类似 It is likely that…=Sb (Sth) is likely to…这样的同义句

学考宝 作者:佚名


It’s likely that he will come to the meeting. 他可能会来开会。

It’s likely that she will ring me up tonight. 她今晚很可能会给我打电话。


He is likely to come to the meeting. 他可能会来开会。

She is very likely to ring me up tonight. 她今晚很可能会给我打电话。




▲与likely的以上用法类似的有 unlikely, unfortunate 等。
He is highly likely to succeed.
=It’s highly likely that he will succeed. 很可能他会成功。
He is quite likely to refuse.
=It is quite likely that he will refuse. 他很可能会拒绝。
It is unlikely to rain.
=It’s unlikely that it will rain. 不太可能下雨。
The job is unlikely to be finished in time.
=It’s unlikely that the job will be finished in time. 这工作不见得能按时完成。
He was unfortunate to miss the last train.
=It was unfortunate that he missed the last train. 真倒霉,他错过了最后一班车。
He was unfortunate to be left an orphan.
=It is unfortunate that he was left an orphan. 不幸的是,他成了孤儿。
He was brave to enter the burning building.
=It was brave of him to enter the burning building. 他敢进入那燃烧的建筑,真是勇敢。
She is clever to refuse them.
=It’s clever of her to refuse them. 她拒绝他们那是明智的。
You are crazy to lend him so much money.
=It was crazy of you to lend him so much money. 你借给他那么多钱,真是愚蠢!
You are cruel to bully your friends like that.
=It’s cruel of you to bully your friends like that.  你这样欺负你的朋友太残忍了。
She was foolish to say such a thing.
=It was foolish of her to say such a thing. 她说出那样的话来,真是太蠢了。
He was generous to give you so much money.
=It was generous of him to give you so much money. 他真大方给你这么多钱。
You were silly to believe him.
=It was silly of you to believe him. 你相信他是愚蠢的。
You are kind to say that.
=It is kind of you to say that. 你这样说,真是太好了。
You weren’t very polite to serve yourself without asking.
=It wasn’t very polite of you to serve yourself without asking. 你也不问一声就自己吃起来是不太礼貌的。
You are wrong to cheat him.
= It’s wrong of you to cheat him. 你欺骗他是不应该的。
The man chanced to be a doctor.
=It chanced that the man was a doctor. 那人碰巧是位医生。
She chanced to be in when he called.
=It chanced that she was in when he called.  他打电话时碰巧她在家。
I happened to have no money with me.
=It happened that I had no money with me. 碰巧我没带钱。
She happened to be out when he called.
=It happened that she was out when he called. 他打电话时,她恰巧不在家。
He appears to have been waiting a long time.
=It appears that he has been waiting a long time. 看来他已经等了很久了。
He seems to have a lot of money.
=It seems that he has a lot of money. 他似乎很有钱。
She turned out to be a friend of my sister.
=It turned out that she was a friend of my sister. 她原来是我妹妹的朋友。
This vase is estimated to be 2 000 years old.
=It is estimated that the vase is 2 000 years old. 据估计这个花瓶有两千年历史。
He is said to have stolen the money.
=It’s said that he stole the money. 据说是他偷了这笔钱。
She is reported to earn over $10 million a year.
=It is reported that she earns over $10 million a year. 据说她每年赚1000多万美元。
He’s tough to work with.
=It’s tough to work with him. 他是个难以共事的人。
It shocked me to see how she treated her child.
= I was shocked to see how she treated her child. 见到她如此对她的孩子,我感到愤慨。



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