speak together翻译_speak together短语搭配_speak together权威例句

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speak together


英 [spiːk təˈɡeðə(r)]play 美 [spiːk təˈɡeðər]play

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1. We speak English right together 我们一起说英文吧

2. don't all speak together 孩子们在街上一起玩同时

3. speak k together 一起说


1. As the refugees speak, crowding together on the blistering sand or under wilting plastic sheeting, a periodic ground-muffled boom resounds.


2. I understand that we speak together in confidence.


3. And then the cruel tone of light indifference with which persons in the fashionable world speak together on the most affecting subjects!


4. Remarkably, all of these people who speak so many different languages and come from such varied cultures work together smoothly and efficiently, as though they'd been together forever.


5. Raise your weapons, salute him* And then speak together.

举起你们的武器向他致敬,然后齐声向他问候!《provided by jukuu》

6. Even though they do not speak together.


7. I tried to string together in advance the words I would speak to her.


8. I don't know what was said but I saw them speak together.


9. Get people to speak the same language and work together as a team; and.


10. We speak together.


11. Every time we sit together talking, Ququ is open to speak his mind.


12. But how can we make a reality of the European entity if we don't speak together?

我们如果不共同发言,怎么能体现欧洲统一 呢 ?《辞典例句》

13. We did not have many chances to speak together without being overheard. But, from time to time, Colin would create an opportunity, such as by pulling the fire alarm.


14. Don't speak together!


15. As you put together your design, keep in mind that typical executives don't really get IT-speak.


16. That was the manner of our beginning to speak together.'

我俩就 像 这样交谈了起来. ”《英汉文学 - 双城记》

17. to speak together We'll talk about verse and chorus when we get to the issue of form.


18. If in the twilight of memory we should meet once more, we shall speak again together and you shall sing to me a deeper song.


19. “It shows that Europe can come together, ” said a banker with close tiesto the fund who was not authorized to speak on the record.


20. We did not have many chances to speak together without being overheard. But, from time to time, Colin would create an opportunity, such as by pulling the fire alarm.


21. While seemingly unconnected, the stories together speak to the before and after of what cyber conflict may look like.


22. Reports speak of Berlin putting together an aid package for Moscow.


23. Don't all speak together.


24. Reports speak of Berlin putting together an aid package for Moscow


25. If any one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.


26. And they speak with pride of the transformation in U.S. - Russian relations during the more than seven years they have worked together.


27. Don't all speak together.


28. Then she smiled graciously and said, Sansa, the good councillors and I must speak together until the king returns with your father.


29. It is a place of solidarity and empowerment where people have come together to raise awareness, to speak their minds and to advocate for their civil rights.


30. The owner brought out a fish on the pier, more than hands and feet to speak, indicating that they eat together.


31. Let's speak the chant together!


32. We did not speak by phone or meet one another face to face until nearly a year after we began working together.


33. "We believe that by working together with parents and teachers, we can teach young people to speak up and stop bullying," said Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer.

Facebook的首席运营官Sheryl Sandberg先生说道,“我们相信,只要我们能联合父母和老师,我们可以教会孩子们勇于揭发并制止恶霸行为”。

34. Sometimes they did not speak for hours together.


35. Even though they do not speak together.


36. And so, in that spirit, let me speak as clearly and as plainly as I can about some specific issues that I believe we must finally confront together.



1. Mohammed and the others -- Walid Muhammad Salih, Mubarak bin 'Attash, Ramzi Binalshibh, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi -- appeared to work together to defy the judge's instruction, refusing to speak or cooperate with courtroom protocol.

CNN: 9/11 suspects ignore, disrupt Guantanamo arraignment

2. Sat on the sofa talking in detail about the issues with him was not only a privilege but something that reignited my desire to pass on his story about what we can do together to improve the situation, something that took me back to hearing him speak for the first time at TEDxExeter.

FORBES: "Tainted" Technology Has Seed of Conflict Mineral Solution Within

3. In putting together the list, our nominating process, so to speak, was to look at all films released in calendar year 2008 culled from box-office reporting service Box Office Mojo.

FORBES: The Year's (Truly) Best Pictures

4. The two gentlemen could not bring themselves to speak together in the same room.

NPR: Roundtable: Voting Rights Act, NABJ Conference

5. "You have to know how to speak English, be a spokesmodel, string a sentence together, " Klum theorizes of today's anonymous mannequins.

FORBES: Smart, Too

6. So the question for President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton is simply this: If the United States and other great powers cannot come together to stop such clear threats, how can we speak of "partnerships" with other nations as a means of meeting other critical challenges?

FORBES: New Asia

7. You know how people who come from completely different cultures and backgrounds, people who might not even speak a single word of the same language, they might still be drawn together when their hearts are lifted by the notes of a song, or a vision on a canvas, or the graceful arc of a dance.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

8. And I speak for all of us when I thank the lawmakers who worked so hard together, putting aside party, to get this bill passed.

WHITEHOUSE: Share This Post

9. It's manifested in the progress we've made on nuclear security and nonproliferation through the New START Treaty and our efforts to lock down nuclear materials together, and it's manifested, frankly, in the fact that, even as we speak now, the Russians are hosting the P5-plus-1 talks in Moscow aimed at getting Iran to live up to their international obligations.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Jay Carney and Ben Rhodes

10. So tonight I want to speak to Members of the United States Congress: Let us come together on a policy of strength in the Middle East.

NPR: President Bush's Speech on Iraq, Sept. 13, 2007

11. They will have more opportunities to speak up, join together, and contribute their skills and ideas.

FORBES: Unlocking Passion Through Enterprise Social Networks

12. And they speak to a larger truth that permeates our work together.

WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at the Diplomatic Corps Reception

13. Around the country, communities are coming together this month to hold vigils, public awareness programs, survivor speak outs and town hall meetings.

WHITEHOUSE: Communities Around the Country Mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month | The White House

14. The President has visited colleges in Iowa, Colorado, and North Carolina to speak with students about this important issue, and he will continue to put pressure on Congress to work together and keep student loan interest rates low.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House Blog: The President

15. To break down the barriers he assigned people who might otherwise never speak to one another--say, French engineers and Brazilian purchasing managers--to work together on the division's problems.

FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

16. Before I speak about the challenges we face today, I'd like to take just a moment to remember together a tragedy that 10 years ago tore at our nation's heart.

CNN: 'The era of big government is over'

17. Plus, I was a virgin, don't forget that, and all of this is why I'd never spoken to Anne Marie, even though we'd been in five classes together: Anne Marie was clearly much too beautiful for me to speak to.

NPR: Chapter 1

18. "A little communication ought to be able to bring us together behind something we can speak to unanimously, " said Sen.

CNN: Senators tussle over new Iran sanctions

19. Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy himself addresses the General Assembly right after Obama, and they will certainly have a chance to speak together in the cozy waiting area just behind the General Assembly podium.


20. Right. How do you think being together on a religious life council, being in the same dorm in Princeton, how well you speak Arabic.

好,你们认为,同时在一个宗教生活委员会,在普林斯顿住在同一个宿舍,你们都会说阿拉伯语。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

21. Add to this a generation of officials and politicians on both sides of the Rhine who neither studied at each other's universities nor even speak each other's language and, despite the tight institutional mesh that still ties the two together, there is a sense that the Germans no longer need the French as they once did.

ECONOMIST: France loses ground to Germany

22. At that fateful moment, Adam and Eve are standing together at the tree, and although only the woman and the serpent speak, Adam was present, and it seems he accepted the fruit that his wife handed him.

在那非同寻常的时刻,亚当和夏娃一起站在树下,尽管,只有女人和蛇在说话,但是亚当确实在场,而且接受了妻子递过来的果实。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Over the course of the film, the two protagonists will, so to speak, come together.

NEWYORKER: The Wayward Cloud

24. These disorders "travel" together, so to speak.

CNN: The dark side of shopping

25. It was dark with the wind and sea roaring so it was difficult to see and hear people speak but we worked together and did the best we could.

BBC: Heroism and tragedy in Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex flood

26. Abdullah Syafie, a rebel commander of the Free Aceh Movement in Pidie district in northern Aceh, refuses even to speak Bahasa Indonesia--the language that more than anything binds the country together--and a young aide translates his words from Acehnese.


27. Number one, Dr. King used to speak about how we were all abound together in a web of mutuality, which was an elegant way of saying, whether we like it or not, we're all in this life together.

CNN: Transcript: Clinton On Anniversary Of March On Washington

28. But -- and again, I think that is indicative of a solid relationship in the fact that they are able to speak very candidly back and forth and work very constructively together.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing



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