
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [peɪ]play美 [peɪ]play

  • v. 支付,付;偿还,缴纳;给予,致以;给……付工资;(投资等)产生……利润,(工作等)有……报酬;划算,有好处;付出代价;盈利;用沥青(或焦油)填塞(甲板或木船接缝)以防止漏水;(政府或机构通过提高价格、税率等使某人)为......买单;储蓄
  • n. 工资,薪水;付款;回报
  • adj. (电视节目)付费的,收费的

第三人称单数 pays 现在分词 paying 过去式 paid或payed 过去分词 paid或payed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


pay /peɪ/ CET4 TEM4 [ paying paid pays ]

  • 1.
    及物动词/不及物动词 When you pay an amount of money to someone, you give it to them because you are buying something from them or because you owe it to them. When you pay something such as a bill or a debt, you pay the amount that you owe. 支付; 偿还

    Owners who have already paid for repairs will be reimbursed.



    The wealthier may have to pay a little more in taxes.


  • 2.
    及物动词 When you are paid, you get your wages or salary from your employer. 给…支付工薪

    The lawyer was paid a huge salary.



    I get paid monthly.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 Your pay is the money that you get from your employer as wages or salary. 薪水

    ...their complaints about their pay and conditions.


  • 4.
    及物动词 If you are paid to do something, someone gives you some money so that you will help them or perform some service for them. 雇佣

    There are people who are paid to sit around and play games.


  • 5.
    不及物动词 If a government or organization makes someone pay for something, it makes them responsible for providing the money for it, for example, by increasing prices or taxes. 承担费用

    ...a legally binding international treaty that establishes who must pay for environmental damage.


  • 6.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If a job, deal, or investment pays a particular amount, it brings you that amount of money. 带来 (某数量的钱); 带来钱

    We're stuck in jobs that don't pay very well.



    The banks don't pay interest on those accounts.


  • 7.
    不及物动词 If a job, deal, or investment pays, it brings you a profit or earns you some money. 给报酬

    There are some agencies now specializing in helping older people to find jobs which pay.


  • 8.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If a course of action pays, it results in some advantage or benefit for you. (某种做法) 有好处

    It pays to invest in protective clothing.



    We must demonstrate that aggression will not pay.


  • 9.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If you pay for something that you do or have, you suffer as a result of it. (为…) 付出代价

    He was to pay dearly for his lack of resolve.



    Why should I pay the penalty for somebody else's mistake?


  • 10.
    及物动词 If you pay money down when you are buying something, you pay only a part of the total cost. You then finish paying for it later, usually by paying a certain amount every month. 首付 (商品部份金额)

    We paid $500 down and $100 a month after that.


  • 11.
    及物动词 You use pay with some nouns, such as in the expressions pay a visit and pay attention, to indicate that something is given or done. (与名词连用) 进行; 给予

    Pay us a visit next time you're in Portland.



    He felt a heavy bump, but paid no attention to it.


  • 12.
    动词 to caulk (the seams of a wooden vessel) with pitch or tar 用沥青或焦油堵(木船的船缝)
  • 13.
    →see also   paid sick pay
  • 14.
    习语 If something that you buy or invest in pays for itself after a period of time, the money you gain from it, or save because you have it, is greater than the amount you originally spent or invested. 赚回本钱
    例: in energy efficiency that would pay for themselves within five years.


  • 15.
    to pay dividends →see   dividend
  • 16.
    to pay through the nose →see   nose



  • adj.

    payable 应付的;到期的;可付的;可获利的

    paying 支付的;赢利的;合算的

  • n.

    payment 付款,支付;报酬,报答;偿还;惩罚,报应

    payload (导弹、火箭等的)有效载荷,有效负荷;收费载重,酬载;(工厂、企业等)工资负担

    paycheck 付薪水的支票,薪水

    payee 领款人,收款人

    payer 付款人;支付者

    paying 支付;填缝;放送绳链

  • v.

    paying 支付;报答(pay的ing形式)



1. pay back 偿还 ; 回报 ; 还钱给 ; 报复

2. pay attention to 注意 ; 重视 ; 留心 ; 注意到

3. pay for 付款 ; 偿还

4. Apple Pay 苹果支付 ; 云闪付 ; 移动支付 ; 银联云闪付

5. pay phone 公用电话 ; 通信 投币式公用电话 ; 投币电话 ; 投币式电话

6. pay off 还清 ; 取得成功 ; 得到好结果 ; 付清工资解雇

7. pay up 全部付清 ; 付款 ; 付清 ; 偿还

8. pay out 付出

9. Pay It Forward 让爱传出去 ; 把爱传出去 ; 浮世因缘 ; 让爱传出去专辑


1. You have to pay back the debt at the end of each month.


2. These rules say they must value some assets at the price a third party would pay, not the price managers and regulators would like them to fetch.

在评估一批资产时,这些准则要求他们必须使用第三方愿意支付的价格,而非以经理人和监管机构期望他们能够售得的价格。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

3. Have they been paid the money that is due to them?


4. The goods are paid for by online transactions, and then downloaded onto the buyer’s computer

这些产品以在线交易的方式付款,随后便可以下载到用户的电脑中。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

5. Then the amount of the bond, its value, is paid back.

等到了期限, 等于其面值的债券保证金被偿还.《期刊摘选》

6. Despite more than $ 100 m in Venezuelan aid, the government has stopped paying some suppliers.

而尽管从委内瑞拉获取了1亿多美元的援助, 政府仍停止向某些供应商付款.《期刊摘选》

7. The reasons about the buyer refused to pay?


8. Especially in dairy production, a judicious use of concentrates will pay dividends.

尤其是在牛奶生产中, 审慎使用精饲料将是有利的.《辞典例句》

9. If you do not pay a secured loan, they will take away whatever secured the loan.

但如果你不偿还一个安全的贷款, 他们会拿走任何东西来保证这个贷款的安全性.《期刊摘选》

10. Not only do the nurses want a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.

护士们不仅要求增加工资, 而且还要求缩短工作时间.《期刊摘选》

11. We're stuck in jobs that don't pay very well...


12. The account does not pay interest on a credit balance.


13. I must look these bills through before I pay them.


14. Some governments pay bounties to the killers of wolves.


15. Negotiated by USFWS and the states, the plan requires individuals and businesses that damage habitat as part of their operations to pay into a fund to replace every acre destroyed with 2 new acres of suitable habitat .

经美国及野生动 植物管理局(USFWS)与各州协商,该计划规定:如果个人和企业因自身运作而破坏了栖息地,他们就需要存入一笔资金,毎破坏一英亩栖息地,就需要用这笔资金购买两英亩新的合适的栖息地作为补偿。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

16. ...their complaints about their pay and conditions.


17. Don't pay any attention to her ─ she's all talk.


18. According to the regulations, sir, you'll hae to reimburse the bank for the amount paid.

根据规定, 先生, 您应该补偿银行付的那笔款了.《期刊摘选》

19. Setting the right carbon price will therefore efficiently align the costs paid by carbon users with the true social opportunity cost of using carbon.

正确地给碳定价因此将有效地使碳用户支付的费用符合用碳的真实社会机会成本。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

20. Blankfein emphasizes that Goldman didn't need the money and subsequently paid it back.


21. The report recommended a 10% pay increase.


22. The equipment will be paid installments with the commodities produced by our factory.


23. The extra training paid off, and she romped home in record time.

额外的训练得到了补偿, 她轻而易举地创造了纪录.《期刊摘选》

24. Women workers are entitled to maternity leave with full pay.


25. He talked of defending small nations, of ensuring that aggression does not pay.


26. His pay doesn't go a long way.


27. They owned land; they made it pay.


28. The bigger truck paid its way from the start.


29. No, you are an exempt ( salaried ) employee , and do not get paid for overtime.

我有加班费吗?没有, 你是薪水工, 加班是没有加班费的.《期刊摘选》

30. You pay for it at the time you order it.


31. We've been given a 2% pay increase.


32. Why should I pay the penalty for somebody else's mistake?...


33. Pay off all high interest debt, such as credit cards.

把所有利息高的贷款还掉, 比如信用卡.《期刊摘选》

34. All Jeff's exert work is paying off . He leg up on the rest of his competitors.

杰夫的努力是有报答的. 他在竞争对手中占了上风.《期刊摘选》

35. In the future, pay increases will be related to productivity.


36. Some families go without medical treatment because of their inability to pay.


37. Now take this duty memo and pay at the window over there.


38. She has fee had failed to pay unemployment taxes unemployment employee. Mr.


39. For this scheme to work, the government must provide wage subsidies to compensate for lost pay due to the shorter hours.

为了实行这项方案,政府必须 工资补贴来弥补由于工作时间缩短而损失的工资。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

40. I accepted her offer to pay.


41. Are you paying in cash or by credit card ?


42. He will get paid retroactively.


43. You have to pay a high premium for express delivery.


44. You'll be paid by direct credit into your bank account.


45. You pay less for the store brand.


46. Any costs recovered will be paid into the legal aid fund.


47. Some have demanded compensation for the difference between the reduced amount they paid.


48. Paying all our debts pinched us for a while.


49. We resent your insistence that the debt ( should ) be paid at once.


50. We talked about the contract, pay, etc.


51. How would you like to pay for it?.

您想怎么付款呢?。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

52. I'd like to pay some money into my account.


53. The pay increase will be introduced in stages.


54. We have been negotiating for more pay.


55. Please pay more attention to the attached file, and take this as a warning!

请对附上的文件给予较多的注意, 而且把这当成一个警告!《期刊摘选》

56. This includes includes directions about how and where to pay the visa application charge.


57. Pay and strikes dogged hers no less than her predecessors'governments.


58. We agree to pay back wholly by the resultant product of our equipment.


59. This is the bill, please pay at the cashier's.

这是单据, 请到收银台付款.《期刊摘选》

60. Once we have paid off the store, we shall owe money to no one.

一旦偿还了商店债务, 我们就不欠任何人的钱了.《期刊摘选》

61. But in the rush to privatize, too little attention has been paid to these finer points.

然而,在匆忙进行私有化的过程中, 人们对这些细节给予的关注太少.《期刊摘选》

62. Most people said that pay was their main motivation for working.


63. Recent years our country pays high attention and gives strong supports to animation industry.


64. He asked his uncle to accommodate him till his pay cheque arrived.


65. The outstanding bill must be paid next week.


66. Article 161 Time of Payment The buyer shall pay the price at the prescribed time.


67. The government pays about $900 for old ones to be discarded and advertising on the new vehicles helps cover repayments.

政府花了约 900 美元来废弃旧车,而在新车上做广告赚的钱又有助于付分期偿付款。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

68. You'll pay for that remark!


69. The Kremlin pays due attention to science and culture these days.


70. She won't pay any extra.


71. Even though you cash, your rate of pay seems fair.

虽然你也许该涨涨薪水了, 但你以为获利还算符合逻辑.《期刊摘选》

72. You have to pay to make outside calls.


73. The judge pronounced for the defendant, and also said that his opponent should pay the court costs.

法官作出有利于被告的判决, 并要原告偿付法庭费用.《简明英汉词典》

74. When can I get my pay?


75. Laura Hamilton, the author of a study on parents who pay for college, will argue in a forthcoming book that college administrations are overly concerned with the social and athletic activities of their students.

Laura Hamilton 研究的是支付孩子大学学费的父母,她在自己即将出版的书中称大学行政机构过度关心学生的社交和体育活动。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

76. Students were paid substantial sums of money to do nothing all day but lie in bed...


77. I forgot to calculate this year's addition to the taxes when I paid my bill.


78. If you don't subsidize ballet and opera, seat prices will have to go up to pay for it.


79. He paid a sum of money as a compensation for the loss in the fire.


80. Here's hoping for a pay rise.


81. A diligent scholar, and the master's paid.

学生勤奋学习, 就是对老师的报答.《期刊摘选》

82. We reserved the right of resale in case buyer defaults ( not paid ) within 3 days.


83. A liability for unearned revenue arises when a customer pays in advance.


84. The pay is lousy.


85. You pay for petrol and other expenses, and there is no compensation at all.

汽油费及其他费用都由你付, 并且什么补偿也没有.《期刊摘选》

86. Many students now have paid employment during term.


87. Dave: The pressure got to him. Plus he wanted to get paid.

戴夫: 压力让他崩溃了. 加上他又想拿到薪水.《期刊摘选》

88. Look at the screen and listen carefully and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.


89. She laid a little of her pay away each week.


90. He was murdered at a presidential rally by gunmen in the pay of drug traffickers.


91. What about your not paying with a pretence of bad quality?

你们收到货后以质量为由不付款 怎么办 ?《期刊摘选》

92. Our pay is reckoned from the 1 st of the month.


93. I am paying for the house by monthly instalments.


94. I get paid monthly...


95. Passengers must pay 85 dolalrs every five years to process their background checks.

乘客须每五年支付85美元方可审查个人背景。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

96. He parked in the wrong place.


97. ...a legally binding international treaty that establishes who must pay for environmental damage...


98. So how are you paying?


99. Students join a team through their schools, which provide a volunteer coach and pay a nominal fee to send students to regional and state competitions.

学生们通过自己的学校加入参赛队伍,学校会提供志愿教练并支付一些象征性的费用来送学生参加地区比赛和州比赛。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

100. They always pay punctually.


101. If you help me, I'll pay you anything.


102. Therefore, wages will be paid compensation for a particular holiday will pay 3 times.


103. I want to get paid for all my expenses: auto repairs, medical and lost opportunities.

我希望我所有的费用都得到补偿: 汽车修理费 、 医药费和失去的机会.《期刊摘选》

104. Her job is hard work, but the pay is good.


105. Criticize them Criticism of straight Wall Street pay is nothing new but.


106. Many people paid with their lives.


107. How do you feel about the pay?

你觉得薪水 怎么样 ?《期刊摘选》

108. The lawyer was paid a huge salary...


109. She didn't get paid much but it was all good experience.


110. If the investment is very big, we pay the biggest preference according to the actual circs.

投资规模较大的, 按一事一议的原则给予最大优惠.《期刊摘选》

111. They pay him around $2 million net.


112. The company has set up joint-venture pay-TV channels in Belgium, Spain, and Germany.


113. They complained of long hours and low pay.


114. How much rent do you pay for this place?


115. Teachers need to be much better paid to attract the best college graduates to the nation’s worst schools.

教师们的薪水需要有大幅提高,这样才能吸引最好的高校毕业生到全国最差的学校教书。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

116. The actual question we debate is who should pay for people to go to college. If taxpayers are to bear the cost of forgiving student loans, shouldn’t they have a say in how their money is used?

我们争论的实际问题是应该由谁为人们支付上大学的费用。如果纳税人将要承担免除学生贷款费用的成本,那么他们不应该在自己的钱如何使用上有话语权吗?《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

117. This latest pay offer is a joke.


118. Concrete at early age behaves as just born baby, it needs pay attention to protect.

初龄期混凝土犹如刚出生的婴儿一样, 需要给予细心的呵护.《期刊摘选》

119. You thanked her by asking whether she could pay for a trip to Europe.


120. I must pay the money back that I borrowed.


121. May I about the pay?

我可以问薪水 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

122. We only pay a nominal rent.


123. Accommodation is free — all you pay for is breakfast and dinner...


124. Rejection will not recoup him for what he has paid out.


125. We pay for these services through taxes.

我们是通过缴税来支付这些服务的。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

126. He paid £20 into his savings account...


127. Please pay by bank draft or crossed cheque to: The Federation Of Chinese Associations Malaysia.

刊登费请用银行汇票或划线银行支票,志明支付: 马来西亚中华大会堂总会.《期刊摘选》

128. Don't pay any attention to what they say.


129. Hard work pays off once you get good grades.


130. And if you succeed, you will probably take a pay cut.

即使是找到了, 也可能要接受薪水降低的现实.《期刊摘选》

131. Some landlords , unable or unwilling to pay higher wages , tried to force peasants back into serfdom.


132. The Government announced that they would pay their debts.


133. No one is suggesting that limiting executive pay will, by itself, return struggling firms to profitability.


134. According to the hotel's regulation the damage must be paid for.


135. Competition law as presently interpreted deals with financial disadvantage to consumers and this is not obvious when the users of these services don't pay for them.

正如目前所解释的那样,竞争法处理的是客户在经济上的不利因素,而当享受这些服务的用户不支付费用,使这种情况就不明显了《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

136. Indeed, much more attention should be paid to these serious problems in school.


137. Three members were ejected from the club for failing to pay the money that they owed.


138. Her debts are piling up and she has no money to pay them.


139. They pay $150 a day plus overtime.


140. I will go now, if you will pay me, said the heron.

苍鹭说:“你快报答我吧, 我现在要走了. ”《期刊摘选》

141. There are some agencies now specialising in helping older people to find jobs which pay...


142. “It literally is like something in a dream to remember what it’s like to actually be able to go out and put in a day’s work and receive a day’s pay.

“回想起出门工作一天然后拿到一天的薪水的情景,感觉真的像是在梦里。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

143. That is the forfeit he must pay.


144. He was relieved of the obligation to pay his debt.


145. For cash payment, please pay in person once order confirmed.

如以现金付款, 请亲身来临本酒店缴付.《期刊摘选》

146. Some accounts pay interests, although this is usually at a low rate than deposit account.

有些种类的帐户也有利息, 但比存款帐户的利息低.《期刊摘选》

147. How to pay the months bills began to loom very large in their mind.


148. The demand for hedge funds, will pay more attention to defensive varieties.

资金出于避险的需求, 会对防御性品种给予更多关注.《期刊摘选》

149. The equipment will be paid in installments with the commodities produced by our factory.


150. If going to university doesn’t work out, students pay very little

—if any—of their tuition fees back: you only start repaying when you are earning  £21,000 a year.如果上大学没起到任何作用的话,那么学生们就无法偿还学费,或者只能还一点:只有当你每年赚够21,000 英镑的时候,你才能开始偿还。《16年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

151. Her parents paid for her to go to Canada.


152. Ask permission from a farmer and be prepared to pay compensation.


153. Large numbers of female workers are employed at the lowest rates of pay.


154. The motel man told Mr Brown that he would have to pay in advance.


155. The rate of pay for employees is inclusive of and comprehends payment for annual leave.


156. But the pay isn’t too bad.

但是工资还不错。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

157. It pays to keep up to date with your work.


158. If you wish to pay in HK $ please contact customer service standard exchange rate.


159. How much are you prepared to pay?


160. He is paying his tuition in installments.


161. It is necessary, therefore, to pay some interest each year.

补偿贸易实际是一种信贷, 每年应付一定的利息.《期刊摘选》

162. They had to take a 20% cut in pay.


163. There is nothing more annoying than queueing when you only want to pay in a few cheques.


164. Chongqing government takes rural land transfering as an important and pays lots of attention to it.


165. At her funeral her oldest friend paid tribute to her life and work.


166. You will have to pay up.


167. During the following year, Solarwind Company earns net income of $ 12 and pays dividends of $ 8.

在第二年, 太阳风公司获得净收益12美元,并支付股利8美元.《期刊摘选》

168. Congress needs to find the courage to allow Medicare to pay preferentially for treatments proven to be superior.

国会需要勇气来允许老年人医疗保险优先为那些已被证明效果更好的治疗支付费用。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

169. These are private bills, but there are also public bills to be paid.

这些是个人账单,但是也有一些公共账单是需要付款的。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

170. We pay by letter of credit.


171. The holder of a bond is paid interest until date when the bond materials ( matures ).

债券持有人会被支付利息,直到债券 到期.《期刊摘选》

172. Thousands of people paid good money to watch the band perform.


173. Don't pay any attention to her ─ she's just being difficult.


174. As I write this , It'still pays the original 10,000 salaried employees.


175. Substantial damages were paid in recompense.


176. May I ask about the pay?

我可以问薪水多少 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

177. M:I’ll pay with my credit card, thanks.

男:我要用信用卡付款,谢谢。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

178. To pay more attentions to the individuals by learning the humanism concerns the western news report.


179. Assistantships are jobs paid with money or free classes.


180. One day Roger heard about his father's latest game with an employee's pay.


181. I didn't accept the job because it was badly paid and aside from that, it wasn't very interesting.


182. We're going to have to pay for these things.


183. To put It'simply, the new proposals mean that the average worker will be about 10 % better paid.

简单地说, 新建议意味着一个普通工人的工资将增加10%.《简明英汉词典》

184. Hostesses are not prostitutes; they are more like paid, platonic girlfriends.

舞女并不是妓女; 她们有点象收费的, 柏拉图式的女朋友.《期刊摘选》

185. Unexpectedly, he presents himself in a new role as the man who pays the bills.

出乎意料的是, 他现在扮演了一个新角色,那就是发薪水的人.《期刊摘选》

186. If adequate compensation is not paid , it is known as confiscation.

如果不作适当的补偿, 就称之为没收充公.《期刊摘选》

187. This was not a volunteer soldier, not someone well paid, but an average guy, up against the best trained, best equipped, fiercest, most brutal enemies seen in centuries.

他不是志愿兵,也不是薪水丰厚的大人物。他只是一个普通人,却要和几百年来训练最有素、装备最精良、最凶猛残暴的敌人战斗。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

188. The only pity was one had to pay so often for a single fault.


189. Need I pay the whole amount now?


190. The British film industry could not pay its way without a substantial export market.


191. Who pays the bills?


192. I went to college anyway, as a part-time student, paying my own way...


193. My company pays well (= pays high salaries) .


194. I've no idea how I can pay you back for all your help.


195. Worse, the crucial income to feed yourself and your family and pay the bills has disappeared.

更糟糕的是,用来养活自己和家人、支付各种账单的至关重要的经济收入已经不复存在。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

196. Thank you for paying my concern!


197. Some companies are establishing variable pay programs to reward top workers on their staff.


198. They pay slightly more than the going rate.


199. That’s because he plans to ban tipping in favor of paying his servers an actual living wage.

因为他打算禁止顾客付小费,转而选择支付服务员真正够他们维持生活的工资。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

200. in energy efficiency that would pay for themselves within five years.


201. A devaluation aa national pay cut: it helps exporters but makes consumers of imports poorer.

贬值可以减少国民支出: 它对出口商有利,但是对进口商品的消费者不利.《期刊摘选》

202. Only half the people here are in paid employment.


203. I'm paid $100 a day.


204. As long as you've paid advance we won't charge you for delivery.


205. Bassanio offered to pay him twice as much money as Antonio borrowed.


206. But I'm desperate to go, because I'm in a really crummy job which pays badly.

不过,我渴望能够成行, 因为我现在这份工作糟透了,薪水差得很.《期刊摘选》

207. It pays to invest in protective clothing...


208. Conclusion Female students in high consumption have more psychoproblems and be paid more attention to.


209. She digressed from her prepared speech to pay tribute to the President.


210. That horse was a long shot, however it came in and paid well.

对那匹马下注很冒险, 但它竟然跑赢了,大大地报答了押主.《期刊摘选》

211. It pays me to keep that stock.


212. It pays laidoff workers up to half of their previous wages while they look for work.

失业保险在失业人员找工作期间会支付最高可达之前工资一半的钱。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

213. Did she have to pay a fine?


214. More attention be paid to the Constitutional background of the trend.


215. Paying it back over the next 15 years would require price rises of nearly 35 %.


216. Can I pay for each item separately?


217. Is it ? Well , let me have a look at your check and your pay stub, please.

好了.现在清楚了. 你的支票是对的. 只付了一个星期的工资.《期刊摘选》

218. You'll have to reimburse the bank for the amount paid.


219. As we said interns are sometimes paid.


220. People in a position of authoritypower will now pay special attention to you and your work.


221. How can I pay you back for all your kindness?


222. Does your current account pay interest?


223. This debt is very heavy, and it's not enough just to pay it back.

这个罪孽太深重了, 难以偿还.《期刊摘选》

224. ...the workers' demand for a twenty per cent pay rise.


225. It's hard to make farming pay.


226. Article 2 Economic compensation to labourers shall be paid in one installment by the work unit.


227. Britain was to pay dearly for its lack of resolve...


228. The sacrifice has paid off well.


229. Rather, those who are passed false gold will quietly be paid off, and compensated.

相反, 那些流通假黄金者会默默地得到奖赏和补偿.《期刊摘选》

230. Unfortunately, being able to pay off victims will embolden muggers.


231. The bridge is still not paying its way.


232. They are paid by the government.

那些账单由政府支付。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

233. They are not eligible for sick pay.


234. He shall also be liable to pay monies in lieu of notice as described above.


235. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries?


236. But the people who manage historiography of Ci have not paid enough attention in successive dynasties.


237. Compensation trade is a kind of loan, so interest must be paid.

补偿贸易是一种信贷, 因此必须付利息.《期刊摘选》

238. It pays to invest in education.


239. The package includes 20 days' paid holiday a year.


240. You can pay for the television either in a lump sum, or in monthly instalments.

这部电视机的钱,你可以一次付清, 也可以按月分期付款.《期刊摘选》

241. We paid £35 for each ticket...


242. We pay due attention to international elgal norms and practices.


243. These are extremely lucrative: IKEA says that all franchisees pay 3 % of sales.

这是一门相当有利可图的生意: 宜家称所有的代销商要上交3%的营业额.《期刊摘选》

244. BP is promising to pay compensation to those affected.


245. Most workmen are paid by the week.


246. Let her pay—she's loaded.


247. He paid lip service to religion just because it was good for business.


248. But, academe has not paid much attention to the research on the detail of TV news.

然而, 学术界并未对电视新闻细节的研究给予足够的重视.《期刊摘选》

249. So we can have taxpayers pick up students’ tuition in exchange for dictating what those students will study. Or we can allow students both to choose their majors and pay for their education themselves. But in the end, one of two things is true:

所以,我们要么让纳税人承担学生的学费,而代价是让他们指定学生学习的内容。要么我们就让学生自己选择专业,但同时也要自己支付教育费用。不过说到底,以下二者必有一个是正确的:《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

250. Do pay us a visit next time you're in Birmingham...


251. Salt Lake City School District officials say the trays were taken away at Utah Elementary School Tuesday because some students had negative balances in their accounts used to pay for lunches.

盐湖城学区的官员们说,这周二,犹他州小学学生的午餐托盘被拿走,是因为一些学生的午餐支付账户已呈负值。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

252. Pay is reviewed on a yearly basis.


253. Pay increases will be pegged at 5%.


254. Do you think we are paid in proportion to the hours we work?

你认为我们的薪水与工作时间相称 吗 ?《辞典例句》

255. Dissolving or terminating an employment contract without paying the employee the economic compensation under this Law.


256. Factory workers arrive early and stay late, without pay.

工厂里的工人来的早走的晚, 同样没有附加的薪水.《期刊摘选》

257. Either a college major is worth its cost or it isn’t. If yes, taxpayer financing isn’t needed. If not, taxpayer financing isn’t desirable. Either way, taxpayers have no business paying for students’ college education.

攻读一个大学专业的费用要么值得支付,要么不值得。如果值得,就不需要纳税人承担学费。如 果不值得,纳税人承担学费是不合理的。无论是否值得,纳税人都没有理由为大学生的大学教育费用买单。《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

258. A third of companies reviewing pay since last August have imposed a pay freeze of up to a year.


259. This expression refers to money paid illegally for favourable treatment.


260. Waitress: Sir, how would you like to pay? Cash or credit?

女侍应生: 先生, 你想 如何 付款,现金或信用卡?《期刊摘选》

261. He felt a heavy bump, but paid no attention to it...


262. I'll pay for the tickets.


263. We trust that you will pay particular attention to our order.


264. The job offers good rates of pay.


265. Sale where the buyer pays for goods only if they are satisfactory.


266. The attention paid to the Depression story may seem a logical consequence of our economic situation.


267. I grudge having to pay so much tax.


268. All the employee expect an automatic increase in pay every year.


269. She stood by her guns and the boss just gave a pay increase to her.


270. So, both aircraft manufactures and airlines have paid much attention on it.


271. Within weeks the world's two biggest auction houses, Sotheby's and Christie's, had to pay out nearly $200m in guarantees to clients who had placed works for sale with them.   

短短几周内,世界上两个最大的拍卖行——苏富比和佳士得,不得不支付将近两亿美元的担保金给那些把作品交与他们出售的客户。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

272. BP is promising to pay compensation to those affected, some.


273. But, the real question in the future is, how come people afford these things if they don't have money, because they can’t get a job that pays enough

但是,未来真正的问题是,如果人们没有钱(因为他们找不到一份薪水足够高的工作)又怎么负担得起这些呢。这《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

274. Next he undertook to pay off the debts.


275. The holder of a bond is paid interest until date when the bond matures.


276. He will pay back the money in monthly instalment.


277. The applicant shall pay appropriate compensation for any losses arising therefrom.


278. I firmly believe that she'll pay more benefits to each cinder!


279. Pay increases will not always make up for poor working conditions.


280. I didn't pay attention to what she was saying.


281. But that’s a straightforward affair.He’ll simply lose part of his pay.

但这种情况没什么复杂的啊,那个人会被扣掉一部分工资。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

282. How can we pay you back for your great help?

我们要怎么才能报答你的恩惠 呢 ?《辞典例句》

283. The amount of economic compensation is equivalent to worker pay pay, economy compensating summation come fivefold.

经济赔偿金的数额相当于劳动者工资报酬 、 经济补偿总和的一至五倍.《期刊摘选》

284. You can pay back the loan over a period of three years.


285. I just thought of them as stupid and laughing, paying little attention to them.

我认为他们象愚笨和笑, 给予一点注意对他们.《期刊摘选》

286. Enrollees would have to pay more money for many services out of their own pockets, and that would encourage them to think twice about whether an expensive or redundant test was worth it.

受保人将不得不自掏腰包为很多服务支付更多费用,而这会促使他们三思而后行,考虑某项昂贵或多余的检查是否值得做。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

287. Pay increases are tied to inflation.


288. The company has paid off some redundant employees.


289. I will always be grateful to him. Now I to pay him back.

我会一直感激他, 现在我会尽全力来报答他.《期刊摘选》

290. But has Nature recognized these PUBLISHED criticism and pay respect those true discoveries?

但《自然》认可了这些发表了的批评并对真发现给予了尊重 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

291. The debt we owed them could never be paid.


292. They asked him to pay for the damage but he pleaded poverty.


293. She stubbornly refused to pay.


294. The balance of$ 500 must be paid within 90 days.


295. You shall reimburse the bank for the amount paid.


296. The question is, how much are they going to pay you?


297. Agent who is pay by commission, not by fee.

佣金代理商, 收取佣金而不是收费的代理.《期刊摘选》

298. How are you paying? Cash or credit car?

你要怎麽付款? 现金还是信用卡?《期刊摘选》

299. This is why repeated attempts at reform legislation have failed in recent years, leaving the Postal Service unable to pay its bills except by deferring vital modernization.

这就是近年来屡次试图改革立法均告失败的原因,导致美国邮政署若不推迟至关重要的现代化,将无力支付其账单。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

300. The good news is that it is easy to pay back a sleep debt.


301. A pragmatic economic principle is at work: a debt that cannot be paid, will not be.

务实的经济原则正在起作用: 一笔没有能力偿还的债务, 将无法得到偿还.《期刊摘选》

302. Factory workers arrive early and stay late, without pay. Training at weekends may be uncompensated.

工厂工人不收工钱早出晚归, 周末安排的培训也不会有补偿.《期刊摘选》

303. I wish to God you'd learn to pay attention!


304. He owed me £100 but could pay only half that amount.


305. We'll pay you double times.


306. Paid treasure respect to make the response of polarity.


307. We pay special engine nacelle, which is the most important zone to protect.

针对发动机舱的特殊性, 提出了具有高速气流流动防护区的通风补偿计算方法与管网设计准则.《期刊摘选》

308. I'll pay you back next week.


309. But mostly, I hate tipping because I believe I would be in a better place if pay decisions regarding employees were simply left up to their employers, as is the custom in virtually every other industry.

但最主要的,我讨厌付小费是因为我相信如果雇员的工资完全由雇主决定,就像几乎所有其他产业一样,我会更加享受。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

310. You can pay at the cashier over there.


311. The workers were lured on by false hopes of increased pay.


312. He is disposed to accept the new job, for the pay is higher.

他倾向于接受这个新的工作, 因为工资高一些.《用法词典》

313. The loan has been paid up.


314. The Finnish workers are paid by the hour.



1. "It's very uncool to admit it, but yes, I would pay money to come back, " he said.

BBC: Dome alone: Is it fun for adults?

2. If you find the same room cheaper elsewhere, the company will pay you the difference.

BBC: A boom in same-day hotel booking apps

3. And as you read, pay special attention to images of tools, work, play.

在阅读的时候,注意对那些工具的想象描写,还有关于工作和玩耍的想象。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. When they left, Julius Caesar, out of his own pocket, gave every soldier in those legions a year's pay.

他们离开时,恺撒用自己的钱,给那些士兵发了一年的俸禄。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. Alas, this diversity strategy, combined with old-fashioned pay-to-play politics, has enveloped the state in scandal.

FORBES: Come and Get It

6. One reason for this is obvious; it's cheaper not to pay people, but the other reason is more interesting.

这样做的其中一个原因很明显;,不用付钱,当然就能省点了,但另一个原因更有意思。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. As I read, pay attention to the degree to which he's constantly talking about language and about the way in which he himself is inserted into language.

听了我读的这段话,请注意,他不断说到语言,以及他自己对语言研究和注意的程度。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. He was frustrated because he just lost a sale of a $2000 piece of glass that he had just made because the woman who wanted to pay him only had a credit card and he couldn't accept credit card.

他很沮丧,因为他刚刚失去一次将玻璃艺术品,以2000美元卖出的机会,有位女士想要买他的艺术品,但是只用信用卡付账,但他不愿意用信用卡交易。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

9. Any proposals relating to pay are negotiated at Police Negotiating Board in the usual way.

BBC: Police pay to start ?4,000 lower, at ?19,000

10. No, but the pay, the way they value, the way of valuing each-- Okay, so the payoffs may be different.

但是结果,他们关心的东西不同,结果导致收益不同博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. The law forced every worker and business owner to pay a small amount of money each month to the federal government.

VOA : special.2011.04.07

12. But BP says it will pay cleanup costs and all "legitimate claims" for losses and damages from the spill.

VOA : special.2010.05.04

13. The concept of Roth IRAs: You pay your income tax going in, rather than going out.

FORBES: Rothify now

14. Every time the farmers buy seeds, fertilizer or other inputs, they pay an extra five percent in addition to the price.

VOA : special.2010.05.11

15. Stick with those that pay you to own them, in other words, those with good dividend yields.

FORBES: Uncharted territory

16. And, finally, we have questions from Iran, Afghanistan and Indonesia about how to pay for an education through loans or jobs.

VOA : special.2009.01.15

17. More meaningful for pitcher pay is a quite different figure: total number of strikeouts.

FORBES: The Baseball Enigma

18. Especially because some, some advanced degrees that you get, you pay a lot of money to get them,

尤其是因为,有些高级学位,为了获得它你花了很多钱。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 对于奖学金制度

19. Vahldiek mixes in a little cattle farming and mineral and oil extraction to help pay the bills.

FORBES: Hat Trick at High Lonesome

20. But they know that we need the transportation and that we will pay for it, so there you go.

但他们知道,我们需要交通工具,我们会为之付钱的,所以你就知道了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 纽约的交通手段

21. To help pay back some of the debt that he owed, he offered up the collection.

BBC: Marilyn Monroes new Polish home

22. Now customers can also use their M-Pesa accounts to pay bills, make purchases or pay for services like taxis.

VOA : special.2009.11.02

23. Digging at Pit Ninety-One was recently suspended in order to pay closer to attention to a new discovery called Project Twenty-Three.

VOA : special.2010.04.07

24. The pay rise attracted criticism from various consumer groups, including the National Campaign for Water Justice.

BBC: Water chief sees salary doubled

25. And I can think of one example very concretely of the Pay Center, which when I first got there, was a very different center from what it is now.

我可以举一个具体的例子,就是Pay,Center,我刚去的时候,和现在完全不一样。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

26. Thus will New Yorkers get rich, despite higher taxes to pay for the stadium.

FORBES: Taxing Yourself Rich

27. Furthermore, the hotels hope participants will genuinely pay what they feel the stay was worth.

BBC: Pay what you want at a Paris hotel

28. They instructed him that the perennially money-losing company would not pay for suites at five-star European hotels.

FORBES: A Child's Guide To ImClone

29. The report said that Joshua Norton had no real money - not even enough to pay for his burial.

VOA : special.2009.12.14

30. Pay it forward. Pay it forward.

把爱传出去。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

31. A few months later, members of Congress voted a pay raise for themselves and the executive branch of government.

VOA : special.2010.02.25

32. Mr Alexander's new pay package was approved by Thames Water's parent company, German utility giant RWE.

BBC: Water chief sees salary doubled

33. But these days you pay for it which is why you get SSDs, you're paying several hundred dollars more.

但是现在你购买固态硬盘,需要多花费几百美元。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

34. Expanding Madejski Stadium will take time to pay for itself, according to building experts.

BBC: Parade to mark Reading FC's return to Premier League

35. The median annualized increase in pay during this period was 18% for this group.

FORBES: Upward Bias

36. By God, investors, especially retired investors, are desperate for income to pay their bills.

FORBES: Desperate For Income?

37. I had to pay £200 down.


38. The days are gone when women worked for half pay.


39. But one day you go to the store and discover that the price is more than you can pay.

VOA : special.2010.03.23

40. They say that braving the Drake Passage is the price you pay to see the Antarctic.

FORBES: Go with the Floe

41. The boy was supposed to be coming to pay respects instead he blew himself up.

NPR: Long-Awaited Fallujah Rebuilding Shows Promise

42. Developed alongside the highly respected CFA Institute, this handy guide will pay dividends for years to come.

FORBES: Investing 101

43. Charities will get something for nothing but will then pay for more sophisticated services.

BBC: and the business of charity

44. Mister Obama placed limits on pay for top executives at banks that receive new aid money from the government.

VOA : special.2009.02.06

45. Better to pay them now than have warring heirs pay two sets of lawyers later.

FORBES: Estate Repair

46. Share repurchases are kinder than cash dividends to shareholders who have to pay taxes.

FORBES: Rational Expectations

47. Clients normally pay fees in advance, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.


48. Patrons pay him and give him drinks to go up and repeat their words to other people in the bar.

当某人给钱,让他传话。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. The law will require Americans to have health insurance, with a few exceptions, or pay a fine starting in four years.

VOA : special.2010.03.26

50. Aristotle appears to give two different accounts in the opening pages of the book that you might pay attention to.

亚里士多德在其书开头前几页,给出了两种不同的说法,你们要多加留意。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. But he agrees that in recent years, many companies have tied pay to short-term performance, instead of their long-term health.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

52. They aim to build a business on bar code registration fees and a pay-per-swipe from retailers.

FORBES: Scanned Goods

53. If employers give only 30 days notice, then they must pay 30 days severance.

FORBES: Layoffs And Lawsuits

54. It also bars additional forms of pay except for stock that can only be received after government loans have been repaid.

VOA : special.2009.02.06

55. And if you pay attention to the smallest things while knowing what's important, then everything else takes care of itself.

如果你注意到了最小的东西,并且知道什么是重要的,那么任何其他事情都会自然而然地好起来。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

56. pay-as-you-go phones


57. Government is expensive "and it's fit that everyone who enjoys his share of the protection " should pay out of his estate."

维持政府是要花钱的,“凡享受保护的人,都应该从他的产业中,支出他的一份来维持政府“公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. Pay is also rising after the relatively lean years of 2002 and 2003, executive recruiters say.

FORBES: Wall Street's Hiring Spree

59. Children pay half-price admission.


60. They urged the United States government to pay for a secret scientific effort, called the Manhattan Project, to create the bomb.

VOA : special.2009.06.14

61. No-one expects motorists to pay more for new roads or air passengers to pay for new runways.

BBC: Network Rail unveils ?37.5bn investment plan

62. they either pay you interest or they have to reorganize and they pay you principle or they have to reorganize.

不管他们是主动支付你利息还是不得不兑现,同时不管他们是优先向你支付还是他们不得不兑现。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. Such an industry could pay very good wages and still be competitive with upstarts abroad.

FORBES: Side Lines

64. With pay based on positive performance, the temptation to hide losses increases on trading desks.

FORBES: SocGen's Risk Mismanagement

65. He lured sales managers with hefty pay increases and dangled signing bonuses to others.

FORBES: Survivor



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