test sample翻译_test sample短语搭配_test sample权威例句

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test sample

网络 试样;试验样品;测试样;测试样本;测试样品

英 [test ˈsɑːmpl]play 美 [test ˈsæmpl]play

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1. failed test sample 不合规格的样品 ; 不合格样品 ; 不合格试样

2. statistical test sample 统计试样

3. blank test sample 空白试验样品

4. tensile test sample 拉伸试样

5. type test sample 型式试验样品 ; 定型试验样品

6. first sample test report 首样测试陈述 ; 首样试验陈诉 ; 首样测试讲演

7. test sample of coal 试验煤样

8. Preparation of test sample 试样的制备


1. Influencing Factors of Fracture Layered for Tensile Test Sample of High Strength Ship Plate Steel


2. The experiments of load manifest that the test sample of variable frequency drive for SPCP has good driving capability.


3. This paper discusses the fracture shape of the tensile test sample in practice teaching of mechanics.


4. Test sample suspensions are added to each of the rows, and appropriate controls are also included.

而每一排加待检样品悬液, 并设适当的对照.《互联网》

5. Mustapha modified the PCR test by adding a dye to the test sample.


6. Measurement for Absorption of Test Sample


7. Now let's look at a test sample.


8. Analysis apparent and interior tissue of the test sample using the optical microscope and scanning electron microscope;


9. Tilt change accompanying slow fracture process in large scale test sample of granodiorite


10. Could you send us the test sample ASAP?


11. The higher the cooling rates, the greater the thermal stress, and the lower the toughness and the cold bending property of test sample.


12. Provide the test sample for Ministry of Information Industry. Add a new rise point for our company.


13. In the following test cycle the standard leak will be connected through the chamber at that moment where the test sample will be filled with test pressure.


14. Split-level test sample and robust statistical techniques in laboratory proficiency testing


15. Test Sample Selection and Statistic Treatment in Crossed-Labs Contrastive Test


16. The test sample must be made within one month overdue, nonconformity reports directly to send.


17. The signal exhibited by the released reporters may then be used to indicate the presence or quantity of an enzyme or enzyme inhibitor within the test sample.

由释放的报道 分子所显示的信号可用来指示试验样品内酶或酶抑制剂的存在或数 量。

18. And a more satisfied result is obtained by analysing the living example of the structure reliability for some solid rocket motor at the test sample stage.


19. The preparation technology of test sample in infrared absorption spectroscopy analysis


20. The accuracy and effective of this analyse method is showed with a test sample.


21. Through numerical experiment, it is found that the minimum length of test sample is much shorter than the penetration depth of literature.


22. Usually if the shoe lever is 1 & 2, will also conduct wear test sample. No need for level 3.

通常,如果鞋子的级别为1 & 2, 必须生产试穿样品。 若级别为3 则没必要。

23. It is measured by placing two electrodes on the surface of the test sample, applying a potential difference between them, and measuring the resulting current.


24. The paper discusses the reasons why the welded test sample loses its efficiency and suggests how to reduce possibilities of such failure.


25. Ignition loss : Burn the test sample at 1000� � C to sapecified quantity and measure the reduction.

烧失量: 将试样于1000度温度灼烧1小时之减量.《互联网》

26. This paper discusses the fracture shape of the tensile test sample in practice teaching of mechanics.


27. Maintenance takes place in the maintainability test, and a maintenance is one test sample.


28. Presents a forming technique of a full-sized two-dimensional nozzle with infrared suppression and analyzes the forming technique of a test sample.


29. The failure data of subsystems are sometimes not sufficient, reliability test sample sizes tend to be small.


30. The percentage of iso-octane in blend is considered the octane number of the test sample.


31. Analysis Of Fracture Shape Of Low-carbon Steel Tensile Test Sample


32. Any test sample requiring absolute viscosity measurement under totally enclosed conditions is a viable candidate.


33. Discussion of the Relation between Test Sample and Temperature humidity


34. Stress field analysis at notch of standard impact test sample by fem


35. Such as the equivalent capacitance of test sample between electrodes, the highest puncture current value, etc.

如被试样件两极间的等效电容值, 最大击穿电流值等.《互联网》

36. Reliability Test Sample Size Decision-Making Based on Simulation Method


37. For example, Figure 10 shows the query result of "Employee by position-department" by using the "Test Sample" button when no filter was set for this query Subject.

例如,图10显示没有对这个Query Subject设置过滤器时,使用“Test Sample”按钮进行的“Employee by position - department”查询的结果。

38. The higher the cooling rates, the greater the thermal stress, and the lower the toughness and the cold bending property of test sample.


39. Finally, the result indicates that the classification is valid through selecting test sample and analyzing the imitation experiment.


40. Three-Dimensional Elastic Stress Fields Near V Notches of the Impact Test Sample


41. Furthermore, it draws 178 watts in full power operation, whereas the dimmer test sample draws only 138 watts.

另外那台高海拔模式测试样机全功率模式工作下测得功率为17 8瓦,而初始亮度较低的样机仅测得13 8瓦。

42. It will generally measure the moisture in the test sample more reliably than the sample can be made to represent the aggregate supply.


43. Now let's look at a test sample.


44. Dissolution of Solid Test Sample in Chemical Analysis


45. Finally, the classifiers distinguish the category of test sample according to the extracted features.


46. Analysed the difference among perfusion parameters by SPSS 17.0 software test sample rank and independence.


47. You can test the expression by going to the test TAB and clicking test Sample.

可以通过进入Test选项卡并单击Test Sample测试这个表达式。

48. Make sure the test sample is big enough to draw conclusions from.


49. If no indication, test sample will be scrapped after testing by Intertek.


50. A novel way to calculate the equivalent distance of Jominy test sample


51. A test sample showed the discriminant model had a sensitivity of 4 % and a specificity %.


52. New method for deciding the sort of the test sample based on SVM decision tree


53. Difference of the mechanical properties between physical test sample and product of medium plate was studied.


54. A "Test Sample" run should return a table with the clusters of the model, as shown in Figure 7.

“Test Sample”运行后应该返回一个表,其中包含模型中的集群,如图7所示。

55. The test sample is being handled with care.


56. A method of configuration item test sample structuring of complex control system software is proposed.


57. Test Sample Design of Management Software in Library Automation


58. This paper enriches the chemical research of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, also provided the test sample for measuring pungent principles.


59. And the self-training process is effective when the size of the test sample is moderate or large.


60. Welcome the customer ask for new product information, the quoted price, test sample, Cooperation development and order.


61. According to changing of location for COD gauge installed in test sample type, must resolve the compliance coefficient, which can be suitable to carry out the testing.


62. Investigation of the preservation methods for 24-hour urine creatinine test sample


63. After confirm the construction and parameters of the net, the result is valid and justified through the verification using the test sample data.


64. The test sample of the product quality of Chinese current system for the main form of supervision.


65. Adjust on block test sample and turn block over to white test sample.



1. The test for high risk HPV is done on the cervical screening sample, which means that women will not notice anything different when they have their regular cervical smear test.

BBC: New cervical cancer test introduced in Isle of Man

2. If the target slab is deemed suitable, a number of test holes are likely to be drilled - using the rotation as well the percussive action - before a powdered sample is picked up and delivered to Curiosity's onboard laboratories.

BBC: Curiosity Mars rover hammers into rock

3. In forecasts extending beyond the sample period used in the study, a stern test of any model, Mr Oswald's approach easily outperforms its rivals, including consensus predictions of commercial forecasters.

ECONOMIST: Oil and the new economy

4. Inside the chambers the sample mixes with a freeze-dried bead of a chemical reagent designed for a particular test.

FORBES: Medicine Man

5. The more sophisticated test to match DNA takes weeks and lab officials would need a DNA sample from Clinton for comparison.

CNN: Lewinsky Dress Test Results Are Washington's Biggest Secret

6. "The sample test results you provided are well within the variability of the all-natural brewing process and all in full compliance with all alcohol labeling laws, as we noted, " Peter Kraemer, vice president of brewing and supply for Anheuser-Busch, told CNN.


7. Dr Janusz Zwiazek has requested access to documents, product labelling and test sample results after Irish authorities concluded beef products imported from Poland were contaminated with horsemeat.

BBC: Burgers

8. The long awaited drug test on Floyd Landis' backup urine sample begins today in a French lab.

NPR: Landis Facing Uphill Battle on Doping Charges

9. By throwing all 14 initiators into a test sample, Dr Shivji can thus identify which shark species it contains.


10. It violated the UCI's own anti-doping rules, Jacob said, which protect an athlete's confidentiality until, at the earliest, completion of that athlete's B sample test, which beings today for Landis.

NPR: Landis Facing Uphill Battle on Doping Charges

11. But we are giving teachers - everybody who applies has to take a basic skills test and they also have to submit a writing sample.

NPR: A New School Year Begins in New Orleans

12. Students are compared with a national sample, which means about 11% of kindergarten test-takers in the city received scores in the 99th percentile this year.

WSJ: Testing Firm Is Under Fire Due to Errors Scoring School Exams

13. Professor Jelani Mandara of Northwestern University found in a nationally representative sample that students who achieved the highest test scores among blacks, Hispanics and whites had parents who were both responsive and demanding.

CNN: Commentary: What parents can do for their kids

14. Dr Brennan, who was the clinical director of the service from October 1990 until he took paid leave in June 1997, failed to carry out a key test on dozens of women which involves taking a sample of cells from the suspected cancer with a fine needle, the GMC was told.

BBC: Doctors 'failed breast cancer patients'

15. Kallon, who is expecting the hear the results of the test on his 'B' sample very soon, denied being guilty of using a performance-enhancing substance.

BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Kallon plays for S'Leone

16. Turnbull wasn't informed of the positive test until 12 June this year - almost nine months after the original sample was taken.

BBC: Turnbull didn't learn of the positive test for nine months

17. "The test of the B sample submitted at the end of March 2009, confirmed the positive result of the A sample taken on the same day, " he said.

CNN: Gasquet suspended by Tennis Federation

18. All that we're waiting for now is the chance to test the much-lauded battery-life and do a full run-down with a review sample -- expect that pretty soon.

ENGADGET: Orange San Diego: Intel's Medfield phone gets benchmarked

19. But it's just fine for Wal-Mart (also a major seller of the Center's test sample), where customers can just slide over to another section of the store to find Christmas gifts.

FORBES: Toy Scare Could Help Wal-Mart

20. It can take up to four working days to test a single sample at a laboratory.

BBC: Wales

21. The majority of the sample was able to perform as high as level four (out of five) of the literacy test, meaning they were able to read, comprehend and answer questions about a simple text, and level three in numeracy, i.e. they were able to perform basic arithmetic operations.

UNESCO: Country Profile: Angola

22. Floyd Landis' B sample test result should be known this weekend.

NPR: Landis Facing Uphill Battle on Doping Charges

23. The company has announced that it's starting to sample or test its 32nm Medfield processor for mobile devices with its customers (obviously, it's not telling us which ones) and more importantly that it will ship in a phone.

ENGADGET: Intel talks Medfield: will ship in a phone and have the longest usage time

24. Sample test question: would you ever leave 6 children under the age of 12 unattended?

FORBES: Confessions of the Best Nanny in the World

25. For example, if an employer can demonstrate that a typing test and skills tests using Microsoft Office software products constitute a fair sample of the content of an administrative assistant job, then the tests will probably be considered content valid.

FORBES: Pre-Employment Testing: A Helpful Way For Companies To Screen Applicants

26. The reason it typically takes two days to conduct a blood test and it can take as long as five is that once a nurse takes a blood sample, it must be sent to a central lab where the blood is cultured or amplified in order to let any infections grow and then cleaned.

FORBES: MIT Spinoff, T2 Biosystems, Hopes To Slash Deadly Hospital Infection Deaths





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