bring into the world是什么意思_bring into the world短语搭配_bring into the world权威例句

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bring into the world


英 [brɪŋ ˈɪntə ðə wɜːld]play 美 [brɪŋ ˈɪntə ðə wɜːrld]play

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1. Fathers deserve a day like mothers coz they helped bring you into the world.

父亲应该有一个和母亲一样的节日,因为他们帮着把你带到这个世界上。《provided by jukuu》

2. A notion has taken hold in the US to the effect that the only people who should be encouraged to bring children into the world are those who can afford them.


3. A mother must be strong to bring a baby into the world.


4. So I could later bring my daughter into the world?


5. If you bring a life into the world, you owe him something.


6. She has seen and admired the effort it takes to bring a new person into the world.


7. The business of philosophy is only to bring into explicit consciousness what the world in all ages has believed about thought.


8. Our identity is tied to the value that we bring into the world and historically that value means our profession.


9. A "post-80s" generation white collar gamer from Guiyang said, "This is just a virtual game, we wouldn't bring the same drama into the real world."


10. In our view, parents ought to decide how many children to bring into the world and when-not the state, or a church, or pushy grandparents.


11. And these ingrained habits were intrinsically linked to the designer's ability to bring original ideas into the world as successful innovations.


12. Chris (WebApp.Net): The WAP was a very interesting stantard per se with good scripting capabilites and bring the Net into the mobile world.

Chris (WebApp.Net):WAP本身是一个非常有趣的标准,具有很好的脚本编程功能,将网络带入了移动世界。

13. In the form of a serpent he comes to paradise to bring evil into the world.

他变成一条蛇来到天国,把邪恶送到人间。《provided by jukuu》

14. Does FAO bring 78.5 million babies into the world every year?


15. Since we decide by design or accident to bring children into the world, with that comes the duty to care for them.


16. The council said making it obligatory for presidential candidates to have a university degree would help bring Niger into the world of international business.


17. Joining in Peter's confession would bring believers into conflict with the world and lead them to deny themselves as they picked up a cross of discipleship.


18. If you bring a life into the world, you owe the child something.


19. Allows you to personalize landline Internet and bring it into the mobile world.


20. Chris ( WebApp. Net): The WAP was a very interesting stantard per se with good scripting capabilites and bring the Net into the mobile world.


21. 'That day', said the father softly with tears now rolling down his face, 'the boys from both teams helped bring a piece of true love and humanity into this world'.


22. Talk with optimistic and encouraging people for they bring a sense of hope into the world, a new meaning to life.


23. Instead of opening a window to glimpse another world, we are attempting to bring the viewer into that world as an active participant.


24. Because it'll bring some light into the world.


25. I couldn't help but think how ironic it was that my life almost ended in a convenience store and now on the date "7-11" we were about to bring a new life into this world.


26. You won't see this wording in our advertising, but personally, I think one of IBM Rational's goals is to bring magic back into the software world.

你可能不太理解在我们的广告中的措词,但是从个人的角度来说,我认为IBM Rational的目标之一是将魔法带回到软件世界中。

27. I just don't understand how some people can bring someone into the world like a child, an object, and then not love them.


28. We bring it out into the world.


29. The story focuses on a number of product launches, depicting the drama playing out behind the scenes to bring new Apple devices into the world 。


30. I suppose it is natural for a woman to want to bring live things into the world.

你想,女人喜欢叫活蹦乱跳的小东西儿出世不是很自然的吗?《provided by jukuu》

31. Rhythmic swings of the pendulum or instantaneous water flow may easily bring a person into a trance condition, helping him to dive into the personal inner world.


32. To bring them into the world, there's nothing more important than that.


33. Alipay and WeChat Pay ran campaigns to bring more merchants and customers into the cashless world.


34. What will YOU do to bring more peace into the world?


35. And now contact lenses, normally used to bring the outside world into focus, are making it possible to peer back in through these windows.

以前,隐形眼镜通常帮助人们看清外面的世界。 而如今,它正让人们能够透过这扇窗子反观自身。

36. Now more and more women refuse to bring many children into the world.


37. Companies such as Microsoft and RIM have struggled in trying to bring keyboard or mouse-driven user interfaces into the world of touch.


38. Because by using the science we already have, we could probably bring my village and thousands like it into the world you and I take for granted every day.


39. You have to trust us to bring them into the world.

要相信我们能带她们降生到这个世界。《provided by jukuu》

40. Many people are refusing to bring children into the world as it is so full of trouble and violence.


41. Today, rather than looking back once again on the events of eight years ago, let us focus on how we can bring peace into our own lives and work from there for peace in the world.


42. Many people admire writers for their exquisite stories, but few of them know with what painstaking efforts writers work to bring a story into the world.


43. The folks who bring you the Encyclopaedia Britannica now run daily Web-based safaris into the world of information, explaining the obscure and elaborating on the famous.


44. Facing the powerful impact of Western culture in modern times, China and Japan had to alter their respective orientation for development and they were forced to bring themselves into the system of world capitalism.


45. The idea of creativity is wonderful: that a spark of inspiration can eventually bring something new and useful into the world, perhaps even something beautiful.


46. You won't see this wording in our advertising, but personally, I think one of IBM Rational's goals is to bring magic back into the software world.

你可能不太理解在我们的广告中的措词,但是从个人的角度来说,我认为 IBM Rational 的目标之一是将魔法带回到软件世界中。


1. We can outlast them, we can bring them into the world economic system, and eventually changes will be forced upon them by their own people, by their own emerging middle class.

NPR: Role of U.S. Changing in New World Order

2. The first so-called test-tube baby, Louise Brown, whom he helped bring into the world, was born in 1978.

FORBES: IVF And The Legacy Of Its Inventors

3. What we want to bring into the world is revolution.

FORBES: Twitter's Dorsey Calls Himself An Accidental Entrepreneur, Newark Mayor Booker Calls Zuckerberg an 'American Hero'

4. By building competitive, commercially viable financial institutions that provide a healthy return on capital and by taking bold risks and investing in innovative ways to expand financial services to the poor, Accion and our partners are spurring new opportunities and sustainable progress throughout the developing world, and helping to bring billions more into the global economy.

FORBES: Investing In Inclusion: How To Deliver Financial Services To The World's Poor

5. Snapchat then, is an effort to bring that fun back into the digital world.

FORBES: Snapchat: The Biggest No-Revenue Mobile App Since Instagram

6. At least until the wrong parents bring the ugliest of real world forces into play to ruin it.

FORBES: Youth Football--Parents Gone Wild

7. Well, "Home Burial" is a poem about the limits of work, the inability of the worker to bring a knowable world, a safe world, into being.

家冢“是他创作的极限之作,一个无能的工人让一个可知的世界,一个安全的世界存在。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. Mr. Park said he has been thinking about ways to bring sewing machines into the high-tech world for 30 years.

WSJ: Sewing Machines Go High-Tech

9. "I shouldn't totally discount that his motives could be more than just politics, but for him to just go up and oppose cutting tax rates, for him to call China a Stalinist free trade, with all due respect, we should not be making new enemies out of old enemies, we have a chance to bring China into the world, " he said.

CNN: AllPolitics - Kemp And 2000

10. Singapore Airlines runs services that bring it into competition with the world's largest carriers.

ECONOMIST: Asian airlines

11. These should bring it into line with standards set by the World Trade Organisation, which is to accept China as a member on November 10th.

ECONOMIST: Counterfeiting in Asia

12. The United States will do everything possible to bring China into the World Trade Organization as soon as possible provided China improves the access to its market.

CNN: AllPolitics - FDCH Transcript

13. Taiwan's famously lavish propaganda machine is already swinging into action to bring America and the rest of the world round to Taiwan's point of view.

ECONOMIST: Taiwans high-stakes game

14. And given the importance of maintaining American support for talks to liberalise trade in financial services, to expand the North American Free-Trade Agreement and to bring China into the World Trade Organisation, an upsurge of Japan-bashing and anti-import rhetoric in Washington would quickly affect the rest of the world.

ECONOMIST: The whine of success

15. It seems that the people who bring us into the world have to stand back and admire their creations with deep bias.

BBC: A Point of View: Modern parenting

16. "We didn't want to go broke" and "bring a child into the world bankrupt, " she added.

WSJ: Hiring A Surrogate In India

17. We are working hard with the SEC to bring crowdfunding for equity into fruition and the world is watching the US as we collectively frame and move to enact this financial innovation.

FORBES: Why Equity Crowdfunding Won't Happen This Year

18. "Today, the defendant has admitted to abandoning his responsibilities to the children he helped bring into this world, and to leaving the country to do so, " Lynch said.

CNN: Man pleads guilty to owing $1.2 million in child support

19. And modern technology, recently used to superimpose a crooning Elvis in a video duet with Celine Dion, could allow CKX to build a whole new war chest of intellectual properties that bring the old king into the modern world.

FORBES: Magazine Article

20. He has a wonderful sense of how to integrate chemistry and biology to bring products out into the world.

FORBES: Magazine Article

21. Could the U.S. bumble into a trade war and bring the economies of the world to their knees?

FORBES: Democrats' Trade Split

22. This week, the Latin Americans weren't prepared to yield anything because they believe they are right in trying to bring extra conservation measures into force, because they believe the world should be about saving whales, with hunting consigned to the past.

BBC: Whaling: Chaos or compromise?

23. "I know the world we are trying to help bring into being in the 21st century will have many difficult days, " she added.

CNN: Clinton's farewell marred by embassy bombing

24. The two joked that if Elayna ever gets out of line, all her parents have to do is remind their daughter what they went through to bring her into the world.


25. Ohga even compared Hashimoto to Herbert Hoover, the American president who helped bring his country and the world into the Great Depression of the 1930s.


26. What has emerged is a lean, experienced brand name powerhouse that is ready to bring the same aggressive business plan that made it into the company it is today to the world stage.

FORBES: How Chevron, Qualcomm And Starbucks Can Bring Us World Peace

27. "You create the world of the dream. We bring the subject into that dream and they fill it with their subconscious."

VOA : standard.2010.07.16

28. By making it possible to track customers in the physical world as easily as we do on the Web, indoor positioning is poised to bring the power of web analytics into the physical world, giving us real-time insights into human behavior and habits on a massive scale.

FORBES: Indoor Venues Are The Next Frontier For Location-Based Services

29. In Europe, in Latin America, in Africa, in Asia and now in the Arab world, sudden events and slow-moving trends bring us into a new world -- in the Pacific and in the Mediterranean -- and we welcome the new global governments in the G20, reflecting the growing influence of emerging countries as well as their new responsibilities.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on US-EU Summit with Herman Van Rompuy and President Jos Manuel Barroso | The White House

30. In part to bring the United States into closer alignment with the rest of the world, the AIA eliminates the first-to-invent system for U.S. patent applications with an effective filing date of March 16, 2013 or later.

FORBES: Patent Reform: Five Things Technology Companies Need to Know

31. In our view, parents ought to decide how many children to bring into the world and when not the state, or a church, or pushy grandparents.

ECONOMIST: World population: Now we are seven billion | The







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