
be broken与get broken的用法区别
be broken与get broken的用法区别Who knows how this leg got broken? 请问这里为什么用 got broken?它与 was broken 有什么区别吗? 另外,这里可以用 was broken 吗?谢谢!
初中英语作文:An Unforgettable Day(精选22篇)
初中英语作文:An Unforgettable Day(精选22篇)无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是小编精心整理的初中英语作文:An Unforgettable Day,希望对大家有所帮助。  初中英语作文:An Unforgettable Day 1  Late one afternoon, I was on my way home from school. I walked slowly
take away,put away,move away,get away的区别
take away,put away,move away,get away的区别I am sorry. I ______ my shoes and wash them at once. A. take away B. put away C. move away D. get away 为什么答案就不能是 B 或 C?盼
forget用于进行时态的特殊用法I was forgetting — you haven't heard. Take me out and shoot me down like a dog, old buddy, I was forgetting. forget 的进行时
forget用一般过去式和现在完成时的区别I am sorry I _______ to bring my homework here. I _______ it at home, I'd better go home for it. 正确答案是:forgot;forgot lea
get sth doing与get sth done的用法及区别
get sth doing与get sth done的用法及区别关于 get sth doing 与 get sth done 的用法区别我原来的知识储备是这样的: 1. get sth doing sth 表示“使某事物开始起来。如: Can you get the clock going again
get the car started与get the
get the car started与get the在以下的三个句子中: I couldn't get the car to start this morning. 我今天早上没法让这汽车发动起来。 How on earth did you manage to get the car sta
get one's money's worth与get the worth of one's mon能换吗
get one's money's worth与get the worth of one's mon能换吗Get there early to make sure you get your money’s worth. 资料上说句子中的 get your money’s worth 不能换成 get the worth of your mone
vegetation cover是什么意思_vegetation cover用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句
vegetation cover是什么意思_vegetation cover用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句vegetation cover的意思是:植被。学考宝为您提供vegetation cover是什么意思,vegetation cover翻译,vegetation cover用法,vegetation cover短语搭配,vegetation cover权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
vegetative cover的意思_vegetative cover的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句
vegetative cover的意思_vegetative cover的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句vegetative cover的意思是:植被。学考宝为您提供vegetative cover是什么意思,vegetative cover翻译,vegetative cover用法,vegetative cover短语搭配,vegetative cover权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
vegetative cover是什么意思_vegetative cover短语搭配_vegetative cover权威例句
vegetative cover是什么意思_vegetative cover短语搭配_vegetative cover权威例句vegetative cover的意思是:植被。学考宝为您提供vegetative cover是什么意思,vegetative cover翻译,vegetative cover短语搭配,vegetative cover权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
energetic是什么意思_energetic短语搭配_energetic权威例句energetic的意思是:adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的;积极的;(活动)剧烈的,费力气的;高能的。学考宝为您提供energetic是什么意思,energetic翻译,energetic短语搭配,energetic权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
get sth (sb) doing的用法与例句
get sth (sb) doing的用法与例句请老师说说 get sth (sb) doing 的用法,同时请给出一些典型的例句,谢谢!
get into a jam是什么意思_get into a jam短语搭配_get into a jam权威例句
get into a jam是什么意思_get into a jam短语搭配_get into a jam权威例句get into a jam的意思是:陷入困境:指遇到麻烦或困难的情况。。学考宝为您提供get into a jam是什么意思,get into a jam翻译,get into a jam短语搭配,get into a jam权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
go getting, go wandering属于什么用法
go getting, go wandering属于什么用法Don’t go getting yourself into trouble. 别给自己惹麻烦。 Don’t go wandering all over the house! 不要在房子里到处转悠! 请问句中的 go getting, go
go this far还是get this far
go this far还是get this far有这样一个句子: I wish to thank Professor Smith, without whose help I would never have got this far. 我要感谢史密斯教授,没有他的帮助,我不会走到今天这一
get success和get successful都行吗?
get success和get successful都行吗?专家老师,你好!有这么一道题: Boys and girls, you can get _______ easily if you put your heart into the paper. So please write down al
get hit in the head对吗
get hit in the head对吗书上写的句子:Someone got hit in the head. 之前学过的hit sb on the head(头较硬用on),那么这里的in用法对吗,是不是也应该用on?请老师解答,谢谢。
如何理解句中的travel packed together like&
如何理解句中的travel packed together like&有这样一句,不理解其中的travel packed together like cattle: The passengers travelled packed together like cattle. 这是过去分词短语作状语吗?
句中的get off是什么意思
句中的get off是什么意思I know that when a lot of young men get off by themselves, some of them think that recklessness with money brands them a