills are higher as a result.


34. Audrey Hepburn often said her loyalty to UNICEF was the result of her experiences as a child during World War Two.

VOA : special.2009.10.16

35. And so that can result in the front part of the eye drying and not staying moist and protected like normal."

VOA : special.2011.08.01

36. Critics say Jackson's success is not a result of his coaching skills as much as having superstar athletes on his teams.

VOA : special.2009.07.10

37. She's done a lot for me." Dave Sharpe established Pets2Vets as a result of his experience with his own dog.

VOA : special.2009.12.11

38. As a result, the salvaged zones weren't bouncing back faster than the so-called natural areas.

NPR: Study: Salvage Logging Boosts Forest-Fire Threat

39. This result only shows that you cannot take any side for granted these days.

BBC: Ziese feels Ghana heat

40. However, the Anniesland result left the SNP's reputation as giant killers looking decidedly tattered.

BBC: Surviving the swing

41. The result is that you could end up paying tax on the same income to two states.

FORBES: Leave Your Taxes Behind

42. Her identity became widely known years later as a result of a legal fight between Stratemeyer Syndicate and its former publisher.

VOA : special.2009.08.24

43. The result means Hamilton remain bottom of the Scottish Premier League, two points behind Falkirk.

BBC: Hamilton Accies 1-1 Falkirk

44. Guests can try their hand at the cooking techniques, and of course, taste the final result.

BBC: Learn to prepare snails in Provence

45. The result is a 192% average gain from first-day close over the past three years.

FORBES: Venture Vetting

46. This is the result, this is the fruit, of the hermeneutic engagement between horizons that results in meaning.

这是阐释学的结果,它的产物,不同视域会合的阐释学能得到文章的含义。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. The overall result was impure Americana.


48. As a result, patients at risk of blockages might be advised by their doctors to take a low-strength aspirin every day.

VOA : special.2009.09.01

49. So people change-- up or down in their level of happiness is a result of their experiences.

人们的快乐水平会上下变化,这是他们的经验之谈。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

50. As a result, murder is the subject of many paintings by both Martinez and Graham.

BBC: Narco-tourism in Mexico City

51. So Judah, the Southern Kingdom, is a tribute-paying vassal state to the Assyrian overlord. And of course there's a great deal of Assyrian cultural influence and religious influence in Judah as a result.

那么犹大,南部王国,是纳贡者-向亚述统治者,上交贡赋理所应当的,他们受到了许多亚述,文化和宗教影响。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. Isn't, in other words such an unreflective attachment ? to one's own bound to result in injustice to others?

换句话说,这样粗心大意的情感附属,难道不是将不义强附到他们身上吗?政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. The Pew report said the city is in better financial health today as a result of the actions it took.

VOA : special.2009.07.13

54. Because everyone's going to pick the dominant outcome and then everyone's going to get the worst result - the collectively worst result.

因为每个人都会选择优势策略,而导致结果变糟,使总结果变的更糟博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. The civilization of the West, however, was not the result of some inevitable process through which other cultures will automatically pass.

然而,西方文明的发展之路,并非经历了其他文明必经之途中,一些不可避免的发展过程古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. As a result, a rating that is reasonable in one climate becomes unreasonable in another.

FORBES: Rethinking Credit Ratings

57. And there's no way to see the result until the film has been processed.

CNN: In Facebook age, is camera-shyness a thing of the past?

58. What we see as a result of Heisenberg is the shift from deterministic models.

我们就得到了海森堡的结果,是从确定性模型转变过来的。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

59. As a result,the report says, the rate of plant and animal species disappearing is continuing faster than ever before.

VOA : special.2010.05.25

60. Many think Pharmacia saw its valuation suffer as a result of its continuing ownership of Monsanto.

FORBES: Bayer Finds Breaking Up Hard To Do

61. The result was a seesaw motion.


62. Defence lawyers had argued the abortion patient's 2009 death was a result of unforeseen complications.

BBC: Kermit Gosnell guilty of three murders in late-term abortions - BBC News

63. This is because Medicare pays more for complications which can arise as a result of an infection.

FORBES: Readers Say

64. As a result, they used the frogs in fast-acting, low-cost pregnancy tests for women during the nineteen-forties and fifties.

VOA : special.2010.06.29

65. It's really just the result of the virus dividing within cells of your skin, and producing a lot of dead cells.

这便是病毒在皮肤细胞内部,分裂的结果,这个过程会产生大量的死亡细胞生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课



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