“Relevant universities said government funding is still underway amid media reports that China's two main college funding initiatives were alreadyabolished,the Beijing News reported Thursday.”(本句子来源于《中国日报》报道。翻译:据《新京报》周四报道,有媒体报道中国两大高校资助项目已经废除,但相关学校表示政府资助项目仍在进行中。)求解:此句子中“relevant universities said government funding is still underway ”这是一个句子,而“amid media reports that China's two main college funding initiatives were already abolished.”这又是一个句子,这两个句子之间没有任何的承接词承接或者标点分隔,直接合并成“relevant universities said government funding is still underway amid media reports that China's two main college funding initiatives were already abolished.”这一个句子,这样的句子语法对吗?为什么?
Relevant universities said governmentfunding is still underway amid media reports that China's two main collegefunding initiatives were already abolished, the Beijing News reported Thursday.
n 参考译文:据《新京报》周四报道,尽管有媒体疯传中国两大高校资助项目(985及211工程)已遭废除,但相关学校表示(该项目)政府资助款项仍在进展之中。
n 这里的amid media reports that China's two maincollege funding initiatives were already abolished 并非是一个句子,而是一个介词短语,that 分句为 reports 的同位语从句。
n 例句:
The dollar fell in value today, amid rumorsof weakness in the US economy. 在人们纷纷传说美国经济不景气的舆论声中,美元币值今天下跌了。