answer the questions翻译_answer the questions短语搭配_answer the questions权威例句

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answer the questions

网络 回答问题

英 [ˈɑːnsə(r) ðə ˈkwestʃənz]play 美 [ˈænsər ðə ˈkwestʃənz]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. read to answer the questions 寻求问题的答案 ; 雅思阅读复习重点有哪些 ; 雅思阅读

2. Truthfully answer the questions 请如实回答问题

3. ask and answer the questions 提问及回答

4. answer the questions teachers 回答老师的问题

5. listen and answer the questions 倾听和回答问题 ; 听录音

6. answer the questions correctly 正确地回答问题

7. Answer the following questions 回答下列问题 ; 回答问题 ; 请回答以下问题 ; 简要回答下列问题

8. Read and answer the questions 阅读理解 ; 阅读并回答问题

9. Before you answer the questions 在你回答问题以前


1. Your ethical and moral values will affect the way you answer the questions. This is a key point.


2. Answer the questions: What university initiatives does this project support?


3. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.


4. Listen to the text and answer the questions.


5. Your strategy must, by definition, answer the questions that everyone has, "What do you do for me?"


6. Ask and answer the questions actively in class.


7. Please answer the questions listed below according the text.


8. Read the example book report. Then, answer the questions.


9. Explaining the difference between each is beyond the scope of this handout and unnecessary to know in order to answer the questions.


10. And the other person has to answer the questions.


11. E Answer the questions about the passage in complete sentences.


12. following and try to answer the questions.


13. Following and try to answer the questions.


14. All Hillary had to do was keep her composure and answer the questions, which she did very well.


15. Within that idea alone, Joseph felt he had the ability to answer the questions his film posited.


16. Many people try to just answer the questions.


17. He said respondents were happy to answer the questions, even though they were asked about "some pretty explicit stuff".


18. You will need to be prepared to answer the questions "What do your know about our company"? and "Why do you want to work here?"


19. And the other person has to answer the questions.


20. I began by saying that I had tried to answer the questions specifically and pointedly.


21. Read the following passage and answer the questions below.


22. Answer the questions according to the example.

仿照例句回答下列问题。《provided by jukuu》

23. This means you should make every effort to answer the questions correctly on the first attempt.


24. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.


25. This group answer the questions one by one.


26. Accept the licensing agreement and answer the questions regarding the reason for your install.


27. DTrace log files couldn't answer the questions above.

D Trace日志文件不能解决上述问题。

28. Listen again and then answer the questions with one word.


29. I shall be able to answer the questions tomorrow.

明天我就会回答这些问题了。《provided by jukuu》

30. Just answer the questions, 200 words for each answer.


31. Time how long it takes you to answer the questions.


32. Remember, a shaking leg or deer-in-headlights expression can matter more than how well you answer the questions.


33. Please answer the questions in the space provided.


34. Please answer the questions according to the text.


35. Students read the story and answer the questions after reading.


36. To write a mission statement, answer the questions: What is our business?


37. I want you to answer the questions below.


38. I answer the questions in class because I'm making.


39. Answer the questions following the mathematic problem immediately when you see them.

看到问题要直接得出答案,越快越好。《provided by jukuu》

40. Don't answer the questions with one or two words- answer with one or two sentences.


41. When I handed in my paper, I was afraid that I might fail because I did not answer the questions.


42. All the candidates are able to answer the questions without any hitch.


43. You should answer the questions in the first part in ten minutes.


44. Time how long it takes you to answer the questions.


45. Then they should read the text to answer the questions.


46. Read this, then answer the questions at the bottom of the page.


47. I want all of you to answer the questions.


48. Remember, a shaking leg or deer-in-headlights expression can mattermore than how well you answer the questions.


49. Answer the questions according to the pictures.

根据图意回答问题。《provided by jukuu》

50. Nobody can answer the questions the firms need answered.


51. Remember, a shaking leg or deer-in-headlights expression can matter more than how well you answer the questions


52. Please listen, read and answer the questions please.


53. Read the text carefully and then answer the questions.


54. Parents should share this responsibility, and each can answer the questions pertaining most directly to him or her.


55. Ask and answer the questions using the adjectives to express feelings.


56. All the candidates are able to answer the questions without any hitch.


57. First answer the questions you know.

先做你懂的问题。《provided by jukuu》

58. Read the phone conversation and answer the questions below.

阅读下面这段电话对话,并回答问题。《provided by jukuu》

59. Don't answer the questions with one or two words but with one or two sentences.



1. The Final will include both a short answer component and then some essay questions.

期末考包括简答题的部分,以及一些论文答辩。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. It's an old fashioned way of doing politics but I hope it's a way in which politicians can be more open to people and answer the questions people have on their minds.

BBC: Ed Miliband campaigns using 'old fashioned' soap box

3. And the other person has to answer the questions.

另一个人就要回答这些问题。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. And the reason they're unavoidable, the reason they're inescapable is that we live some answer to these questions every day.

它们之所以无可避免,无法回避,是因为在日常生活中,我们一次次地在回答这些问题。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. And answer three listener questions about the United States.

VOA : special.2009.09.25

6. Often, by being in a defensive position, we answer the questions asked without addressing the person asking the question.

WHITEHOUSE: Champions of Change Blog

7. People are required by law to answer all questions to the best of their ability.

VOA : special.2010.03.20

8. The lens in my expensive microscope was still not strong enough to answer my questions about life.

VOA : special.2009.07.18

9. But some people say they do not trust the government and will not answer all the questions.

VOA : special.2010.03.20

10. This is the goal for my first lecture today, to try to answer these questions.

今天这门课的目的是,探寻几个问题的答案生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. You can't even begin to answer those questions until you hear the story of Dewey Readmore Books, the beloved library cat of Spencer,Iowa."

VOA : special.2009.02.23

12. It's hard to answer questions and whatnot and you don't necessarily have access to the same tools unless you yourself go through the process of configuring your machine manually by following many long sequences of steps.

所以很难说会出现什么情况,你们不能,用同一台机器,除非你们自己按照一系列,冗长的步骤手工配置,你们自己的电脑。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

13. He needs to be ready for this new Barack Obama and to be prepared to answer the questions he wasn't asked last time.

BBC: Obama's do-or-die debate

14. One front-page editorial said Mr Berlusconi should answer the questions raised.

ECONOMIST: Unfit to write about Italy?

15. Edinburgh City Council's environment convener Lesley Hinds said an independent audit of crematorium records would continue to try to answer the questions and concerns of families.

BBC: Mortonhall Crematorium: Baby ashes parents call for truth

16. If the operation is successful, Pilbratt says, the Herschel telescope will also try to answer other questions.

VOA : standard.2009.05.14

17. Merck says it is doing everything it can to answer the questions swirling around its drugs.

FORBES: Pharmaceuticals

18. Using the material you've learned in class, you'll be expected to answer some big questions for an 8-page final paper that you'll turn in at a date to be assigned.

运用你在课堂上学到的材料,在8页论文中回答某些大问题,然后准时交给我。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Santorum stayed calm, and he sought to answer the questions thoughtfully and truthfully.

FORBES: Santorum survives the Paul-Romney gauntlet

20. Looking to the future, spokesman James Appathurai says there are questions that NATO must answer.

VOA : special.2009.04.04

21. Sageworks conducted the online survey from Oct. 23 to Oct. 29, collecting 150 responses from financial professionals who are Sageworks customers and who volunteered to answer the questions.

FORBES: Survey: Hiring hampered by national debt

22. The judge instead ordered the president to answer the questions.

CNN: Transcript: Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing

23. Knowing how to answer the tough questions from the media, Smith-Valade said,is key.

VOA : standard.2010.02.25

24. But he would not answer questions about the design of the leaking well.

VOA : special.2010.06.19

25. And this time the politicians are being pressed to answer the questions.

BBC: Spanish apathy turns to anger at corruption 'epidemic'

26. Or, maybe speaking about the answer to the questions on the Problem Set NO.4 will help you to think this through.

习题册上第四题的答案,也许会对你们有所帮助金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. We think that it will answer the questions that members have about the mission.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

28. Then doctors can choose to answer the questions.

FORBES: HealthTap Q&A Site Connects Doctors And Patients

29. So we feel very confident that we will be able to answer the questions that Congress has.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

30. Answer the questions from the audience before they make them, anticipating their possible questions.

FORBES: The Three Basic Secrets of All Successful Presentations

31. What are the questions that ? political scientists try to answer?

哪些问题,是政治科学家试图作答的?政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. "And lastly,I think he will answer many of the big questions about how we move forward on health care reform, and what he considers reform to truly be."

VOA : standard.2009.09.08

33. Staff from the press office will answer the questions.

CNN: White House launches program to answer e-mail questions

34. "I want to reach out and understand why you do not trust any politicians and don't believe any of us can answer the questions you are facing in your lives, " he said.

BBC: Coalition needs 'answers not excuses' says Ed Miliband

35. The questions I want to try to answer today are what is Biomedical Engineering?

今天我意图探索的问题是,什么是生物医学工程生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. The focus,says Adam Grant, who manages the program for the World Resources Institute, is to help industry answer some basic questions: "Where did you buy your timber?

VOA : standard.2010.05.28

37. And very often, the answer to some of our most pressing questions lies on the children on the bus.

很多时候,最紧迫的问题的答案,就在汽车的孩子身上。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

38. Startup HealthTap is going after this problem with a free question-and-answer service in which consumers anonymously ask questions and doctors answer the questions.

FORBES: HealthTap Q&A Site Connects Doctors And Patients

39. To answer the questions here: yes and on devices which connect to the Internet.

FORBES: Connect

40. Answer the questions in each section to see how the pieces fit together.

FORBES: It's Time For Your First Quarter Checkup

41. So once you look at Star Festival then you can think about the questions you have to answer and then question maybe the same thing I ask myself: who am I? While maybe some other questions.

所以当你看“七夕“的时候,你可以考虑你必须要回答的问题,这个问题有可能是我问自己的那个同样的问题:,我是谁?或者其它的问题。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

42. And so whether it's here or in any of the other press centers, our spokes-people are able to answer questions in both French and English and not rely on the simultaneous or the consecutive translation."

VOA : standard.2010.02.25

43. So I help check people in the class, answer their membership questions, sell memberships, all of that, and

我负责帮助核对上课人数,回答会员问题,销售会籍等,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 上东区的瑜伽老师

44. Although the Global Alliance of Publication Professionals (GAPP) cannot answer the questions that Mr Yates posed directly to Isabelle Leach and PAREXEL, we welcome the opportunity to answer the questions you have asked.

FORBES: Industry Supported Editorial Assistance: The Debate Continues

45. "We thought that it was a good time to see where they are, and it makes good sense to give them an opportunity to see if they are ready to answer the questions that we have, " Mrs.

WSJ: U.S. To Meet North Koreans in Beijing

46. Naomi Campbell was called to The Hague to answer questions about an evening in South Africa 13 years ago.

VOA : standard.2010.08.05

47. Just answer the questions that interest you, Grahame.


48. These are stupid questions, because once you understand what they're asking, the answer is just built in. It follows trivially.

这是些很愚蠢的问题,因为一旦你明白了他们的问题,答案就在其中,一切简单明了死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. But in the end, it won't answer the questions that need to be answered about corporate responsibility and economic stability.

NPR: Lawmakers Grill Subprime Execs on Pay

50. I hope you enjoy using Star Festival and do let me know the questions that you are trying to answer.

事情,我希望你使用“七夕“愉快并让我了解,你想找出答案的那些问题。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

51. I want to shift now and talk about where does all this knowledge come from but I'll stop and answer any questions about the material so far.

现在我想来换下一个话题,说说这些知识都是从哪学到的,不过我要先停下来回答你们,关于目前内容的问题心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. She kept reminding me that the campaign was distinct from the platform, but went on the answer the questions regardless.

FORBES: Jill Stein Meets Henry George

53. The courage, the patriotism, the compassion that drove them to act are the same qualities we need today, as we seek to answer the questions of our own time.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Points of Light Forum in Texas

54. He only wanted to answer the questions he wanted to answer, and not personal questions.

CNN: Al Qaeda's media strategy

55. The spokesman for the committee says once the White House does answer the questions, Herman's hearing will probably be scheduled for a couple of weeks later.

CNN: Herman To Get Hearing After Queries Answered

56. Galligan spoke on the CBS Early Show. The attorney declined to answer any questions about Hasan's alleged shooting spree that left 13 people dead and dozens wounded, or what may have motivated the attack.

VOA : standard.2009.11.10

57. Simply put, our mission is to answer the questions of what to wear and how to wear it.

FORBES: Steve Madden on Mobile Commerce

58. Again, I'm happy to answer any questions you guys have about that, but the first concept sheet has to do with this website and I'll come back to that in just a minute.

我很乐意回答你们这方面的问题,第一次作业应该与网站相关,我待会会说关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. The only way to answer the questions about why crime falls, he says, would be to build a wall around each county in the UK, and then change the conditions to establish the influencing factors.

BBC: What's the price of DVD players got to do with crime?

60. Not only did Lehrer fail to keep the candidates on time and in truth, he also missed multiple opportunities to redirect them to actually answer the questions being asked.

FORBES: Lessons From Jim Lehrer: Three Ways to Blow Facilitating Your Next Meeting





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