
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [nəʊz]play美 [noʊz]play

  • n. 鼻子;(飞机、火箭等的)头部,机首;嗅觉;觉察力;(酒的)特有的气味;<非正式>警方线人;探听,探问
  • v. (车辆、船只等)缓慢地前行;(动物用鼻子)拱,嗅;勉强领先(或获胜);<非正式>窥探,搜寻

复数 noses 第三人称单数 noses 现在分词 nosing 过去式 nosed 过去分词 nosed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


nose /nəʊz/ CET4 TEM4 [ nosing nosed noses ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 Your nose is the part of your face which sticks out above your mouth. You use it for smelling and breathing. 鼻子

    She wiped her nose with a tissue.


  • 2.
    可数名词 The nose of a vehicle such as an aeroplane or a boat is the front part of it. (飞机、船等的) 前部

    They went over to the aeroplane and stood near its nose.


  • 3.
    可数名词 You can refer to your sense of smell as your nose. 嗅觉

    The river that runs through Middlesbrough became ugly on the eye and hard on the nose.


  • 4.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If a vehicle noses in a certain direction or if you nose it there, you move it slowly and carefully in that direction. 使缓慢行驶; 缓慢行驶

    He could not see the driver as the car nosed forward.



    A motorboat nosed out of the mist and nudged into the branches of a tree.


  • 5.
    习语 If you keep your nose clean, you behave well and stay out of trouble. 行为规矩

    If you kept your nose clean, you had a job for life.


  • 6.
    习语 If you follow your nose to get to a place, you go straight ahead or follow the most obvious route. 直着往前走; 沿最明显路线

    Just follow your nose and in about five minutes you're at the old railway.


  • 7.
    习语 If you follow your nose, you do something in a particular way because you feel it should be done like that, rather than because you are following any plan or rules. 凭直觉行事

    You won't have to think, just follow your nose.


  • 8.
    习语 If you say that someone has a nose for something, you mean that they have a natural ability to find it or recognize it. 有发现…的能力; 善于识别

    He had a nose for trouble and a brilliant tactical mind.


  • 9.
    习语 If you say that someone looks down their nose at something or someone, you mean that they believe they are superior to that person or thing and treat them with disrespect. 轻视表不满

    I don't look down my nose at comedy.


  • 10.
    习语 If you say that you paid through the nose for something, you are emphasizing that you had to pay what you consider too high a price for it. 花大价钱

    We don't like paying through the nose for our wine when eating out.


  • 11.
    习语 If someone pokes their nose into something or sticks their nose into something, they try to interfere with it even though it does not concern them. 管闲事

    We don't like strangers who poke their noses into our affairs.


  • 12.
    习语 To rub someone's nose in something that they do not want to think about, such as a failing or a mistake they have made, means to remind them repeatedly about it. 揭 (某人的) 伤疤; 抓住 (某人的过失等) 不放

    His enemies will attempt to rub his nose in past policy statements.


  • 13.
    习语 If you turn up your nose at something, you reject it because you think that it is not good enough for you. 对…不屑一顾

    I'm not in a financial position to turn up my nose at several hundred thousand dollars.


  • 14.
    习语 If you do something under someone's nose, you do it right in front of them, without trying to hide it from them. 当着…的面

    We've been married 25 years and this carrying on under my nose was the last straw.


  • 15.
    习语 If vehicles are nose to tail, the front of one vehicle is close behind the back of another. (车辆) 首尾相接
  • 16.
    to put someone's nose out of joint →see   joint



  • adj.

    nosy 好管闲事的;爱追问的;大鼻子的

    nosey 大鼻子的;爱追问的(等于nosy)

    nosed 有…鼻子的

  • v.

    nosed 嗅;侦察出(nose的过去分词)


  • n.鼻子;嗅觉;突出的部分;探问

    smell   /   boko

  • vt.嗅;用鼻子触

    smell   /   snuff at

  • vi.小心探索着前进;探问

    ask after


1. pay through the nose 被勒索;被敲竹杠

2. nose job 鼻子整形手术

3. have a nose for 对…敏感,很善于发现

4. runny nose 流鼻涕

5. nose of tool 机 刀尖 ; 刀头 ; 刀片头

6. nose into 查探,探听

7. nose piece 突鼻组件;喷嘴;换镜旋座;测头管壳

8. nose for v. 探听

9. The Nose 鼻子 ; 机头 ; 诺思路线 ; 男款多功能攀岩长裤

10. running nose 流鼻涕;[医]鼻漏

11. nose cone 鼻锥 ; 螺旋桨整流帽 ; 整流罩

12. nose up v. 升起

13. blow your nose 擦鼻涕,擤鼻涕

14. aquiline nose 鹰钩鼻 ; 鹰钩鼻子 ; 鹰勾鼻 ; 鹰嘴似的鼻子

15. brown nose 讨好 ; 谄媚 ; 拍马屁 ; 献殷勤

16. nose angle 刀角 ; 蜗壳包角

17. Nose Art 机头艺术 ; 机鼻艺术

18. nose to nose 面对面

19. long nose 长鼻子;长鼻梁;高鼻子

20. stuffy nose 曲差

21. bloody nose 出血的鼻子

22. on the nose 正好,恰恰

23. run at the nose 流鼻涕

24. nose out 比……略胜一筹

25. bridge of the nose 鼻梁;鼻背,鼻柱

26. red nose 红鼻子

27. Roman Nose 鹰钩鼻 ; 鹰鼻 ; 高鼻梁 ; 罗马鼻

28. by a nose 几乎;以些微之差




big nose 大鼻子

bloody nose 血淋淋的鼻子

broken nose 骨折的鼻子

long nose 长鼻子

red nose 红鼻子

runny nose 流鼻涕的鼻子

straight nose 笔直的鼻子


1. Okay so have an affair, but not right under my nose.


2. Yellow colour of straw . Apricot nose with mineral aromas.


3. She wiped her nose with a tissue...


4. He has a dog with a good nose.


5. The nose on this wine is lifted and dense with blackberry undertones.


6. She had a warm woollen hat on that left only her eyes and nose showing.


7. The dog nosed out the drugs.


8. Bouquet: The nose is alive with aromas of Turkish delight, spice , cloves dried herbs.

气味: 充满迷人且丰富的芳香,蕴含土耳其软糖的甜蜜, 丁香等各种香草的独特香气.《期刊摘选》

9. Her nose was spurting blood.


10. He blew his nose (= cleared it by blowing strongly into a handkerchief ) .


11. Donna wrinkled her nose at her daughter.


12. Opulent tropical and ripe pear flavours, together with mineral notes on the nose.


13. If you kept your nose clean, you had a job for life.


14. On the nose spices play with fruits such as blackberry and mulberry.


15. Our dog will nose out a rabbit anywhere it hides.


16. I'm just going to powder my nose.


17. Broad nose, well opened nostrils. Lips well developed with moderate flews.

宽阔的鼻子, 开放式的鼻孔. 嘴唇有适度下垂.《期刊摘选》

18. A famous woman poet wished that she had two noses to smell a rose!


19. A nose of blackberry, cherry and morello cherry, followed by delicate balsamic notes.

在混合了黑莓, 樱桃 、 欧洲酸樱桃的味道中又能感受到精油的香气.《期刊摘选》

20. A fly landed on his nose.


21. Nose: Aromas of very ripe fruit ( apricots, candied orange ).

芳香: 成熟水果 ( 杏子 、 甜橙 ) 的芳香.《期刊摘选》

22. Beyond that your nose is less able to detect the difference.


23. She blew her nose as daintily as possible.


24. The reporter had a particularly good journalistic nose and always acted quickly on a story.


25. Bouquet: Nose of ripe fruits and jam.

香气: 成熟水果和果酱的香气.《期刊摘选》

26. He had a nose for trouble and a brilliant tactical mind...


27. His enemies will attempt to rub his nose in past policy statements.


28. The dog can nose out a mouse.


29. It's a funny flat nose.


30. When looking to bottom, he must look at least from the head to nose.

上下的话, 必须看到头顶到鼻子的部位,如果只是看到眼睛以下部位的话,无效.《期刊摘选》

31. 'I'm rich!' she exclaimed, waving the money under his nose.


32. It's safe to pat the dog on its back but not on its nose.


33. Blood was pouring from his broken nose.


34. She flattened her nose against the window and looked in.


35. If an administrator has no access to information, it's as if he was purblind and hard of hearing and had a stuffed nose.

做管理工作的人没有信息, 就是鼻子不通,耳目不灵.《简明英汉词典》

36. Masses of citrus zest on the nose with gooseberry, peach and passionfruit hints.

大量的柑橘类香味,隐约中又透露著醋栗 、 桃子和百香果的香气.《期刊摘选》

37. An intense and highly developed nose with hints of ripe fruit and cherry jam.


38. Nose: Tasting term used to indicate the aroma and bouquet of a wine.

香气: 品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒的果味和酒香.《期刊摘选》

39. This dog has a wonderfully good nose.


40. On the nose it offers delicate scents of green apple and rose.


41. I opened the cupboards with my nose.


42. This dog has a good nose.


43. Inside its nose are around two hundred million sensitive cells, forty times more than in humans.

狗的鼻孔大约有2亿左右的嗅觉细胞 —— 比人多40倍.《期刊摘选》

44. I wrinkled my nose in disgust.


45. Close you eyes and hold it under your nose. Take a few momentsto savor its aroma.

闭上眼睛,把它放在鼻下. 停留一会儿,品位其芳香.《期刊摘选》

46. Exuberant cassis fruit on the nose, with black cherry, blackcurrant and cigar box notes.

黑醋栗的果香与黑樱桃 、 黑加仑子及雪茄盒的芳香十分馥郁.《期刊摘选》

47. He had a fight with Smith and bloodied his nose.


48. A motorboat nosed out of the mist and nudged into the branches of a tree...


49. He has a nose for good deals.


50. Dogs nosed around in piles of refuse.


51. He has a prominent nose.


52. My nose is blocked up.


53. A classic Bordeaux wine, dark colour with a nose of dark fruit and berries.

典雅的波尔多魅力, 醉人的深红色泽带来成熟酱果的嗅觉享受.《期刊摘选》

54. Aromatic capsules are great for easing the discomfort of a stuffy nose.


55. A person's nose is important for breathing and smelling.


56. Aw, she's got her mother's nose!


57. The robe is deep red and very brilliant . The nose is intense with mulberry and wood.


58. Get them in first, and then let them follow their noses.

先吸引顾客上门, 再让他们凭着嗅觉前进.《期刊摘选》

59. They rather looked down their noses at anyone who couldn't speak French.


60. This organization depended on European back doors for military supplies.


61. He pressed a handkerchief to his nose.


62. Bouquet a rich, pleasant nose that opens on delicate citrus cast.


63. The hounds ran ahead, following their noses on the trail of the fox.


64. Golden colour. Expressive nose with honey and apricot aromas Ample, concentrate mouth with elegant harmony.

金黄色, 有蜂蜜和杏的香气,口感饱满, 典雅和谐.《期刊摘选》

65. Nose and elegant nose with attractive fruity, floral and citrus fruit aromas.

芳香:优雅、馥郁 、 迷人的柑橘属水果的果香及花的清香.《期刊摘选》

66. He is fed by a tube that enters his nose.


67. He squashed his nose against the window.


68. red-nosed


69. He broke his nose in the fight.


70. I could see a rat stick out its nose out of a hole as she talked.


71. He's just getting up my nose so much at the moment.


72. Your nose is running.


73. You've got something on the end of your nose.


74. She wiped her nose with a tissue.


75. Nose: In full bloom, with blackcurrant and ripe fruit.

味道: 香气芬芳, 混合着黑醋栗和成熟水果的芳香.《期刊摘选》

76. Wine with a intense red color , persistent nose, rounded , full bodied, balanced and easy to drink.

酒色为热情的红色, 香气持久不断.酒体圆润 、 完整且均衡、容易入口.《期刊摘选》

77. Following its nose, the dog jumped up to the table.

靠嗅觉指引, 狗跳上了桌子.《期刊摘选》

78. The nose is a remarkable sensitive detection device.


79. Police dogs have good noses for following criminals'trails.


80. I'm not in a financial position to turn up my nose at several hundred thousand pounds.


81. Gergen had a great sense of news, a good nose for trends, and a wide range of contacts.


82. The dogs nosed the fox.


83. He biffed me on the nose.


84. Since leaving prison, he's managed to keep his nose clean.


85. He has a good nose for a secret.


86. The plane nosed down through the thick clouds.


87. He gave Mike a bash on the nose.


88. On the nose there are aromas of fresh fruit, dark plum, vanilla and spices.

其香气散发出新鲜水果, 黑洋李, 香草和香料的香味.《期刊摘选》

89. Without the nose, we could not breathe or smell.

没有鼻子, 我们不能呼吸或嗅觉.《英语晨读30分(高三)》

90. Give your nose a good blow.


91. a blocked/runny nose

堵塞的 / 流鼻涕的鼻子《牛津词典》

92. He could not see the driver as the car nosed forward...


93. She wrinkled up her nose in distaste.


94. The river that runs through Middlesbrough became ugly on the eye and hard on the nose.


95. At this point, Templeton showed his nose from his hiding place under Wilbur's trough.

就在这时, 邓普利顿从它的藏身之所——威尔伯的食槽底下,探出小小的脑袋.《期刊摘选》

96. She wrinkled her nose in disgust.


97. He has always thumbed his nose at the media.


98. Stop picking your nose ! (= removing dirt from it with your finger)


99. Dark red elegant wine , spicy 、 peppery nose with well balanced tannin.


100. Reporters nosed out all the details of the affair.


101. We don't like paying through the nose for our wine when eating out.


102. Many dogs have a good nose.


103. The company just thumbs its nose at the legislation on pollution.


104. We don't like strangers who poke their noses into our affairs...


105. His nose was thin and sharp.


106. He landed a blow on Hill's nose.


107. She will get a nose job to improve her looks.


108. She flattened her nose and lips against the window.


109. I nosed the meat gone.


110. His ears and nose were plugged up.


111. He shot out his right arm and landed a punch on Lorrimer's nose.


112. All dogs have good noses, but the noses of hunting dogs are best.

狗的嗅觉都很灵, 而猎狗的嗅觉最灵.《期刊摘选》

113. Bouquet: The nose shows buttery melon and stone fruit characters complimented by subtle oak aromas.

气味: 带有成熟的蜜瓜和果仁特有的香气,以及诱人的橡木芳香.《期刊摘选》

114. My dog nosed game out in a cave.


115. Blood was spurting from her nose.


116. Why did you have to stick your nose in?


117. She punched him on the nose.


118. Put on some cream to stop your nose from peeling.


119. He had small, watery eyes, a pointed nose, and wore an unpleasant simper.

他长了一双水汪汪的小眼睛, 一个尖头鼻子, 脸上挂着令人讨厌的假笑.《期刊摘选》

120. She dabbed her eyes and blew her nose.


121. ...a line of about twenty fast-moving trucks driving nose to tail.


122. Any nose may ravage with impunity a Rose.


123. She exhaled the smoke through her nose.


124. Plum blossoms have just flowered , sending off a fragrance pleasing to the nose.


125. Can you put a rope into his nose, or pierce through his cheek with a gaff?

你岂能以鼻圈穿过它的鼻子, 以钩子刺透它的腮骨?《期刊摘选》

126. The budget should hit the$ 136 billion target on the nose.


127. I don't look down my nose at comedy...


128. This wine has a deep ruby - red colour spicy , blackcurrant and red fruit flavours on the nose.

这款酒有着深邃的红宝石色, 黑醋栗和红色水果的香气突出.《期刊摘选》

129. There is a fruity and fragrant nose, reminiscent of mint and , at times, lemongrass.

浅禾秆色,微泛绿色.果香和花香浓郁充盈, 有薄荷叶, 亦或是柠檬草的香气.《期刊摘选》

130. A dog has a good nose.


131. Her father paid £ 1,000 for an operation to shorten her nose


132. Blackcurrant, plum and tobacco leaf dominate the nose.

黑醋栗, 李子和烟草的香气充满鼻腔.《期刊摘选》

133. She wrinkled her nose in disgust at the smell.


134. They have four short limbs, sharp mouths, small ears, and long noses.

刺猬嘴尖, 耳小, 四肢短, 有非常长的鼻子,它的触觉与嗅觉很发达.《期刊摘选》

135. Rubbing my nose in what I did made me ashamed I had to go at all.


136. Bouquet: Excellent concentration. Berry nose with vanilla flavours and complex oakiness.

气味: 气味芳香浓郁, 有浆果香及香草味,有复杂的橡木香.《期刊摘选》

137. Just follow your nose and in about five minutes you're at the old railway.


138. He took out a handkerchief and blew his nose.


139. The nose offers effusive aromas of crushed berries.


140. Strong and aromatic nose of red fruits, spices and liquorice.


141. a dog with a good nose


142. Birds have sharp eyes and dogs have sharp noses.


143. The spot out that gets on nose with what cosmetic ability.


144. The hound has a good nose.


145. She's got funny eyes and a big nose.


146. Is what there is a naevus below nose sequential above corners the mouth what be?


147. There is evidence that the industry's greed means that it is cutting off its nose to spite its face.


148. As a journalist, she has always had a nose for a good story.


149. Chirkpar rattled past him on the right to snatch the prize by a nose.


150. Nose : Expressive tropical fruit aroma, fine bouquet.

嗅香: 有浓郁的热带水果香气, 优雅的酒香.《期刊摘选》

151. His nose told him that he was getting near the cow shed.


152. A complex nose predominated by jammy, black berried fruit mixed with fine, spicy notes.

复杂的香气包括果酱, 黑梅及细致的香料味.《期刊摘选》

153. The eyes, nose and mouth are parts of the face.

眼 、 鼻子、嘴都是脸的组成部分.《简明英汉词典》

154. He was thin and tall, with a hooked nose.


155. A good nose and palate to evaluate and recognize wine aroma, flavor, character.

能评估与组织葡萄酒气味, 口味, 特质的灵敏嗅觉与味.《期刊摘选》

156. Be after all alarm is the smell of pig nose still is police dog very good?


157. Sue parked off the main street, with the van's nose pointing away from the street.


158. Nice red colour , nose of red fruIt'structure with supple tannic. Smooth and well balanced.

酒色深宝石红, 富浓郁水果香气,酒质细致,顺滑平衡. 宜配烧烤肉类及鱼类.《期刊摘选》

159. She struck him on the nose.


160. We found a man nosing around in our backyard.


161. Nose collapses bit, method does not do an operation to change hold out a dot?

鼻子有点塌, 有办法不做手术变挺点 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

162. On the nose , butterscotch and apple aromas are dominant with hints of citrus.

散发着奶油糖果, 苹果以及柑橘的芳香.《期刊摘选》

163. You've made my nose too big.


164. You won't have to think, just follow your nose.


165. Take, a swab in their the nose and take send it to the lab.


166. large-nosed


167. Dogs naturally have the ability for nosing out strange situations.


168. My nose is all bunged up.


169. Complex nose full of red fruit, black current, tobacco, dark chocolate and green pepper.

红果 、 黑莓 、 烟草 、 黑巧克力的香气与些许青胡椒气息一一呈现,复杂而有层次.《期刊摘选》

170. The nose has attractive sweet blackberry and plum aromas with dark chocolate and coffee notes.


171. Nose: Ripe, juicy strawberry and raspberry aromas with delicate vanilla spice undertones.

气味: 成熟草莓汁和覆盆子的香气混合着细致优雅的香草香料的味道.《期刊摘选》

172. Nose: Fruity aromas of strawberry and raspberry.

芳香: 草莓及悬钩子般的果香.《期刊摘选》

173. I lifted my visor to squeeze my nose. My gloves almost fused to it.

我把头盔上的面罩提起来挤了挤鼻子, 手套几乎冻结在鼻子上.《期刊摘选》

174. The dog nosed a rat out.


175. Does an elephant have a long nose?

大象有长鼻子 吗 ?《期刊摘选》


1. More problems can develop if a person looks down his nose at someone or something.

VOA : special.2009.09.13

2. She received a new chin, lips, nose and other facial parts from an organ donor.

CNN: Face transplant patient ready to go home

3. The 2010 has an incredible nose of bramble and mature cherry and an appealing, drinkable finesse.

WSJ: Will Lyons on Wine: Thinking Inside the Bottle

4. Drouet was left with a broken nose following the incident with Tomic's father in Madrid.

CNN: Family ties bind Tomic as he stands by troubled dad

5. Saint Ebba had not only severed her nose, she had also severed her lip.

圣人Ebba不仅割了她的鼻子,也割了她的嘴唇。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Untreated patients can spread the bacteria from their nose and mouth through the air to people who are near them a lot.

VOA : special.2009.10.14

7. When it refused, Horn tapped it on the nose with a microphone to get its attention.

BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Magic show in doubt after mauling

8. There are four kinds of echidnas: three species are long-nosed, while another has a short nose.

VOA : special.2009.07.07

9. He waited until my punch was a half-inch-missed nose, and pulled his head straight back.

NPR: Boxer Muhammad Ali Turns 65

10. As an illustration consider someone punching you in the nose on the bus for no reason.

FORBES: Holmes Wants to Plead Insanity For Colorado Theater Shooting. What Does Insanity Mean?

11. The administration has also managed to keep the nose of Congress to the terrorism grindstone.

NPR: Politics and War and Midterm Elections

12. Johnson tore open his jaw and forehead and broke his nose, teeth, and wrists.


13. People who have this disease bleed from the nose or other openings in the body.

VOA : special.2009.05.26

14. When they followed their nose, Kellogg smelled something off with the logo for a Mayan nonprofit.

FORBES: When Cartoons Get Copied: 5 Characters That Have Faced Trademark Infringement

15. Like magnets attracted to iron, we pointed the nose of the aircraft toward it.

FORBES: San Francisco: Up Close And Personal

16. Soon enough, when her nose is complete, she'll have no choice but to move forward.

CNN: Aesha's progress: Afghan woman's nose nearly complete

17. You shouldn't be able to hear very much either, and it mustn't have been too delightful to breathe out of the thing, although your nose is free, but it's covered by a nose piece.

而且也听不见什么了,同时,戴着头盔呼吸也不是很顺畅,虽然鼻子并不受束缚,但是上面有一块小薄片覆盖着古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. So, babies have these big, protruding foreheads, an upturned little nose, chubby cheeks and big eyes.

所以,孩子有大而突出的额头,朝上的小鼻子,胖胖的脸颊,大大的眼睛。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. My mother always told me, if you study hard, the answers should be right under your nose or easily seen.

VOA : special.2009.09.13

20. He is considered nosey. Someone who keeps his nose to the grindstone works very hard.

VOA : special.2009.09.13

21. Howard Levine, an ear, nose and throat surgeon in Cleveland, claims good results from 25 patients.

FORBES: Balloon Therapy

22. You've got to say which way the nose is pointing and so on.

你得说它的鼻子是朝着哪边的,等等基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Chen, a stocky woman with a big mole beside her nose, came up that evening.

NEWYORKER: The House Behind a Weeping Cherry

24. In the meantime, you can stick your nose into these forward-thinking classrooms with the video below.

ENGADGET: Educators battle Eternal September by teaching digital citizenship with MinecraftEdu

25. And the way that India healers did this was by putting pieces of this in your nose, or injecting it under your skin.

印度医疗者的方法是,把这些磨碎的东西放进你的鼻子里,或者注射进皮肤里生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. But most important: When you hit somebody with a pie, try not to fracture his nose.

WSJ: The Catcher Whose Kudos Can Hurt

27. Infection can spread through touching an infected surface and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

VOA : special.2009.07.14

28. After a trip to Los Angeles the following summer, he came back with a nose ring.

WSJ: The Artist Next Door | Innovator of the Year 2012 Art

29. If someone is hard-nosed, chances are he will never pay through the nose, or pay too much money,for an object or service.

VOA : special.2011.06.19

30. My nose is peeling.


31. As I say in the textbook there, the beginning of the Beethoven Fifth is something like a musical punch in the nose.

正如我在课本里所说的,听到贝多芬的第五交响曲开始乐段,就像有人用音乐,在你鼻子上猛击了一拳聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. He has an undershot jaw and a roman nose.


33. Roth has a nose for bargains and a 20-year record of making investors rich.

FORBES: Acreage plays

34. If someone is hard-nosed, chances are he will never pay through the nose, or pay too much money, for an object or service.

VOA : special.2009.09.13

35. We also say that sometimes a person cuts off his nose to spite his face.

VOA : special.2009.09.13

36. The old man wore thick gloves on his hands and a mask over his mouth and nose.

VOA : special.2009.05.23

37. You know they are near when you hear the strange deep noise they make with their nose.

VOA : special.2009.08.19

38. His rugged face, bulbous nose, thin strands of hair, give away some years of alcohol misuse.

FORBES: Shivering On the Eve of The General Strike in Spain

39. The nurse-practitioner sedated Angel, extracted the roach from his nose, and amped up his antibiotics.


40. He also took liquid from the nose and throat of a pellagra patient and put them into his own nose and throat.

VOA : special.2010.05.18

41. If you can, punch its super-sensitive nose or stab at its eyes or gills.

CNN: Stranded at sea? Follow this 7-step extreme survival guide

42. But the manager used the same ears, eyes and nose when he made losing investments.

ECONOMIST: Financial markets

43. I've heard that there is a very special day called "Red Nose Day" in England.

我听说英国有一个特殊的日子叫做“红鼻子日”。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 英国的慈善事业

44. The smell of the pus that hits your nose, and of unwashed bodies in a closed room.

VOA : special.2010.07.26

45. This person might also turn up his nose at something that he considers not good enough.

VOA : special.2009.09.13

46. But even those who turn their nose up at suburban life are probably affected by it.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Suburbia fights back

47. Piotti obliged by using the nose of his car to push Moss into the pits.

CNN: The magic and misery of Monza

48. "But you stupid idiot!" shouted Mister Morehouse, madly shaking a thin book beneath the agent's nose.

VOA : special.2010.09.18

49. It is believed that the Kish Airline Fokker-50, travelling from the Iranian island, Kish, landed nose-first.

BBC: NEWS | Middle East | Eyewitnesses tell of Emirates crash

50. My nose is itching.


51. I broke my nose, so I was injured.

我断过鼻梁,所以受伤了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我喜欢运动

52. Just push the throttle forward, keeping the nose wheel on the centerline with rudder-pedal steering.

FORBES: Magazine Article

53. Your nose is running.


54. By day and night,never stopping, biting at his nose, biting at his feet, the wolves stayed with him until the end.

VOA : special.2010.02.27

55. Some people said of him in real life he had a little button nose. I don't know from some pictures of the look, if they were without make-up.

有人说在现实生活中,他的鼻子,有一点塌,我不知道是否有,没画过妆的照片上有他原本的样子。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

56. My nose is bunged up.


57. The videos use computer animation. Some of the animated characters are a little funny looking -- like a farmer with a long nose.

VOA : special.2011.06.14

58. What are you staring at? he demanded, brushing remnants of white powder from his nose.

NEWYORKER: The Insufferable Gaucho

59. When my nose first got a whiff of its pungent, acidic odour, my stomach began to churn.

BBC: Mexicos ancient drink makes a comeback

60. Kevin Mitnicks crime was to thumb his nose at the costly computer security systems employed by large corporations.

FORBES: The demonizing of a hacker

61. Receptors are protein molecules that sit on the surface of cells in the nose.

FORBES: The Secrets of Scent

62. But when you try to bash them, you usually end up punching yourself in the nose.

ECONOMIST: The rise and fall of the wealthy

63. Well, suppose the red light appeared on or as the nose of a reindeer.

但是当它出现在驯鹿的鼻子上时。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. where for a regular seat you will be paying 70, 80, just for, you know, like a nose bleed section.

但通常情况下,买一个很远的座位就得花上70或80美元。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 实惠的歌舞剧

65. She would flatten her nose against the window to take in all that she could of the art of Edgar Degas.

VOA : special.2009.07.12











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