to suppose翻译_to suppose短语搭配_to suppose权威例句

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to suppose

网络 假设;假定;以为

英 [tu səˈpəʊz]play 美 [tu səˈpoʊz]play

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1. to suppose and imagine 猜想假设

2. suppose to be 假设是 ; 想要 ; 想你的

3. suppose to 想做 ; 认为是

4. Suppose you want to crazy 想你想疯了

5. suppose to ought to 料想

6. suppose sb to do sth 设想某人做

7. be suppose to 获准 ; 应该 ; 要想 ; 是假设

8. to suppose the interesting question 探究性

9. Suppose to Be Finished Year 计划完成年限


1. First, it is difficult to suppose that one can experience anything continuously.

首先,很难想象人们能持续不变地经历任何事情。《provided by jukuu》

2. Your thesis is short for the accurate ratiocination to suppose your argument.


3. There is no reason to suppose it would turn out any different on trade.


4. Let me change it to suppose… if I add those first two columns, that would give me a [1, 1, -3].

假设我将它改成…如果我将前两列相加, 我会得到一个向量 [1, 1, -3]。

5. It is reasonable to suppose that there would be some large losses (and some large gains) on CDS contracts if Greece stopped paying its bills.


6. It is ingenuous to suppose that money did not play a part in his decision.


7. So again, I'm going to suppose here on out that the metaphysical view that I've been sketching is right; that physicalism is true.


8. It is a popular fallacy to suppose that riches always bring happiness.


9. But it is wrong to suppose that the deficit is unfixable, as two proposals for fixing it have shown this month (see article).


10. How could they all have been so simple as to suppose this thing could be done?


11. All that said, there's every reason to suppose that May 28 will see the most-watched sports game between two club sides in history.


12. Now in the case of language, we have to suppose as a matter of fact that language, as it were, appeared among us in the same way that the prehensile thumb did.


13. Moses admonishes the Israelites not to suppose that their inheritance of the land of Canaan is due to their own powers.


14. It is quite reasonable to suppose that he wants the money too.

假设他也想得到这钱是有道理的。《provided by jukuu》

15. It is logical to suppose that things like good labor relations, good working conditions, good wages and benefits, and job security motivate workers.


16. There is a temptation to suppose that this is not enough.

我们总是会认为,这一点还是不够的。《provided by jukuu》

17. That is almost always more difficult than naive realists tend to suppose.


18. It is ingenuous to suppose that money did not play a part in his decision.


19. First, we have to suppose that she was out to make money.


20. There was good reason to suppose that she had left the country.

有充分的理由来认为她已离开了这个国家。《provided by jukuu》

21. She had reason to suppose herself not yet forgotten by Mr.


22. The policy is perfectly clear and I see no reason to suppose that it isn't working


23. This fact may be counterintuitive — it seems reasonable to suppose that you would reach an asymptote once almost all the English words had been included.


24. None of us are so mad as to suppose that all books are really good things. Mein Kampf was a book.


25. We have nothing against small scale, low output, farming systems but to suppose this is a model which will feed the world's growing population is disingenuous.


26. It's safe to suppose that some contaminated produce got out of the contamination zone.


27. Therefore, even though they look like language, we suddenly realize that it would be foolish to suppose that they have meaning.


28. There is no reason to suppose she's lying.

认为她在说谎完全没道理。《provided by jukuu》

29. It lies near to suppose that she was there.


30. In general, it is plausible to suppose that we should prefer peace and quiet to noise.


31. It is a delusion to suppose that euro-area exports can continue to barrel on regardless of their cost.


32. It's natural to suppose that this behavior started in childhood and turned into a habit.


33. The maximum of enterprise value has already become the enterprise goal that people have generally accepted to suppose.


34. There's no reason to suppose that his new book will be any better than his last one.

毫无理由去推测他的新书会比他自己的上一本好多少。《provided by jukuu》

35. It therefore seems equally reasonable to suppose that there are also laws governing the initial state.


36. It's illogical to suppose there's only one killer.

假想只有一名凶手是非常不合逻辑的。《provided by jukuu》

37. The policy is perfectly clear and I see no reason to suppose that it isn't working.


38. It was quite reasonable to suppose that he wanted the money too.

认为他也需要这笔钱是有点道理的。《provided by jukuu》

39. The policy is perfectly clear and I see no reason to suppose that it isn't working.


40. Those disconnections make it fanciful to suppose that the nascent dialogue between China and India will lead to rapid breakthroughs in economic co-operation.


41. That is almost always more difficult than naive realists tend to suppose.


42. But I ought to beg his pardon, for I have no right to suppose that Bingley was the person meant.


43. There is no reason to suppose she's lying.


44. We have no reason to suppose that he's done anything illegal.

我们没有理由认为他做了违法的事。《provided by jukuu》

45. It is not logical to suppose that man has located and marked on a map every yard of gold-laden rock.


46. It seems reasonable to suppose that many of Pakistan's dwindling foreign visitors, of all stripes, will now stay away from the country.


47. It is reasonable to suppose that other stars are also attended by planetary system.


48. He saw no reason to suppose that she would want anything different in her own house;


49. It is perhaps incorrect to suppose that more industry means more pollution.

认为更多工业即意味更污染,这也许是不正确的。《provided by jukuu》

50. But in 2009 there are many reasons to suppose that they are.


51. Another common mistake is to suppose that XML is somehow used behind the scenes — a view I once held myself, to be honest!


52. It would be foolish to suppose that it is an easy thing to change one's faith.

认为可以轻而易举地改变一个人的信仰,那也未免太愚蠢了。《provided by jukuu》

53. It's a fallacy to suppose that wealth brings happiness.


54. Uses MCGS Software to Suppose Discusses in the Installment for the Welding Material Monitoring


55. It would be rash to suppose that this particular freedom will continue.

那种认为这种特殊的自由会继续下去的看法是不审慎的。《provided by jukuu》


1. Where lock-in is a factor, it is wrong to suppose that consumers and producers will blunder on as if it were not.

ECONOMIST: Economics Focus: Lock and key | The

2. Now, some of these merger fiends may be terrific companies, but it would be wishful thinking to suppose that any of them are understating their earnings.

FORBES: Beware Blowhards

3. Their most recent common ancestor lived over a billion years ago, so it is reasonable to suppose that any genes they still have in common are pretty fundamental.

ECONOMIST: The first complete DNA sequence of an animal is now in the bag

4. Nevertheless, it would be wrong and complacent to suppose that failure would be costless.

ECONOMIST: World trade

5. Economies need oil and it is idle to suppose otherwise.

ECONOMIST: Qaddafi and his ilk

6. There is no reason to suppose that this would not have the support of ordinary Afghans.

BBC: Who should take control of Kabul?

7. But it would be wrong to suppose that Dr King's killing has committed America to violence that it would not otherwise have experienced.

ECONOMIST: From the archive

8. Since the original internal market programme delivered such relatively modest results, there is no particular reason to suppose that the Lisbon agenda will be any more effective.

ECONOMIST: Why is Europe growing so slowly?

9. And there seems no reason to suppose that he will not be around for future remembrances beyond the 2006 party.

BBC: NEWS | Americas | Survivors recall San Francisco quake

10. It was always wishful thinking to suppose that Mr Kim was developing his nukes in order to trade them away.


11. It was always unrealistic to suppose that a massive fiscal tightening could leave out welfare, given that it makes up 28% of total spending.

ECONOMIST: Britain's emergency budget

12. The pace of job losses in America has been mild compared with previous downturns, and there are a couple of reasons to suppose it will stay that way.

ECONOMIST: The world economy

13. It would be nice to suppose a third reason, that in the end the French are less racist than they think they are.

ECONOMIST: France, race and immigration

14. It is also fanciful to suppose that Kabul can be demilitarized without some faction trying to grab power.

CNN: A Workable Plan

15. He said there was no reason to suppose that criminal proceedings, whether before a judge or a judge and jury would be compromised by the showing of the programme.

BBC: News Online

16. "There is no reason to suppose that the Jordanian courts would approach these issues in a flagrantly unfair way, " Mr Eadie said.

BBC: Abu Qatada deportation ban can be lifted, judges told

17. However, Mr Ecevit would be unwise to suppose that detaching himself from all this will be enough to win him a decent share of the vote.


18. Analysts would be mistaken to suppose that the Tea Party is done as a national phenomenon if Romney is the nominee.

FORBES: Jeb Bush Endorses Romney. Has Mitt Killed the Tea Party?

19. In fact he didn't, but he was a man whose success gave him reason to suppose he was smarter than most people.

NPR: E.L. Doctorow on Sherman and 'The March'

20. The court refused to instruct Greece to refrain from similar conduct in the future, arguing that there was no reason to suppose it would behave this way again.

ECONOMIST: A legal victory for Macedonia looks hollow

21. There is no reason to suppose that Mr Mandelson was sent to replace her because he was a man and she a woman.

ECONOMIST: The lady vanishes

22. In short, there are good reasons to suppose that Mr Sharon may indeed be willing over a year or two, according to his deputy to evacuate Gaza.

ECONOMIST: Israel and the Palestinians

23. And yet there are two reasons to suppose that he would be more decisive and consistent than Mr Clinton.

ECONOMIST: Al Gore advances | The

24. There seemed every reason to suppose that the initiative would pass, consolidating the victories for gun controllers in the 1996 elections.

ECONOMIST: Why are these Republicans smiling?

25. It is reasonable to suppose that he was an excellent sailor, and the Viking boats of the time were the finest in Europe.

ECONOMIST: Helge Ingstad

26. It is a dangerous illusion to suppose that another retreat by the civilized world would satisfy the appetite of the terrorists and get them to leave us alone.

NPR: Cheney Attacks Critics, Defends Iraq Strategy

27. It seems reasonable to suppose that many of Pakistan's dwindling foreign visitors, of all stripes, will now stay away from the country.


28. Against that, there are reasons to suppose that the economy will hold up.

ECONOMIST: Singing in the rain

29. Vakoch admits that the typical SETI approach has been to suppose that long-lived extraterrestrial civilizations would also be far-ranging technical wizards.

FORBES: SETI's 'L Factor':? Will E.T. Actually Be Around Long Enough To Phone Home?

30. The authors are meticulous about information, as their background might lead you to suppose, and they convey a ton of it.

ECONOMIST: PPE of global capitalism



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